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in a sentence ? Here are some examples. is written chastely, elegantly, self-critically and charitably.
While going through such varied sources, it is a great joy when one finds an or a biography or an unpublished piece of writing.
This will appeal most to those interested in the history of the Chattahoochee Valley.
In his he concludes, somewhat apologetically, that perhaps he preferred objects to people.
In his , My Life, he tells of his lifelong passion for golf both as a player and a commentator.
George is the survivor, the cat with nine lives, and he has an for every one of them.
In his he points to influences from punk, reggae, rock and pop with hip-hop, which really gave him his sense of direction.
It was reprinted by former LIFE editor Edward K. Thompson in his , along with the story behind it.
Nelson Mandela, for example, describes in his the depth of presence of Robben Island in the Xhosa language.
I want to say that Campion's An Angel at My Table is faithful to Frame's , specifically to the writerly vision of the writer's life.
Spanning four albums, this collection is an of her life over the past decade.
In his , he explains in detail why it did not become a worldwide business.
Every time you turn a page of his , you're going, you're kidding me, this happened?
Oskar has convinced Bruno to buy him a ream of blank white paper so that he can write out his .
It is in that episode that the larger implications of Schreiner's intricate weave of fiction and become apparent.
In his he accredits the story to Neil Collins, Bennett's Daily Telegraph counterpart.
The Times repeats, in summary, Said's false , as though it were factual.
Except for Lucy's , all the primary source materials I found are influenced by a dominant, cissexual perspective of people.
We must bear in mind that an reveals more about the mind set of its author than about factual occurrences.
In various passages from her , Hepburn, the daughter of a suffragist and birth-control crusader, sounds disconcertingly unliberated.
A vitrine contains parts of the original manuscripts for his 15,000 page novel and his 5,000-page .
Rather pettily, he made a point of correcting an error in his .
A pastiche of and post-modern plot twists, it was haunted by an off-putting tone of smug precociousness.
Note the dramatic narrative and implicit that emerge from this penetrating insight.
There is only one possible reason for a book such as this, the of a television personality.
Honesty, Amos says, is one of the advantages of committing her to CD rather than to paper.
By producing his , modest, unassuming Tom hopes he has scored a point.
The result is a literary in which the self revealed is simultaneously the self concealed.
He plainly confessed it in his , as did his ex-wife in her rather sympathetic memoir of their years together.
What gives to this its particular value is its inversion of insider-outsider positions.
Her CV, hand scrawled in a bi-tel across nine pages of A4 foolscap is a terribly poignant .
Well, you can wait for the or you can come with me to shop for formalwear.
It is not everyday that you find an so disarmingly direct and candid.
The translation represents Dante's as a prolepsis of the culminant visions in the Paradiso.
She wrote her , besides authoring books on the status of women, handicrafts and embroidery.
But if her is anything to go by, her success has come at a price.
She was so dismayed with the ghostwriter's draft of her 1998 that she rewrote it completely.
Like Jack, he contributed to the substantial body of Lindsay , a significant oeuvre in its own right.
An is an attempt to bring up all the facts, and to stick to them, faithfully and chronologically.
The golden girl of Tinseltown was due to appear at WestQuay's Waterstone's bookshop to sign copies of her new .
Ireland, in short, has no monopoly on the use of memoir, fiction, biography or as a political tool.
But one thing about now, as opposed to then, has been the rise of graphic novels, and comics biography and .
He re-read his father's and realised they shared many character traits.
Her opens with an epigraph by Virginia Woolf that firmly sets this metanarrative within a matriarchal tradition of storytelling.
Her , The Kindness of Strangers, published last year, is exceedingly short on personal detail.
His was serialized in magazines and on radio, bought by a major book club, and reprinted a number of times.
Finally, by facilitating self-discovery and personal growth, has therapeutic power.
It was published in 1937 so is probably unobtainable now, but it was a marvellous by a man who edited pulp magazines.
The covers the author's early years up to the threshold of university.
The film is not quite a confessional cry for help, but on some level it functions as scrambled .
But his does not mention the tax shelter advantages of his museum and foundation, which were hardly negligible.
He's got a book that just came out, an , in which he admits that he was a mainliner as a teen-ager.
In four volumes of and three books of journals he distilled much of the flavour of each decade of a remarkable century.
It is a unique record that pushes at the boundaries of and fiction.
Although he claims that his films should not be read as , he is a past master at transforming his life into art.
The blues sounded like , like ordinary people telling the story of their lives.
I'm always reluctant to do so because I don't want this blog to turn into by other means.
If all fiction is , then we must suggest that perhaps all autobiography is fiction.
It is part , part history, part psychological investigation of the Scottish character.
The details, he says, are pretty much straight , the sentiments also.
Indeed there is probably more fiction in than there is in fiction.
This is , and since when have we been worried about autobiography being indulgent?
He then adds in elements of , fragments of myth and history and a dose of magic realism.
Let's just say that by 30, I want to have had an international best-selling .
In a surprisingly candid , he reveals how his upbringing shaped his writing.
And members of the winning team will each receive a signed copy of his new .
In his Russell reports this sad interlude with agonized regret.
