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NJHS Essay Examples and Guidelines

Do you desire to be a member of the National Honor Society ? Without a doubt, this is the desire of many American high school students. One of the most significant aspects of the application process is the National Junior Honor Society, NJHS essay. That is the reason for this article on NJHS essay examples.

NJHS Essay Examples

The NJHS essay allows students to show their knowledge, originality, and writing abilities. The NJHS application requires students to write an essay on a subject that the organization has chosen.

The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) awards children who succeed in their studies. This article will provide some National Junior Honor Society essay samples that will give you a template and help you write your own.

The main objective of providing you with an NJHS essay sample is to prove that you are an ideal candidate and qualified to join this elite club.

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is an American club that celebrates students who succeed in the areas of character, devotion, responsibility, and academics.

Candidates are chosen in the spring of their 2nd or 3rd year and must have at least a 3.7 GPA or 4.3 QPA to be considered. Students must also satisfy all NJHS eligibility criteria.

As a result, the candidate should fulfil the membership qualifications, which include personality traits or educational accomplishments like grade point average, devotion, experiences, or strategic vision.

The essay must be excellently written in a coherent manner, as seen in the sample below. A narrative that highlights the applicant’s leadership attributes and personality will be a great compliment.

This NJHS essay sample can assist applicants in determining what information is necessary for a good essay. Also, it can help to create a distinctive and original writeup.

Tips for a Successful NJHS Essay ( NJHS Essay Examples )

njhs essay prompt 2021

The following are some ideas that will help you write your NJHS essay:

1. Outline your essay

Begin by jotting down the key points of your essay. Highlight the achievements that will prove that you match the NJHS requirements.

Then, before you begin your initial draft, map out the framework of your essay. Ensure the structure of your essay is organised and logical. This will make it easier for you to write a balanced essay that covers each of your important topics thoroughly.

Read: 6th Grade Essay Topics – Best 100 Essay Ideas for Sixth-Graders

2. Focus on Your Academic Achievements

First, talk about your academic achievements. Only students who have excelled academically are eligible to join the NJHS. List your GPA, test scores, and any academic honours you’ve received, including the Honor Roll.

List any distinctions, university preparation, or special education courses you’ve taken or are currently enrolled in. It’s important to show that you’ve not only excelled cognitively but also that you’ve pushed yourself academically.

3. Talk about your leadership abilities

Then, emphasize your experience as a leader. Include details about your experience as a classroom captain or in other leadership roles in any extracurricular activities. Also, if applicable, talk about your sports leadership. If you’ve ever been the captain of the team, mention it.

Specify whether you have been elected or appointed. NJHS seeks young people who are interested in extracurricular activities and who stand out as leaders among their peers and adults.

4. Demonstrate how you’ve helped others.

NJHS seeks pupils who have added value to their communities without getting paid, so this is a great opportunity to emphasize your voluntary experience.

List all service groups with which you have been associated, as well as your volunteer work activities, such as church-related service initiatives.

5. Emphasise Your Great Personality

NJHS seeks students who are helpful, truthful, dependable, friendly, caring about others, and compassionate.

Consider the various ways in which you have demonstrated these attributes. A personal account that reflects your outstanding ethics and personal integrity will be ideal, but you should make sure your stories aren’t overly long.

6. Proofread Your Essay

Review your essay before making your submission, and ensure it is your finest work, that you have clearly described yourself, and that it is flawless or mistake-free. Before submitting your application, have an educator or adult proofread your essay for vocabulary, mechanical accuracy, punctuation, and relevance.

NJHS Essay Examples

Being chosen by my teachers and other leaders to be a candidate for membership in the National Honor Society is a great honor for me. This means that I have achieved my goal of demonstrating my determination and willingness to help people and serve the community. I believe that I can become a valuable member of the NHS because I am hardworking, reliable and I possess all the qualities required by this prestigious organization, such as scholarship, leadership, character, and service abilities. My academic achievements are the result of my hard work and assurance that my membership in the NHS is another step that will enable me to achieve success and cherish the chances of becoming a leader and thus a worthy role-model for other people. By having a GPA of 3.91 and 3.92 in the 9th and 10th grades, respectively, I have proven to my teachers and myself that I can make my dreams come true. One of these dreams is to have the honor of being a part of NHS society. Also, while in high school, I have been taking all honors courses, and as an elementary student, I have participated in many academic competitions such as the Academic Challenge in 6th and 7th grade, where my team and I scored the second and first places, respectively. Apart from studying with dedication and participating in competitions, I also play an active role in the school. Since childhood, I had a chance to develop my leadership and organizational skills through sports and had my school team win many competitions. My school is one of the places where my leadership qualities are valued as I often become the head of many activities, such as staging plays, organizing shows, and school trips with my teachers. Being a leader allows me to work in a team and consider my peers’ ideas to make our plans creative and enjoyable for everyone. My traits help me to gain the trust and respect of my peers as they believe me to be a positive, open-minded, and reliable person. I have learned to solve problems and conflicts thanks to this great experience of leadership, and I am always ready to assist my peers when it is needed.
The National Honor Society is an exceptional organization that allows students to help the needy, children, the elderly, and nonprofit organizations. I would be excited to join such a society because of the limitless opportunities it would present to me. Joining NHS would allow me to grow as a person and do as much as I can for others. In my years as a student, I have shown great examples of scholarship, leadership, character and service that I believe would qualify me to join this prestigious society. As Wikipedia defines it, the word “scholarship” means “academic study or achievement; learning at a high level”. I consider myself a great scholar because I strive for excellence. I always aim to be the best in everything I do. As for effort, I make sure to fill my schedule with the most rigorous classes I can handle. I have taken all honors classes since the beginning of high school, and I aim to continue taking honors and AP classes in the future to reach my true potential as a student. I have also been on the honor roll since freshman year at my local high school, which demonstrates my eagerness to perform at the highest level I can. I believe that all students should try their best in everything they do, as I have demonstrated. As a scholar, I believe I am qualified to join this society. In addition to being a scholar, I can definitely be considered a leader. Recently, I was invited to participate in the National Young Leaders Conference in Washington, D.C. This invitation indicates that I place emphasis on standing out from the crowd and demonstrating my unique qualities. For example, I cofounded an Indian dance club at my high school. This club is important because it is the first dance club at my school. It allows members of all ethnicities and races to enjoy and learn Indian dance, thereby promoting cultural diversity. In addition to school-related activities, I also bring my passions to the outside community. One example of this is my role as a youth leader at the temple that I regularly attend. This position allows me to explore my interest in Hindu mythology with other members. I am able to translate this attraction into classical dance, skits, lectures, and musical instruments that help young members embrace their cultural identity. I consider myself to have a great character to join NHS. I embrace all ethnicities and celebrate the differences within everyone that ironically bring us closer. I have a positive attitude that comes in handy when communicating with others. I definitely believe in the idea that each person shapes his or her own destiny. This means that I recognize the importance of always doing my best so that I may shape my life into what I want it to be. Finally, I have helped my community by volunteering in the medical field. I spent the last summer working at a home for the elderly, where I was able to listen to life stories, participate in activities — be more specific, and learn about working in the healthcare field. Volunteering is a valuable experience that has helped me become a better person. I look forward to continuing my volunteer work in the medical field in the future. Because of my abilities and experiences as a student, I believe I can be considered a strong candidate for the NHS. I have demonstrated the scholarship, leadership, character, and service qualities necessary to join the society. I hope to be considered for placement in this prestigious organization. Original Source: College Confidential

