How to Write a Nursing Resignation Letter + Samples & Templates

  • Why You Need One
  • What to Include

How to write a nursing resignation letter

If you’re making a career move, you must part ways with your current employer on a good note. Writing and submitting a nursing resignation letter with at least two weeks' notice will help you leave without burning a bridge.

Read on to learn how to write a nursing resignation letter, including tips and templates you can use to step away from your position like a pro.

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Do you need to write a nursing resignation letter.

The short answer is yes; you need to write a resignation letter any time you decide to leave a nursing position. Nurses leave jobs for career shifts, personal, pursuing further education, nurse burnout , or a combination of these reasons. 

Regardless of your reason, submitting a resignation letter is the professional standard. It allows you to maintain professional integrity and relationships with the organization you’re leaving.

You never know when you need a former manager to provide a reference. Additionally, you may want or need to return to the organization someday. But, they may not be willing to help or welcome back 'that nurse' who left without a proper goodbye.

The only exception to the resignation letter rule is if you accepted a promotion within your current organization. In that case, congrats!

What Should Your Nursing Resignation Letter Include?

Your RN resignation letter should be short and straightforward. You will provide a few key pieces of information, sign it, and turn it in.

Clear Intent

Don't beat around the bush - your first sentence after the greeting should clearly state your intention to resign from your current position. Additionally, you should provide your intended last day of work, also called the effective date of your resignation.

Next, add a sentence or two thanking your manager for the opportunities, experiences, and relationships you've gained. This is your chance to acknowledge this role's positive impact on your professional or personal life.

Resignation Reasons (Optional)

Briefly mention why you decided to resign if you feel it's necessary. This is not the time to list grievances about short staffing, issues with colleagues, or the myriad of dysfunction in your unit. 

Instead, keep the tone positive without providing too much detail about your frustrations. If you're too upset to maintain a professional tone, you can leave this part out of your nursing resignation letter. You'll have better, more appropriate opportunities to express your grievances.

Transition Assistance

State that you're willing to help ensure a smooth transition out of the position. This process may include training new personnel and discussing the handoff of responsibilities.

Transition assistance may be more applicable to nurses leaving management positions. However, staff nurses should also include it in their resignation letters.

Contact Information

Include your contact information in case your manager needs to reach out for follow-up.

4 Tips for Writing a Nursing Resignation Letter

Writing and submitting a resignation letter to a hospital doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating. These tips will help you resign from your nursing job professionally.

1. Talk to Your Manager First

Don't just hand in the letter or send the email without having a conversation first. It may be nerve-wracking, but informing your manager that you will be leaving your nursing job is essential.

Also, avoid talking to other coworkers about your intended departure until you've had the conversation with your boss. They don't want to be the last to know in these situations!

2. Keep It Short and Simple

A few lines are all that is truly necessary in a nursing resignation letter. The letter serves two purposes - to notify management and HR of your intent to leave and to maintain a collegial professional relationship.

3. Stay Professional and Positive

Your nursing resignation letter isn't the time or place to air your grievances. While you can list your reason for leaving in the letter, focus on using a professional tone with positive language. You may also emphasize what you value about your manager and team if you're leaving a job you love.

4. Avoid Complaints

If you have significant grievances you want your manager or HR to know about, ask for an exit interview. Exit interviews are standard in some organizations but not so much in others. Your organization should also have a grievance policy and process you can follow.

Nursing Resignation Letter Templates

While you can write your nursing resignation letter from scratch, we've created some templates to help make it easier. You only need to copy, revise it for your situation, and turn that letter in. We've crafted two formats for your nursing resignation: a written letter and an email.

Nurse Resignation Letter Template:

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Healthcare Facility Name]

[Facility Address]

[City, State, ZIP]

[Today’s Date]

[Recipient's Name]

[Recipient's Title]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am formally tendering my resignation from my position as [Your Title] at [Healthcare Organization Name], effective [Last Working Day, at least two weeks from the date of letter]. 

I am immensely grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have had at [Healthcare Organization Name]. I want to assure you that I am committed to helping with a seamless transition of responsibilities. I am available to help train and offer any guidance that may be needed.

I want to extend my deepest appreciation to you and the entire team for your unwavering support and friendship. The memories and relationships I formed here will remain with me throughout my career.

Please feel free to reach out to me at [Your Phone Number] or [Email Address] should you need anything or simply wish to stay in touch.

[Your Signature]

Nurse Resignation Email Template:

Subject: Resignation - [Your Name]

I hope this email finds you well. I am formally resigning from my position as [Your Title] at [Healthcare Facility Name]. My last day will be [Last Working Day, usually two weeks from the date of the email].

I am immensely grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have had at [Healthcare Facility Name]. The support and collaboration of the entire team have been invaluable. 

I want to assure you that I am committed to assisting with a seamless transition of responsibilities. I am available to help train and offer any guidance that may be needed.

Please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Email Address] if you have further questions or simply wish to stay in touch.

Thank you once again for your understanding and support.

Sample Resignation Letter for Nurses

We've also created sample resignation letters to show you how to customize these templates to suit your situation. You may copy, revise, and use these examples of nursing resignation letters for your own needs.

Nurse Resignation Letter Example

1234 Anywhere Street

Seattle, Washington 98102

August 14, 2023

Sarah Tall 

Nurse manager

Maplewood Medical Center

1200 Maple Street

Seattle, Washington 98106

Dear Sarah,

I am formally resigning from my position as Senior Registered Nurse at Maplewood Medical Center. My last day will be no later than  September 1, 2023. 

I am grateful for the experiences and opportunities gained with Maplewood. The skills and knowledge I have acquired will serve me well in future career endeavors. 

Please know that I am committed to ensuring a seamless handover and will gladly assist in training my successor or providing any necessary guidance.

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to you and the entire team for your unwavering support during my time on the unit. The memories and relationships formed here will remain with me as I move forward in my career.

Please feel free to reach out to me at (555) 123-4567 or [email protected] should you need anything or simply wish to stay in touch.

Thank you once again for everything.


Nurse Resignation Email Example

Subject: Resignation - John Doe

I hope this email finds you well. I am formally resigning from my position as Senior Registered Nurse at Maplewood Medical Center. My last working day will be September 1, 2023.

I am immensely grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have had at Maplewood. The support and collaboration of the entire team have been invaluable to me.

As I transition to a new phase in my career, I want to assure you that I am committed to facilitating a seamless handover. I am available to assist in training my successor or offering any guidance you may need.

Please accept my heartfelt thanks to you and the team for the incredible journey I've had here. Feel free to contact me at (555) 123-4567 or [email protected] if you need anything or wish to stay in touch.

Continuing Your Nursing Journey

There you have it - once you tell your manager, you can use one of these templates to turn in a professional resignation letter. Now, you're ready to move forward and rock your new job!

If you still need to decide whether leaving your current role is right, check out our article on 5 signs it's time to leave your nursing job .

Joleen Sams

Joleen Sams is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner based in the Kansas City metro area. During her 10-year RN career, Joleen worked in NICU, inpatient pediatrics, and regulatory compliance. Since graduating with her MSN-FNP in 2019, she has worked in urgent care and nursing administration. Connect with Joleen on LinkedIn or see more of her writing on her website.

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How to Write a Nursing Resignation Letter

Gayle Morris, MSN

  • Before you write a nursing resignation letter, consider speaking to your supervisor or manager about your decision.
  • The best way to leave a job is with grace.
  • Nursing resignation letters should be short, to the point, and professional.

Nurses are leaving their jobs for other positions to switch careers. An NSI Nursing Solutions survey of 272 hospitals from 32 states showed the nursing turnover rate was 27.1% in 2021. This was an 18.7% increase from 2020. According to the statistics , in the previous five years, hospitals experienced a 100.5% turnover of their healthcare staff and 61.2% of the hospitals surveyed said their registered nurse vacancy rate was higher than 15%.

Whether you’re leaving your job or the profession altogether, you must notify your employer, usually by writing a nursing resignation letter. The best way to leave a job is with grace and without burning bridges. You never know when you may need a reference or a network connection.

Review these tips about how to write a nursing resignation letter, including the information that needs to be included and sample resignation letters.

What to Consider Before Writing a Nursing Resignation Letter

If you are reconsidering your nursing job , you should give your employer as much notice as possible. A formal nursing resignation letter can help your employer adjust and find someone to fill your position if necessary. While two weeks’ notice is the minimum time, a nurse can give up to six weeks’ notice so their replacement can be hired and trained before they leave.

Debbie Winkelbauer is the CEO of a recruiting firm that specializes in the healthcare industry. She has helped nurses navigate transitions between jobs and careers. She understands that often nurses feel guilty when they begin to look for a new job since caretakers are not used to putting themselves first. She advises her clients to imagine themselves 10 years in the future as they craft their resignation letters.

“The troubles of today are far behind them and time has softened any frustrations. What will they wish they had or hadn’t said to their boss, looking back? Write from that perspective,” she says.

Be sure that you abide by any contractual policies. For example, if you accepted tuition reimbursement, you may have to refund the hospital if you still need to meet the agreed-upon employment time in the contract.

What to Include in a Nursing Resignation Letter

As you discover how to write a nursing resignation letter, it is important to remember that this is formal communication. Resignation letters should be straightforward and contain the following:

  • The date the letter was written
  • Your contact information (name, title, address, etc.)
  • The contact information for the organization and the name of the individual to whom the letter is addressed
  • A proper introduction that clearly states the letter is a submission of your resignation
  • The date of your resignation
  • Your signature

You have the option of including the reason for your departure from nursing and a brief statement about your employment, such as the positive things that you experienced while working. This statement of gratitude helps to mark a positive end to your employment, even if your experience was not as you had expected.

Before you write the letter, consider speaking to your supervisor or manager about your decision to resign. The organization may have a specific process for resignation that you must follow. For example, there may be documentation you must update or specific individuals that must receive your letter.

Nursing Resignation Letter Example

Your nursing resignation letter does not have to be long. Here is an example that communicates all the necessary information.