After my hit single I chose to take a year off to write my and produce this new album.
For now Ricky is busy attending book signings around the country to promote his Ricky.
Part of Harold Evans' , My paper chase, just out in paperback, describes his travels in America.
In this untypical but engaging sports , he portrays himself as a man of destiny, overcoming all obstacles in the way of England's Rugby World Cup victory.
I was intrigued to read in your that your relationship with your parents was starchy and formal, while you were close to your grandmother.
Since starting the whirlwind publicity tour to promote his , he has done his best to seem high-minded.
Like any example of oral history or the studies have both weaknesses as well as strengths.
He said he'd been working hard recently on his , which was now half finished.
It's curious that the Long Island Lolita is publishing her coincidentally with the Washington schoolteacher's release from the slammer.
Still, may be the land of the invented past but, when the person is interesting enough and the life is large enough, the compensations are considerable.
They're my particular way of writing my , the fragments of my day which make up an impression of my state of mind in a particular place.
A short is prefixed to the 1827 edition of Juvenal.
In sharp contrast to the , it tends to be prolix and muddled with excessive detail, and it often reads like a jumbled mix of fantastic stories.
After Lacroix, Man Ray spent about six years with the famed Parisian demi-mondaine Kiki de Montparnasse, to whom he devoted an entire chapter in his .
Gorgeously filmed and acted, Frida reveals the in Kahlo's art by occasionally punctuating the action with tableaux based on her paintings.
The assertive title boldly lettered on the gunmetal gray book spine makes this volume look like another tiresome by a former SAS trooper.
His memoir, in a translation that preserves the author's gorgeous, discursive style and his love of wordplay, is a social history embedded within an .
It is based on Barris's in which he claims to have led a double life as a CIA assassin, fronting game shows by day and murdering government targets by night.
Andrea described the whole scene very well in her , Talking Back to Presidents, Dictators, and Assorted Scoundrels.
Nobody writes an saying I was a loser, a failure and a fool.
Hulanicki was the subject of a 2009 documentary, Beyond Biba, based on her 2007 From A to Biba.
In his 'Still Me,' Reeves recounted how Williams helped save his life.
Her later works became even more experimental, blending elements of , history, myth, religion, and politics.
Its genre, fictional , goes back to Akkadian literature.
John Huston recalls in his , An Open Book, a time when he asked Mitchum to crawl across the grass on his elbows.
The splicing of vignettes and evokes moods wonderfully, but in later chapters, not pinned to Rembrandt, argument dissolves under the pressure.
Political anoraks who want to get ahead of the game should read Winning Back America, the former Vermont governor's recently published campaign .
In her she said curiosity had made her take the job, but 60 years on she admits she failed to let herself see the atrociousness of the regime she worked for.
I'm of another party, the one that says all is fiction.
Her art combines romantic and detached conceptualism.
The relation between and your writing is a complicated one.
Huston never publicly acknowledged that any of San Pietro was fake, not in his , not in any interview.
One wishes one of her many friends and admirers had advised her not to make her sound like a list of testimonials from famous people interspersed with anecdotes.
He penned pamphlets of protest, left his mark on Philadelphia's most significant free black institutions, and produced a moving spiritual .
After all, in her 1993 she disclosed one or two juicier titbits contained in the files, which she was allowed to see soon after the Wall came down.
His eagerly awaited is a solid good read about the life of a top international soccer star, although hardly the seminally honest account we were promised.
Along the way he offers a sort of of his bibliomania, which takes him across New England and the rest of the country searching for old books.
This image of a monastic, reclusive author, wilfully at odds with much of modernity, was confirmed by the posthumous appearance of Brown's .
Stiff cliched characters, unreal situations, and a bit too much .
The White House physician, who was not a psychiatrist, did describe Coolidge in his unpublished as being mentally unbalanced and mentally deranged.
It should not surprise anyone if it turns out that Jean Houston's is a piece of fiction, a heroic myth spun by her imagination out of the fabric of her desires.
In his early life, Oldfield used drugs including LSD, whose effects on his mental health he discussed in his .
At 13 Drew was using cocaine, and by the time she was 16 the rockily-rehabbed actress was co-authoring an about it all.
Smith was listed as the author of his , but a ghostwriter did most of the work.
At night, as creative author, the cognoscente sketched out the first draft of his expanded .
Six years later, she wrote her Prime Mimicker, chronicling her childhood and career as impressionist.
The aborigine's was also an autoethnography. It told much about the culture he grew up in.
They cover postmodernity, textuality, , masculinity, sexuality, postcoloniality, and post-theory.
Incorgnito Publishing Press has just signed martial artist and cult film legend Taimak to present his , Taimak, The Last Dragon.
The aborigine's contained much that was autoethnographic. How much more insightful into his culture than the views of a foreigner.
Following upon Patricia Cholakian's earlier work, the book frames Marguerite's life around a reading of her Heptameron as .
The Voice judge and Olympic ceremony hogger Jessie J will chat about her , Nice To Meet You.
McEwan had included a brief note at the end of Atonement, referring to Andrews's , among several other works.