Common Mistakes in NJHS Essay Writing

The following are the most typical mistakes students make when writing NJHS essays:

1. Confusion between the introduction and the conclusion:

An engaging introduction establishes your tone and the tone for the rest of your article. The main body of your work is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your imagination and persuade the reader of your position. The conclusion should summarise the main points stated in the main body. Despite the fact that it may appear straightforward, many students make mistakes when summarising this section.

2. The issue of plagiarism:

In the academic community, plagiarism is taken quite seriously. It’s unethical to use someone else’s ideas without referencing them. Institutions have mechanisms in place to detect plagiarism and punish those who do it. After being caught, the possibility of a second chance lowers.

3. Not Enough Proofreading:

You must go through your work after writing it. Work is never fully completed, even after writing. Get some rest and then return to it. You should begin making changes to the areas that require them right now. When you’re satisfied with the overall organisation and accuracy of the arguments, it’s time to move on to the proofreading stage. After that, the paper can be sent in for evaluation.

4. Inadequate foundation:

Structure your essay using a combination of macro- and micro-organization. Maintain the organisational principles that will help your essay be strong and interesting. Make certain that your essay covers everything. Priority should be given to originality.

5. Unnecessary Information:

Avoid including irrelevant information in your writing. It is essential to include only information that is relevant to your essay and adds value to it. Write concise phrases that make efficient use of vocabulary and syntax so that an examiner can grasp what you’re trying to express.

6. Lack of Confidence:

When writing an NJHS essay, you must demonstrate confidence in what you have written by demonstrating enthusiasm and conviction in each argument covered.

NJHS Essay Mistakes to Avoid

Here are four ways to avoid making these NJHS essay mistakes:

A lack of grammatical competency is obvious when there are too many typos in an essay.

Submitting an essay with such an error shows a lack of concern on your part.

You can avoid this by thoroughly editing your work.

Examine the text for poor grammar, misspelt words, and typos. Do not rely solely on spellcheckers.

2. Disjointed Transitions

Because they include many ideas, paragraphs must be appropriately formatted. Separate them as if they were in a separate essay. With the help of paragraph transitions, this is simple. Also, make certain that the essay flows properly and makes sense.

3. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a sort of cheating that could cost you a great opportunity to enhance your career. The methods for avoiding them are simple. If you took someone else’s idea, you should reference it. Correct citation is required. Make sure you learn how to rewrite and own the idea.

4. Poor Readability

Remember that getting your message across is more vital than sounding intellectually clever in your essay. You can prevent these issues by using fewer filler words and phrases.

Maintain your attention on the main point of the essay. Furthermore, ensure that the information you want to express is communicated in clear, simple terms.


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4 thoughts on “NJHS Essay Examples and Guidelines”

Im going to call you Master Oogway

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NJHS Essay: How to Write a Winning Piece from Ideas to end

NJHS Essay: How to Write a Winning Piece from Ideas to end

How to Write a NJHS Essay

How to Write a NJHS Essay

NJHS essay recognizes those students that perform in academics exceptionally. Furthermore, it considers those who have impressive leadership skills and show their commitment to community service. 

National Junior Honor Societ y (NJHS) essay helps students showcase their skills to the admissions committee as they plan to join NJHS. It is an avenue to become a member of this authoritative organization. 

njhs essay prompt 2021

For one to become an NHS member, one should format, compose and structure the essay with clarity and correctly. You should include a personal story to prove your readiness to take up the leadership role. 

In this guide, we guide you on how to write a winning NJHS essay. We also explore the mistakes to avoid since NJHS essays require creativity.

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How to Write an NJHS Essay

Among the most significant hurdle when you want to be part of NJHS is to write the equivalent essay. This essay acts as an application letter to include your personal experiences and demonstrate why you are an exceptional leader, community, and team member. 

writing a NJHS letter

Before you begin to craft one, it is critical to have a look at the past samples. The main requirement is as follows:

  • Clearly Defined Goals:  The overall paper should be a sincerer write-up to let the evaluation committee know you more.  
  • Show Hope:  You should explain your life hope which means possessing a plan to continue to develop your major abilities. 
  • Share Love:  You should share your love for NJHS genuinely. That includes avoiding duplicating what past writers had already talked about it. 
  • Remain Positive:  Ensure that you give a positive approach to your essay. Suppose you have a negative encounter; you should paint a bit positively. 

1. Plan Your Essay 

Understand the philosophy behind your essay. It would help if you brainstormed the main ideas of the essay. You should think about the kind of accomplishment you have to meet the NJHS criteria. After that, you should have an outline to make it organized and efficient.  

Typically, we base the NJHS on three pillars:

  • Character, service, leadership, and scholarship.
  • Explain why volunteering for a particular cause is critical to you.
  • Have a balanced essay that will treat your important topics substantially.

