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How to write a cover letter for journal submission

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When you submit your article to a journal, you often need to include a cover letter. This is a great opportunity to highlight to the journal editor what makes your research new and important. The cover letter should explain why your work is perfect for their journal and why it will be of interest to the journal’s readers.

cover letter for thesis submission

When writing for publication, a well-written cover letter can help your paper reach the next stage of the manuscript submission process – being sent out for  peer review . So it’s worth spending time thinking about how to write a cover letter to the journal editor, to make sure it’s going to be effective.

To help you, we’ve put together a guide to explain how to write a cover letter for journal article submission. You will receive cover letter instructions of what you should include and what you shouldn’t, and a word template cover letter.

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What should my cover letter include?

Before you start to write, please check the  instructions for authors  (IFAs) of your chosen journal, as not all journals will require one. You should also check the IFAs for any journal specific information on what to include. This may include a list of relevant articles written by you or your co-authors that have been or are currently being considered for publication in other journals.

Key points to include in your letter to the editor:

Editor’s name (you can usually find this on the journal page on  Taylor & Francis Online ).

Your manuscript’s title.

Name of the journal you are submitting to.

Statement that your paper has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration by another journal.

Brief description of the research you are reporting in your paper, why it is important, and why you think the readers of the journal would be interested in it.

Contact information for you and any  co-authors .

Confirmation that you have no  competing interests  to disclose.

cover letter for thesis submission

Things to avoid:

Don’t copy your abstract into your cover letter, instead explain in your own words the significance of the work, the problem that is being addressed, and why the manuscript belongs in the journal.

Don’t use too much jargon or too many acronyms, keep language straightforward and easy to read.

Avoid too much detail – keep your cover letter to a maximum of one page, as an introduction and brief overview.

Avoid any spelling and grammar errors and ensure your letter is thoroughly proofed before submitting.

Key information for cover letter

Click to enlarge your PDF on key information to include in your cover letter .

Cover letter template

If you need further help to write a cover letter for a journal, you can download and use our sample template as a guide.

cover letter for thesis submission

You might find that the submission system for your chosen journal requires your cover letter to be submitted into a text box rather than as a separate document, but it is still a good idea to write a draft first to make sure you have included everything.

Always make sure to check the journal’s  instructions for authors  for any specific additional information to include.

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Use our submission checklist  to make sure you’ve included everything you need to.

If you need more guidance, take a look at our other  information and resources to help you make your submission .

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How to Write a Cover Letter for Your Manuscript? Here are the Tips and Examples

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Table of Contents

A cover letter is often the first thing an editor reads when reviewing your submission. As your first pitch to the editor, the cover letter helps them gauge the suitability of your manuscript for publication in their journal. Imagine your work shaping the future of your field, gathering citations, and sparking discussions. A powerful cover letter is thus the first step to making that vision into a reality.   

In this article, we will guide you through the process of writing an effective cover letter and explain how you can get it right every time with examples. First, let us get started with the basics!  

Getting the Basics Right  

When writing a cover letter, it is crucial to address the editor by their correct and complete name¹ . If there are multiple co-editors, you can address your letter to the right person, based on their specialization or designated responsibilities. If unsure, it is okay to go with a more general salutation, such as “Dear Editors”¹ .   

Presenting your Research  

Provide a clear and concise title for your submission and specify whether it is an article, communication, review, perspective, or a manuscript belonging to some other category. If the journal guideline recommends, consider including a list of all authors in the manuscript.   

After covering the preliminary information, briefly explain your paper’s central theme or focus to give the editor an idea of its contents. Ensure this stays a brief outline, without going into too much detail.   

Conveying the Importance of Your Work  

How you communicate the impact of your work can make or break your cover letter. To make a strong impression on the editor, articulate the significance of your research clearly, emphasizing its relevance to the field. Additionally, show how your work aligns with the journal’s scope and mission.  

Including a Formal Declaration  

Some journals require a set of declarations from you to ensure that your manuscript adheres to its ethical code and the larger ethical standards of scientific publishing. Here are the required declarations in a cover letter:  

  • Originality of work:  
  • Confirm that your work is original and has not been published elsewhere. This tells the editor your research is unique.  
  • Conflict of interest statement:  
  • Be clear about any potential conflicts of interest. This includes any personal, financial, or professional connections that might affect your research.  
  • Funding source (if applicable):  
  • Tell where your research funding came from, if any. This includes any support or grants from organizations.   

Including Personal Suggestions for Reviewers on a Separate Page (optional)  

If there is no part of the submission process that collects researcher suggestions for reviewers, and there are special requests from the researcher for reviewers (e.g., recommending the inclusion or suggesting the exclusion of a specific reviewer, etc.), you may also make a note about this in the cover letter.  

Combining these five points, here is a good example of a cover letter for researchers’ reference:  

Example of a Cover Letter

(This image is intended to demonstrate the norms of formatting and tone of expression in a cover letter, it is to be used only by the researcher as a reference in writing² .)  


A strong cover letter can go a long way in ensuring success for researchers looking to publish their manuscripts! Your cover letter is the opening act, setting the stage for how editors perceive your manuscript. So, look at it not as just another formality but as a crucial opportunity to make a strong impression.   

Understanding what to include, what is optional, and what is best left unsaid can be tricky. That is where our team of experts at Elsevier Language Services can step in. We will provide personalized recommendations and expert guidance to help you craft a cover letter that perfectly complements your manuscript. Reach out to us today to make a great first impression and embark on a successful academic journey!  


  • Nicholas, D. (2019). How to choose a journal and write a cover letter. Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia, 13(5), 35. https://doi.org/10.4103/sja.sja_691_18  
  • Loyola University Chicago. (n.d.). JCSHESA Sample Cover Letter. https://ecommons.luc.edu/jcshesa/cover_letter_template.pdf  

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How to Write an Effective Cover Letter for Journal Submission

Craft your cover letter for journal submission the right way with our expert tips! Learn how to grab editors’ attention and stand it out.

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When it comes to submitting a manuscript for publication in a journal, many authors focus solely on the quality of their research and the clarity of their writing. While these are important factors, it’s easy to overlook the role that a well-crafted cover letter can play in the submission process. A cover letter can be the key to getting your manuscript noticed by the editor and ultimately accepted for publication. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of a cover letter for journal submissions and provide tips for crafting an effective one.

What is a Cover Letter for Journal Submission?

A cover letter for journal submission is a document that accompanies a manuscript when it is submitted for publication in an academic or scientific journal. The purpose of the cover letter is to introduce the author and their work to the editor of the journal and to provide any additional information that may be relevant to the manuscript or the submission process. Furthermore, its purpose is to introduce the manuscript to the editor and provide additional information about the research and its significance. The cover letter should be concise and focused, typically no more than one page.

What Should be Included in the Cover Letter?

A cover letter should include several key elements to effectively introduce your manuscript. It’s important to personalize the letter for the specific journal, use a professional tone, and proofread carefully for errors. To make sure your cover letter is effective, there are several key elements that you should include:

Addressee’s Information and Date of Submission

Your cover letter should start with the date of submission, followed by the name and address of the editor or editorial staff who will be reviewing your manuscript. This information should be current and accurate to ensure your submission is directed to the right person.

Opening Salutation

The opening salutation of your cover letter should be professional and courteous, addressing the editor or editorial staff by name, starting with “Dear…”. Don´t forget to include the title and position of the editor you are addressing.

Purpose Statement and Administrative Information

Your cover letter should have a clear statement of the purpose of your research and the journal to which you are submitting your manuscript. You should also include any administrative information required by the journal, such as the type of manuscript (e.g. original research, review article, case report) and the number of words or pages.

Summary of Main Research Findings and Implications

One of the most important elements of your cover letter is a summary of the main findings and implications of your research. This summary should be concise and focused, highlighting the most important aspects of your research and why it is significant to the field.

Statements or Information Required by the Journal

Many journals require specific statements or information to be included in the cover letter. This may include a statement that the manuscript has not been previously published or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, or a list of potential conflicts of interest or funding sources that may have influenced the research.

Previous Contact with the Journal

If you have had previous contact with the journal, such as submitting a previous manuscript or attending a conference sponsored by the journal, it is important to mention this in your cover letter. This information can help establish a connection between you and the editor, which may increase the chances of your manuscript being accepted.

Conflict of Interests and Financial Disclosures

It is important to disclose any potential conflicts of interest or financial disclosures that may have influenced the research. This information can help ensure transparency and maintain the integrity of the research.

Your cover letter should include a statement indicating that all authors have read and approved the manuscript and that the work is original and not plagiarized. This information can help establish the credibility of the research and the integrity of the authorship.

Suggested Reviewers

Suggested Reviewers are generally considered a best practice and are often recommended by journals. Providing a list of suggested reviewers can help to ensure that the manuscript is reviewed by individuals who have the appropriate expertise and background to evaluate the work, and can help to speed up the review process by reducing the time needed for the editor to identify potential reviewers. This can help expedite the review process and increase the likelihood of your manuscript being accepted.

Concurrent/Duplicate Submissions

An important consideration when submitting a manuscript for publication is concurrent or duplicate submissions. Concurrent submissions occur when a manuscript is submitted to more than one journal at the same time. Duplicate submissions occur when a manuscript is submitted to the same journal more than once.

In the cover letter, you should clearly state whether the manuscript has been submitted elsewhere or whether it has been previously published. If the manuscript is under consideration elsewhere, you should provide the name of the journal and the date of submission. If the manuscript has been previously published, you should provide the citation for the publication.

Closing Salutation

When closing a cover letter for journal submission, it’s important to maintain a professional and courteous tone. A common closing salutation is “Sincerely,” followed by your name. However, some alternatives that are also appropriate include “Best regards,” “Thank you for your time and consideration,” or “Respectfully.” Whichever salutation you choose, make sure it matches the tone of your letter and conveys your appreciation for the editor’s consideration.

Request to Exclude Reviewers

A request to exclude reviewers is a common feature of a cover letter for journal submission, particularly in cases where the author has concerns about potential conflicts of interest or bias that could affect the review process.

When making a request to exclude reviewers, the author should provide a clear and concise explanation of the reasons for the request and should provide specific details about any potential conflicts of interest or concerns that they may have. It is also important to note that some journals may have specific guidelines or policies regarding requests to exclude reviewers, and authors should familiarize themselves with these guidelines before making a request.

In general, it is recommended that authors provide a minimum of three to five potential reviewers who are not affiliated with the author or their institution, in order to provide a broad range of expertise and perspectives. When making a request to exclude reviewers, it is also important to provide alternative suggestions for potential reviewers who could be considered in their place.

Tips for Writing a Journal Submission Cover Letter

A well-crafted cover letter can help your manuscript stand out and increase your chances of being accepted for publication. Here are some tips for writing an effective journal submission cover letter.

One of the most important tips for writing a journal submission cover letter is to proofread it carefully. Typos, spelling errors, and grammatical mistakes can detract from the professional image you want to project. Make sure to read the letter multiple times and have someone else read it over as well to catch any errors you may have missed.

Keep the Cover Letter Brief

Another important tip is to keep the cover letter brief and to the point. The cover letter should provide a brief introduction of the manuscript and the key findings, as well as any other information that is necessary for the editor to understand the importance and relevance of the manuscript. The letter should be no more than one page in length.

Review Examples of Cover Letters

It can be helpful to review examples of cover letters for journal submissions to get an idea of the style, tone, and content that is appropriate. You can search for examples online or ask colleagues who have submitted manuscripts for publication for their advice. When reviewing examples, pay attention to the language used, the level of detail provided, and the overall organization and structure of the letter. This can help you craft a cover letter that is professional, informative, and effective.

Cover Letter Template for a Journal Article Submission

A cover letter is an important component of manuscript submission for publication in a journal. Using a template can help ensure that your cover letter includes all the necessary information and follows the proper format. Here is a guide to creating a cover letter template for a journal article submission.

The header should include your contact information, including your name, affiliation, and contact details (address, phone number, and email address), the date of submission, and the name and address of the journal.

Opening Paragraph

The opening paragraph should provide a brief introduction to the manuscript and its key findings. This paragraph should also mention the purpose of the manuscript and why it is relevant to the journal’s readership. You may also want to mention any previous correspondence or contact with the journal.

Body Paragraphs

The body of the cover letter should include several paragraphs that provide more detail about the manuscript. This may include a summary of the methods used, key results and findings, and implications for future research. You may also want to mention any notable limitations or challenges encountered during the research process.

It is also important to address any specific requirements or requests from the journal, such as a particular format for tables or figures, or specific information to be included in the manuscript. You should also mention any funding sources or conflicts of interest that may be relevant.