James Thomas, RN 1151 Broadway Street Tecumseh, Nebraska 68450

January 5, 2023

Grace Paris, RN, BSN, MSN Unit Manager, ICU Johnson County Hospital 202 High Street Tecumseh, Nebraska 68450

Dear Ms. Paris,

I’m writing to inform you of my intent to resign from my position as a staff nurse in the ICU at Johnson County Hospital. My last day of work will be February 3, 2023.

Working in the ICU has been rewarding. I learned a great deal about working successfully with a team and acquired many leadership skills from the discerning way in which you led our unit. Thank you for this opportunity.

If you believe it would be helpful, I am happy to assist in training my successor. If you have any questions, my email is [email protected] or my cell phone is 555-555-5555.


James Thomas, RN

cc: Human resources

3 Important Tips for Nurses Who Want to Resign

There is nothing to feel guilty about.

Winkelbauer recommends that nurses practice self-care and forgiveness . She recounted that after placing a nurse in her dream role at a new hospital, the nurse was plagued with guilt over having left her previous position.

“I reminded her that there is no shame in moving on to a role that better suits her unique skills and talents,” she says. “Take a moment to think about the opportunity you’ve opened up for someone else, who might be perfect in your old position.”

You should also remember that moving to another position expands your experiences and helps to grow your career.

Make the Letter Easy to Read

When you are writing your nursing resignation letter, it’s important to keep it short and to use a traditional font so the letter is easy to read. If the letter is printed, use a serif font like Times New Roman. If you’re sending an email, you can use a sans serif font such as Arial or Calibri in size 12.

Remember to proofread the resignation letter. It will likely go into your file in the hospital and represents your professionalism. Make sure it is grammatically correct, and all the necessary information is included.

How to Send a Resignation Email

If you choose to send a resignation email, keep all of the information the same. Create an informative subject line that indicates it’s a resignation letter. This ensures your employer will open it promptly. For example, you could write “James Thomas — Notice of Resignation.”

When you write an email you don’t need a header with your contact information on the top, but you should consider attaching a physical copy of the resignation as a pdf so the employer can either print it or save it electronically.

Meet Our Contributor

Portrait of Debbie Winkelbauer

Debbie Winkelbauer

Debbie Winkelbauer’s recruiting career focuses on healthcare, medical device, pharmaceutical, biotech, and consumer products. After receiving a BS in biology from the University of California, San Diego, Debbie spent four years in the Department of Medical Genetics at UCSD School of Medicine as a clinical researcher. After a successful stint in pharma sales (third in the nation with Berlex Labs), Debbie launched her recruiting career and never looked back.

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Nurse (RN) Resignation Letter Template – with Samples

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Nurse (RN) Resignation Letter Template – with Samples

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Updated September 12, 2023

A Registered Nurse (RN) resignation letter gives notice to a medical office or hospital that an employed nurse will be terminating their duties. Depending on the support staff, the nurse should try and give as much time as needed for the medical office or hospital to adjust to the loss. In most healthcare environments, granting 6-8 weeks is recommended. The nurse will most likely be required to train their replacement during the notice period until their departure.

What to Include

Use this letter to resign from a position as a registered nurse (RN). Like any resignation letter, this one should include:

  • The intended date of departure.
  • Any provisions for the final weeks, if relevant

How to Resign as a Nurse (4 steps)

  • Control Your Emotions
  • Consult with Management
  • Give Notice and Date of Departure
  • Follow-Up with a Written Resignation Letter

1. Control Your Emotions

2. consult with management, 3. give notice and date of departure, 4. follow-up with a written resignation letter, how to write (format).

Your nursing resignation letter should include a formal letterhead   and salutation, an introduction, at least one body paragraph, a conclusion, a formal sign off, your signature, and your typed name.

In your letter you will declare your resignation and give a precise date for your last day of work. Make your letter as positive and professional as you can. Avoid detailing any negative reasons that you may have for resigning. Show appreciation for your time spent as an employee and offer your assistance   in the training of your replacement. Your resignation letter will be kept on record, so make sure that it is a testament to your professionalism and maturity.

Formal Letterhead

At the top of your page, list the following information in your letterhead: your name, your address, the date, your director’s name and position, and the address of the hospital or institution.

Example Letterhead Chris Barry, RN 42 Keypoint Ave W Cleveland, Ohio 44101 June 4th, 2017 Dr. Linda Guarez Medical Director Ridgehill Hospital PO Box 0091 Cleveland, Ohio 44121


Start your letter with a formal salutation and an introductory paragraph. This paragraph should state that you are resigning and provide the precise date that will be your last day of work.

Example Introduction Dear Dr. Guarez, Please accept this letter as the official notice of my resignation from the position of Staff Nurse at Ridgehill Hospital. My last day of employment will be July 3rd, 2017.

Body Paragraph(s)

In the body of your letter, you can describe why you are grateful for having had this job. By including a few details regarding your time as an employee, your letter will serve not only as a notice of resignation, but also as a sort of resume. Keep in mind that this letter may be referred to by your employer if you ever use them as a reference. Offer to help train your replacement and explain how you plan on making the transition less inconvenient.

Example Body Ridgehill Hospital is a special place, one where people work together to make the best of a difficult situation every day, and succeed. Working alongside the fine men and women who I have called my esteemed co-workers has been one of the great privileges of my life. It is difficult to leave a place that I value so dearly. I have spoken with my colleagues, and we are confident that we can transition smoothly through the process of training a new employee as my successor.

Your letter should end with a brief concluding paragraph, a formal sign-off, your signature, and your typed name. In your final paragraph, you can restate your gratitude towards your employer.

Example Conclusion Thank you again for taking me on as Nurse at Ridgehill Hospital when I applied 3 years ago. It has been a momentous time of my life and I will forever be grateful. I wish you and the staff all the best. Regards, Chris Barry

This letter serves as a formal notice of resignation from my position as Clinical Nurse I at Valley Hospital. My final day of work will be March 22, 2017.

Please advise if there are any additional steps that I can take during the final weeks of my employment to ease the transition.

It has been an honor to work with such a dedicated group of caregivers.

Joan Armitage

April 4th, 2017

Mr. Eric Furlough Hospital Administrator Aberdeen General Hospital 12 Pemberton Pl. Aberdeen, SD 57402

Dear Mr. Furlough,

I am writing this letter to formally resign from my position as Staff Nurse at Aberdeen GH. As per my contract, I am issuing my notice of resignation 4 weeks in advance of my last day of work, which will be on the 4th of May.

During the two years that I have been working at Aberdeen GH, I have learned how to work with a team to ensure that every patient gets the care that they need. Your staff is unrelenting in their commitment, and with your considerate direction, this hospital is consistently able to triumph over the adversity it faces on a daily basis.

Over the next month, I would be glad to help out in the hiring and training of my successor if that would be helpful.

Thank you for all that you have done on my behalf. I wish you, and everyone at Aberdeen GH continued success in the future.

Misty Travis, RPN Staff Nurse

January 2nd, 2017

Dr. Wendy Davies Director Norwhich Clinic PO Box 001 Little Rock, AR 72217

Please accept this letter as the formal two weeks notice of my resignation from the position of Staff Nurse at Norwhich Clinic. My last day of employment will be January 16th, 2017.

It has been a pleasure working at Norwhich Clinic, and it has been a valuable learning experience. As you know, this was my first professional position as a nurse. Over the past three years, getting to know the regular patients and seeing how much they trusted our doctors made me appreciate how lucky I was to be working here.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so welcoming and patient with me when you took me on as a new hire. My training was extremely thorough and contained lifelong lessons. I feel that my development as a caregiver has grown tremendously, and I thank you for that.

If there is any way that I can be of extra service over the next two weeks, do not hesitate to ask me.

Thank you again.

Sincerely Yours,

Randolf Peters

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resignation letter

How to Write a Nursing Resignation Letter: Example and Template Included

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Oct 03 2022

Career Resources / Job Searching / Nursing Resignation Letter

Nurses spend a lot of time and effort preparing resumes and cover letters for the perfect job. What happens when it is time to move on from that position?

Deciding to change directions in your nursing career can create feelings of fear and even panic. Thankfully, we’ve got you covered with an informative post that should put you at ease.

Whether changing positions for personal reasons or to pursue a better opportunity, you will need a nursing resignation letter.

Generally, nurses should have a conversation with their employer before submitting their letter. You don’t want to just email or give a letter to your supervisor without first talking to them. 

The letter is not a way to hide from tension. It is a courtesy to help the transition process go smoothly. 

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how to write a resignation letter nursing

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How should I structure my resignation letter?

We suggest you provide the following content in this order:

  • A formal letterhead, which includes your contact information, the date, your director’s name, position, and address of the facility
  • A proper introduction
  • An official declaration of resignation, including your title and last day
  • Reason for departing (optional)
  • An offer to assist with the transition
  • Statement of gratitude
  • A brief concluding paragraph followed by “sincerely” or “best regards”
  • Your signature and name 

Here’s an example of an excellent resignation letter:

how to write a resignation letter nursing

Formal resignation letters

Knowing what – and how much – to say in your letter is tricky. Below are a couple of crucial tips for writing a professional resignation letter. Following these guidelines can reduce your anxiety. It can also help you more easily transition to your next phase in life.

Be clear, concise, and kind

Of all the recommendations we make for crafting your letter, this is the most essential.  

Some nurses part from their current jobs for positive reasons –promotion to a new position, or to pursue an advanced nursing degree such as a nurse practitioner . Yet, others leave due to uncomfortable circumstances such as staffing shortages or clashes with management. 

That said, do not go into long, drawn-out explanations of your issues with the company. Maintain the utmost tact by simply thanking them for the experience. You can also mention a few good highlights.

Provide notice

The national average for nursing turnover is between 8.8 and 37%, depending on geographic location. Most nurses prefer a speedy exit when changing positions. However, providing your current employer with ample notice is the right thing to do.

 Even if you are leaving a toxic work culture , maintain professionalism by providing your employer with as much notice as possible for your intended departure.  

Two weeks is the industry standard for a resignation.  Clearly indicate in your resignation letter your final date of availability.