2. Tell a Personal Story 

You should include your life story to make this essay unique. NJHS appreciates personal journeys that were rebuilt with passion and dedication at a tender age.

Share a personal story

Such an essay is an introduction to who you are, so you should try and express yourself efficiently. 

For example, suppose you are passionate about the animals, then you can volunteer in the animal shelter and maybe become a vet. 

You should introduce yourself professionally by sticking with your original writing styles.

Suppose you are a funny person, give that touch to in the introduction.

More importantly, could you keep it clean and straightforward? 

3. Catchy Introduction

Introduce your essay in a catchy introduction in a clever way. You can select a critical life event and build on it to develop an essay around it. Choose the event wisely to showcase your wit and devotion. Also, you can talk about your experience on a particular project. 

The introduction is the fertile ground to grab the reader’s attention. So, creativity is key. You should never lose balance and sight at this point. You should remain focused throughout your writing. 

4. Discuss your Leadership 

You should be sincere when you are discussing your leadership. You should craft your essay without exaggerating your achievements.

The board is wise enough to see the essay whose intention is to impress. Just present your genuine qualities while mentioning your flaws too. 

If you have some leadership in sports, you can highlight it too. In case you served as a team captain, it is critical to capture such details. NJHS is looking for activities that are outside the classroom. 

However, even if you have flaws, let them know that you constantly improve yourself. For example, if you are a perfectionist, indicate that you are offering a space to stay more creative. 

4. Show your Service 

NJHS is looking for students who gave service to the community voluntarily. Take this moment to explain your volunteer experience. You can list the type of services and the organizations you served, including church-related projects. 

5. Highlight your Character 

As you evaluate your character, NJHS is interested in a cooperative, reliable, honest, concerned, courteous, and collaborative students.

You can think of ways you used such qualities in serving people. You can do so by sharing a story that will expose your ethical character and integrity. 

6. Show you are Good Citizen

The NJHS is after those students that value the importance of civic engagement. It should come from both schools and outside the schooling activities. 

You can offer the details of your participation in extra-curriculum activities such as community-focused groups and scouts. You should demonstrate that you love getting involved in the efforts that advance your society. 

7. Structure it Properly

a well designed path

The structure is vital in ensuring that your essay stands out.

Once you decide the focus of your essay, you should structure it with your details accordingly. For example, if your focus is to be lawyer, indicate what you are doing to get there.

You can begin with your academic achievements, then proceed to grants and scholarships before ending your non-academic activities.

In addition, you should double-check your structure to ensure that you are on the correct track. Typically, it should be an essay to read and clear. 

8. Write a prolific Conclusion

It is now the moment to close your essay. This is after completing to elaborate you’re your academic qualities and presenting your community work. You should be more creative by showcasing the excellent communication skills that represent you. 

You can use the famous persons’ saying to represent you the best and strive to elaborate on it.

9. Proofread

It is hard to convince the panel that you were a bright student when your essay had many spelling and grammatical mistakes.

A small error can ruin your work and make you lose come credit over it. You can appoint a fellow student or a member of your family to double-check the work and point out the mistakes genuinely. 

The essay should be an avenue to express yourself genuinely without promoting your abilities too much. When you lose focus and over-promote yourself, it could alienate you and fail to work in your favor. However perfect you are, strive to be yourself. 

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Common Mistakes When Writing NJHS Essay

Writing mistakes to avoid

1. Confusing Introduction or Conclusion 

When writing your introduction, you should ensure it is catchy where you set the pace for your essay.

It is a perfect place to let the reader see your creativity concerning what you want to say in the main body.  

The conclusion should be a summary of the key ideas and points that you captured in the body.

It may sound simple, but many students make this section boil into a conclusion. 

2. Plagiarism 

Plagiarism is a serious offense in the academic arena. It is wrong to use someone’s ideas without paraphrasing them to eliminate any similarity.

The institutions have mechanisms where they can detect plagiarism and catch you. Once caught, it will lower your chances of getting a chance. 

3. Lack of Proofreading

You should never skip post essay stages. When you complete your work, it does not mean that it is over. You can take a break and come back to review it. At this stage, you should begin to edit parts that require changes. 

Once you believe the structure is fine and the strong arguments, begin to proofread for any grammatical or spelling errors. After that, the document will be ready for submission. 

To learn the tips of proofreading, read our guide on how to proofread an essay well in our overall explanation of writing a good essay.

4. Weak Structure 

Organize your essay in both micro and macro levels. Stick with structural elements that make the essay constructive and compelling. Include every aspect in the essay. More importantly, pay attention to creativity. 

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Tips to Avoid NJHS Essay Mistakes

njhs essay mistakes to avoid

Tip#1. The flow

When an essay has too many types, it is a perfect indicator that grammatical knowledge is deficient.

When you submit the essay with such a mistake shows that you are not attentive to it. 

You can avoid this by performing a thorough revision of your work.

You can look for faulty construction, spelling mistakes, and typos. Avoid relying on the spellcheckers solely. 

Tip #2. Plagiarism

When you are plagiarizing, it means you are cheating, and it can deny you a big chance to soar higher. Avoiding is very simple. You should rephrase the idea if you borrowed it from another source. Also, you should cite your work correctly. 

Tip #3. Lack of transitions

Paragraphs are unique thoughts that you should format effectively. Make them appear as single pieces of the essay. You can achieve that by using the transitions between the paragraphs. Also, you should make the essay smooth and coherent. 

Tip #4. Hard to Read

The purpose of the essay is to communicate and not to make it look complex. You can avoid such situations by refraining from using extra words and phrases.

Also, adhere to the main idea of the essay. In addition, you should use simple sentences that have the right information that you want to put across. 

Josh Jasen

When not handling complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.

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Special tips for writing outstanding njhs essay.

njhs essay

So, what exactly is a NJHS (National Junior Honor Society Essay)? NJHS recognizes students that perform exemplary well in academics, have impressive leadership qualities, and are highly committed to service to community service. One of the main ways of assessing students’ eligibility to get into NJHS is through the NJHS essay.

For most students, writing the National Junior Honor Society Essay is one of the most complicated assignments. In this post, we are going to give you some useful tips for writing winning NJHS essays.