Closing Paragraph

The closing paragraph should reiterate the significance of the manuscript and its contribution to the field. You may also want to mention any potential reviewers for the manuscript or suggest reviewers who would be appropriate. Finally, you should include a polite and professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards”, followed by your name and signature.

cover letter for thesis submission

Common Expressions for Cover Letters

When writing a cover letter for journal submission, it’s important to use appropriate and professional language. Here are some common expressions that can be used in cover letters:

“We are pleased to submit our manuscript…”

“The research reported in this manuscript addresses a significant gap in the literature…”

“We believe this manuscript will be of interest to your readership because…”

“Our findings have important implications for future research in this field.”

“We would like to thank the reviewers and editors for their time and consideration.”

“We look forward to hearing from you regarding the status of our manuscript.”

“Thank you for your time and consideration.”

These expressions can be used to convey important information in a professional and concise manner. When using these expressions, it’s important to tailor them to the specific journal and to make sure they are appropriate for the content of your cover letter.

Journal Submission Tips and Hacks from the Experts

Submitting a journal article can be a challenging and sometimes frustrating process. However, by following some tips and hacks from the experts, you can increase your chances of success. Here are some tips and hacks to help you submit your article to a journal:

Choose the Right Journal

Before submitting your article, make sure you choose the right journal. Consider factors such as the journal’s scope, readership, and impact factor. Make sure your article fits with the journal’s focus and aims.

Read the Guidelines

Read the journal’s submission guidelines carefully and follow them closely. Pay attention to formatting, length, and other requirements. Failure to follow the guidelines could result in your article being rejected without review.

Get Feedback

Before submitting your article, get feedback from colleagues or mentors. Ask them to read your manuscript and provide constructive criticism. This can help you identify potential weaknesses and improve the quality of your article.

Write a Strong Abstract

Your abstract is often the first thing that editors and reviewers will read. Make sure it is clear, concise, and provides a compelling summary of your article. Highlight the key findings and implications of your research.

Use Clear and Concise Language

Use clear and concise language when writing your article. Avoid jargon, technical terms, and complex language that could be difficult for readers to understand. Write in a way that is accessible to a broad audience.

Address Reviewer Comments

If your article is rejected or requires revisions, make sure you carefully address all reviewer comments. Be thorough and professional in your responses. This can increase your chances of acceptance in future rounds of review.

Keep Records

Keep records of all correspondence with the journal, including submission dates, reviewer comments, and decisions. This can help you stay organized and keep track of the progress of your article.

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How to write effective cover letters for a paper submission

Some journals require a letter to the editor, also called a cover letter, as part of the submission process. This can come as a surprise to PhD and master’s students who are (relatively) new to manuscript submissions. Learn about the letter to the editor, what it entails, and how to structure it.

Cover letters for journal submissions

You might be familiar with the following situation: After weeks and months of work, your paper is finally ready for submission. You are thrilled, on cloud nine.

Not all journals are asking for a letter to the editor. And many supervisors simply forget to mention this stage of the submission process. The result: many early career researchers are taken by surprise and are often unaware of the expectations when it comes to writing letters to the editor.

The purpose of a ‘letter to the editor’

Some journals have specific criteria for this letter, so make sure to check the journal website thoroughly. Most, however, do not specify what the letter should entail. There are general expectations though:

Who to address in a letter to the journal editor?

Now, coming to the nitty-gritty. Who to address in your letter? Some journals make it easy for you: They ask you to select an editor from the journal’s editorial board. In many cases, however, it is not obvious who to address.

How to structure a cover letter to the journal editor

Then, in a nutshell, describe the content of your paper. Next up, highlight the unique contribution and originality of your paper.

Length and effort needed for a cover letter to the journal editor

No editor wants to read a cover letter that is half a paper on its own. Instead, keep it brief and to the point! If you follow the structure above, write three short paragraphs. Or, another guideline would be approximately half a page. 300 – 600 words.

Once you become more experienced and confident, you will write letters to the editor/s even faster. To this day, every time I have to write one, I open the last cover letter that I submitted. When you have a structure that works for you, a new letter can be written quite fast and effectively.

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How to Write a Cover Letter for Journal Submission

cover letter for thesis submission

If you’re looking for solid advice on how to write a strong journal submission cover letter that will convince journal editors to review your research paper, then look no further! We know that cover letters  can  impact an editor’s decision to consider your research paper further.

This guide aims to explain (1) why you should care about writing a powerful cover letter, (2) what you should include in it, and (3) how you should structure it. The last segment will include a free downloadable submission cover letter template with detailed how-to explanations and some useful phrases. Finally, be sure to get journal manuscript editing , cover letter editing , and other academic editing services by Wordvice’s professional editors to ensure that you convey an academic style and error-free text, along with including all of the most important content.

Why does a good cover letter matter?

While your research paper’s role is to prove the merits of your research, a strong introductory cover letter is your opportunity to highlight the significance of your research and “sell” its concept to journal editors.

While your research paper’s role is to prove the merits of your research, a strong introductory cover letter is your opportunity to highlight the significance of your research and “sell” its concept to journal editors.

Sadly, we must admit that part of the decision-making process of whether to accept a manuscript is based on a business model. Editors must select articles that will interest their readers. In other words, your paper, if published, must make money . When it’s not quite clear how your research paper might generate interest based on its title and content alone (for example, if your paper is too technical for most editors to appreciate), your cover letter is the one opportunity you will get to convince the editors that your work is worth further review.

In addition to economic factors, many editors use the cover letter to screen whether authors can follow basic instructions . For example, if a journal’s guide for authors states that you must include disclosures, potential reviewers, and statements regarding ethical practices, failure to include these items might lead to the automatic rejection of your article, even if your research is the most progressive project on the planet! By failing to follow directions, you raise a red flag that you may be careless, and if you’re not attentive to the details of a cover letter, editors might wonder about the quality and thoroughness of your research. This is not the impression you want to give editors!

What to Include in a Cover Letter for a Journal Submission

We can’t stress this enough: Follow your target journal’s instructions for authors ! No matter what other advice you read in the vast webosphere, make sure you prioritize the information requested by the editors of the journal you are submitting to. As we explained above, failure to include required statements will lead to an automatic “ desk rejection ”.

With that said, below is a list of the most common elements you must include in your cover letter and what information you should NOT include:

Essential information:

  • Editor’s name (when known)
  • Name of the journal to which you are submitting
  • Your manuscript’s title
  • Article type (review, research, case study, etc.)
  • Submission date
  • Brief background of your study and the research question you sought to answer
  • Brief overview of methodology used
  • Principle findings and significance to scientific community (how your research advances our understanding of a concept)
  • Corresponding author contact information
  • Statement that your paper has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration by another journal and that all authors have approved of and have agreed to submit the manuscript to this journal

Other commonly requested information:

  • Short list of similar articles previously published by the target journal
  • List of relevant works by you or your co-authors that have been previously published or are under consideration by other journals. You can include copies of those works.
  • Mention of any prior discussions with editor(s) (for example, if you discussed the topic with an editor at a conference)
  • Technical specialties required to evaluate your paper
  • Potential reviewers and their contact information
  • If needed, reviewers to exclude (this information is most likely also requested elsewhere in online submissions forms)

Other disclosures/statements required by the journal (e.g., compliance with ethical standards, conflicts of interest , agreement to terms of submission, copyright sign-over, etc.)

What you should NOT do:

  • Don’t use too much jargon or include too many acronyms.
  • Don’t over-embellish your findings or their significance. Avoid words such as “novel,” “first ever,” and “paradigm-changing.” These types of statements show bias and will make the editor question your ability to assess your work’s merits objectively.
  • Don’t name-drop. Listing people who might endorse your paper and discussing authors’ reputations do not interest editors. They want to know if your content fits their criteria, so focus solely on addressing that point.
  • Don’t write a novel. While you want to adequately explain your work and sell its concept to editors, keep your cover letter to a maximum of one page. The letter is only meant to be an introduction and brief overview.
  • Avoid humor . As much as we want to grab the editors’ attention, there are too many ways in which humor can go wrong!

How to Structure a Cover Letter

You should use formal language in your cover letter. Since most submissions are delivered electronically, the template below is in a modified e-mail format. However, if you send your cover letter on letterhead (PDF or hard copy by mail), move your contact information to the upper-left corner of the page unless you use pre-printed letterhead, in which case your contact information should be centered at the top of the letter.

ANNOTATED TEMPLATE Journal Submissions Cover Letter

[Journal Editor’s First and Last Name][, Graduate Degree (if any)] TIP: It’s customary to include any graduate degrees in the addressee’s name. e.g.,  John Smith, MD or Carolyn Daniels, MPH [Title] e.g.,  Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Co-Editors-in-Chief [Journal Name] [Journal Address] [Submission Date: Month Day, Year]

Dear Dr./Mr./Ms. [Editor’s last name]:

TIP: Where the editor’s name is not known, use the relevant title employed by the journal, such as “Dear Managing Editor:” or “Dear Editor-in-Chief:”. Using a person’s name is best, however.

TIP: Use “Ms.” and never “Mrs.” or “Miss” in formal business letters.

TIP:  Never   use “Dear Sirs:” or any similar expression. Many editors will find this insulting, especially given that many of them are female!

[Para.1: 2–3 sentences]  I am writing to submit our manuscript entitled, [“Title”] for consideration as a [Journal Name][Article Type]. [One to two sentence “pitch” that summarizes the study design, where applicable, your research question, your major findings, and the conclusion.]

e.g.,  I am writing to submit our manuscript entitled, “X Marks the Spot” for consideration as an  Awesome Science Journal  research article. We examined the efficacy of using X factors as indicators for depression in Y subjects in Z regions through a 12-month prospective cohort study and can confirm that monitoring the levels of X is critical to identifying the onset of depression, regardless of geographical influences.

TIP: Useful phrases to discuss your findings and conclusion include:

  • Our findings confirm that…
  • We have determined that…
  • Our results suggest…
  • We found that…
  • We illustrate…
  • Our findings reveal…
  • Our study clarifies…
  • Our research corroborates…
  • Our results establish…
  • Our work substantiates…

[Para. 2: 2–5 sentences]  Given that [context that prompted your research], we believe that the findings presented in our paper will appeal to the [Reader Profile] who subscribe to [Journal Name]. Our findings will allow your readers to [identify the aspects of the journal’s  Aim and Scope  that align with your paper].

TIP: Identify the journal’s typical audience and how those people can utilize your research to expand their understanding of a topic. For example, if many of your target journal’s readers are interested in the public policy implications of various research studies, you may wish to discuss how your conclusions can help your peers to develop stronger policies that more effectively address public concerns.

TIP: Include context about why this research question had to be addressed.

e.g.,  “Given the struggle policymakers have had to define proper criteria to diagnose the onset of depression in teenagers, we felt compelled to identify a cost-effective and universal methodology that local school administrators can use to screen students.”

TIP: If your paper was prompted by prior research, state this. For example, “After initially researching X, Y approached us to conduct a follow-up study that examined Z. While pursuing this project, we discovered [some new understanding that made you decide the information needed to be shared with your peers via publication.]”

e.g.,  Given the alarming increase in depression rates among teenagers and the lack of any uniform practical tests for screening students, we believe that the findings presented in our paper will appeal to education policymakers who subscribe to  The Journal of Education . Although prior research has identified a few methods that could be used in depression screening, such as X and Y, the applications developed from those findings have been cost-prohibitive and difficult to administer on a national level. Thus, our findings will allow your readers to understand the factors involved in identifying the onset of depression in teenagers better and develop more cost-effective screening procedures that can be employed nationally. In so doing, we hope that our research advances the toolset needed to combat the concerns preoccupying the minds of many school administrators.

[Para 3: Similar works]  “This manuscript expands on the prior research conducted and published by [Authors] in [Journal Name]” or “This paper [examines a different aspect of]/ [takes a different approach to] the issues explored in the following papers also published by [Journal Name].”

TIP: You should mention similar studies recently published by your target journal, if any, but list no more than five. If you only want to mention one article, replace the preceding sentence with “This paper [examines a different aspect of]/ [takes a different approach to] the issues explored by [Authors] in [Article Title], also published by [Journal Name] on [DATE].”

[Para. 4: Additional statements often required]  Each of the authors confirms that this manuscript has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration by any other journal. Additionally, all of the authors have approved the contents of this paper and have agreed to the [Journal Name]’s submission policies.

TIP: If you have previously publicly shared some form or part of your research elsewhere, state so. For example, you can say, “We have presented a subset of our findings [at Event]/ [as a Type of Publication Medium] in [Location] in [Year].”

e.g.,  We have since expanded the scope of our research to contemplate international feasibility and acquired additional data that has helped us to develop a new understanding of geographical influences.