Nurse resignation letter example

Feel free to use this resignation letter example as a template for you to write your own.

June 7, 2022

Lisa Franklin Stewart Park Dialysis Center 77 Western Ave. Tulsa, OK 74008

Dear Mrs. Franklin

I am writing to inform you of my resignation as a dialysis nurse at Stewart Park Dialysis Center, effective two weeks from today. My last day of work will be June 21, 2022 

Working with Stewart Park Dialysis Center has helped me grow as a nurse and as a person. I have enjoyed my time working with you. Working here , I learned how to provide patient-centered care and work efficiently. I have become quite close with my colleagues who I cherish and admire. Thank you for the opportunity to work with such a great team. I wish you and all the staff good fortune in the future. 

Reaching this decision has proven difficult, however, I decided to start attending school full time to become an advanced practice registered nurse. My goal is to work as a nurse practitioner. 

If you need me to help train my replacement over the next two weeks, I am more than willing to do that. 

Respectfully,  Nancy Davis

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Sending a nursing resignation letter by email

While it is not ideal, sometimes your resignation letter must be sent via email. If you must resign this way, follow these best practices:

  • Use a proper greeting for your supervisor in the email. Keep the body of the email short, referencing the attached letter for further information. End the email with a professional closing.
  • Make sure the subject line of the email clearly indicates it is about your resignation. Something like “Jane Doe Resignation Letter” should work.
  • Attach the formal resignation letter in PDF format. This allows your employer to easily print or electronically save the document for their official records.

A final word on nurse resignations

Quitting the nursing job that you worked hard to secure can scare even the bravest nurse. Hopefully, we’ve provided you with the courage to take that step and leap into your future.

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Example of a Resignation Letter for Nurses (Template)

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Drafting a resignation letter for a nursing job can be very difficult, and nurses are often unsure where to begin.

To help you out, below I have several examples of a nurse resignation letter .

I cover everything from a resignation for a licensed vocational nurse (LPN or LVN) to a registered nurse (RN).

What Is a Nurse Resignation Letter?

A nursing resignation letter is a written notice letting the hospital administrators know about your plans to leave your current position. It’s one of the first steps you need to take when leaving your nursing job.

Besides writing the letter, it’s a good idea to let your superiors know about your plans. If possible try to give as much time as possible.

You might be wondering, “if I already tell my bosses that I’m leaving, why do I also need to submit a letter?”

There are three reasons you would want to turn in an official notice.

  • It acts as a legal document and is often needed by the HR department for recordkeeping purposes.
  • In the event of a dispute or legal matter, the letter provides a legal record of the time and date that you plan to resign.
  • It’s considered etiquette and some employers will mark you as a “no rehire if you resign without giving proper notice.

What Does a Nurse Resignation Letter Include?

The resignation letter doesn’t need to be too detailed.

It’s simply a formal notice indicating the intended date of departure and possibly the reason for leaving.

The letter may also include any provisions that need to be followed in the final weeks, such as reduced work hours.

Here is the basic structure of the typical resignation letter:

  • Formal Letterhead
  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraph
  • Formal Sign-off

The top of the letter should include your name and address followed by the date.

Below this section, include the name of your hospital director/supervisor and the hospital’s address.

template on how you should structure your nurse resignation letter

The salutation and introduction are typically short and to the point. It summarizes the purpose of the letter:

Dear Jane Smith, Please accept this as my official notice of resignation from my current position as JOB TITLE at HOSPITAL NAME. My final day of employment will be DATE.

The body paragraph is short and may include why you’re grateful for your time at the hospital.

The conclusion is also short and simply gives you a chance to say thank you for the job and the opportunity.

End the letter with a formal sign-off and then sign and date the letter. Below your signed name, type your name.

how to write a resignation letter nursing

Get the PDF

I have everything you need right here in this post to craft the perfect nurse resignation letter, but it can be a long process for some.

If it’s more convenient for you, you can purchase the PDF version of this post for only $4.99.

This way, you can print it out, and it will be available to you offline or on your desk if you want to refer back to it. It also helps support the work we do.

What Should You Discuss in the Body Paragraph?

While most of the letter is direct and formal, the body paragraph is where you can get a little more informal.

Include a few details about why you enjoyed working at the hospital and how you plan to make the transition easier for the remaining staff. For example, you may agree to help train the incoming nurse.

When writing your resignation letter, remember future employers may contact your former employer. It helps to leave on good terms.

Example Nurse Resignation Letters for Reference

If you’re still having trouble drafting your nurse resignation letter, looking over an example should help you get a few ideas.

Try not to copy the example word for word. Use it as a guide and tailor it to suit your specific situation.

Here are some examples to help you out:

Staff Nurse Resignation Letter #1

Jane Doe, RN 1234 Pine Street City, CA 12345 (555) 555-5555

April 11, 2019

Mr. John Smith Hospital Manager General Hospital 1234 Healthcare Lane City, CA 12345

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am submitting this letter to formally inform you of my resignation from my current position at General Hospital, effective May 23rd, 2019.

I have enjoyed my time at General Hospital. Over the last few years, I have learned a tremendous amount, allowing me to become a better nurse. The rest of the staff have been like family, as have the patients. I will always appreciate the opportunity you and the hospital gave me when I first accepted this position. Over the next six weeks, I will gladly help in any way to help make the transition easier for you, the hospital, my co-workers, and the patients.

Thank you for your support. I wish you and the rest of the staff at General Hospital the best.

Jane Doe, RN Staff Nurse

Registered Nurse Resignation Letter #2

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from the position of Staff Nurse at General Hospital. My last day of employment will be May 23rd, 2019. As per the hospital’s policy, I am giving you six weeks notice.

Working at General Hospital has been one of the most profound experiences in my life. When I first accepted this position out of nursing school, the staff at General Hospital helped me feel at home. Every day has been a learning experience, helping me become the nurse I am today. Without this support and guidance, I would not have developed the skills needed to move on to the next chapter in my career. For this, I will always be grateful.

I understand the challenges that my departure may bring. To assist with the transition, I will help with the hiring and training of my replacement if needed.

Thank you for allowing me to thrive in an environment that is often stressful yet incredibly rewarding. I wish nothing but the best for you and the staff at General Hospital.

Nurse Resignation Letter Example #3

This is the example I’m hoping you can fill in the blanks to make your letter. Make sure to change the dates.

John Doe Address Email Phone #

June 1, 2007

__________ Hospital Address

Dear [Name of manager/Supervisor]

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as a behavioral/psychiatric-health nurse at _________ Hospital effective June 15, 2007.

Thank you for the opportunity you have given me these past few years. It has been an honor and a pleasure to have worked for ________Hospital. I am grateful for the experiences gained and the positive impact it will have on me moving forward as a healthcare provider.


Frequently Asked Questions Related to Nursing Resignation Letters

1. what are the typical steps for resigning as a nurse.

Leaving a job can be stressful, whether you enjoyed your time at the location or not.

If you’ve accepted a new position or simply decided to move on, you may become anxious about informing your employer.

The first step is to finalize your starting date for your new position. This gives you a date to work with when choosing your last day at your current facility.

Next, let management know about your plans.

Don’t start discussing your plans to resign with co-workers, as gossip spreads quickly in any place of employment. You want your superiors to be the first to know.

When you talk to your superiors, let them know the intended date of your last day. They should have as much time as needed to deal with the transition.

After discussing your resignation with management, it’s time to submit the resignation letter.

As your final day at the hospital approaches, do not slack off or leave your co-workers without the support they need.

Fulfill the words you wrote in the letter and help make the transition easier for everyone.

It’s always a good idea to leave gracefully, especially if you hope to receive positive comments when future employers seek references.

Below is a video of Dave Ramsey’s phone call about a caller wanting some advice on putting in his 2-week notice. Minus some of the snarkiness, there’s some really good advice in there about leaving with grace.

2. Is a Nurse Resignation Letter Required?

Resignation letters are not technically required in most fields. Discussing your plans with your superiors is often all that is needed to get the wheels rolling on your resignation.

However, the letter gives the human resources department a signed document verifying your intention to leave.

(For example, travel nurses/contract nurses wouldn’t really write one for their assigned hospital because there’s already a predetermined start and end date.)

While most employers do not require these letters, every hospital has its own policies. Before resigning, talk to someone in the HR department. Find out if the letter is needed and whether additional steps are needed.

Related Article: Example of a Nurse Retirement Letter

3. How Much Notice Should You Give Before Departing?

In most industries, a two weeks notice is standard practice. In a hospital setting, your employers may appreciate having a little more time. Six to eight weeks is a common timeframe.

You should also keep in mind that replacing you may result in heavier workloads for the other nurses.

Bringing in a new nurse before your last day allows you to help train the new employee, providing an easier transition for everyone, including your co-workers.

Hiring a new nurse is not easy. Your replacement needs to be trained and brought up to speed on how things are done at your hospital.

Even with experience at other healthcare facilities, your replacement may not be used to how tasks are completed at your current place of employment.

Giving your employers more time to find a replacement is a respectful thing to do, especially if you have enjoyed your time at the location.

4. Can a Nurse Quit Without Notice?

Except in very rare circumstances, you should not quit without notice. For the reasons stated above, you want to avoid burning bridges.

I wrote an in-depth article, “Can a Nurse Quit Without Notice?” on this subject. Check it out for more detail.

5. Who Should You Give the Resignation Letter to?

The letter should be given to your manager. Remember to let your manager know about your plans before giving the letter. It also helps to set up a meeting instead of telling your manager as you pass in the hall.

6. Should You Type the Resignation Letter?

Type and print the letter instead of handwriting it. While you may think that writing the letter on a piece of paper makes it seem more personable, the letter doesn’t need to be personable.

It’s a formal letter declaring your intent to vacate your current position.

7. Is this Similar to an Exit Letter for Nurses?

A nurse exit letter and a nurse resignation letter are the same things. Many times nurses and administrators will use both terms interchangeably.

8. When I’m Writing a Nurse Resignation Letter, is there a Difference if it’s for Personal Reasons?

Writing an RN resignation letter due to personal reasons will be similar to what we gave above.