A Closer Look at NJHS Essay

Once you have made up the mind to join the National Junior Honor Society, the biggest hurdle on your path is the application essay. This is a general application letter where you can include personal experiences, and demonstrate why you are an exemplary leader, team, and community member.

As a student, joining NJHS will be a great lever for your career. In the future, an accreditation from NJHS will be a boost to your resume profile. Before you can start writing, it is important to read various National Junior Honor Society essay samples to get the hang of what is needed. Here are the four main National Junior Honor Society essay requirements that you need to meet.

  • Have a clearly defined goal. This means that your paper should be a sincere write-up that allows the evaluation committee to understand you more.
  • Explain your life hope. This means having a plan to continue developing your own key abilities.
  • Share your genuine love for the National Junior Honor Society as opposed to copying what others have written about it.
  • Be positive about the essay. Even if you have to narrate negative experiences, do it positively.

The Best NJHS Essay Format

One notable thing about NJHS essays is that there is no specific format required when writing the paper. But you should not be tempted to start writing the essay without a clear format. The best method to craft a winning paper is by drawing a clear plan that makes it easy to demonstrate and support your points. Here is one of the best formats:

  • Title Or Heading

The title is one of the most important components of any application essay. By simply reading the headline, the reader can easily decide on whether to put the essay away or continue reading. Therefore, look for a headline that is catchy.

  • Introduction

The National Junior Honor Society essay introduction is another crucial part of your essay. You should use the introduction to grab the attention of the reader. Start the essay in an interesting way that makes the selection committee members want to read more. For example, consider using a great quote, anecdote, or amazing statistics.

In the body of your essay, this is where you will discuss the main points about personal academic achievements, character, and leadership qualities. You also need to show how you have been of service to the community. Make sure to be as detailed and precise as possible when writing the paragraphs that make up the body of the essay.

Unlike in other types of essays that require you to simply summarize the main content in conclusion, how to end an NJHS essay is different. You should use the conclusion not just to close the essay, but as an additional opportunity to impress readers. Before the closing sentence, make sure to provide more data such as the prestigious courses that you have participated in.

Tips For Crafting a Wonderful NJHS Essay

If you want your NJHS essay to get accepted, no effort should be spared to make it sparkle. Here are some great tips on how to make the essay stand out:

  • Be as concise as possible. While the focus of the essay is to demonstrate your abilities and character, it is advisable to be concise. Consider reading other top National Junior Honor society essay examples to see how other successful applicants did it.
  • Focus on delivering the message without exaggerating creativity. Because there is no specific rule on how you should write the NJHS essay, some students are tempted to get overly creative. Although this is a way of showing how skilled you are, it is likely to overshadow how effectively you highlight leadership, and community skills.
  • Read other top application examples to learn how those who were successful did it. By looking at other NJHS essay examples, it is easy to understand the mind of the evaluation committee members so that you write what they want.
  • Make sure to edit the essay carefully. Even if you craft a great essay, but it has grammar mistakes, the evaluation committee will not take you seriously. Therefore, make sure to edit the essay before submitting it.
  • Practice as much as possible. One thing you need to appreciate about application essays is that they require special writing skills. Therefore, it is important to start working on these skills as early as possible. This means that by the time you set off working on the essay, it will be easy and fast.

Perfect Your Essay by Using Writing Help

One thing we need to highlight at this point is that writing a National Junior Honor Society essay is a tough call even for seasoned writers. The mere fact that the essay could have a bearing on your career is bound to cause some anxiety. Indeed, even with a good sample National Junior Honor society essay, you do not have to try working on it and only craft a standard write-up. The best option is using expert writing help.

Expert writing help for college students is offered by pros who understand what the NJHS evaluation committee wants. They have helped other students to write top essays and got them accepted. Therefore, there is no need to get stressed trying to craft the essay on your own; let the experts write the paper for you !

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evaluation essay

How to Write a Winning National Junior Honor Society Essay

Crafting a compelling National Junior Honor Society essay can set you apart. Here's how to highlight your achievements effectively.

Writing a National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) essay is a rite of passage for many middle school students. This essay is your opportunity to showcase your commitment to NJHS's core values: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. It’s also a chance to reflect on your achievements and articulate why you deserve to be part of this prestigious organization. In this article, we’ll explore how to craft a compelling NJHS essay, provide some key tips, and highlight essential elements to include.

Understanding the National Junior Honor Society Essay

The National Junior Honor Society is a nationwide organization that recognizes outstanding middle school students. To be considered for membership, students must meet the NJHS’s rigorous criteria and submit an essay that highlights their accomplishments and aspirations.

Key Criteria for NJHS Membership:

  • Scholarship : Academic excellence
  • Leadership : Proven leadership abilities in school and community
  • Service : Commitment to community service
  • Character : High moral and ethical standards

The Importance of the NJHS Essay

The NJHS essay is more than just a writing assignment; it’s a personal statement that can set you apart from other applicants. It’s your chance to demonstrate how you embody the NJHS values and to convince the selection committee that you are a worthy candidate.

Crafting Your National Junior Honor Society Essay

1. start with a strong introduction.

njhs essay prompt 2021

Your introduction should grab the reader’s attention and set the tone for your essay. Begin with a compelling hook, such as a quote or an anecdote that illustrates your passion for the NJHS values.

Example Hook : “From the moment I picked up my first book, I knew that learning would be a lifelong journey. My dedication to academic excellence has only grown stronger over the years, fueling my desire to join the National Junior Honor Society.”

2. Highlight Your Academic Achievements

njhs essay prompt 2021

Scholarship is a cornerstone of the NJHS, so it’s essential to highlight your academic accomplishments. Mention your GPA, any honors or awards you’ve received, and your dedication to learning.

Example : “Maintaining a GPA of 3.8 throughout middle school has been a challenging yet rewarding experience. My passion for subjects like math and science has earned me several awards, including the Mathlete of the Year.”

3. Showcase Your Leadership Skills

njhs essay prompt 2021

Leadership is not just about holding titles; it’s about making a difference. Describe any leadership roles you’ve taken on in school or in the community and how these experiences have shaped you.

Example : “As president of the student council, I spearheaded initiatives that improved our school environment, such as the ‘Clean and Green’ campaign, which significantly reduced litter on campus.”