[Para. 5: Potential Reviewers]  Should you select our manuscript for peer review, we would like to suggest the following potential reviewers/referees because they would have the requisite background to evaluate our findings and interpretation objectively.

  • [Name, institution, email, expertise]

To the best of our knowledge, none of the above-suggested persons have any conflict of interest, financial or otherwise.

TIP: Include 3–5 reviewers since it is likely that the journal will use at least one of your suggestions.

TIP: Use whichever term (“reviewer” or “referee”) your target journal uses. Paying close attention to a journal’s terminology is a sign that you have properly researched the journal and have prepared!

[Para. 6: Frequently requested additional information]  Each named author has substantially contributed to conducting the underlying research and drafting this manuscript. Additionally, to the best of our knowledge, the named authors have no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise.

[Your Name]

Corresponding Author Institution Title Institution/Affiliation Name [Institution Address] [Your e-mail address] [Tel: (include relevant country/area code)] [Fax: (include relevant country/area code)]

Additional Contact [should the corresponding author not be available] Institution Title Institution/Affiliation Name [Institution Address] [Your e-mail address] [Tel: (include relevant country/area code)] [Fax: (include relevant country/area code)]

Quick Cover Letter Checklist Before Submission

  • Set the font to Arial or Times New Roman, size 12 point.
  • Single-space all text.
  • Use one line space between body paragraphs.
  • Do not indent paragraphs.
  • Keep all text left justified.
  • Use spelling and grammar check software. If needed, use a proofreading service or cover letter editing service  such as Wordvice to review your letter for clarity and concision.
  • Double-check the editor’s name. Call the journal to confirm if necessary.

Writing a Cover Letter for Journal Submission [Free Template]

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Journal cover letters are your chance to lobby on behalf of your manuscript. This AJE Journal Cover Letter Guide offers some useful tips for getting them right. It also includes a free journal cover letter template.

Updated on September 20, 2018

two researchers writing a cover letter for journal submissions

The cover letter accompanying your journal submission is your chance to lobby on behalf of your manuscript. The letter is far from just a formality and should be written with the same care as your manuscript's text (if not more). Ultimately, your cover letter is designed to influence the decision of the editor to send your manuscript out for peer review. The letter will argue that your manuscript is a good fit for the journal you are submitting it to and highlight your most important findings. Let us help you produce the most effective cover letter possible.

Getting ready to submit your manuscript? Download our comprehensive Free Journal Cover Letter Writing Guide with Template .

A cover letter should be written like a standard business letter :

Address the editor formally by name, if known. Include your contact information, as well. This information is probably available through the journal's online submission system, but it is proper to provide it in the cover letter, too.

Begin your cover letter with a paragraph that states the name of the manuscript and the names of the authors. You can also describe what type of manuscript your submission is (research article, review, case report, etc.). In this first paragraph and the next, describe the rationale behind your study and the major findings from your research. You can refer to prior work that you have published if it is directly related.

Next, write a short paragraph that explains why your manuscript would be a good fit for the journal. Do not simply state that your manuscript is “of interest to the field” or “novel.” Address specific aspects of the journal's Aims & Scope statement. If the journal expresses interest in research with a clinical application, be sure to highlight the importance of your work in terms of clinical implications. If the journal mentions that it focuses on nanostructured materials, explain how your work involved such materials. Even if your work is not a perfect fit for the journal, be sure to address some of the Aims & Scope statement, and explain why your manuscript would be of interest to the journal's readers.

Finally, close with a brief paragraph indicating the following:

  • The manuscript is original (i.e., you wrote it, not copied it)
  • No part of the manuscript has been published before, nor is any part of it under consideration for publication at another journal
  • There are no conflicts of interest to disclose
  • A list of potential reviewers (only if requested by the journal)
  • Any researchers who should NOT review your manuscript

Together, this information provides assurance to the editor that your manuscript merits consideration for publication in their journal and that you are interested specifically in their journal. Sometimes great science will be reviewed regardless of the cover letter, but a well written cover letter is useful for the vast majority of scientists who want to make their research stand out.

Best of luck with your research! If you have any questions about your cover letter, write us anytime.

Ben Mudrak, Senior Product Manager at American Chemical Society/ChemRxiv, PhD, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Duke University

Ben Mudrak, PhD

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Cover Letter for Journal Submission Templates

Download a Microsoft Word template for a standard journal cover letter (also available with instructions in Chinese , Japanese , Korean , Portuguese , and Spanish ).

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  • Your manuscript contains grammatical errors.  For example, on page 3, you used “their” when you should  have used “there.”
  • We have thoroughly proofread the manuscript and corrected all grammatical errors.
  • The second paragraph of your introduction needs more details about findings by Owl and colleagues (2017).  Be sure to explain their operational definition of “school spirit.”

We agree with Reviewer 1’s assessment of this paragraph and have decided to expand upon it.  We have provided a more detailed summary of Owl and colleagues’ findings, including the operational definition they used for “school spirit” for their study. 

  • On pages 1 and 6, you did not include the year of publication in an in-text citation.
  • We have included years of publication as they correspond to the sources listed on the references page.
  • Two of the sources in your references lack a hanging indentation.
  • This error has been corrected; all sources are correctly formatted with hanging indentations.

Unless otherwise specified in the email your received from the editors, you may choose whether or not to make any suggested changes.  However, even if you do not change something that has been suggested, you must still address the suggestion in your response, and you must provide a compelling argument for your decision.

  • “Theatre” should be spelled “theater” because “theatre” is not the standard American English spelling.  This is a repeating occurrence.
  • While Reviewer 1 is correct that most Americans do spell the word “theater,” scholars in my field would accept the use of “theatre” in the context in which I use it in this manuscript.  Thus, I have chosen not to change this spelling.

Additionally, you should:

  • Use a professional letter format (i.e., address the correct audience, state your purpose, and be signed by the author(s) of the manuscript) for your cover letter.
  • Use a professional tone (i.e., use polite wording throughout the cover letter and response to reviewers, including when making your case for choosing not to follow a reviewer’s suggestion).
  • Make sure you have made any changes both within the manuscript AND described them within your response.
  • Make all changes and resubmit your manuscript, cover letter, and response to reviewers within the time frame allotted by the editors.

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Cover letters

A good cover letter can help to “sell” your manuscript to the journal editor. As well as introducing your work to the editor you can also take this opportunity to explain why the manuscript will be of interest to a journal's readers, something which is always as the forefront editors’ mind. As such it is worth spending time writing a coherent and persuasive cover letter.

The following is an example of a poor cover letter:

Dear Editor-in-Chief, I am sending you our manuscript entitled “Large Scale Analysis of Cell Cycle Regulators in bladder cancer” by Researcher et al. We would like to have the manuscript considered for publication in Pathobiology. Please let me know of your decision at your earliest convenience. With my best regards, Sincerely yours, A Researcher, PhD

Instead, check to see whether the journal’s Instructions for Authors have any cover letter requirements (e.g. disclosures, statements, potential reviewers). Then, write a letter that explains why the editor would want to publish your manuscript. The following structure covers all the necessary points that need to be included.

  • If known, address the editor who will be assessing your manuscript by their name. Include the date of submission and the journal you are submitting to.
  • First paragraph: include the title of your manuscript and the type of manuscript it is (e.g. review, research, case study). Then briefly explain the background to your study, the question you sought out to answer and why.
  • Second paragraph: you should concisely explain what was done, the main findings and why they are significant.
  • Third paragraph: here you should indicate why the readers of the journal would be interested in the work. Take your cues from the journal’s aims and scope. For example if the journal requires that all work published has broad implications explain how your study fulfils this. It is also a good idea to include a sentence on the importance of the results to the field.
  • To conclude state the corresponding author and any journal specific requirements that need to be complied with (e.g. ethical standards).

TIP: All cover letters should contain these sentences:

  • We confirm that this manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by another journal.
  • All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with its submission to [insert the name of the target journal].

Submission checklist

Before submitting your manuscript, thoroughly check its quality one more time. Evaluate it critically—could anything be done better?

Be sure that:

  • The manuscript follows the Instructions for Authors
  • All files are in the correct file format and of the appropriate resolution or size
  • The spelling and grammar are correct
  • You have contact information for all authors
  • You have written a persuasive cover letter

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Writing a Cover Letter

When submitting a manuscript, authors will need to additionally submit a cover letter. The purpose of this letter is to highlight the importance and relevance of your research. To assist with preparing your cover letter to include all points, you can download and use our sample cover letter as a guide.

What to Include

  • Address the editor by their name.
  • Include your manscript's title.
  • State that your paper has not been published/is not under consideration by another journal. Also include if an earlier version of this paper was presented at a conference, and provide a detailed list of changes since the presentation.
  • Provide nominations for two Senior Editors, two Associate Editors, and up to four reviewers. Make sure to include the rationale for your nominations. You may read more about this in the Editor Nominations section .
  • Declare any conflicts of interest, or confirm there are none.
  • Include contact information for yourself and any co-authors.

Things to Avoid

  • Do not copy your abstract into your cover letter. Instead, explain the significance of your work and why it should be published in MIS Quarterly.
  • Do not use too much jargon or acronyms. Keep your letter straightforward and easy to read.
  • Avoid too much detail. Keep your cover letter to a maximum of two pages.

American Psychological Association

Cover Letters

The cover letter is a formal way to communicate with journal editors and editorial staff during the manuscript submission process. Most often, a cover letter is needed when authors initially submit their manuscript to a journal and when responding to reviewers during an invitation to revise and resubmit the manuscript. For more information on the peer review process and possible manuscript decisions, see Section 12.7 of the Publication Manual .

Because cover letters are separate documents from the manuscript file, all correspondence during the publication process must include the complete manuscript title, the authors’ names, and the manuscript number (assigned by the journal when the manuscript is first received). Although any author may correspond with the journal editor or editorial staff, most correspondence is handled by the corresponding author , who serves as the main point of contact and responds to questions about the published article. All authors should decide prior to submission who will serve as the corresponding author.

Cover letters are covered in the seventh edition APA Style Publication Manual in Section 12.11

cover letter for thesis submission

Cover letter for manuscript submission to a journal

Authors usually must include a cover letter when they first submit their manuscript to a journal for publication . The cover letter is typically uploaded as a separate file into the online submission portal for the journal (for more information on using an online submission portal, see Section 12.10 of the Publication Manual ).

The cover letter should be addressed to the journal editor; any interim correspondence is addressed to the editor or associate editor with whom you have been in communication.

In your submission cover letter, include the following information:

  • manuscript title
  • manuscript authors
  • assurances that all authors agree with the content of the manuscript and with the order of authorship (for more information, see Sections 1.21–1.22 of the Publication Manual )
  • assurances that the corresponding author will take responsibility for informing coauthors of editorial decisions, reviews received, and any changes or revisions made
  • information about the existence of any closely related manuscripts that have been submitted for simultaneous consideration to the same or to another journal
  • notice of any conflicts of interest or activities that might be seen as influencing the research (for more information, see Section 1.20 of the Publication Manual )
  • a request for masked review, if that is an option for the journal and desired (for more information, see Section 12.7 of the Publication Manual )
  • verification that the treatment of human participants or nonhuman animal subjects was in accordance with established ethical standards (for more information, see Sections 1.18 and 12.13 of the Publication Manual )
  • a copy of any permissions to reproduce copyrighted material or a notice that permissions are pending (for more information, see Sections 12.14–12.18 of the Publication Manual )
  • the telephone number, email address, and mailing address of the corresponding author

Check the journal’s website for the current editor’s name and for any other journal-specific information to include in your cover letter.

Cover letter for a revised and resubmitted manuscript

Also include a cover letter with manuscripts being resubmitted to a journal after receiving an invitation to revise and resubmit. Ensure the cover letter contains the complete manuscript title, the authors’ names, and the manuscript number (assigned by the journal when the manuscript was first received). In the cover letter for the resubmission, thank the editors and reviewers for their feedback and outline the changes you made (or did not make) to the manuscript to address the feedback.

The cover letter for a revised and resubmitted manuscript summarizes the changes to the manuscript. Along with the cover letter and revised manuscript, authors should also provide a response to reviewers , which is a detailed document explaining how they responded to each comment.

Sample cover letters

These sample cover letters demonstrate how authors can communicate with the journal editor at the initial manuscript submission and following an invitation to revise and resubmit a manuscript for publication.

  • Sample Cover Letter for Manuscript Submission (PDF, 73KB)
  • Sample Cover Letter for a Revised and Resubmitted Manuscript (PDF, 91KB)

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How to Write a Cover Letter When Submitting Your Research Paper

Albert chan on july 3, 2018 at 12:00 am.