Try to give at least a two weeks notice (unless your employer’s rules say otherwise). You can give as little reasons for your departure as you want. Remember to leave and speak gracefully.

9. Should I Write a Resignation Letter if I’m a Per Diem or PRN Nurse

Yes, you should. Whether you’re PRN or per-diem , you really should write one.

While we’re at it, you should also write one regardless of what area of nursing specialty you’re in. So whether you’re a school nurse or an ICU nurse , you should write one.

So to recap…

Based on the example above, you want the resignation letter to be as concise and to the point as possible.

  • Do not play the blame game.
  • Even if you’re leaving because of a toxic environment, blaming the employer does nothing but harbor ill will. Since you’re leaving anyway, it will come off as you didn’t care enough to stay and try to make changes.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of your job.

Who Do You Tell

Make sure your immediate nursing supervisor(s) receives a copy of the resignation letter. Also, give a copy to your human resource department.

I would recommend giving your nursing supervisor the resignation letter first. Then human resource department or you could risk HR notifying your supervisor before you do.

Notice that the date at the top is the date you give out the notice. Your effective resignation date is at least two weeks from that.

In the body of the letter, make sure you show gratitude for the opportunity you had working with the organization.

Proofread! Proofread! Proofread!

Lastly, have someone other than yourself look over the letter. This is crucial to ensure the letter is grammatically correct, error-free, and has a professional tone.

Again, your goal in writing the resignation letter for your nursing job should always be to leave as gracefully as possible.

You never know when other nursing staff, providers, or support staff will be seen again!

Did I miss anything that should be included in a formal resignation letter? Let me know in the comments.

Related Articles on Sample of Resignation Letter for Nurses

Below are other articles related to “examples of a nurse resignation and exit letters.”

a pen and paper with the wording example resignation letter template

  • Do you want to know how to resign from your nursing job the right way? Check out 5 Important Tips For Quitting Your Nursing Job .
  • How to Write a Nurse Cover Letter
  • How to Make More Money as a Nurse
  • How to Dress for a Nursing Interview
  • How to Write a Nurse Interview Thank You Letter

how to write a resignation letter nursing

About the Author

Thomas Uzuegbunem is a registered nurse who graduated with a bachelor’s in business and went on to get his bachelor’s of science in nursing. He’s worked in the ICU, mental health (inpatient, outpatient), & GI specialty areas. He’s the lead editor and founder of Nurse Money Talk.

I LOVE this! Couldn’t agree more that the letter needs to avoid any emotion, blame, or negativity. You never know who you might cross paths with again… nursing is a small world, believe it or not. You don’t want to burn any bridges. Great article! Sharing.

I definitely agree. Thank you for commenting.

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Writing a Nurse Resignation Letter: How to Leave with Grace

  • Leaving your job is a big decision, and writing a professional nurse resignation letter can be challenging.
  • Regardless of however your employer has made you feel, it it best to leave your position with grace.
  • Nursing CE Central’s guide to writing a great nurse resignation letter will give you all the tips that you need!

Morgan Curry, RN/BSN

Morgan Curry, BSN / RN

Intensive Care, Outpatient Surgery, Aesthetics, Education, and Nursing Leadership

Simmons University

If you are searching for a nurse resignation letter and trying to figure out the best way to write one…you must be thinking about leaving your job.  

You have clearly put a lot of thought into such a big life decision.   

Speaking from my own experience, it is best to leave with g race .   

Regardless o f how many unresolved feelings of pent-up resentment, dread, or anger you may have toward your employer , i t is best not to burn any bridges.   

Your previous experience in that role and the relationships and bonds formed with members of your team could be an invaluable asset down the road; therefore, it is best to make your resignation amicable.

Considerations Before Writing a Nurse Resignation Letter 

  Are you sure this is the right choice?

  • A 2018 RN Network study determined that almost 49% of nurses considering leaving the profession from 2016 to 2018, and these numbers only continue to rise each year.  
  • If you are considering leaving the profession, but are unsure of whether it is the right decision or not, check out our recent “ Nurses Leaving the Profession: Should I Actually Do It? ” blog for more information, tips, and advice!  

If you are certain that this is the best decision for you, let’s dive in to some of the components you will need to incorporate into your RN resignation letter to ensure that your final impression is graceful.   

Never burn a bridge that could one day be your stepping stone to success. 

Key C omponents to a Nurse R esignation L etter  

Career building experts at The Balance Careers outline several components that your nurse resignation letter should possess in order to leave your position swiftly, maturely, and peacefully . Check them out:  

  • Your name, title, contact information.  
  • Supervisor’s name and title.  
  • Two weeks-notice (at least).  
  • What you learned in this position.  
  • Positive aspects/outcomes from the position.  
  • A concluding ‘Thank you’ to your supervisor.  

F actors to K eep in M ind W hen Y ou S tart W riting Y our Nurse R esignation L etter  

  • Keep it short and simple .
  • Format like a business letter.
  • Keep a copy for yourself.
  • No grammatical or punctuation errors.

Leaving with Grace  

You should envision a strategy prior to this big step.   

Above all else, try your best to remain cordial. Never burn a bridge that could one day be your steppingstone to success.   

Here are a few tips to ensure that you are prepared to give the bad news to your employer:  

– Make sure your boss is the first person to know.

Y ou do n’t want them hearing this information through the grapevine of gossip, because they may beat you to the punch. Not good!  

– You may receive a counteroffer .

Your employer may realize t hat t hey n eed you more than you thought they did and that you are more valuable than they led you on to believe.   

– Create a ‘Thank you’ note.

T ie in all the positive skills, experiences, and relationships that you gained from this position.  

– Make peace with all your coworkers.

Again, don’t burn any bridges.

– Be respectful.

Don’t complain or badmouth your employer prior to or after leaving.

Here are a couple of sample resignation letters that you can use to spark your writing creativity!   

rn resignation letter example 1


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Career Advice > Transition Out of Nursing > How to Leave Your Job > How to Write a Nursing Resignation Letter: 5 Tips

How to Write a Nursing Resignation Letter: 5 Tips

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The average worker stays in any one job for a median of about four years . That means you’ll likely need to know how to write a nursing resignation letter sooner than later. Whether you’re moving on to another job, going back to school, or leaving the profession , it can be hard to know how to word a resignation letter that you’ll feel good sending.

Keep in mind when you sit down to write your letter of resignation — nursing managers deal with staff resignations routinely, so don’t feel like you need to apologize or save face when it’s time to leave. Below, we’ve included five tips for writing your nursing resignation letter, as well as an example letter you can use as a template.

5 Steps to Write a Nurse Resignation Letter

1. decide on your last day.

Before you write your nursing resignation letter, deciding on the exact day that you will leave a job is important. Your supervisor needs to find your replacement — and recruiting nursing professionals is challenging. Giving two weeks’ notice is the norm in most jobs, but your supervisor may make the facility’s work schedules more than two weeks in advance, so give as much notice as you can.

2. Tell Your Supervisor First

To give yourself a smooth exit, tell your boss you’re leaving before you tell anyone else. One way to do this is to ask for a meeting with your boss, tell them your plans, and give them a physical copy of your resignation letter at that time. (After the meeting, email your letter to them, as well.) Some supervisors may only need a nursing resignation letter email from you to forward to HR, but ask if they need any other paperwork from you.

After you meet with them, you and your supervisor may discuss how and when to tell the team about your resignation. Your boss may want to make the announcement in a staff meeting or by email, or they may choose to let you tell your coworkers.

3. Know What to Include in Your Nursing Resignation Letter

The most important thing in your physical resignation letter is the date of your last day, so put it at the beginning. (An email will automatically be dated.) Along with this date, here are some other considerations:

Offer to help with your replacement. This can be anything from leaving helpful notes, being part of the interview process, or training them before you go.

  • “If it would be helpful, I am open to contributing to the interview process to share my perspective on the responsibilities and expectations associated with the position.”
  • “To support a smooth transition, I am available to assist in the training of my replacement or any other tasks that will contribute to a successful handover.”

Make a positive statement about your experience on the job. Thank your supervisor for their help, mention how you liked working with your team, or express gratitude for the opportunity.

  • “I am thankful for the continuous learning opportunities this unit has offered. The challenges have helped me to grow, and the experiences have been invaluable in shaping my nursing career.”
  • “It has been a privilege to be a part of this team, and I’ll carry the lessons I’ve learned on your unit throughout the rest of my career.”

Be courteous. Your nursing resignation letter is not the place to air your grievances or make a bold statement that burns a bridge on your way out. It’s critical that you maintain professionalism . You never know when you might need a reference or encounter your supervisor and coworkers again.

4. Format Your Letter Correctly

Keep it short. Remember, the function of a nursing resignation letter is to inform your supervisor and to be an official document for human resources. The format below is for a printed letter, followed by the general rules for an email.

Start and end with the components of a business letter. To begin, include:

  • Your name and title or credential
  • Your phone number and email address
  • Your supervisor’s name and title
  • The date you are presenting the letter
  • A formal greeting “Dear [full name of your supervisor]”

After the body of the letter, include:

  • A business ending like “Best regards” or “Sincerely”
  • Your signature

Email format:

  • A clear subject line that includes your name. Example: Mr. John Doe Resignation Notice
  • Body of the letter
  • Attach a PDF file of the letter version of your resignation with your signature

5. Make It Look Professional

Think business when you’re putting together your letter. Here are a few more pointers to give it a professional look:

  • Use an appropriate font like Times New Roman or Arial.
  • Set the margins no wider than 1 inch.
  • Single-space the lines.
  • Proofread for any errors.

Below we’ve included a sample resignation letter. Nurse resignations don’t need to be long or overly detailed — just follow our template to write your own.

Nurse Resignation Letter Example

Shania Walsh, RN 555-555-5555 [email protected]

Reagan Larson, RN Director of Nursing

January XX, XXXX

Dear Ms. Reagan Larson,

This letter is my official resignation from my staff nurse position at Cherry Hill Residence. My last day of work will be February XX, XXXX.

Please let me know how I can help you with the transition. I am pleased to organize notes for my replacement’s onboarding, interview candidates, or train someone before my last day.