4. Emphasize Your Commitment to Service

njhs essay prompt 2021

Service is a critical aspect of the NJHS. Detail your volunteer work, community service projects, and the impact these activities have had on others and yourself.

Example : “Volunteering at the local animal shelter every weekend has taught me the value of empathy and kindness. It’s incredibly fulfilling to see the positive impact we can have on the lives of abandoned animals.”

5. Reflect on Your Character

njhs essay prompt 2021

Your character is reflected in how you treat others and handle challenges. Share anecdotes that illustrate your honesty, integrity, and ethical standards.

Example : “When a friend was struggling with a difficult home situation, I made it a point to support them, ensuring they knew they weren’t alone. This experience reinforced the importance of compassion and integrity in my life.”

Key Tips for Writing Your NJHS Essay

  • Be Authentic : Write from the heart and be genuine. Authenticity resonates with readers.
  • Stay Focused : Keep your essay focused on the NJHS values. Avoid straying off-topic.
  • Proofread : Spelling and grammar errors can detract from your message. Proofread your essay multiple times or ask someone else to review it.
  • Use Specific Examples : Specific examples and anecdotes make your essay more relatable and impactful.
  • Stay Positive : Highlight your strengths and achievements. This is your chance to shine.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about National Junior Honor Society Essays

What should i include in my njhs essay.

  • Introduction : A compelling hook and a brief overview of your qualifications.
  • Body Paragraphs : Detailed sections on scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
  • Conclusion : A strong closing statement that reinforces your commitment to the NJHS values.

How long should my NJHS essay be?

  • Typically, NJHS essays are around 500-800 words, but it’s essential to follow any specific guidelines provided by your school.

How can I make my NJHS essay stand out?

  • Be Unique : Share unique experiences and perspectives.
  • Show, Don’t Tell : Use specific examples and anecdotes.
  • Be Passionate : Let your enthusiasm for the NJHS values shine through.

What is the selection process for the NJHS?

  • The selection process usually involves a review of your academic records, an essay, and recommendations from teachers or community leaders. Each school may have its specific criteria and process.

Integrating Stats and Facts

While personal experiences and reflections are crucial in your NJHS essay, integrating relevant statistics and facts can add depth and credibility to your narrative.

Statistics and Facts to Consider:

  • NJHS Membership : The National Junior Honor Society has over one million active members across the United States, making it one of the most prestigious student organizations in the country.
  • Academic Excellence : According to the National Association of Secondary School Principals, NJHS members consistently achieve higher GPAs, test scores, and graduation rates than their peers.
  • Community Impact : NJHS chapters collectively contribute millions of volunteer hours each year, making a significant impact on communities nationwide.

National Junior Honor Society Essay Example


From the moment I first heard about the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS), I was captivated by its mission to recognize and nurture the qualities of scholarship, leadership, service, and character in students. These values are not just abstract concepts to me; they are principles that I strive to embody every day. Becoming a member of the NJHS is an honor that would not only acknowledge my efforts but also provide me with a platform to further develop these qualities and contribute to my community.


My academic journey has been one of dedication and perseverance. Maintaining a GPA of 3.9 throughout middle school has been challenging, yet immensely rewarding. I have always been driven by a love of learning and a desire to excel in my studies. My enthusiasm for subjects like math and science has led to several academic achievements, including winning first place in our school's science fair and being selected for the Math Olympiad team. These accomplishments are a testament to my commitment to scholarship and my relentless pursuit of knowledge.

Leadership, to me, is about more than just holding a title; it's about inspiring and guiding others to achieve their best. As the president of our school's student council, I have had the privilege of leading various initiatives that have made a positive impact on our school community. One of my proudest achievements was organizing a "Green Week" campaign to promote environmental awareness. This initiative included activities like recycling drives, educational workshops, and a school-wide clean-up day. Through this experience, I learned the importance of teamwork, communication, and the ability to inspire others toward a common goal.

Service is a fundamental value that I hold dear. Volunteering has always been a significant part of my life, as it allows me to give back to my community and make a positive difference. Over the past few years, I have dedicated over 100 hours to various community service projects. One particularly impactful experience was volunteering at our local animal shelter, where I helped care for abandoned pets and assisted with adoption events. Seeing the joy on the faces of families who found their new furry companions was incredibly fulfilling and reinforced my belief in the power of service to bring about positive change.

Character is the bedrock of who we are, and I strive to uphold high moral and ethical standards in everything I do. Honesty, integrity, and respect are values that guide my actions and decisions. In school, I am known for being a reliable and trustworthy friend, someone who can be counted on to do the right thing, even when it's not the easiest choice. One instance that stands out was when I found a lost wallet in the school hallway. Instead of ignoring it or keeping it for myself, I immediately turned it in to the office, ensuring it was returned to its rightful owner. This small act of honesty is just one example of how I strive to live by the principles of good character every day.

In conclusion, I am deeply honored to be considered for membership in the National Junior Honor Society. The values of scholarship, leadership, service, and character are integral to who I am and who I aspire to be. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the NJHS and to grow alongside a community of peers who share my commitment to excellence and making a positive impact. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further develop these qualities and to contribute to the NJHS in meaningful ways.

Writing a National Junior Honor Society essay is a significant opportunity to reflect on your achievements and articulate your commitment to the NJHS values. By focusing on scholarship, leadership, service, and character, and by using specific examples and a genuine tone, you can create a compelling essay that stands out.

Remember, the key to a successful NJHS essay is authenticity. Be true to yourself, and let your passion for the NJHS values shine through. With careful planning and thoughtful reflection, you can craft an essay that not only meets the NJHS criteria but also showcases the unique qualities that make you a deserving candidate.

Key Takeaways

  • Start Strong : Begin with an engaging hook and clear introduction.
  • Highlight Core Values : Focus on scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
  • Use Specific Examples : Make your essay relatable and impactful with anecdotes and personal stories.
  • Stay Authentic : Write from the heart and be genuine.
  • Proofread Thoroughly : Ensure your essay is free of spelling and grammar errors.