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cover letter for thesis submission

  • Write the cover letter with your institution’s letterhead to demonstrate professionalism and reliability.
  • Personalise the cover letter by addressing the journal’s editor by their name.
  • State the article type of your manuscript at the beginning of your cover letter (original research article, methodology, case report, etc.)
  • Provide the full details of all the authors, including email address and phone number, in your cover letter.
  • Explain briefly the research goals and results in one or two sentences.
  • Explain the importance of your study: what will the paper’s contribution to the literature be? What impact will the paper have in the research field?
  • Tell the editor why you think the study is best suited for the journal, and why the journal’s readers will be interested in the study.
  • Declare that the manuscript (in whole or in part) has not been submitted or published in other journals, all authors have read and agreed to the content of the manuscript, you have complied with all ethical and reporting guidelines and have received ethical approval from the relevant committee(s).
  • Disclose all potential conflicts of interest (if any).
  • Thank the editor for taking the time to read your cover letter and consider your paper for submission.
  • Keep the content of the cover letter brief, concise and courteous.


  • Mention any published literature without citation.
  • Provide any personal information which is unrelated to the submission.
  • Mention any previous publication records unless it is related to this research.
  • Mention any potential professional benefits you may gain from the publication of this work.
  • Provide research information that can be found in the paper.
  • Copy and paste the abstract and paper content in the cover letter.
  • Use complex sentence structures.
  • Glorify your past research papers or any of your academic prestige in the cover letter.

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Written Samples

15 sample cover letters for manuscript submission.

Submitting your manuscript to a publisher can feel like sending your creative work into a black hole.

You painstakingly craft your cover letter, follow all the submission guidelines to a T, and hit send with trembling fingers, only to be left waiting and wondering for weeks or months.

Will an editor connect with your story?

Will they even read past the first page?

While there is no magic formula for getting your work accepted, a compelling cover letter is an essential tool for catching an editor’s attention.

Sample Cover Letters for Manuscript Submission

The ideal cover letter is professional but personable, concise but informative. It should pique the editor’s interest while showing that you’ve done your research and are familiar with their publication.

To help inspire your submission, we’ve compiled 15 sample cover letters that successfully led to manuscript requests or publication.

Whether you write fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or children’s books, you’ll find a variety of approaches represented here.

Let’s explore them!

Sample Cover Letter #1

Dear [Editor’s Name],

Please find attached my 80,000-word upmarket women’s fiction novel, THE LOST YEARS, for your consideration.

Charlotte Hawkins had an idyllic childhood—until the day her best friend Jenny disappeared without a trace. Twenty-five years later, Charlotte is a successful attorney in Boston, engaged to a senator’s son, her past trauma buried deep. But when she receives an anonymous letter hinting that Jenny is still alive, everything unravels.

Traveling back to her hometown in Maine, Charlotte must confront unsettling truths about her family and the events surrounding Jenny’s disappearance. As she edges closer to answers that could rewrite her entire history, she risks losing everything she’s worked so hard to build. THE LOST YEARS explores the ripple effects of childhood secrets and the lengths we go to protect the ones we love.

I am a graduate of the Lighthouse Writers Workshop novel program and my short fiction has appeared in Carve Magazine, The Chattahoochee Review, and Rosebud. I believe THE LOST YEARS will appeal to fans of Jennifer Weiner and Jamie Brenner.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

[Your Name]

Sample Cover Letter #2

Dear [Agent’s Name],

I am seeking representation for my 75,000-word contemporary romance novel, LOVE ON THE VINE. Given your interest in wine country settings and swoony but smart love stories, I thought it might be a fit for your list.

Mia Reeves planned to save her family’s struggling Sonoma winery—not fall for the wealthy wine collector trying to buy them out. But Andrew Walker is charming, passionate, and offers a tempting way out of her financial woes. As they work together to revitalize the vineyards, their chemistry ignites. There’s only one problem: Andrew is poised to acquire the winery that’s been in Mia’s family for generations. Caught between her heart and her legacy, Mia must decide what she’s willing to sacrifice for love.

LOVE ON THE VINE is a standalone novel with series potential, featuring a diverse cast of characters, mouthwatering culinary delights, and an emotional, sensual romance. I envision it appealing to readers who enjoyed Jasmine Guillory’s THE WEDDING DATE or the Napa Valley wine country setting of Meg Donohue’s EVERY WILD HEART.

I have been an avid romance reader for over a decade and am an active member of my local RWA chapter. This is my first novel. The full manuscript is available upon request.

Thank you for your consideration! I’m excited to share LOVE ON THE VINE with you.

All my best,

Sample Cover Letter #3

I am writing to submit my picture book manuscript, EVERYBODY HAS A BELLYBUTTON, for your review. At 650 words, this humorous and educational story will help curious preschoolers understand why all mammals have navels, with charming illustrations of different baby animals and their adorable tummies.

When a curious young girl named Layla asks why her puppy Biscuit has a belly button just like her, Mama explains how all mammals—from cats to elephants to humans—grow inside their mothers and are born with a navel. Excited by this news, Layla runs to tell her friends that she has something in common with all different kinds of animals. EVERYBODY HAS A BELLYBUTTON lightly touches on themes of curiosity, empathy, and finding connections with others.

With a background in early childhood education and two children of my own, I was inspired to write a story that celebrates children’s natural curiosity about their bodies and the world around them. Similar titles include:

• I WISH YOU MORE by Amy Krouse Rosenthal

• NOT QUITE NARWHAL by Jessie Sima 

• THE RABBIT LISTENED by Cori Doerrfeld

This is my first picture book submission. I would be happy to send the full manuscript for your review.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you!

Sample Cover Letter #4

I am pleased to submit four poems for your consideration: “Bone Orchard,” “The Glassblower’s Daughter,” “Demeter in Winter,” and “Persephone, Reimagined.” Totaling approximately 300 words, these pieces explore themes of loss, transformation, and mythology through a feminist lens.

My poetry has previously appeared in Rattle, THRUSH Poetry Journal, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, and Menacing Hedge, among others. In 2019, I was a finalist for the Autumn House Rising Writer Prize. I hold an MFA from Warren Wilson College and serve as a poetry editor for Longleaf Review.

I appreciate [Literary Journal]’s commitment to publishing powerful, finely wrought verse that engages with social issues. I believe my work may resonate with your readers and would be honored to see these pieces included in an upcoming issue.

Thank you for taking the time to read my work. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

Sample Cover Letter #5

I am writing to seek representation for THE SHADOW GARDEN, my 95,000-word gothic mystery novel. With shades of Mexican Gothic and Rebecca, this multi-generational tale of secrets and deception may be of interest given your enthusiasm for atmospheric, suspenseful fiction with strong female characters.

When recently divorced painter Sonia Villa inherits a crumbling estate in the Mexican countryside from a grandmother she never knew, it seems like the fresh start she needs—until she stumbles upon human remains in the overgrown garden. But this is only the first in a series of disturbing discoveries that draw Sonia into the tangled history of her enigmatic grandmother Rosalinda and the mansion’s dark past.

As Sonia unearths the shocking truth behind Rosalinda’s hasty marriage to a wealthy older man, her mysterious death soon after, and the whispered rumors of madness and murder that have long haunted the property, she realizes her own life may be in danger. Because now that Sonia has learned the house’s secrets, whatever killed her grandmother is coming for her next.

I hold an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Miami and my short fiction has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. This is my debut novel. I have included the first ten pages below. The full manuscript is available upon request.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience regarding THE SHADOW GARDEN.

Sample Cover Letter #6

Please find attached my creative nonfiction essay, “Stitched,” for consideration in [Literary Journal]. At 3,500 words, this piece examines the connective threads between memory and handcraft through the lens of the embroidered tablecloth that has been passed down through generations of women in my family.

While the tablecloth itself is a work of art, the essay reveals it as so much more—a document of my family’s history, a representation of the traditionally undervalued emotional and creative labor of women, a love letter, and a memorial. The threads of the tablecloth become a metaphor for the ties that bind a mother to daughter across decades, stitching together family lore, cultural heritage, domesticity, and selfhood.

My essays have previously appeared in River Teeth, Hippocampus Magazine, Under the Sun, and The Rumpus. I am a staff writer for Book Riot, where I cover craft titles and fiber arts-related books. I have an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Goucher College.

I believe “Stitched” will resonate with [Literary Journal]’s readership, given your focus on publishing intimate, voice-driven narratives that engage with questions of family and identity. Thank you for considering my work. I look forward to your response.

Sample Cover Letter #7

I’ve been an avid reader of your blog and a fan of several authors you represent, so I was thrilled to see that you’re actively seeking middle-grade adventures. I’m writing to share my upper MG fantasy novel, RIVER OF STARS, complete at 75,000 words.

Twelve-year-old Kin has always felt out of place, caught between two worlds. As one of the last descendants of an ancient race that draws magic from the night sky, she should be training in secret with the other starchildren. Instead, she’s stuck living a boring, magic-less life in the bustling port city of Haiyang, helping out at her family’s struggling noodle shop.

But when an evil sorcerer escapes from prison and begins kidnapping starchildren in an attempt to steal their celestial powers, Kin can no longer hide from her destiny. With help from her best friend Lin and a mischievous flying monkey named Feng, Kin must embrace her heritage, master her budding abilities, and figure out how to save her people—all while keeping her double life hidden from the authorities and finishing her homework on time.

Inspired by Chinese mythology and the stories my grandmother told me as a child, RIVER OF STARS is a fast-paced, voice-driven adventure full of magic, humor, and heart. It explores growing up caught between cultures and learning to celebrate what makes you different. This standalone novel has series potential and will appeal to fans of Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha Lee and the Kiranmala and the Kingdom Beyond series by Sayantani DasGupta.

I hold an MFA in Writing for Children from Simmons University and am an active member of SCBWI. My narrative nonfiction piece, “Mooncakes with Grandma,” appeared in Stories for Children Magazine.

Per your submission guidelines, I have included the first three chapters of RIVER OF STARS below. The full manuscript is available upon request.

Sample Cover Letter #8

I am submitting my short story “The Cartography of Ghosts” for consideration in [Literary Journal]. Complete at 7,000 words, this piece of speculative fiction follows a mother-daughter team of paranormal investigators as they attempt to unravel the truth behind a mysterious death in a small Oregon logging town.

On its surface, “The Cartography of Ghosts” is a ghost story, complete with a creepy abandoned sawmill and possible demonic possession. But at its heart, it’s a tale about the memories and emotions that haunt us long after we think we’ve let them go. Protagonist Vera is forced to confront her unresolved guilt and grief regarding her father’s death years before as she and her psychic daughter Sabine investigate the ghost of a logger who died under eerily similar circumstances.

I’m the author of the indie horror novels Night Tide and The Juniper Bones, which have collectively sold over 5,000 copies. My short fiction has appeared in Lamplight, The Dark, and Unnerving Magazine. I am currently working on my third novel.

Given [Literary Journal]’s reputation for publishing emotionally resonant, cross-genre fiction with an emphasis on the strange and unsettling, I believe “The Cartography of Ghosts” would be an excellent fit. Thank you for your consideration.

Sample Cover Letter #9

I am writing to submit my narrative nonfiction piece “In Praise of Weeds” (3,000 words) for consideration in the spring issue of [Literary Journal].

“In Praise of Weeds” is a lyrical meditation on suburban ecology, motherhood, and finding beauty in unexpected places. Inspired by my young daughter’s fascination with the dandelions and clover that dot our local park, this essay examines the vital role that “undesirable” plants play in supporting pollinators and other wildlife. It also touches on themes of allowing children to experience small freedoms and cultivating a sense of wonder about the natural world close to home.

As an environmental journalist, my work frequently examines the intersections of nature, science, and human experience. My articles and essays have appeared in Sierra, Orion, Catapult, and [Literary Journal]. This piece will resonate with your ecologically engaged readership and would be a timely fit for an issue released just as spring wildflowers begin to bloom.

I appreciate you taking the time to read “In Praise of Weeds.” I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Sample Cover Letter #10

I discovered your name in the acknowledgments of Courtney Summers’ Sadie, as she credited you with helping bring that powerful book into the world. Given your enthusiasm for gritty, voice-driven YA fiction tackling complex social issues, I believe my novel WHEN WE VANISHED may be of interest.

Complete at 80,000 words, WHEN WE VANISHED is a dual POV contemporary YA that pairs the unputdownable pacing of Karen McManus with Tiffany D. Jackson’s acerbic wit and unflinching look at social injustices. The story follows sixteen-year-old YouTube makeup guru Meena Patel as she and her younger brother are forced to go on the run with their mother after an ICE raid upends their life in Boulder, Colorado.