Thank you for making my time here so rewarding. Serving our residents and being part of your team has been a privilege. It’s been an enriching experience for me, and I wish the Cherry Hill staff and residents all the best.

Warm regards,

Shania Walsh, RN

Nurse Resignation Letter — Email Version

Subject: Shania Walsh Resignation Notice

This email is my official resignation from my staff nurse position at Cherry Hill Residence. My last day of work will be February XX, XXXX. Attached is a signed PDF version of this notice.

555-555-5555 [email protected]

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7 Nurse Resignation Letter Sample Templates for a Polite and Professional Farewell

7 nurse resignation letter sample templates for a smooth transition. Bid farewell to your healthcare team with professionalism and gratitude.

Table of Contents

Nurse resignation letter—three simple words that encapsulate a profound moment of transition and change. As a nurse, the decision to tender your resignation is not just about leaving a job; it involves bidding farewell to a profession that is deeply rooted in empathy, care, and a commitment to the well-being of others

One crucial aspect of this process is writing a well-crafted resignation letter that reflects your professionalism and gratitude towards your current nursing position.

A nurse resignation letter formally announces your departure and helps ensure a smooth transition for you and your colleagues. To assist you in this vital task, we have curated a collection of 7 nurse resignation letter samples.

These sample resignation letter for nurses will provide valuable insights and guidance on expressing your appreciation, announcing your resignation, and maintaining a positive relationship with your current workplace.

Let us explore these sample letters designed to help you navigate the process of leaving your nursing position gracefully and professionally.

Resignation letter format for nurses

Here is the resignation letter format for nurses.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

[Recipient's Name]

[Recipient's Designation]

[Hospital/Clinic Name]

[Hospital/Clinic Address]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

<Body of the letter>

Yours sincerely,

7 Sample resignation letter for nurses

Here are seven sample resignation letter for hospital staff nurses.

1. Sample nurse resignation letter due to career advancement

I am writing to tender my resignation as a nurse at [Hospital/Clinic Name], effective [Last Working Day, typically two weeks from the date of the letter]. This decision has not been an easy one, but after careful consideration, I have decided to pursue a new opportunity that aligns with my long-term career goals and aspirations for professional growth.

I am incredibly grateful for the experiences and opportunities I have had while working at [Hospital/Clinic Name]. The support and mentorship provided by the entire team have been instrumental in shaping my nursing career, and for that, I am sincerely thankful.

I want to assure you that this decision was not made lightly. I have spent considerable time reflecting on my career path and have come to the conclusion that this new opportunity will allow me to further develop my skills and contribute to the field of nursing in a different capacity.

During the remainder of my time at [Hospital/Clinic Name], I am fully committed to ensuring a smooth transition. I am available to assist in training and onboarding a new nurse, sharing knowledge and insights that will facilitate the continuity of exceptional patient care.

I want to express my deepest appreciation to you and the entire team at [Hospital/Clinic Name]. Your guidance, support, and camaraderie have made a significant impact on my professional journey, and I will carry the lessons learned here with me throughout my career.

Thank you once again for the opportunities provided to me during my time at [Hospital/Clinic Name]. I look forward to the next chapter of my career, and I am confident that the skills and experiences gained here will greatly contribute to my success in my new role.

Please let me know if there are any specific procedures or tasks I need to complete before my departure. I can be reached at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number] if you require any further information or assistance.

Wishing you and the entire team continued success and fulfillment in your endeavors.

2. Sample nurse resignation letter due to personal reasons

I regretfully submit my resignation as a nurse at [Hospital/Clinic Name], effective [Last Working Day, typically two weeks from the date of the letter]. Due to personal reasons, I am unable to continue my employment at this time.

I appreciate the opportunities and experiences I have had while working at [Hospital/Clinic Name]. I am grateful for the support and guidance provided by the team during my tenure.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused and will make every effort to ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities.

Thank you for your understanding.

3. Sample nurse resignation letter due to relocation

I am writing to inform you of my resignation from my position as a nurse at [Hospital/Clinic Name], effective [Last Working Day, typically two weeks from the date of the letter]. This decision is due to my relocation to [City, State].

I have deeply appreciated the opportunities and experiences I have gained during my time at [Hospital/Clinic Name]. The support and collaboration among the healthcare team have been truly remarkable, and I am grateful for the knowledge and skills I have acquired.

I understand the impact my departure may have, and I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during this period. I am willing to assist with the necessary documentation, handover of responsibilities, or any other tasks required to facilitate continuity of patient care.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to you and the entire team at [Hospital/Clinic Name] for your support and camaraderie. It has been a privilege to work alongside such dedicated healthcare professionals.

Thank you for your understanding regarding my relocation, and I wish continued success to the hospital and the entire team.

4. Sample resignation letter for nurse after one month job

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as a nurse at [Hospital/Clinic Name], effective immediately. After careful consideration, I have determined that this role is not the right fit for me at this time.

I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to work at [Hospital/Clinic Name] for the past month. However, I have realized that my professional goals and interests align better with a different nursing environment.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my early departure and will ensure a smooth transition by completing any outstanding tasks and providing necessary documentation.

5. Sample resignation letter for nurse because of family reason

I regretfully submit my resignation as a nurse at [Hospital/Clinic Name], effective [Last Working Day, typically two weeks from the date of the letter]. This decision is based on personal/family reasons that require my immediate attention and presence.

I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have had while working at [Hospital/Clinic Name]. However, my current family situation necessitates my full dedication and support.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused and will do my best to ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities.

6. Sample resignation letter for nurse because of higher studies

I am writing to inform you of my resignation from my position as a nurse at [Hospital/Clinic Name], effective [Last Working Day, typically two weeks from the date of the letter]. This decision is based on my intention to pursue higher studies in [Field/Area of Study].

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at [Hospital/Clinic Name] and appreciate the support and opportunities I have been given during my tenure. However, I believe that furthering my education will contribute significantly to my professional growth and enable me to make a greater impact in the healthcare field.

I understand the importance of a smooth transition, and I am committed to assisting in the transfer of my responsibilities. I am available to train and support my colleagues during this period to ensure continuity of patient care.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you and the entire team at [Hospital/Clinic Name] for the knowledge, skills, and experiences I have gained. Working alongside such dedicated healthcare professionals has been an invaluable part of my journey.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this decision. I am confident that the knowledge and experiences gained at [Hospital/Clinic Name] will greatly contribute to my success in my future academic pursuits.

7. Short nurse resignation letter sample

I am writing to resign from my position as a nurse at [Hospital/Clinic Name], effective [Last Working Day, typically two weeks from the date of the letter]. Thank you for the opportunities and experiences during my time here.

How to write resignation letter for nurses?

When writing a resignation letter as a nurse, consider the following tips to ensure a professional and respectful tone:

1. Be clear and concise : Keep your letter brief and to the point. State your intention to resign clearly and provide the effective date of your resignation.

2. Use a professional tone : Maintain a polite and professional tone throughout the letter. Avoid negative or critical language about the hospital, colleagues, or patients.

3. Express gratitude : Begin your letter by expressing gratitude for the opportunities, experiences, and support you have received at the hospital. Acknowledge the positive aspects of your employment.

4. State the reason for resignation (optional): While not necessary, you may include a brief explanation for your resignation. For example, you can mention it briefly if you are pursuing further education or a career change.

5. Offer assistance with the transition : Emphasize your willingness to assist with the transition process. Offer to help train your replacement, provide necessary information, or contribute to a smooth handover of responsibilities. This demonstrates professionalism and concern for patient care.

6. Maintain patient confidentiality : Reiterate your commitment to patient confidentiality and the ethical responsibilities of a nurse. Assure the employer that you will continue to uphold these principles during the transition period.

7. Follow the notice period : Check your employment contract or hospital policies to determine the notice period required. Ensure that your last working day aligns with these requirements. If you are unable to provide the full notice period, apologize and provide a valid reason for the shortened notice.

8. Include contact information : Include your current contact information in the letter, such as your email address and phone number. This allows the employer to reach out to you for any necessary follow-up or coordination.

9. Proofread and edit : Before sending your letter, carefully proofread it to ensure correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This helps maintain a professional image and avoids misunderstandings.

10. Express well-wishes : Conclude your letter by expressing good wishes for the hospital, your colleagues, and the patients. Show appreciation for the opportunity to work with them and convey a positive closing sentiment.

A nurse resignation letter is crucial in formally communicating the decision to leave a nursing position. It allows nurses to express gratitude, professionalism, and a smooth transition commitment. By crafting a well-written resignation letter, nurses can leave their current work on a positive note and prepare for new opportunities in their nursing careers.

FAQs about resignation letter for nurses

Here are some frequently asked questions about resignation letter for nurses.

When should I submit my resignation letter as a nurse?

Submitting your resignation letter at least two weeks before your intended last working day is generally recommended. However, refer to your employment contract or hospital policy to determine the required notice period.

Should I mention the reason for my resignation in the letter?

It is optional to mention the reason for your resignation in the letter. If you feel comfortable doing so, you can provide a brief and professional explanation. However, if you prefer to keep the reason private, you can simply state your decision to resign without going into details.

Should I mention my availability to work during the notice period in the letter?

Yes, it is a good idea to mention your availability during the notice period in your resignation letter. Clearly state whether you are willing to work until your last day or if you have any limitations. This helps in planning and transitioning your responsibilities.

Can I offer assistance with the transition in my resignation letter?

Yes, offering assistance with the transition process in your resignation letter is a professional gesture. Express your willingness to help train your replacement, provide the necessary information, or contribute to a smooth handover of responsibilities. This demonstrates your commitment to patient care and a positive work environment.

Is it necessary to mention my contact information in the resignation letter?

Yes, it is important to include your current contact information, such as your email address and phone number, in the resignation letter. This allows the employer to reach out to you for any necessary communication or coordination during the transition period.

Do I need to mention patient confidentiality in my resignation letter?

Yes, it is important to reiterate your commitment to patient confidentiality and ethical responsibilities as a nurse in your resignation letter. Assure the employer that you will continue to uphold these principles during the transition period and beyond.