NJHS Essay Examples Samples

The National Junior Honor Society is a premier organization that was formed to recognize and nurture exceptional talents among middle-level students. To get a membership at this international student organization, a student has to prove his/her excellence in the fields of leadership, citizenship, character, service, and scholarship. If your school has a Chapter of NJHS, you can approach your faculty in charge to try and become a member to get induced in the Chapter. Let us read to end to know about “NJHS Essay Examples Samples”

How To Ace An Essay For NJHS?

In most cases, the membership is granted after you submit an essay. It is this essay that is most crucial to your application process and you have to ensure you write an essay that blows the minds of the readers. This essay has to describe you as you are and elucidate why you deserve to be a part of this honorable society. You have to make sure you meet the five requirements mentioned. 

Writing the essay for your NJHS application can be a scary thing to do but all you need to do is chill and out at your best!

The first thing to do when sitting down to write your essay is to brainstorm and collect your points on a sheet of paper. Then, think about the best way to arrange them in an order that makes sense. You might not want to put your academic excellence between your volunteering work. You can try and make the first draft with the points you have in hand and then develop it to get your final draft ready. You will have to make your essay organized and ensure you convey your points in as few words as possible. Your essay would have to be efficient and balanced. Try to address the five standards that the NJHS looks for in its candidates.

Academic achievements

Leadership and service.

Explain the events or positions of responsibility you have held at your school level or any other level. Any festival or event that you organized can come under this. Being of service to society is a part of the NJHS and if you have volunteered to do social work, do remember to mention it here. 

Character and Citizenship

Samples of good essays for njhs.

Your essay can start directly with a short introduction and move on to the topics at hand. 

I deserve to be a part of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) because I show leadership, service, moral character, and citizenship. I have high academic qualities that I believe will help me in being a part of the NJHS. If selected to be a part of this esteemed organization, I would like to share my ideas and discuss various issues that are being brought up in the meetings. I will be an active member and a valuable addition to the team. 

My academic record has been impeccable with a GPA of <your GPA>. I am a member of the Toastmasters’ Club and have always been active in debating and oratorical competitions. I have a great love for plants and every living being, hence my love towards biology too! 

It is a mark of a good leader to lead not just by words, but by action as well, which I believe makes me an exceptional leader. I have led my school basketball team to multiple victories and although we have met with failures and losses, I ensure the spirits are kept high in the game. 

I am an honest and great citizen in many ways, I try my best to lend my assistance to my community and am very active there as well.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long should my NJHS essay be?

It is advisable to have an essay of a minimum of 500 words, without any plagiarism. The essay would have to be typed. 

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njhs essay prompt 2021

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, crafting a njhs essay: where to begin.

Hey guys, I've been selected to apply for the National Junior Honor Society at my school, and I'm kinda nervous about the essay part. I want it to be really good. Any advice on how to kick things off? What do they look for in these essays, and how can I make mine stand out? Also, do they care more about storytelling or my academic achievements?

Congratulations on being selected to apply for the National Junior Honor Society! This is a great opportunity to showcase not only your academic capabilities but your character, leadership, and service as well. Kicking things off, you'll want to brainstorm some key moments in your life that demonstrate these qualities. Storytelling is a powerful tool in an essay, as it can bring your experiences and achievements to life. The selection committee is indeed interested in your academic achievements but also places great emphasis on character and involvement in school or community service.

A strategy to make your essay stand out is to focus on a single anecdote that exemplifies your commitment and contributions, particularly one that illustrates personal growth or impact on others. Tie this back to the core values of NJHS—scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Be genuine in your writing, and avoid simply listing your achievements. Instead, reflect on what these experiences mean to you and how they've shaped you into a candidate for NJHS. Good luck with your essay!

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How to Write a National Junior Honor Society Essay

National Honor Society Essay Ideas

National Honor Society Essay Ideas

The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) recognizes students that excel academically and that have demonstrated strong leadership and committed service to their communities. The NJHS is open to students in grades 6 through 9. To determine eligibility, the NJHS considers candidates' fitness based on the criteria of Scholarship, Leadership, Character, Service and Citizenship, in order to select students who have both a great academic performance, and also a well-rounded presence in their school community. Students who have a qualifying grade point average and are interesting in joining the NJHS can fill out an application set by their local chapter, which often includes an essay detailing their qualifications.

Plan Your Essay

Start by brainstorming the key ideas of your essay. For this step, think about what accomplishments show that you meet the criteria for the NJHS. Then, sketch out the structure of your essay before drafting so that it is organized and efficient. This way, you will have an easier time writing a balanced essay that substantially treats each of your important topics.

Highlight Your Academic Achievements

First, discuss your scholarly achievements. NJHS membership is offered only to students that have demonstrated academic excellence. List your grade point average, class rank and any awards, such as Honor Roll, that recognize your scholarly achievements. Also list honors, college prep or advanced placement courses that you have taken or in which you are currently enrolled. It is important to prove not only that you have succeeded academically, but also that you have challenged yourself academically.

Discuss Your Leadership

Next, highlight your leadership experience. For instance, if you have served as a class officer or in any leadership position in an extracurricular activity, include details of such experience. Also discuss your leadership in sports, if applicable. If you have served as a team captain, say so. Indicate whether you were elected or appointed. The NJHS looks for students that are involved in activities beyond the classroom and that stand out as leaders to adults and to their peers.

Show How You Have Been Of Service

To evaluate service, the NJHS looks for students who have given back to their communities without being paid, so this is a good place to highlight your volunteer experience. List all service organizations in which you are actively involved and detail your participation in community service, including church-related service projects.

Highlight Your Character

When evaluating character, the NJHS is looking for students who are cooperative, honest, reliable, courteous, concerned for others and respectful. Think of ways that you have shown these characteristics. Consider sharing a story that bespeaks your strong character and ethical integrity, but keep stories brief. Stay focused on the essay.

Show You Are A Good Citizen

The NJHS looks for students that understand the importance of civic engagement, shown through their involvement in groups both inside and outside school. Detail your participation in extracurricular activities such as Scouts or community-focused groups. Demonstrate that you care about being involved in efforts that advance society.

Edit Your Essay

Before you submit your essay, read it again to make sure that it is your best work, accurately describes you, and is free from typos or errors. Ask a teacher or parent to read your essay for grammar and content before submitting it with your application.