As Meena, born in the U.S., schemes to turn herself in so her undocumented brother Akash can escape, she clashes with Diego, a former friend whose own father was deported years before. Diego wants to help the Patels forge a new life across the Canadian border, but first Meena must learn to trust him—and find the courage to fight an immigration system intent on tearing her family apart.

I am an immigrant rights activist and community organizer. Like Meena, my parents came to the U.S. from India in the 1980s, and my fears of having my family separated inspired this novel. I hold a BA in Creative Writing from [University].

Attached are the first fifty pages of WHEN WE VANISHED. I’d be happy to send the full manuscript upon request.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to hear from you soon regarding this project.

Sample Cover Letter #11

Nearly one in five Americans live with a mental illness, but misconceptions still abound. I’m writing to submit my completed 65,000-word mental health memoir BEYOND THE BELL JAR for your consideration.

In this book, I recount my experiences as a twenty-two-year-old college student struggling with depression, anxiety, and undiagnosed bipolar disorder against the backdrop of my small Midwestern hometown. Misunderstood by family and friends and failed by an overtaxed healthcare system, I am left to work through the diagnosis, medication, and recovery processes largely on my own—and nearly lose myself in the process.

BEYOND THE BELL JAR is both a coming-of-age story and a clear-eyed examination of the barriers to adequate mental health treatment that persist today. Blending unflinching honesty with biting wit, I tackle heavy topics like suicidal ideation, hospitalization, and the trials and errors of treatment while never losing sight of the wry absurdities of young adulthood. Readers of Esmé Weijun Wang’s The Collected Schizophrenias and Susannah Cahalan’s Brain on Fire will find a similar mix of raw vulnerability, thorough research, and hard-won wisdom here.

I am a mental health advocate and freelance journalist whose work has appeared in The Washington Post, Vox, Bustle, and The Mighty. I have spoken about my experiences at conferences nationwide and regularly lead writing workshops for individuals with mental illness. Conversations sparked by these engagements reinforced my belief that BEYOND THE BELL JAR will find an eager audience seeking candid, enlightening narratives of survival.

Thank you for considering my memoir. I look forward to sharing the complete manuscript with you.

Sample Cover Letter #12

I am seeking representation for my 82,000-word upmarket fiction novel FOR WANT OF A ROOF, which was longlisted for the 2023 [Contest Name] Award. Given your interest in literary fiction with commercial appeal that examines social issues and family dynamics, I thought it might be a good fit for your list.

Architect Alyssa Wu has returned to her hometown in rural Montana on a mission to save her family’s floundering construction business—and to rebuild the strained relationship with her conservative father Dan. Her plan? To convert an abandoned warehouse into a chic “live/work” space that will attract young professionals and revitalize the struggling town center. But when Dan suffers a debilitating stroke, Alyssa must take over the day-to-day operations of Wu & Daughter Construction and complete the high-stakes project alone.

As mounting financial pressures and a bitter winter threaten the warehouse renovation, Alyssa strikes up an unlikely friendship with Jordan, an idealistic social worker who runs the town’s struggling homeless shelter. With Jordan’s support, Alyssa devises an unorthodox solution to keep the project alive, but the risks could cost her everything—her father’s trust, her family’s legacy, and a chance at the life and love she never knew she wanted.

FOR WANT OF A ROOF is a poignant and sharply observed novel about a woman coming into her own as she works to rebuild her family and her community. It will appeal to fans of Tayari Jones’ AN AMERICAN MARRIAGE and GIRL UNBROKEN by Regina Louise.

I hold a Master of Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania and my short stories have appeared in The Adroit Journal, Joyland, and The Offing. The first three chapters of FOR WANT OF A ROOF are included below. The full manuscript is available upon request.

Sample Cover Letter #13

Please find attached my 500-word flash nonfiction piece “How to Pack Up Your Childhood Bedroom” for consideration in [Literary Journal].

This concise essay serves as a melancholy how-to guide for the universal experience of boxing up one’s belongings and leaving the childhood home, touching on themes of growing up, letting go, and the mix of grief and excitement that accompanies this bittersweet rite of passage. Through cataloging the detritus of adolescence—half-finished diaries, concert ticket stubs, trophies from bygone hobbies—the narrator reflects on who they were and who they hope to become.

“How to Pack Up Your Childhood Bedroom” provides a snapshot into the life of someone on the precipice of a new beginning, capturing the uncertainty and possibility of this liminal moment. I believe it will resonate with [Literary Journal]’s readers, many of whom are students on the cusp of similar transitions.

My nonfiction has been published in Brevity, The Rumpus, The Offing, and Gay Magazine. I hold an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Iowa.

Thank you for considering my work. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sample Cover Letter #14

I’m writing to seek representation for my 90,000-word young adult science fiction novel, REBEL RADIO, which was a finalist for the [Contest Name] Emerging Writers Prize.

In the year 2135, the authoritarian Harmony Party outlawed music, art, and other forms of creative expression in favor of “productive pursuits.” Sixteen-year-old Cadence, a natural-born musician, finds an unexpected outlet for her banned passion: a secret rebel radio station broadcasting underground rock shows to the youth of her domed city. Performing on air as DJ Siren, Cadence revels in using music to spark small acts of defiance and give hope to other artistic souls—until her pirate radio exploits draw the attention of a handsome government enforcer who may not be the enemy he seems.

As Cadence and her fellow rebel musicians race to throw the rock show of the century, they must dodge surveillance drones, misleading holograms, and the constant threat of arrest. But when a source inside the government reveals the Harmony Party’s horrific true agenda, Cadence realizes their performances could be the key to bringing down the whole system—if they can find the courage to play one last song.

REBEL RADIO is an action-packed, anti-authoritarian anthem that never loses sight of the power of music, creativity, and connection in any era. It will appeal to fans of POET X by Elizabeth Acevedo and Lauren Oliver’s DELIRIUM series.

I am a music journalist and YA author. My debut novel, DRUM ROLL PLEASE, was published by [Publisher Name] in 2019 to critical acclaim. The full manuscript of REBEL RADIO is available upon request.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon about this project.

Sample Cover Letter #15

I’m submitting my contemporary short story “Bottomless” for consideration in your summer fiction issue. At 4,200 words, this piece follows a woman’s impromptu journey to reconnect with a piece of her past—and perhaps find a new way forward.

Reeling from her mother’s death and an unexpected divorce, 38-year-old Mira takes a spontaneous road trip to attend her twenty-year high school reunion. Along the way, she becomes entangled with an old classmate she barely remembers and a local urban legend that haunted their teenage years. Throughout a strange and illuminating weekend, Mira must finally confront the unsolved disappearance that shaped her youth and the gaping absences in her own life.

“Bottomless” examines questions of grief and resilience, the untold stories we carry, and what happens when the clear-cut roles and relationships of adolescence grow murky with age. Fans of Emma Cline’s short fiction will appreciate the sense of enigmatic menace thrumming beneath the surface of the everyday.

My fiction has appeared in One Story, American Short Fiction, Ninth Letter, and The Pushcart Prize anthology. I work as a features editor at [Publication Name].

Thank you for your time and consideration. I’d be thrilled to see “Bottomless” included in your upcoming issue.

These 15 examples show the range of styles and techniques that can be employed in compelling cover letters tailored to a variety of projects, genres, and submission opportunities.

Whether you’re an emerging writer seeking publication for the first time or an established author with many credits to your name, a strong cover letter is an invaluable tool for providing context for your submission, connecting with editors and agents, and showing that you’ve done your research.

The most effective cover letters are professional but passionate, concise but key, enticing the reader to immerse themselves in your manuscript while demonstrating your familiarity with the market and your thoughtful rationale for submitting to this particular venue or individual.

To write your potent cover letter, be sure to:

  • Address a specific individual by name when possible
  • Mention the title, genre, and word count of your project in the first paragraph
  • Provide a brief but compelling plot summary or description of your piece
  • Include your publishing history and relevant writing credentials
  • Explain why you believe the project is a fit for the recipient
  • Thank the reader for their consideration and express enthusiasm for their reply
  • Keep it to about 3-5 paragraphs or no more than a single page
  • Close the letter professionally and cordially

Above all, remember that your ultimate goal is to give the reader a tantalizing taste of your unique voice and perspective, convincing them that your writing is worth their time and serious consideration.

By studying effective cover letter examples, identifying the hallmarks of your project, and presenting both with clarity and confidence, you’ll be well on your way to catching an editor’s eye and bringing your work into the world.


Research Paper Cover Letter

Cover letter maker.

cover letter for thesis submission

A research paper cover letter is more than just an introductory note; it’s a vital aspect of your submission to academic journals. This document provides the initial impression and encapsulates the essence of your research. In this article, we will delve into what a research paper cover letter is, provide an illustrative example, and share valuable tips for crafting one that resonates with the editors.

What is a Research Paper Cover Letter?

A research paper cover letter is a formal letter accompanying the submission of a research paper to a journal or academic conference. It’s your opportunity to introduce the paper, briefly summarize the findings, highlight the significance, and persuade the editor or review panel about the paper’s importance. It’s a critical aspect of the submission process, reflecting the paper’s quality and your professionalism, so it must be thoughtfully composed.

What is an Example of a Research Paper Cover Letter?

Here is a comprehensive example of a research paper cover letter:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Editor’s Name] [Title] [Journal Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of Manuscript – “Exploring the Impact of AI on Environmental Sustainability”

Dear [Editor’s Name],

I am honored to submit my manuscript entitled “Exploring the Impact of AI on Environmental Sustainability” for consideration for publication in [Journal Name]. This research offers groundbreaking insights into how artificial intelligence can be harnessed for sustainable development.

The methodology includes comprehensive analysis and experimentation, and the results reveal promising opportunities in utilizing AI for ecological balance. The findings contribute to the broader understanding of technology’s role in environmental stewardship, filling a significant gap in existing literature.

I confirm that this work is original, has not been published elsewhere, and complies with all ethical guidelines. Enclosed are the manuscript, diagrams, tables, and supplementary materials as per your submission criteria.

I appreciate your consideration of this submission and eagerly await the opportunity to contribute to [Journal Name]. Please feel free to contact me for any further information.

[Your Signature]

[Your Typed Name] [Your Affiliation]

This great cover letter example articulates the crucial elements that make up an effective research paper cover letter. It introduces the topic, succinctly outlines the key points, and concludes with a respectful closure. Customizing such a letter according to the specific journal or conference’s guidelines is essential for a successful submission.

Research Paper Cover Letter

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Research Paper Cover Letter Format

Navigate the nuances of academic presentation with our Research Paper Cover Letter Format, designed to make your scholarly work stand out with professionalism and clarity.

[Your Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Editor’s Name] [Title] [Journal Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of Manuscript: “[Title of the Research Paper]”

I am pleased to submit my manuscript entitled “[Title of the Research Paper]” for potential publication in [Journal Name]. The research embodied in this paper investigates [provide a brief but comprehensive overview of the research topic, methodology, and significance].

This manuscript has not been published elsewhere and has not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. I believe that the insights and evidence presented in this paper provide a valuable contribution to the existing body of work in [specify the field or subject area].

Thank you for considering my submission. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Phone Number] [Your Affiliation]

Research Paper Cover Letter Format

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Sample Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Access our comprehensive Sample Research Paper Cover Letter to guide your submissions, ensuring they align with academic expectations and standards.

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Phone Number] [Email Address] [Date]

[Professor’s Full Name] [Title] [Department] [University Name] [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of Research Paper on [Title]

Dear Professor [Last Name],

I am honored to submit my research paper titled “[Title of the Research Paper]” for evaluation. This paper, a key part of my [Degree Name], provides an in-depth analysis of [briefly explain the subject matter, highlighting the key themes, questions, and methodology].

Under your guidance and supervision, I have meticulously crafted this paper to reflect the highest standards of academic rigor. I am grateful for the insights and feedback you have provided throughout this process.

I look forward to your review and comments, and I am available for a meeting to discuss the paper at your convenience.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best Regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Student ID]

Sample Research Paper Cover Letter Example

APA Style Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Master the intricacies of the APA format with our specialized cover letter, crafted to showcase your research while adhering to this authoritative style guide.

[Author’s Full Name] [Author’s Affiliation] [City, State] [Phone Number] [Email Address] [Date]

[Editor’s Name] [Title] [Journal’s Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of APA Style Research Paper: “[Title of the Paper]”

I am writing to submit my research paper for consideration in the [Journal’s Name]. The paper, titled “[Title of the Paper],” strictly adheres to the APA citation style and presents a methodological approach to [explain the central theme of the paper].

The enclosed manuscript highlights the [mention key findings, implications, or innovations]. I believe it will resonate well with the readers of [Journal’s Name] and contribute to the ongoing scholarly discourse in the field of [Field of Study].