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How to Write a Nursing Resignation Letter

Taryn Phaneuf

Taryn Phaneuf is a lead writer covering personal finance news and other topics at NerdWallet. She previously spent more than a decade reporting on business, education and public policy for local news outlets. Most recently, she worked as a data reporter and researcher for the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal. She also taught journalism as an adjunct instructor at her alma mater, the University of Minnesota.

She lives in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Laura McMullen

Laura McMullen assigns and edits financial news content. She was previously a senior writer at NerdWallet and covered saving, making and budgeting money; she also contributed to the "Millennial Money" column for The Associated Press. Before joining NerdWallet in 2015, Laura worked for U.S. News & World Report, where she wrote and edited content related to careers, wellness and education and also contributed to the company's rankings projects. Before working at U.S. News & World Report, Laura interned at Vice Media and studied journalism, history and Arabic at Ohio University. Laura lives in Washington, D.C.

how to write a resignation letter nursing

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It can be hard to quit any job, but with so much pressure on nurses the past several years, deciding how to leave might feel particularly difficult. Writing a professional resignation letter can help you take the next step.

If you feel burned out or frustrated by staffing and resource shortages, you’re not alone. More than half of health care workers reported feeling burned out in a 2021 survey by KFF, a health policy nonprofit, and the Washington Post. But it’s best to leave your grievances out of your formal letter of resignation. Instead, write a short resignation letter by keeping things positive and brief.

6 elements of a nursing resignation letter

Ahead of writing your resignation letter, review any aspects of your contract or workplace policies that give specific guidance for quitting your job. After you’ve done that, write a letter that includes these elements:

1. State that you’re leaving, and provide the date of your last day. Your union contract or workplace policies may require you to give adequate notice to remain in good standing and receive any sick time or vacation payouts. Two weeks’ notice is common, but a month or more may be standard where you work.

2. Explain your next move, if you want. This is optional, says Emily Frank, a Denver-based career counselor and coach who helps clients through her private practice, the Career Catalyst. “I think people sometimes feel a little like they have to defend their choice. There's nothing to defend.”

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3. Show your appreciation. If you learned valuable skills on the job or enjoyed the opportunities available to you, saying so can go a long way in maintaining a good rapport. If you can, be specific.

4. Offer to help with the transition. This is especially important if you have additional responsibilities beyond patient care that will need to be reassigned.

»MORE: How to quit your job without feeling guilty

5. Provide contact information. Do so if you want to invite your colleagues to keep in touch with you after you’ve moved on.

6. Sign your letter. If you will be providing a printed copy of your letter, leave space at the bottom to sign your name. This could be required for your employer’s records. Even if it’s not, it gives the letter a professional finish.

After you’ve drafted your letter, meet with your supervisor to give your notice face-to-face. Frank recommends bringing a copy of your resignation letter to the meeting.

Then follow up by emailing a copy of your resignation letter to your supervisor and anyone else in your management team that should be aware of your decision. If your workplace has policies about also notifying your human resources department, send your notice to that office, as well.

how to write a resignation letter nursing

Nurse resignation letter example

Here’s a nurse resignation letter example to follow:

Dear [your supervisor’s full name],

Please accept this letter as formal notice of my resignation from my role as [your title] with [employer’s name]. My last day will be [date], which is [number of weeks] weeks from now.

Thank you for the opportunity to learn [one or two lessons from your time in the role]. I’m grateful for the time I’ve spent here among people who truly care about their patients.

In the time I have left, I hope to be as helpful as possible in ensuring a smooth transition. If the need arises, you can contact me at [email address] or [phone number].

[Your printed name]

how to write a resignation letter nursing

How to Write a Nursing Resignation Letter: Samples Included


Resignation letters are one of the hardest to pen down. It is not easy to leave your job. It can be daunting, and you can be unaware of where to start. Nursing is a job deeply rooted in empathy; parting with it should be done in a formal form. A well-written nursing resignation letter can help your transition and strengthen the connection between you and your healthcare facility. You should not burn that bridge because you are moving to new heights. Regardless of how your employer has made you feel in the past, it shouldn’t be a block when it comes to leaving your position with grace.

Nursing resignation letters are written at different addresses. This depends on whether you are resigning from a licensed vocational nurse (LPN or LVN) to a registered nurse (RN). This article covers all the technicalities of drafting a nursing resignation letter.

Structure of a Nursing Resignation Letter

Letting your employer know about your final days of work is vital. This practice is standard workplace etiquette and serves as a legal document for HR or any legal dispute that might arise in the future.

The standard resignation notice to give your employer is two weeks, but it can give your employer as much time as possible so they can find an alternative suitable enough to replace you. The reassigning process of discovering and training a successful candidate may be overwhelming and lengthy.

Your resignation letter does not need to be stifled with unnecessary details. It is simply a formal notice indicating the intended withdrawal date and the reason for leaving. The resignation letter may also include any provisions that should be considered following the departure, such as reduced work hours.

  • A formal letterhead can be used to give your letter an official look. Although, in most cases, it can be optional,
  • A header that includes personal information like your name, contact details (with your employer), and the date should be added.
  • Salutations such as Dear…
  • The introduction should include your resignation statement, nursing title, and last day.
  • The body paragraph should state your reason for leaving, and you can also offer any help that would assist with the transition.
  • Conclude the letter with a statement of gratitude.
  • Sign-off formally. Using salutations like sincerely is mostly favorable when closing the letter.
  • Signature, name, and date.

Tips for Writing a Nursing Resignation Letter

Before you write the letter, consider speaking to the management about your decision to resign. The health care organization may have a particular system for resignation that you must follow. Depending on your employer, there might be documentation for record-keeping that you must update or specific administrative individuals that must receive your letter.

There are many tips to consider before drafting your resignation letter.

  • You should not feel guilty. It’s normal to feel some guilt when leaving your position. You will feel more guilty if you have a connection to other health workers and the workplace environment. You should also remember and understand that moving to a new position in another facility expands your experiences and helps you grow your medical career.
  • Your boss should be the first to know: While it is best to confide in your workplace best friend, your boss should be the first to be aware of your resignation. It is not best if they find out from petty gossip and not from the horse’s mouth.
  • Make peace with your employer and coworkers. All your experience in that role and the relationships and bonds you formed with your team members should count as an invaluable asset. It is best to make your resignation amicable and leave with grace, regardless of the dread, frustrations, and anger that come with the job.
  • Keep your letter short and simple. You should not mistake your letter for a place to air your grievances. The resignation letter should be less than one page. The details regarding the transition process can be discussed with your supervisor later.
  • Maintain patient confidentiality: Reiterate your commitment to patient confidentiality and the ethical responsibilities of a nurse. Assure the employer that you will continue to uphold these principles during the transition period.
  • Format it like a business letter: Use a traditional font like Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial. The size of any font you choose should be between 10 and 12. This would ensure that your letter is easy to read. Also, use single spacing, align the text to the left-hand side, and use 1-inch margins to make your letter appear professional.
  • Proofread the letter. It’s very vital to check for typos and grammatical errors. A resignation letter is a very important document, and it should be treated as such. Ensure all the information you input is correct. This helps maintain a professional image and avoids misunderstandings.
  • Express well-wishes: Conclude your letter by expressing good wishes for the hospital, colleagues, and patients. Show appreciation for the opportunity to work with them and convey a positive closing sentiment.
  • Sign the letter: Depending on your employer, you might be required to submit an official printed and signed document for their records. If unsure of your healthcare facility’s policy, check with your human resources department or employee handbook for further information on resignation policies.

Staff Nurse Resignation Letter Sample PDF

Here’s a word document you can edit here .

Nurse Resignation Letter for Personal Reasons

Staff nurse resignation letter sample word, one month resignation letter for staff nurse, nursing resignation letter 2-week notice, nurse resignation letter effective immediately.

A significant aspect of any resignation process is formally communicating the decision to leave a nursing position in a way that reflects your professionalism and gratitude towards your current nursing position. Your goal in writing the resignation letter for your nursing job should always be to leave as gracefully as possible. While departure is mandatory, severing the connection completely is not advisable.

About The Author

how to write a resignation letter nursing

Jim Blessed

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how to write a resignation letter nursing

WTO / Letters and Emails / Resignation / Nurse Resignation Letters: 22 Examples, Tips

Nurse Resignation Letters: 22 Examples, Tips

In every industry and profession, including nursing, resignation is fairly common. Therefore, there may come a time when you have to resign from your position as a nurse for one reason or another. The official way of doing this is by discussing your intention with your supervisor and handing in a resignation letter to this effect.

Besides communicating your intention to resign, a letter is a courtesy and professional gesture to retain any professional networks created with your soon-to-be former employer. The importance of maintaining good relationships in a medical career cannot be stressed enough, as they are precious references.

This article will discuss how a professional letter should be formatted, its components, and its essential points.

A nurse resignation letter is an official notice or declaration of your intention to resign as a nurse from a particular medical facility.

The letter should be submitted with notice; the notice period of 6-8 weeks is typically widely accepted. This gives the management enough time to find a replacement or reassign duties to other staff members. It should be addressed to the appropriate party, usually the manager or HR.

Free Templates

Great Editable Staff Nurse Resignation Letter Sample 01 for Word File

Pre-Resigning Considerations

A well-executed process goes beyond handing in a well-crafted resignation letter. Some of the things you have to consider before preparing it are as follows:

Control your emotions

Sometimes you may resign due to differences or conflicts with management or colleagues. You, therefore, should control your emotions before deciding whether to proceed with resignation as your only option. In some cases, resignation may be a reactive response that can be solved with other alternatives. Nevertheless, you should resort to it if it is the rational thing to do.

Consult/talk with management/employer

It would help to discuss this with your employer before sharing the information with other people. Then, request an in-person meeting with your manager or HR and politely disclose your decision. Also, let them know you will follow up on the meeting with a resignation letter.

Announce the departure date and give notice

Before sending it, you should first decide how much notice you wish or are required to give before the official resignation from your position and, consequently, your last day of work. Ensure you give sufficient notice to allow your employer to find a replacement and give you enough time to train the nurse to ease the delegation of duties and responsibilities . The date of departure has to appear in the letter.