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Audrey Farley began writing professionally in 2007. She has been featured in various issues of "The Mountain Echo" and "The Messenger." Farley has a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Richmond and a Master of Arts in English literature from Virginia Commonwealth University. She teaches English composition at a community college.

njhs essay prompt 2021

To enable every aspiring TJ student to present their best self

See previous problem solving essay prompts here, check out our feature in wtop, preparing for the essays has always been a vague, sometimes debated concept. one easy way to prepare for the problem solving (also called math based, science based and ethics) essays is to try the previous years'. each one should be done in an hour end to end. the most important thing to do in these is to explain and show your thoughts. though the right answer is a great, being able to show your thoughts is so much more important. remember to write them without the use of a calculator and an application that does not have spell check (ie. notepad).

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When designing a stairway, an architect can use the riser-tread formula 2h +d = 25, where h is the riser height, in inches, and d is the tread depth, in inches. For any given stairway, the riser heights are the same and the tread depths are the same for all steps in that stairway.

The number of steps in a stairway is the number of its risers. For example, there are 5 steps in the stairway in the figure above. The total rise of a stairway is the sum of the riser heights as shown in the figure. 

An architect wants to use the riser-tread formula to design a stairway with a total rise of 9 feet, a riser height between 7 and 8 inches, and an odd number of steps. With the architect’s constraints, which of the following must be the tread depth, in inches, of the stairway?

To see the figure, click here

The Chesapeake Bay holds about 18 trillion gallons of water. The Chesapeake Bay covers about 4,480 square miles or about 3,000,000 acres. Each acre can hold 750,000 oysters and each oyster is capable of filtering 50 gallons of water per day. Can there be enough oysters to filter the Chesapeake Bay in one day?

***Please not that these are most likely not exactly how the prompts were worded. We searched the internet to compile these and cross referenced to find the most consistent version. These are great practice but not guaranteed the prompts verbatim***

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njhs essay prompt 2021

Those students who apply for high school already know about the existence of the National Junior Honor Society (NHJS). Those who want to join the National Junior Honor Society (NHJS) need to write an NJHS essay. The NJHS supports and promotes students who have already fulfilled all qualification requirements and can devote time and effort to writing an NJHS application essay. Being a member of the NHJS is an honor for students and a chance to show their skills, qualifications, and devotion to what they know and do.

An understanding of what a national junior honor society essay is may help you have a better vision of what a member of the NHJS means and why students strive to obtain it. The following article will also share some NJHS essay examples to give a better vision of the membership, its benefits, and basic principles of writing papers for application for the society.

What Is the National Junior Honor Society?

The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) unites the best representatives among high-school students. The organization was established in 1929 and continues operating till now. The major goal of the society is to ensure that the best students in high school can successfully develop and promote the features of law-abiding and leading personalities.

What Does The National Junior Honor Society Do?

NJHS is an organization for students led by students. One of their practical goals is to ensure that they bring up leaders who serve other people and do not only consume the services others provide and perform. If you take a chance to become a member of the NJHS, you can improve the commonwealth of the community by volunteering in different fields of community.

National Junior Honor Society Requirements

In order to become a member of the NJHS, you have to confirm your qualification. When you demonstrate your success on scholarship, you will get an invitation. Consider that an invitation is distributed among students of the 7th or 8th grade with a score not lower than 85% on each subject. An invitation means that you have met the requirements and can proceed with the application. You have to fill out a form with some specific questions regarding you as the member of society as the next step in the application. Academic success is not a guarantee of becoming a member of the society. Thus, you have to depict the best skills you possess to be eligible for application and acceptance.

Is National Junior Honor Society Worth It?

The fact that many students spend much time trying to ensure that they meet NJHS essay requirements confirms the value and importance of membership. Only those students who have experience and regularly contribute to school activities, volunteering work, and social service can expect to be accepted. Here is a list of all the national junior honor society benefits you may wish to consider before understanding the value of the organization:

  • The membership in NJHS is an opportunity to have a better future with more opportunities
  • Being a part of NJHS allows you to satisfy personal ambition and have a feeling of fulfillment and superiority
  • The membership in NJHS increases your chances for college application as if you were a member of the society it means that you are the best in your academic community.

What Are the National Junior Honor Society Application Essay Requirements?

Apart from fitting all the criteria mentioned above, you have to write an NJHS essay. The essay has strict instructions, requires your highest attention to details, and the ability to strictly follow the guidelines. There are many NJHS essay tips and NJHS essay ideas that can help you deliver the top paper that will be a ticket to your membership. Check some most important information below and consider it as the national junior honor society essay help for writing:

  • Do not plagiarize; plagiarism is strictly punished.
  • Speak to the point and with details especially when you discuss your achievements and their effect on society. The committee wants to be proud of you as their member.
  • Always refer to personal stories and examples; ensure that your story speaks about you as a leader. An admission committee likes such stories.
  • Focus on the volunteering projects you participated in, on your character traits, and on high moral and ethical principles that help you establish your exceptional traits in learning and living.
  • Strictly follow the NJHS essay format provided in the requirements.

Check this quick NJHS essay prompt: show your personal qualities and be as detailed as possible.

How to Write an Essay for NJHS

If you do not know how to write NJHS essay papers, you need to check the information below. These guidelines along with a professionally composed national junior honor society essay example will help you develop your personal paper of the top quality.

Make a plan

Never start writing without a plan as you will spend much time rewriting and editing and will not have a structured paper. Check a good NJHS essay example and see how the paper is to be structured. You need to write why your candidacy fits the requirements of NJHS membership.

Make some brainstorming to write down your features of why you fit the community. Sketch your benefits. Make a plan of the major ideas you wish to deliver and write some general viewpoints of how you are going to do it.

Discuss your academic achievements

If you have already conducted some research, you may notice that a good NJHS application essay example always has the major academic achievements of a student. Write down your GPA, list the test scores, and add any academic honors you have.

If you have completed some additional classes and obtained some qualifications, you may also add them. Add the details regarding where you obtained them and how they contribute to your development as a personality.

Speak about why you are a good leader

Leadership abilities are one of the most important features of becoming a member of NJHS. If you have some experience or obtain some features that help you be a good leader, you have to write them down. You may notice that many NJHS application essay sample papers pay much attention to leadership features.