Please find attached the manuscript along with all supplementary materials. I appreciate your consideration and await your feedback.

Sincerely, [Author’s Full Name] [Author’s Title] [Author’s Affiliation]

APA Style Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Size: 26 KB

Cover Letter for Research Project Example

Elevate your project proposals with our tailored cover letter, emphasizing the significance, methodology, and expected outcomes of your academic research.

[Your Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Project Coordinator’s Name] [Title] [Organization Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Application for [Project Title] Research Project

Dear [Project Coordinator’s Name],

I am writing to express my keen interest in the [Project Title] research project at [Organization Name]. With a strong background in [Your Field], I believe that my skills and experiences align perfectly with the project’s objectives.

I have attached my research proposal, CV, and other relevant documents for your review. My proposal outlines my approach to [briefly summarize the main focus of the research project].

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to contribute my expertise to this exciting project and look forward to the opportunity to discuss my proposal further.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Affiliation]

Cover Letter for Research Project Example

Research Paper Cover Letter for Student Example

Enhance your academic submissions with our student-focused cover letter, designed to highlight your research diligence, hypotheses, and learning objectives.

[Student’s Full Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Professor’s Full Name] [Title] [Department] [University Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of Research Paper on [Topic]

I am thrilled to submit my research paper on [Topic] as part of the requirements for [Course Name]. Through rigorous analysis, innovative methodologies, and critical thinking, I have explored [briefly summarize the subject matter of the paper].

I value the insights and guidance you provided during my research and writing process. The knowledge I gained from this experience has greatly enhanced my understanding of [Field of Study].

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your feedback.

Sincerely, [Student’s Full Name] [Student ID] [Course Name]

Research Paper Cover Letter for Student Example

Research Paper Cover Letter for Thesis Example

Add finesse to your thesis presentation with our dedicated cover letter, underlining the depth, originality, and significance of your pivotal research.

[Your Full Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Phone Number] [Email Address] [Date]

[Thesis Advisor’s Full Name] [Title] [Department] [University Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of Thesis Research Paper on [Topic]

Dear Dr. [Last Name],

It is with great anticipation that I submit my thesis research paper on [Topic]. This comprehensive study, guided by your expert mentorship, has been both challenging and rewarding.

I have delved deeply into [explain the central theme, methodology, and findings], aiming to contribute valuable insights to the field of [Field of Study].

Enclosed are my thesis, along with all supporting documents. I appreciate your attention to this work, and I am eager to discuss it further at your convenience.

Thank you for your time, support, and guidance.

Best Regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Student ID] [Degree Program]

Research Paper Cover Letter for Thesis Example

Cover Letter for Journal Submission Example

Ensure your scholarly work is compellingly presented with our Journal Submission Cover Letter, tailored to captivate editors and facilitate publication.

[Your Full Name] [Title] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Editor’s Full Name] [Title] [Journal Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Manuscript Submission for [Journal Name]: “[Title of Research Paper]”

Dear Dr. [Editor’s Last Name],

I am pleased to submit my manuscript, titled “[Title of Research Paper],” for potential publication in [Journal Name]. This original research contributes to the field of [Field of Study] by [provide a concise overview of the paper’s central theme, methodology, and key findings].

I have followed all the guidelines provided by [Journal Name] and have included all necessary supplementary materials.

Thank you for considering my submission. I believe this research fits well with the focus of your esteemed journal, and I look forward to your response.

Sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Your Title] [Your Affiliation]

Cover Letter for Journal Submission Example

Simple Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Go for a minimalist yet impactful approach with our Simple Research Paper Cover Letter, designed to present your findings clearly and concisely.

[Recipient’s Full Name] [Title] [Organization Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of Research Paper: “[Title]”

Dear [Recipient’s First Name],

I am delighted to submit my research paper on [Title]. This paper, written as part of my [Degree/Course], provides a comprehensive analysis of [briefly summarize the research topic and methodology].

I have enclosed the paper and all necessary supporting documents. Your review and feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Title] [Your Affiliation]

Simple Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Basic Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Use our Basic Research Paper Cover Letter as a foundational guide, offering a straightforward presentation of your academic research and its implications.

[Your Full Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

Subject: Manuscript Submission: “[Title]”

I am submitting my manuscript titled “[Title]” for your review. This research paper delves into [briefly describe the research topic, key questions, methodology, and significance].

Enclosed are the manuscript and all necessary supporting documents. I look forward to your feedback and hope for a positive consideration.

Thank you for your time.

Basic Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Professional Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Elevate your academic submissions with a touch of professionalism using our expertly crafted cover letter, emphasizing your research’s significance, methodology, and scholarly contribution.

Subject: Professional Submission of Research Paper: “[Research Paper Title]”

I am pleased to submit my research paper, titled “[Research Paper Title],” for professional review and potential publication in [Journal Name]. This work represents a rigorous investigation into [provide a detailed overview of the research subject, methodology, key findings, and implications].

I believe this research paper meets the high standards of your esteemed journal and will engage and inform your readership.

Please find attached the manuscript, along with all necessary supporting documents. I look forward to your review and response.

Yours Professionally, [Your Full Name] [Your Title] [Your Affiliation] [Your Phone Number]

Professional Research Paper Cover Letter Example

What do you write in a Research Paper Cover Letter?

A Research Paper Cover Letter serves as a formal introduction of your research to the editor, professor, or other relevant authority. It highlights key aspects of your research and reflects your professionalism. Here’s what you typically include:

1. Introduction: Introduce yourself, the title of the paper, and the purpose of the cover letter. 2. Subject of Research: Briefly explain the research topic, methodology, and main findings. 3. Relevance: Discuss the significance of your research and why it is suitable for the intended audience or journal. 4. Compliance with Guidelines: Mention adherence to the submission guidelines or specific style, like APA. 5. Exclusivity: If submitting to a journal, state that the work has not been published elsewhere. 6. Attachments: List the documents you are attaching, including the manuscript and supplementary materials. 7. Gratitude and Closing: Thank the recipient for their consideration and provide your contact information.

How Do You Write a Cover Letter for a Research Paper?

Writing a cover letter for a research paper requires care and precision. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Address the Recipient Formally: Use the proper title and full name if known. If not, use a general salutation. 2. Introduce Yourself and Your Paper: Start with a concise introduction to your research and its relevance. 3. Provide a Brief Overview: Summarize the key points, methodology, and findings of your research. 4. Highlight the Significance: Explain why the paper is important and how it contributes to the field. 5. Follow Guidelines: If submitting to a journal or specific conference, adhere to their guidelines and mention your compliance. 6. Use Professional Tone and Language: Keep the language formal, clear, and error-free. 7. Include Contact Information: Provide your email, phone number, and other relevant contact details. 8. Sign Off Formally: Close with a polite and professional sign-off, such as “Sincerely,” followed by your name.

Tips for Writing a Research Paper Cover Letter

1. Understand Your Audience: Tailor the cover letter to the recipient, whether it’s a journal editor, professor, or other authority. 2. Be Concise: Keep it brief while including all necessary details. 3. Highlight Key Points: Focus on the most critical and unique aspects of your research. 4. Follow a Structure: Use a clear and organized format with distinct sections. 5. Proofread: Ensure that your cover letter is free of grammatical errors and typos. 6. Maintain Professionalism: Use a respectful tone and formal language throughout. 7. Align with the Journal or Institution’s Tone: If applicable, match the style and tone of the journal or institution to which you are submitting.

Research Paper Cover Letters play a crucial role in making a positive impression and conveying the significance of your work. By adhering to formalities and focusing on the essentials of your research, you can create an effective and professional cover letter.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Write a cover letter for a college student applying for an internship at an educational technology company

Form a cover letter for a high school student seeking a part-time job at a local bookstore.

Writing a persuasive cover letter for your manuscript


Anthony Newman


Lora Heisler

About this video

Submitting your manuscript without a cover letter or an incomplete one can impact the outcome of your submission. Strong cover letters efficiently introduce your work to the editor, but also communicates why your paper is of interest to the journal audience and contributory to overall science. 

In this Researcher Academy module, experts Anthony Newman and Lora Heisler give you important insights about writing strong and persuasive cover letters. This webinar will give an exhaustive check list on writing an effective cover letter which brings attention to your paper and helps it get published.

You will come away with the knowledge of what cover letters are, how they support your manuscript and how you can write an airtight cover letter, covering your research scope, objectives and goals. 

About the presenters


Senior Publisher, Life Sciences, Elsevier

Anthony Newman is a Senior Publisher with Elsevier and is based in Amsterdam. Each year he presents numerous Author Workshops and other similar trainings worldwide. He is currently responsible for fifteen biochemistry and laboratory medicine journals, he joined Elsevier over thirty years ago and has been Publisher for more than twenty of those years. Before then he was the marketing communications manager for the biochemistry journals of Elsevier.  By training he is a polymer chemist and was active in the surface coating industry before leaving London and moving to Amsterdam in 1987 to join Elsevier.


Chair in Human Nutrition, The Rowett Institute, The Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen.

Lora Heisler, Ph.D. is Chair in Human Nutrition at the Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, where she is Head of the Obesity and Food Choice research theme.  Professor Heisler has enjoyed being an active member of various journal editorial boards for more than a decade.  She was appointed as Deputy Editor of Elsevier’s journal Molecular Metabolism in 2018. Professor Heisler received her B.A. from Boston University, M.Sc. from London School of Economics and Political Sciences and Ph.D. from Tufts University.  She undertook postdoctoral fellowships at the University of California at San Francisco and Beth Israel Deaconess/Harvard Medical School.  Professor Heisler began her independent research group at Harvard Medical School and then relocated to the University of Cambridge in the UK. Her active research group moved to the Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen in 2013 where they investigate the neurobiology of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

What should be included in a cover letter?

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How to Write a Good Cover Letter for a Research Position

Writing a cover letter can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be!

Some people believe cover letters are a science. Others seem to think they are more akin to black magic. Regardless of how you feel about cover letters, they are one of the most important parts of the job application process. Your resume or CV may get you an interview, but a good cover letter is what ensures that the hiring manager reads your resume in the first place.

Writing a cover letter for any job is important, but the art of writing a good cover letter for a research position can make or break your application. While writing a cover letter for a research position, you have to walk a fine line of proving your expertise and passion while limiting jargon and dense language.

In this post, we will explain cover letter writing basics, and then dive into how to write a research specific cover letter with examples of both good and bad practices.

hands typing on blank google doc

What Is A Cover Letter and Why Do Cover Letters Matter?

A cover letter is your opportunity to tell a story and connect the dots of your resume. Resumes and curriculum vitae (CVs) are often cold and static—they don’t show any sort of character that will give companies a hint about if you will fit in with their culture. 

Your cover letter gives you the chance to demonstrate that you are an interesting, qualified, and intelligent person. Without proving that you are worth the time to interview, a company or research organization will set your application in the rejection pile without giving it a second look. 

So, what is a cover letter, exactly? It is an explanation (written out in paragraph form) of what you can bring to the company that goes beyond the information in your resume. Cover letters give a company a glimpse into the qualities that will make you the ideal candidate for their opening. 

Note that a cover letter is not the same as a letter of intent. A cover letter is written for a specific job opening. For example, if I got an email saying that the University of Colorado was looking for a tenure track faculty member to teach GEO 1001, and I chose to apply, I would write a cover letter. 

A letter of intent, however, is written regardless of the job opening. It is intended to express an interest in working at a particular company or with a particular group. The goal of a letter of intent is to demonstrate your interest in the company (or whatever type of group you are appealing to) and illustrate that you are willing to work with them in whatever capacity they feel is best. 

For example, if I loved the clothing company, Patagonia and wanted to work there, I could write a letter of intent. They may have an opening for a sales floor associate, but after reading my application and letter of intent, decide I would be better suited to a design position. Or, they may not have any positions open at all, but choose to keep my resume on hand for the next time they do. 

Most organizations want a cover letter, not a letter of intent, so it is important to make sure your cover letter caters to the specifics of the job posting. A cover letter should also demonstrate why you want to work at the company, but it should be primarily focused on why you can do the job better than any of the other applicants.

How to Write a Good Cover Letter: The Basics 

Writing a cover letter isn’t hard. Writing a good cover letter, a cover letter that will encourage a hiring manager to look at your application and schedule an interview, is more difficult (but certainly not impossible). Below, we will go over each of the important parts of a cover letter: the salutation, introduction, body, and conclusion, as well as some other best practices.

How to Write a Good Cover Letter Salutation

Don’t start with “Dear Sir/Ma’am” (or any iteration of a vague greeting, including “to whom it may concern”). Avoiding vague greetings is the oldest trick in the book, but it still holds a lot of weight. Starting a cover letter with the above phrase is pretty much stamping “I didn’t bother to research this company at all because I am sending out a million generic cover letters” across your application. It doesn’t look good. 