Follow-up with a resignation letter

Once all the specifics of the resignation have been determined, you can now write your resignation. Keep the letter respectful, and thank your employer for their support and guidance. Ensure that your resignation letter is signed to declare that you attest to what you have mentioned in the letter.

Format of the Letter

It is an official document and should thus be formatted accordingly. The resignation should be organized in a business format, like any formal letter.

The following components should appear in the letter:

Formal letterhead

A formal letterhead should be included in the letter. A formal letterhead will outline your identification details and your employer details. In addition, ensure the names and contact details of the sender and recipient are indicated as the date.


A formal salutation should also appear in the letter. A formal salutation can be formatted as follows; “Dear [Mr/Mrs/Ms] [title] [last name]. An introductory paragraph follows the salutation. The first paragraph or introduction, declares your intention to resign and indicates your departure date.

Body of the letter

The body of the letter should then follow the introduction. The body can be two to three paragraphs long. Each paragraph of the letter should discuss a specific aspect of the resignation. Also, each paragraph should be separated with a blank line to ensure the letter appears neat and presentable.    


A concise conclusion should be supplied as the final section of the letter. First, a formal conclusion should include an appreciation message and well wishes in your absence. Then, a formal complimentary followed by your signature.

Steps to Write a Letter

When writing, it is crucial to ensure that all the necessary details regarding the resignation are addressed. This may often require adopting a sequence of steps that guide you in creating an all-inclusive letter.

Below is a procedure that can be employed when writing it:

Intent to resign

The letter should start with a statement that declares your intention to resign. The statement sets the direction of the rest of the letter. Your intention to resign should be declared precisely and explicitly, not implied.

Date of resignation/Two weeks-notice 

Once you have let your employer or manager know you intend to resign, notify them of the last date you intend to carry out your official duties. This date is referred to as the resignation date, not to be confused with when the letter was written. Try to ensure the date gives the employer at least a two-week notice.

Reasons for leaving

Afterward, it would be best to give a reason for resigning. Again, this information should be mentioned in brief. You are not necessarily required to describe your reason for resigning. However, if you find it essential to mention the reason(s), you can do so at this point.

What you learned in this position 

The letter should then discuss any professional or personal ethics you learned in the position. Ensure that the lessons you mention are favorable so that the resignation letter doesn’t sound like you’re criticizing the organization.

Positive aspects/outcomes from the position

Next, you should mention the positive aspects of working as a nurse. For example, you can discuss the organization’s support system, employee-employer relationship, conducive working relationship, friendly staff, etc.

An offer to assist with the transition

It would help to offer your assistance with the transition. Assistance can be offered in diverse ways; some people choose to train their replacement, whereas others will offer to continue with certain obligations and complete pending tasks before departure.

Thanks and appreciation

To ensure you leave your employment without jeopardizing potential references from your employer, you should express your gratitude to the organization for allowing you to work in their organization.

Letter Template

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

[Supervisor’s Name]

[Your Position]

[Hospital/Clinic Name]

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to formally announce my resignation from my position as a Nurse at [Hospital/Clinic Name], effective [Last Working Day, typically a two-week period]. This decision was not made lightly, but after careful consideration, I have decided to [reason for leaving, e.g., pursue further education, personal reasons, relocation, etc.].

I want to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunities to develop both personally and professionally during my time at [Hospital/Clinic Name]. Working alongside such a dedicated team and serving our patients has been incredibly rewarding. I am proud of the work we have accomplished together and the differences we have made in the lives of many.

During my remaining time, I am fully committed to ensuring a smooth transition. I am willing to assist in the training of my replacement and to complete all pending tasks to the best of my ability. Please let me know how I can further facilitate this process.

Please consider this letter as my official two weeks’ notice of resignation. I look forward to discussing how we can make this transition as seamless as possible. I am hopeful that I will leave [Hospital/Clinic Name] on good terms and with your understanding and support.

Thank you again for the opportunity to work at [Hospital/Clinic Name]. I am looking forward to staying in touch, and I hope to cross paths again in the future.

Warmest regards,

Letter Sample

Dear Dr. Martin,

I am writing to formally announce my resignation from my position as a Nurse at Healthville General Hospital, effective March 1, 20XX. After much deliberation, I have decided to relocate to New City for family reasons, a decision that has been difficult but necessary for my personal circumstances.

I cannot thank you enough for the opportunities for growth and development I’ve received during my tenure at Healthville General Hospital. The experience of working with such a skilled team and contributing to our patients’ care has been profoundly fulfilling. I am particularly proud of our collaborative efforts during the recent health crisis, where our teamwork and dedication truly made a difference.

I am committed to making my departure as smooth as possible and will do everything in my power to assist in the training of my replacement and finalize my current projects. I hope to discuss how I can help with the transition over the next two weeks, ensuring no disruption in patient care.

Please accept this letter as my official two weeks’ notice of resignation. I am eager to work with you to facilitate a seamless transition and am grateful for your understanding and support during this time.

Thank you again for the invaluable experiences and friendships I’ve gained at Healthville General Hospital. Although I am moving on, I hope to keep in touch, and perhaps our paths will cross again in the future.

Emily Johnson

This resignation letter is effective due to its clarity, professionalism, and positive tone. The writer concisely states the purpose of the letter, the position they are resigning from, and the effective date, which are critical details for a resignation letter. Mentioning the reason for leaving (relocation for family reasons) personalizes the message and helps the recipient understand the context behind the decision.

The expression of gratitude towards the opportunities provided by the hospital and the acknowledgment of the collaborative efforts during challenging times reflect positively on the writer, emphasizing a sense of teamwork and appreciation for the work environment. This approach maintains a positive relationship with the employer, which is beneficial for future references or interactions.

The commitment to facilitating a smooth transition by assisting in training a replacement and finalizing projects demonstrates a responsible and professional attitude towards the resignation process. It shows consideration for the employer and the team left behind, aiming to minimize the impact of the departure.

Finally, the writer’s openness to keeping in touch and the warm closing remark leaves the door open for future professional interactions, preserving a good network and rapport with the hospital and its staff. Overall, the letter balances the announcement of departure with gratitude and professionalism, making it an effective communication tool during a resignation.

Tips for Writing Professional Letters

A well-written letter is your chance to showcase your professionalism and politeness as you vacate your position at the medical facility.

Below are a few tips you can observe to ensure your resignation effectively communicates what you intend:

Keep it short and simple

An excellent letter should be a notice of resignation to management. This means any information given in the letter should be intentional and relevant to the notice. It would help if you did not go into details or vent about why you are resigning. Instead, let the management know you are resigning, the departure date, a few highlights, and an appreciation message .

Be respectful and kind

Always keep the letter respectful and kind. This means careful use of tone and wording. In addition, you should uphold a high level of professionalism regardless of why you are resigning. This can be accomplished by using appropriate titles.

Format like a business letter

It should consistently be formatted as a business letter . In addition, the letter should have an official format and tone, regardless of the nature of your relationship with your manager or supervisor.

No grammatical or punctuation errors

When writing this letter, write it before the day you want to send it to have enough time to create an error-free letter. Waiting until the last minute to write the letter can result in a document filled with grammatical, spelling, typographical, and other errors. Therefore, always review the letter and make appropriate corrections.

Emailing Your Letter

You do not always get to send a physical resignation letter, even though it is highly recommended. Sometimes you may have to send your notice via email, depending on company policy or circumstances.

The letter should be written in a traditional font with a font size of between 10-12 points . In addition, the letter should be attached to the email in PDF format to facilitate printing for record-keeping. Also, you should use a proper subject line that indicates the letter’s purpose. This can be done by incorporating “resignation letter” in the subject line.

The letter should also have an appropriate salutation and body, and a professional closing should be included at the end. Also, provide your contact information after your name.

Final Remarks

A nurse resignation letter is arguably the last positive addition to your file in company records. Hence, it would be best if you aimed to write it in the best way possible. With the guidance of this article, you are set up to craft a professional resignation that will leave an excellent and lasting impression on your employer. Resigning from your job in any profession is usually a scary step. However, it may be inevitable in some situations; therefore, if you have made the brave decision to resign as a nurse from your organization, well done! However, do not rush into writing the letter without clearly understanding what you should include and how you organize the letter. Going through a few letter samples, like the one provided above, can help with this. Lastly, ensure to follow company policies and contractual terms when resigning.

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William Lehr

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Nurse Resignation Letter and Email Examples

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What to Include in Your Resignation Letter

How to write a letter of resignation, nurse resignation letter examples, tips for sending an email message, more resignation letter examples.

Are you resigning from a job as a nurse? What's the best way to handle your resignation? A letter of resignation is the last impression that you, as an employee, make on your colleagues at work. Just as important as a good first impression, your future job prospects may be adversely affected if you leave behind a negative legacy.

With some planning, you can leave your current job and still maintain a positive relationship with your previous supervisor and employer. It's important to keep your resignation simple and straightforward, and not disclose more information than the details of your departure.

Here's how to resign from a nursing position, what to include in your resignation letter or email, and tips and advice for resigning.

The date your resignation is effective. You should mention the date you will officially finish so that the employer can find your replacement. If possible, aim to give your supervisor at least two weeks' notice, but be prepared if they would like you to leave sooner after having tendered your resignation.

Thanks and appreciation. You can thank your supervisor and colleagues for their help and support during your tenure in the position. A successful resignation letter should not only pave a path to your new job but also help maintain a cordial relationship with your former employer.

Reason for leaving (optional). You don't need to provide a reason for leaving, but if you do decide to include one, your letter of resignation should explain concisely to the employer that you have made the decision to leave your position, without placing blame or making any disparaging comments about the work environment or your colleagues.

It's always best to keep it positive—you may need a reference from this employer in the future.

Sometimes saying less and focusing on the positive aspects of the job you’re leaving behind is the best strategy.

Your letter should be formatted like any business correspondence , unless you are sending an email.

Contact information. A business letter begins with your name, title, and contact information, followed by your supervisor’s name, title, and contact information. The date follows, and then you begin your letter with a formal salutation .