You may get some additional viewpoints immediately if you were elected to some structure or were a team leader in any group.

Demonstrate your help to others

NJHS needs students who are ready to spend their free time for the benefit of the community. Volunteering experience may significantly contribute to your application. You ought to be ready to help others, and if you have such an experience, you have to write about it.

Always mention the names of the organizations and groupings where you worked or who you assisted. It is always valuable when one sees specific data but not only some general phrases.

Make stress on your personality

NJHS looks for personalities. You have to be the best to become a member. They do not need one of many students alike. In searching for candidates, the society seeks helpful, open, fair, friendly, and caring students.

If you need to increase your chances of being accepted, always write the details. Do not restrict yourself to general statements. Make your paper personal.

Always proofread papers

Never leave the paper as it is after you have written it. Many people seek professional proofreading NJHS essay help. This is a guarantee that the paper will be free from mistakes. Any detail is important as poorly polished papers are not accepted for consideration as it means that a student is not attentive to details.

Make a long story short

A professional example of NJHS essay is about 500 words in length. This is a standard volume, and you may write more or less only if the specific society asks you to deliver a paper of another length. Include only the required data and do not deviate from the topic to fulfill the word count.

Check a Professionally Written NJHS Essay Example

The example below may help you see what a top-quality essay has to look like to get a positive response in the application.

The the National Junior Honor Society is the nation’s organization, uniting the outstanding high school students (NASSP). Some may suppose that high grades are enough to become the member of it. Nevertheless, it is not so. Although academic excellence is one of the essential requirements, the National Honor Society looks not only for grades but also for leadership skills, scientific projects, and social contributions. I am dreaming about the the National Junior Honor Society membership. Firstly, it will help me to advance my knowledge of scientific researching. The organization does not only provide the students with theoretical data about the main stages of researching but also tools, resources, and guidance to achieve the goal. I have already defined my sphere of interest for the future studying. It is digital and traditional illustration. I want to research the differences between them from the perspective of impact on the human perception. Secondly, I would like to join the the National Junior Honor Society not only because of academic purposes. Membership is also a chance to find new friends, which share my interests and hobbies. As my passion is music, I hope to make acquaintance with many talented students and organize the music band. I know that the the National Junior Honor Society supports students’ art and even organize the concerts on the national level. That is why it will be an opportunity for me to gain the public recognition. Moreover, popular music band will serve as an efficient promoting campaign for the organization itself. Finally, the the National Junior Honor Society appeals to me due to its contribution to the improvement of communities and personal altruistic traits. I would like to participate in its volunteering project under the name Animal Shelter. It is dedicated to taking care of homeless animals. In my neighborhood, there are some stray dogs and cats. Therefore, with the help of Animal Shelter, it is possible to change this situation for better and provide the neighbors as well as the animals with comfortable living conditions. Moreover, I understand that animals in shelters also need love, attention, and such basic things as food medicine, etc. That is why I am ready to spend my free time on walking and playing with them as well as organizing the fundraising campaigns. To sum up, the the National Junior Honor Society is an opportunity for students to become scientists, leaders, artists, and public figures. Personally, I would like to join it to conduct the profound scientific researches in the sphere of digital vs. traditional illustration, bring my hobby of music to new heights, and change the life of my community for better.

If you do not know how to end a NJHS essay, think about the benefits the society and its members will obtain if they accept you. Make sure that the conclusion is strong. Many students want to ensure that their papers are professionally written and order custom writing help.

A team of our writers is ready to assist you with the whole NJHS essay or only with its part. Learn how to write an NJHS essay conclusion or beginning from the examples or buy outstanding services from us and enjoy the result.

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Community Service Idea Starters

njhs essay prompt 2021

  • Select a cause: There are hundreds of organizations that could use a volunteer like you. To begin finding the right project for you, first decide what type of cause you’d like to support. Maybe it’s working with animals, helping the homeless or mentoring fellow students. The National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society offer a list of cause-related organizations that can serve as your starting point.

   You also can look for individual service project ideas by visiting the National Student Project Database .

  • Use your skills to help others: Think about your skills and expertise when deciding on a community service project. Choose an opportunity that aligns closely with your skills and interests so you have a more meaningful experience. Keep in mind that sometimes volunteer opportunities turn into job offers.
  • Communicate your interests: Once you know what cause you want to support, contact the organization that aligns with your interest. Ask them about their different volunteer opportunities and explain exactly what you wish to get out of the experience. Organizations often have multiple programs that welcome volunteers, so understanding your options will allow you find the best fit for you.
  • Consider the project length: Community service projects can be short or long term, so be sure you understand the length of the commitment. Here are some key benefits to both options:
  • Short-term projects can be finished in a matter of hours, days, or weeks and don’t require an ongoing commitment. Short-term volunteer options allow you to explore many different volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
  • Long-term projects can last months or even years. With these volunteer opportunities, you will develop a deep understanding of the cause you support and learn about the continuity that is required to make a larger impact on the community.
  • Create your own project: Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Consider creating your own community service project. You could do this on your own or with peers, coordinating with your school or community officials. If you think about areas in your community that could use improvements, some ideas will start coming to mind. Maybe it’s the need for a food drive at your high school for the local food bank or the opportunity to raise money for a good cause at a school basketball game. Thinking outside the box and developing your own volunteer opportunity could help you be noticed by college admission officers and will keep you genuinely engaged in the project.
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  7. PDF National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

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    Make a long story short. A professional example of NJHS essay is about 500 words in length. This is a standard volume, and you may write more or less only if the specific society asks you to deliver a paper of another length. Include only the required data and do not deviate from the topic to fulfill the word count.

  20. PDF 2021 NJHS Application

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  22. Students

    Contact. 1904 Association Drive Reston, Virginia 20191-1537 703 860 0200 [email protected] Payment Remit. NASSP PO Box 640245 Pittsburgh PA 15264-0245

  23. Community Service Idea Starters

    Contact. 1904 Association Drive Reston, Virginia 20191-1537 703 860 0200 [email protected] Payment Remit. NASSP PO Box 640245 Pittsburgh PA 15264-0245