The best practice is to do your research and use your connections to find a name. “Dear Joe McGlinchy” means a lot more than “Dear Hiring Manager.” LinkedIn is a great tool for this—you can look up the company, then look through the employees until you find someone that seems like they hire for the relevant department. 

The most important thing about the salutation is to address a real human. By selecting someone in the company, you’ve demonstrated that you’ve done some research and are actually interested in this company specifically. Generic greetings aren’t eye-catching and don’t do well.

How to Write a Good Cover Letter Introduction

Once you’ve addressed your cover letter to a real human being, you need a powerful introduction to prove that this cover letter is worth the time it will take to read. This means that you need a hook. 

Your first sentence needs to be a strong starter, something to encourage the hiring manager not only to continue reading the cover letter, but to look at your application as well. If you have a contact in the company, you should mention them in the first sentence. Something along the lines of “my friend, Amanda Rice (UX/UI manager), suggested I apply for the natural language processing expert position after we worked together on a highly successful independent project.” 

The example above uses a few techniques. The name drop is good, but that only works if you actually have a connection in the company. Beyond that, this example has two strengths. First, it states the name of the position. This is important because hiring managers can be hiring for several different positions at a time, and by immediately clarifying which position you are applying for, you make their job a little bit easier.  Next, this sentence introduces concrete skills that apply to the job. That is a good way to start because it begins leading into the body, where you will go into depth about how exactly your experience and skills make you perfect for the job. 

Another technique for a strong lead-in to a cover letter is to begin with an applicable personal experience or anecdote. This attracts more attention than stereotypical intros (like the example above), but you have to be careful to get to the point quickly. Give yourself one or two sentences to tell the story and prove your point before you dive into your skills and the main body of the cover letter.

A more standard technique for introductions is simply expressing excitement. No matter how you choose to start, you want to demonstrate that you are eager about the position, and there is no easier way to do that than just saying it. This could take the form of “When I saw the description for X job on LinkedIn, I was thrilled: it is the perfect job for my Y skills and Z experience.” This option is simple and to-the-point, which can be refreshing for time-crunched hiring managers. 

Since we’ve provided a few good examples, we will offer a bad example, so you can compare and contrast. Don’t write anything along the line of: “My name is John Doe, and I am writing to express my interest in the open position at your company.” 

There are a few issues here. First, they can probably figure out your name. You don’t need that to be in the first sentence (or any of the sentences—the closing is an obvious enough spot). Next, “the open position” and “your company” are too generic. That sounds like the same cover letter you sent to every single employer in a hundred mile radius. Give the specifics! Finally, try to start with a little more spice. Add in some personality, something to keep the hiring manager reading. If you bore them to death in the first line, they aren’t going to look over your resume and application with the attention they deserve. 

How to Write a Good Cover Letter Body

So, you’ve addressed a real human being, and you’ve snagged their attention with a killer opening line. What next? Well, you have to hold on to that attention by writing an engaging and informative cover letter body. 

The body of a cover letter is the core of the important information you want to transmit. The introduction’s job was to snag the attention of the hiring manager. The body’s job is to sell them on your skills.  There are a few formatting things to be aware of before we start talking about what content belongs in the body of the cover letter. First, keep the company culture and standards in mind when picking a format. For example, if I want to work for a tech startup that is known for its wit and company culture, I can probably get away with using a bulleted list or another informal format. However, if I am applying to a respected research institution, using a standard five paragraph format is best. 

In addition, the cover letter should not be longer than a page. Hiring managers are busy people. They may have hundreds of resumes to read, so they don’t need a three page essay per person. A full page is plenty, and many hiring managers report finding three hundred words or less to be the idea length. Just to put that into context, the text from here to the “How to Write a Good Cover Letter Body” header below is about perfect, length-wise. 

Now, on to the more important part: the content. A cover letter should work in tandem with a resume. If you have a list of job experiences on your resume, don’t list them again in the cover letter. Use the valuable space in the cover letter to give examples about how you have applied your skills and experience. 

For example, if I have worked as a barista, I wouldn’t just say “I have worked as a barista at Generic Cafe.” The hiring manager could learn that from my resume. Instead, I could say “Working as a barista at Generic Cafe taught me to operate under pressure without feeling flustered. Once…” I would go on to recount a short story that illustrated my ability to work well under pressure. It is important that the stories and details you choose to include are directly related to the specific job. Don’t ramble or add anything that isn’t obviously connected. Use the job description as a tool—if it mentions a certain skill a few times, make sure to include it!

If you can match the voice and tone of your cover letter to the voice of the company, that usually earns you extra points. If, in their communications, they use wit, feel free to include it in your letter as well. If they are dry, to the point, and serious, cracking jokes is not the best technique.

A Few Don’ts of Writing a Cover Letter Body   

There are a few simple “don’ts” in cover letter writing. Do not: 

  • Bad: I am smart, dedicated, determined, and funny.
  • Better: When I was working at Tech Company, I designed and created an entirely new workflow that cut the product delivery time in half. 
  • Bad: When I was seven, I really loved the monkeys at the zoo. This demonstrates my fun-loving nature. 
  • Better: While working for This Company, I realized I was far more productive if I was light-hearted. I became known as the person to turn to in my unit when my coworkers needed a boost, and as my team adopted my ideology, we exceeded our sales goals by 200%. 
  • Bad: I would love this job because it would propel me to the next stage of my career.
  • Better: With my decade of industry experience communicating with engineers and clients, I am the right person to manage X team. 
  • Bad: I know I’m not the most qualified candidate for this job, but…
  • Better: I can apply my years of experience as an X to this position, using my skills in Y and Z to… 
  • Bad: I am a thirty year old white woman from Denver…
  • Better: I have extensive experience managing diverse international teams, as illustrated by the time I…  

The most important part of the cover letter is the body. Sell your skills by telling stories, but walk the razor’s edge between saying too much and not enough. When in doubt, lean towards not enough—it is better for the hiring manager to call you in for an interview to learn more than to bore them.

How to Write a Good Cover Letter Conclusion

 The last lines of a cover letter are extremely important. Until you can meet in-person for an interview, the conclusion of your cover letter will greatly affect the impression the hiring manager has of you. A good technique for concluding your cover letter is to summarize, in a sentence, what value you can bring to the company and why you are perfect for the position. Sum up the most important points from your cover letter in a short, concise manner. 

Write with confidence, but not arrogance. This can be a delicate balance. While some people have gotten away (and sometimes gotten a job) with remarks like, “I’ll be expecting the job offer soon,” most do not. Closing with a courteous statement that showcases your capability and skills is far more effective than arrogance. Try to avoid trite or generic statements in the closing sentence as well. This includes the template, “I am very excited to work for XYZ Company.” Give the hiring manager something to remember and close with what you can offer the company. 

The final step in any cover letter is to edit. Re-read your cover letter. Then, set it aside for a few hours (or days, time permitting) and read it again. Give it to a friend to read. Read it aloud. This may seem excessive, but there is nothing more off-putting than a spelling or grammar error in the first few lines of a cover letter. The hiring manager may power through and ignore it, but it will certainly taint their impression. 

Once the cover letter is as flawless and compelling as it can be, send it out! If you are super stuck on how to get started, working within a template may help. Microsoft Word has many free templates that are aesthetically appealing and can give you a hint to the length and content. A few good online options live here (free options are at the bottom—there is no reason to pay for a resume template).

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Research Position

Writing a cover letter for a research position is the same as writing any other cover letter. There are, however, a few considerations and additions that are worth pointing out. A job description may not directly ask for a cover letter, but it is good practice to send one unless they specifically say not to. This means that even if a cover letter isn’t mentioned, you should send one—it is best practice and gives you an opportunity to expand on your skills and research in a valuable way.

Format and Writing Style for a Research Position Cover Letter

Research and academics tend to appreciate formality more than start-ups or tech companies, so using the traditional five paragraph format is typically a good idea. The five paragraph format usually includes an introduction, three short examples of skills, and a concluding paragraph. This isn’t set in stone—if you’d rather write two paragraphs about the skills and experience you bring to the company, that is fine. 

Keep in mind that concise and to-the-point writing is extremely valuable in research. Anyone who has ever written a project proposal under 300 words knows that every term needs to add value. Proving that you are a skilled writer, starting in your cover letter, will earn you a lot of points. This means that cover letters in research and academia, though you may have more to say, should actually be shorter than others. Think of the hiring manager—they are plowing through a massive stack of verbose, technical, and complex cover letters and CVs. It is refreshing to find an easy to read, short cover letter. 

On the “easy to read” point, remember that the hiring manager may not be an expert in your field. Even if they are, you cannot assume that they have the exact same linguistic and educational background as you. For example, if you have dedicated the last five years of your life to studying a certain species of bacteria that lives on Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, all of those technical terms you have learned (and maybe even coined) have no place in your cover letter. Keep jargon to an absolute minimum. Consider using a tool like the Hemingway Editor to identify and eliminate jargon. While you want to reduce jargon, it is still important to prove that you’ve researched their research. Passion about the research topic is one of the most valuable attributes that a new hire can offer. 

Use your cover letter to prove that you have done your homework, know exactly what the institution or group is doing, and want to join them. If you have questions about the research or want to learn more, it isn’t a bad idea to get in touch with one of the researchers. You can often use LinkedIn or the group’s staff site to learn who is working on the project and reach out.

What Research Information Should be Included in a Cover Letter

A research position cover letter is not the place for your academic history, dissertation, or publications. While it may be tempting to go into detail about the amazing research you did for your thesis, that belongs in your CV. Details like this will make your cover letter too long. While these are valuable accomplishments, don’t include them unless there is something  that pertains to the group’s research, and your CV doesn’t cover it in depth. 

If you do choose to write about your research, write about concrete details and skills that aren’t in your CV. For example, if you have spent the last few years working on identifying the effects of a certain gene sequence in bird migration, include information about the lab techniques you used. Also, try to put emphasis on the aspects of your resume and CV that make you stand out from other candidates. It is likely that you will be competing with many similarly qualified candidates, so if you have a unique skill or experience, make sure it doesn’t get lost in the chaos—a cover letter is the perfect place to highlight these sorts of skills. 

Industry experience is a great differentiator. If you have relevant industry experience, make sure to include it in your cover letter because it will almost certainly set you apart. Another valuable differentiator is a deep and established research network. If you have been working on research teams for years and have deep connections with other scientists, don’t be afraid to include this information. This makes you a very valuable acquisition for the company because you come with an extensive network

Include Soft Skills in Your Cover Letter

Scientific skills aren’t the only consideration for hiring managers. Experience working with and leading teams is incredibly valuable in the research industry. Even if the job description doesn’t mention teamwork, add a story or description of a time you worked with (or, even better, lead) a successful team. Soft skills like management, customer service, writing, and clear communication are important in research positions. Highlight these abilities and experiences in your cover letter in addition to the hard skills and research-based information. 

If you are struggling to edit and polish your letter, give it to both someone within your field and someone who is completely unfamiliar with your research (or, at least, the technical side of it). Once both of those people say that the letter makes sense and is compelling, you should feel confident submitting it.

Cover letters are intended to give hiring managers information beyond what your resume and CV are able to display. Write with a natural but appropriately formal voice, do your research on the position, and cater to the job description. A good cover letter can go a long way to getting you an interview, and with these tips, your cover letters will certainly stand out of the pile.

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Cover Letter for PhD Application: Guide for Writing One & Example From a Real PhD Student

  • Klara Cervenanska , 
  • Updated March 27, 2023 9 min read

When applying for a PhD research position, you usually need to submit certain documents, including an academic CV and a cover letter for PhD application .

A PhD cover letter, also referred to as an academic cover letter, should be carefully crafted, well-formatted, and contain specific sections.

We'll show you how to do exactly that, along with a sample of an academic cover letter from a real person admitted to a PhD program at Lyon University in France.

And if you're not sure how to go about writing your PhD CV, check out this article: CV for PhD Application: How to Write One Like a True Scholar (+CV Example) .

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What is an academic cover letter?

What to include in a cover letter for phd application, how to write a cover letter for phd application, how to format an academic cover letter, phd cover letter sample.

An academic cover letter is a document that PhD candidates submit alongside their academic CV when applying for a PhD. 

Essentially, it's a cover letter for a PhD application.

It's not exactly the same as your regular business cover letter. Nor is it the same as a personal statement or a motivation letter .

The purpose of a cover letter for PhD application is to explain to the reader, who's likely a researcher or a professor, what you can contribute to their institution and/or field.