Body of letter. The body of your letter should let your supervisor know your last date of work, and express appreciation for your tenure with the facility. You can mention things you’ve learned or people you enjoyed working with.

Keep your comments positive. Prospective employers may contact previous supervisors, and you want to be remembered as a pleasant team player who did an excellent job.

If it's feasible, you could offer to help train your replacement or assist in the transition in some other way.

Formal closing. Close with your best wishes for continued success and a polite closing, followed by your signature.

Review an example of a formal letter and an email message sent to resign from a nursing job.

Resignation Letter Sample

Ms. Barbara Vredenburgh, RN 1552 Magnolia St. Macon, GA 12321

June 10, 2022

Ms. Cecily Danison Director Happy House Retirement Home 120 Happy House Road Macon, GA 12321

Dear Ms. Danison,

I am writing to inform you of my resignation from the position of Head Floor Nurse at the Happy House Retirement Home. My last day of work will be June 24, 2022.

Working at the Happy House has been rewarding in many ways, and I wish all the residents and the staff good luck in the future.

Please let me know if I can assist in the transition in any way.

Respectfully yours,

Signature (hard copy letter)

Barbara Vredenburgh, RN

Nurse Resignation Email Example

Subject: Mary McCarthy Resignation

Dear Mr. Rennick,

Please accept this letter as notification of my resignation from the position of Nurse Coordinator at the Cancer Center of City Hospital. My last day of work will be July 1, 2022.

I have enjoyed my tenure at City Hospital, and I appreciate the opportunity I had to work with the excellent staff there. I learned a lot about ongoing cancer care and the research being done at the hospital.

If I can assist in any way during the transition, please let me know. Thank you for the opportunity to work with such a fine group of people.

Mary McCarthy 555-123-4567

Subject. If you’re emailing your letter , the subject should indicate the content of your message. “Subject: Charles Thompson Resignation” will make clear what the email is about, and the importance of reading it right away.

Greeting and body of the message. The salutation and the body of your letter will be the same, regardless of the way you send it. Remember to be positive and appreciative of the job experience.

Closing and signature. Add a closing, then type your name, including contact information, under the email message.

Make sure you carefully proofread and send a test email to make sure the formatting is correct.

Review more sample resignation letters that can be tailored to fit your own circumstances.

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29 BEST Nursing Resignation Letters & Samples

As a nurse, you might not stay permanently in one medical facility. You might resign to move to another hospital, state or even a different country for better opportunities or for some other personal reason. Before moving, you have to draft a nursing resignation letter to notify your present employer about your intent.

  • 1 Nursing Resignation Letters
  • 2 What to include?
  • 3 How do you write a nursing resignation letter?
  • 4 RN Resignation Letters
  • 5 Sending your nursing resignation letter through email
  • 6 Resignation Letters For Nurses
  • 7 How do I quit my nursing job?
  • 8 How much notice should an RN give?

Nursing Resignation Letters

What to include.

Writing a nursing resignation letter is a way of concisely explaining the reason why you’re leaving your position. The letter should be very brief, to the point, and should only focus on the positive parts of the job you’re leaving behind.

State in your RN resignation letter the date when you officially plan to vacate your position. This gives your employer enough time to find a replacement. Don’t forget to thank your employer and co-workers for all the support and help they have given you.

A good letter shouldn’t only pave the way to your new employment but should also help you maintain a good relationship with the company you’re leaving behind.

How do you write a nursing resignation letter?

A nurse or RN resignation letter is a document you use to notify your employer of your decision to leave your job. You should write this letter ahead of time to give enough time for the employer to find a replacement. Your letter must also mention the reason why you’re resigning.

You must state the reason why you have decided to resign your post when writing resignation letters for nurses. Avoid including negative statements regarding your co-workers or employer. Dwell only on the positive aspects of your work.

Additionally, you also need to specify the effective date. Make sure to give notice as per company policy to avoid any service disruptions. It is also common courtesy to thank your fellow nurses and your employer for all the help and support they have shown during your stint in the institution.

Show them your appreciation for the opportunity to have worked with them in the healthcare institution. A great letter will strengthen your relationship with your previous employer and co-workers.

RN Resignation Letters

Sending your nursing resignation letter through email.

A nursing resignation letter is an official document that states your intent of leaving your place of employment. It is essential that the letter mentions your last working day. How you would address the letter depending on your hospital’s policy.

Although it’s recommended to send a hard copy of your resignation letter, it’s also possible to send it via email. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Use an informative statement for the subject Clearly specify the subject of your email. In this case, it is your resignation. Once your employer reads this, they would already know the importance of the email and that they should open it right away. You can also flag the email as “Urgent” to get immediate attention.
  • Use the right format All sample resignation letters nursing might not include a header but you should state your contact details at the top. Except for this, the rest of the email must have the same format as your printed letter.
  • Check the structure Try sending the email to your email address first, This allows you to check the formatting and even your electronic signature.
  • Attach a copy of your original letter Consider attaching the that you have printed but as a PDF or Word document. This allows your employer to print the letter or save it electronically.

Resignation Letters For Nurses

How do i quit my nursing job.

Resigning is not always that easy and at times, it can get awkward. But if you’re taking this step, it can give you comfort thinking of the fact that resigning will have a huge impact on your professional and personal growth. Here are the steps for you to follow:

  • Making the decision Before writing resignation letters for nurses, you need to make a well-thought decision with time, and careful deliberation. Leaving your job will have a serious impact on the different aspects of your life. Whatever your reason is for leaving, make sure you have weighed the disadvantages and advantages.
  • Give notice After considering everything and you still want to push through with your resignation, it’s time to prepare yourself for the process. Be very calculating in the next steps. Before the actual resignation, make sure that you have tied up all loose ends first.
  • Inform your employer Next, determine the date of your departure. Speak with your employer and provide this information. Set a schedule to confront your employer face-to-face. Set this meeting beforehand to give you and your employer enough time to prepare for the conversation. You can inform them either through a written letter or an email. Just make sure that there is a face-to-face follow-up. You should already have a list of what you want to discuss before meeting with your manager. Always remember to be very clear and concise when talking about your decision. Be very honest with your reason for leaving and never lie. Let your employer know that making the decision was a difficult thing. Remember to express your gratitude for all of the positive experiences you have learned during your stay with the hospital.
  • Submitting your formal nursing resignation letter After informing your employer, it’s time to compose a formal letter for the Human Resources Department . You can send an accurate and succinct letter as a hard copy or through email.
  • Leave with grace With the remaining time you have with your employer, it’s essential to continue fulfilling your commitments as an employee. You still have that responsibility towards your patients and colleagues. You should still take pride in your duties while working. It would be very inappropriate for you to call them on the last day to tell them that you’re leaving the team right away. Instead, show them you care and focus your energy on your work until your final working moments.

How much notice should an RN give?

You should try to give as much time for your hospital or medical institution to adjust to your departure. The decision will also depend on the support staff. In most healthcare facilities, a 6 to 8 weeks’ notice is the recommendation when writing a nursing resignation letter.

In many cases, it will also be a requirement for you to train your replacement during the notice period until your last day of work.

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Healthcare / Nursing Resignation Letter Sample


Healthcare Industry / Nursing-Related Resignation Letter Sample

Healthcare Industry / Nursing Profession Resignation Letter Sample

Healthcare and Nursing, in particular, are a few of our areas of expertise. Therefore our resignation letter samples related to the Healthcare Industry have been well thought out and proven to be professional and effective. These resignation letter samples are formatted as business letters, as Healthcare is a business, and you’ll always want to make it a practice to express your formal notifications as such.

As with any industry, you want a resignation letter to present your notice to your supervisor and or employer, and provide proper notification of your resignation intent and clearly make note of your last official day of work. As mentioned with our other resignation letter samples, best practices recommend a minimum of two weeks notice so that your employer can work in a timely matter to begin finding a replacement or to temporarily reassign duties or shifts accordingly.

You may also use this opportunity to thank your supervisor and other hospital or facility colleagues for all their help and support throughout your tenure with the organization. This resignation letter sample not only provides clear communication about your departure, but it also allows you to maintain a cordial and professional relationship with your previous employer.

Healthcare and Nursing-type resignation letters should still follow formal letter formatting and content. Therefore they should include a formal salutation, a subject line, the sender’s and recipient’s name and proper job title as well as a strong body of the letter which is written in a polite and professional tone.

Here we take a look at a healthcare nurse’s sample resignation letter that can also be referenced and applied to other positions within the healthcare-related industries. 

  • Make every effort possible to NOT discuss your plans with any co-workers prior to advising your supervisor to avoid a situation where your supervisor hears the news from someone else in the workplace.
  • Ask to speak to your supervisor privately, so that you can advise them verbally of your intentions.
  • Have your resignation letter completed and signed, and bring it with you when you meet your supervisor. It’s always a good practice to deliver your letter to your supervisor in person, whenever possible.
  • Keep your conversation positive and respectful and be sure to advise them of your last day of work and of your intentions to continue to work hard until your very last minute on the job. Thank them for the opportunity and the experience and knowledge that you gained while working with them and the organization.
  • When providing an extended notice of resignation letter, one may also want to offer assistance with finding or training a replacement.

Healthcare Industry / Nursing Profession Resignation Letter Sample:

Your Name, RN (include other proper certifications/degrees as well) Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email

Miranda Bailey (Your Manager’s Name) Chief of Surgery (Their Proper Title) Grey/Sloane Memorial Hospital (Healthcare Provider Company Name) Address City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Bailey:

I am writing to inform you of my intent to resign from the position of ICU/Critical Care RN at Grey/Sloane Memorial Hospital, effective two weeks from tomorrow.  My last day of work will be May 30, 2019.

Working in the ICU at the Grey/Sloane Memorial has been wonderful and rewarding in many ways, and I wish all of the staff the best of luck in the future. Thank you for the opportunity to work with such a dedicated and talented group of professionals. I will always be grateful for my time here.

Please let me know if I can assist in the transition in any way.

Respectfully yours,

Your Signature

Your Typed Name, ICU RN

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