Moreover, in a PhD application cover letter, you should explain why you're a good match for the research position on the program.

Differences between academic cover letter and business cover letter

Both these documents serve different purposes and people use them in different settings:

  • Academic cover letter is used when applying for positions in academia — most often for a PhD. More emphasis should be on education, research background and scholarly accomplishments. Moreover, it should explain what your contribution to the institution or field could be. It should also point the reader to your academic CV.
  • Regular (business) cover letter is normally used when applying for any kind of job . Hence, more emphasis should be on skills and past experience while being tailored to a specific job position. You should also explain why you're a good fit for the position at the given company. It should point the reader to your resume.

There are also other documents people often mistake for an academic cover letter. These include:

  • Motivation letter is especially relevant for fresh graduates when applying to a university, a non-profit organization, or voluntary work. A motivation letter focuses more on your interests and motives for applying.
  • Personal statement. Also used in an academic setting. It's always written by an applicant, often a prospective student, applying to college, university, or graduate school. You explain why you've chosen a particular course and why you'd be good at it. Other names include a statement of purpose or a letter of intent .

Like every cover letter, an academic one also needs to include specific elements and content sections. These are:

  • Header. Here, provide your contact information, such as your name, address, phone number, and email in the header of the document.
  • Formal salutation. In an official letter like this one, you should address the reader in a professional and formal way. If you know who'll be reading your cover letter, go with Dear Dr. [Surname] or Dear Professor [Surname] . If you don't, go with Dear Sir/Madam .
  • The specific PhD program or position. Clearly state in your letter which research position you're applying for or the name of the PhD program. A cover letter is usually read before a CV, so you need to make sure everything is clear.
  • Your motivation. Explain why you're interested in the specific PhD position — it's one of the key elements you should include.
  • Your academic background. Now, we don't mean you should list in detail every single university course you ever took. Instead, focus on the most relevant course for the PhD and describe in detail what you learned, any projects you worked on, why it was interesting (and optionally, what knowledge gap you identified). In this way, you also show a certain level of understanding of the field.
  • Your ambition. Briefly mention what your ambitions, intentions, and plans are regarding your contribution to the field when securing your PhD position. How is your research going to enrich the field? How will the institution benefit from it?
  • Conclusion. Keep the conclusion short. Contrary to a regular cover letter ending , there's no place for reiterating everything here. Simply thank the reader for your consideration and prompt them to read your academic CV.
  • Formal sign-off. Just pick from the usual: Sincerely, Respectfully, Regards... Then throw in your full name in the following line.

And that's all you need to include!

Now, let's take a look at how to write your cover letter step-by-step.

Applying for a PhD will be a lot less stressful if you follow these tips on how to write a cover letter for a research position:

Consider researching the background of the organization, department, ongoing research projects, and their past and current projects. All that before you start writing your cover letter. Knowing these things will help you tailor your letter to the specific PhD opening.

Before you actually start writing, try to sit down and take a moment to think first. Assess how your past experiences helped you prepare for the PhD position and scribble down those that are most relevant and significant for the specific program. These include any research experiences, research projects, courses, or internships.

In the first few sentences of your letter, you need to convey some basic information about yourself and what specific position you're applying for. The opening should also state firmly why you're a strong candidate for the position/program, by using a persuasive and convincing wording. Here's an example: "As an MChem Chemistry graduate with a narrow focus on the sustainable synthesis of biologically active molecules from the University of Dundee, I am excited to apply to a "Synthesis Of Small Molecule Inhibitors Using Enzymes" PhD programme at an institution with such a strong foundation and numerous research groups in this field."

This is the place where you may explore more extensively on the educational journey that brought you here. Set the foundation for demonstrating how your Master's degree and research experience seamlessly translate into the next phase — the PhD program. Emphasize how your thesis contributes to the field's body of knowledge. Mention any other publications that support your thesis. And, if you can, identify any knowledge gaps or topics that can be explored further.

This paragraph provides the opportunity to neatly tie in together everything the reader has learned about you so far. You can show how your previous experience, coupled with what you'll learn during the PhD program, will come together to produce something novel to enrich the field. First, identify the courses or topics within the PhD program that interest you the most and how they relate to you developing your research further. Second, introduce your future research aspirations and goals. Third, point out how this future work will enrich the field and what will the intellectual merit be.

When ending your PhD cover letter, briefly refer your reader to your academic CV and encourage them to examine all of the remaining projects, courses, publications, or references . Finally, thank the reader for their time and consideration and let them know you look forward to hearing from them. Sign off.

Put the letter in a drawer and don't think about it for a day or two. Then, when you read it again, you'll have a fresh pair of eyes to see the cover letter in a new light. Maybe you decide some things are redundant, or you think of something that's more relevant. Or you know, find a typo here and there.

Just like an academic cover letter needs to contain certain content components, the formatting should also align with the structural expectations for this type of document.

How long should a cover letter be? How to finish a cover letter? And what about the cover letter font and spacing?

Here's a recommended academic cover letter format:

  • Length. While STEM PhD candidates should aim for half a page to one page, humanities candidates can do 1–2 pages.
  • Font. Use one of the classics: Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial. Just no Comic Sans, we beg you. Keep the size between 10–12 points. Also remember to keep the text clean — no underlining, no bolding, and no color. However, you can use italics if appropriate.
  • Spacing. Cover letter spacing isn't complicated. Just single-space your text, make sure there's a space between each paragraph, and leave a space between the concluding paragraph and your formal sign-off.
  • Margins. The only rule here is that the margins on your cover letter should match those on your CV.
  • Consistence with your CV. Your academic cover letter should match your academic CV in all formatting aspects — including the cover letter font and spacing. For example, Kickresume lets you choose a matching template for your CV and your cover letter, so no need to worry about this.

If the institution provided any instructions for formatting your academic cover letter, don’t get creative and follow their guidelines.

Finally, to help you tie everything we talked about together, here's a cover letter sample from a real person admitted to a PhD program at Lyon University in France.

These things ensured Herrera's cover letter was successful:

  • She clearly states her motivation in the opening. In the first two paragraphs, Herrera introduces herself and her motivation to apply for the given PhD program.
  • She describes educational and research background thoroughly. The main body of the letter is dedicated to describing Herrera's educational background, research projects, internships, and skills acquired throughout the way.
  • She presents research aspirations in the letter. Herrera writes: "I have a history of proven results and profound findings. Given opportunity, I’m confident in my abilities to earn similar ground-breaking results while being part of your team."

Even though this example lacks some of the key elements, such as mentioning the specific PhD program or identifying the topics within the PhD program that interest her the most, this PhD cover letter still managed to impress the University of Lyon.

Lyon University PhD Student Cover Letter Sample

Klara graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she began writing full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. Her pieces were featured in multiple CNBC articles. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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Writing a manuscript: cover letter.

  • Most journals require a cover letter to be submitted with a manuscript
  • Many ask that statements regarding funding, conflicts of interest, or copyright transfer be included in this letter – be sure to comply!
  • Some will ask for a brief overview of your paper – this is your opportunity to summarize your entire manuscript in one or two sentences! Leave out all background or introductory information, and simply state what you found and why it’s important.
  • If a journal accepts different types of articles (reviews, original articles, images), be sure to state what type of article you are submitting
  • Many journals ask authors to suggest reviewers or even editors for their manuscripts: take advantage of this! If you know experts in the field, especially if they are favorable to your hypotheses or studies, suggest them as reviewers for your manuscript. While reviews are still anonymous (the reviewers won’t know whose paper they are reviewing), the journal will appreciate the suggestion(s) as this saves them time and likely helps you with knowing your paper is in the hands of a colleague who knows the subject matter well. This will also likely help speed up the review process.
  • Close the letter by thanking the editor or journal for their consideration of your work
  • Place the letter on official department, division, or professional letterhead

Sample Cover Letter

Dr. John Smith, Editor-in-Chief Journal of Ophthalmology

Dear Dr. Smith:

We are submitting our manuscript entitled “Taking antioxidants plus zinc reduces the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration for high-risk patients,” for consideration for publication as an Original Article in Journal of Ophthalmology . This work has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration for publication  elsewhere. All authors have contributed significantly and have read and approved the submitted work.

Results from our randomized, controlled trial of drug X demonstrate significant improvement in patient symptoms. Drug X is a simple, cost-effective treatment that clinicians can implement easily and quickly into routine practice.

[Any required text: disclosures, funding, author participation, IRB/ACUC approval]

Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript. We look forward to hearing from you.

A. Thomas Jones, MD Associate Professor

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The cover letter gives you the opportunity to present an overview of your manuscript to the editor.

Your cover letter should include

  • The objective and approach of your research
  • Any novel contributions reported
  • Why your manuscript should be published in this journal
  • Any special considerations about your submission
  • Related papers by you and/or your fellow authors (published or under consideration)
  • Previous reviews of your submission
  • Previous submissions of your manuscript to that journal
  • Previous communication you’ve had with journal staff

You’re encouraged to submit previous communications as they can help expedite the review process. If you have any of the following, you can submit them as ‘Supplementary file for editors only’:

  • Copies of related papers
  • Previous editors’ comments and your responses
  • Previous reviewers’ comments and your responses

NIH Employees

If you or any of your co-authors are NIH employees, you will have to submit a completed and signed NIH Publishing Agreement and Manuscript Cover Sheet according to NIH’s Employee Procedures .


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    Authors usually must include a cover letter when they first submit their manuscript to a journal for publication.The cover letter is typically uploaded as a separate file into the online submission portal for the journal (for more information on using an online submission portal, see Section 12.10 of the Publication Manual).. The cover letter should be addressed to the journal editor; any ...

  14. How to Write a Cover Letter When Submitting Your Research Paper

    State the article type of your manuscript at the beginning of your cover letter (original research article, methodology, case report, etc.) Provide the full details of all the authors, including email address and phone number, in your cover letter. Explain briefly the research goals and results in one or two sentences.

  15. 15 Sample Cover Letters for Manuscript Submission

    Sample Cover Letter #1. Dear [Editor's Name], Please find attached my 80,000-word upmarket women's fiction novel, THE LOST YEARS, for your consideration. Charlotte Hawkins had an idyllic childhood—until the day her best friend Jenny disappeared without a trace. Twenty-five years later, Charlotte is a successful attorney in Boston, engaged ...

  16. How to write a cover letter for manuscript submission

    An inquiry letter should have three main sections: introduction and top-line message, a captivating synthesis of the manuscript, and the inquiry followed by a wrap-up. A manuscript inquiry letter should catch the editor's attention and communicate that your research is something new and innovative, which has the potential to change the field.

  17. Research Paper Cover Letter

    Introduction: Introduce yourself, the title of the paper, and the purpose of the cover letter. 2. Subject of Research: Briefly explain the research topic, methodology, and main findings. 3. Relevance: Discuss the significance of your research and why it is suitable for the intended audience or journal.

  18. Writing a persuasive cover letter for your manuscript

    Submitting your manuscript without a cover letter or an incomplete one can impact the outcome of your submission. Strong cover letters efficiently introduce your work to the editor, but also communicates why your paper is of interest to the journal audience and contributory to overall science. In this Researcher Academy module, experts Anthony Newman and Lora Heisler give you important ...

  19. How to Write a Good Cover Letter for a Research Position

    First, they can probably figure out your name. You don't need that to be in the first sentence (or any of the sentences—the closing is an obvious enough spot). Next, "the open position" and "your company" are too generic. That sounds like the same cover letter you sent to every single employer in a hundred mile radius.

  20. Cover Letter for PhD Application: Example From a PhD Student

    Formal salutation. In an official letter like this one, you should address the reader in a professional and formal way. If you know who'll be reading your cover letter, go with Dear Dr. [Surname] or Dear Professor [Surname]. If you don't, go with Dear Sir/Madam. The specific PhD program or position.

  21. Writing a Manuscript: Cover Letter

    Sample Cover Letter (Date) Dr. John Smith, Editor-in-Chief Journal of Ophthalmology. Dear Dr. Smith: We are submitting our manuscript entitled "Taking antioxidants plus zinc reduces the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration for high-risk patients," for consideration for publication as an Original Article in Journal of Ophthalmology.This work has not been previously published ...

  22. Writing a cover letter

    Writing a cover letter. The cover letter gives you the opportunity to present an overview of your manuscript to the editor. Your cover letter should include. The objective and approach of your research. Any novel contributions reported. Why your manuscript should be published in this journal. Any special considerations about your submission.

  23. Cover Letter Thesis Submission

    Cover Letter Thesis Submission - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the importance of writing an effective cover letter when submitting a research paper or thesis to an academic journal. It emphasizes that the cover letter is an opportunity to highlight what makes the research new and important, and why the journal would be ...