In 1971, he published his , The Moon's a Balloon, which was well received, selling over five million copies.
In his , Rudolf Carnap describes Wittgenstein as the thinker who gave him the greatest inspiration.
In a fragment of dated 25 July 1894, Gladstone denounced the tax as.
Davies died at the age of 76 in 2015 and, as a tribute to his longstanding friend, Jon Gower republished Davies' in English.
Her , The Breakaway, was published in the summer of 2014 to significant critical acclaim.
The album's track titles are interwoven into the chapters of his Over the Top and Back released at the same time.
She released a second titled Keep Smiling in late 2007, this time with a very different tone than the previous.
Jenkins's , Time to Say Hello, was released on 28 January 2008, and was also serialised in The Mail on Sunday.
Much more than a methodical treatise, The Physiology of Taste is part , part theory, part axiology.
In his Slide Rule, Shute recalls writing the book twice over and rewriting large portions a third time.
Many elements of the novel follow events in Dickens's own life, and it is often considered his veiled .
Her publications, especially her The Life of Theresa of Jesus, had multiple effects.
As he relates in his , he examined the bronze powder made in Nuremberg which was the only place where it was made at the time.
According to Wainwright, in his Fellwanderer, he initially planned the series for his own interest rather than for publication.
And it was also during the phase of the higher .
Commando, the posthumously published of punk pioneer Johnny Ramone, is not a typical rock'n' roll confessional.
This is the of Nobel Peace Laureate Albert Schweitzer, published in commemoration of Schweitzer's 1949 visit to the United States.
But he has promised to return to the micro-blogging world once he has completed a follow-up to his Moab Is My Washpot.
However, he promised to return once he has finished a follow-up to his 1997 Moab Is My Washpot.
However, he has promised to return to the micro-blogging world once he has completed a follow-up to his , Moab Is My Washpot.
He covers the prehumans, the humans, chronicle, , Lucy the fossil, and Lucy the symbol.
Any interested in mobile living and yurts will find this an inspirational, revealing packed with insights and encouragement.
He also fronts his own game show, Alan Carr's Celebrity Ding Dong, has written his , and continues to perform as a stand-up.
Englund even co-wrote her bestselling 2009 , Cloris.
He made it clear to his publishers that this slim book was in no sense a full .
Lewis wrote a compellingly readable called Surprised by Joy.
He wrote his in Welsh, but said he lacked the necessary grasp of the language to employ it in his poems.
The whole novel is presented as if it were the he wrote between being forced to retire from the ministry and his eventual death.
For example, his Satyasanjeevani was meant for a women readership.
She escaped to the North in 1842 and became the first freedwoman to write her own .
Many of his novels contain elements of , and feature various locations in his native Scotland.
He had no patients according to his and his efforts as an ophthalmologist were a failure.
In 1962 Waugh began work on his , and that same year wrote his final fiction, the long short story Basil Seal Rides Again.
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, a spiritual was published in 1666, when he was still in jail.
Lynam, whose is called I Should Have Been At Work, lives in Chiswick, west London, with long-term partner Rose Diamond.
In September 2010, she published a second entitled Full Circle.
On the Fred Astaire theme, I enjoyed reading the star's , Steps In Time.
In an excerpt from his , he describes the reaction.
In 2002, MacArthur released her first entitled Taking on the World.
He has written an with the late Sky TV darts commentator Sid Waddell.
In 1971 she published her entertaining, and modest, tennis , A Game to Love.
He will also star as iconic war photographer Don McCullin in a film based on McCullin's , Unreasonable Behaviour.
A self-confessed bibliophile, this show felt like an but without any hint of sententiousness or showboating self-satisfaction.
Malala's father's story is glancingly told in her , which has been banned in Pakistan.
Andrews discovered her true parentage from her mother in 1950, although it was not publicly disclosed until her 2008 .
He then published Stone Alone, an based on scrapbooks and diaries he had been keeping since the band's early days.
Lewis also wrote an titled Surprised by Joy, which places special emphasis on his own conversion.
David Copperfield is regarded by many as a veiled of Dickens.
Who would have thought that we would end up working together when he became manager of Darlington, and that I would cowrite his ?
Scholars consider it as Dickens' veiled with the title character modeled after the author himself.
According to his , he and Shaw played cowboys in a silent film that was never released.
Much of what is known of Hooke's early life comes from an that he commenced in 1696 but never completed.
Septimius Severus does not mention her in his , though he later commemorated her with statues when he became Emperor.
Suetonius quotes Claudius' once and must have used it as a source numerous times.
Self-abasement was a Chaucerian inheritance that Shakespeare merged with the Plautine plaudite, and as such should not be mistaken for .
He wrote a boastful , recording all his great deeds.
His time there is documented in his , An Island To Oneself.
In 1997, his and art book, I Want To Spend the Rest of My Life Everywhere, with Everyone, One to One, Always, Forever, Now, was published.
He remarked in his that his keenest interests were in religion and mathematics, and that only his wish to know more mathematics kept him from suicide.
According to his , Errol Flynn and he were firm friends and rented Rosalind Russell's house at 601 North Linden Drive as a bachelor pad.
According to his , as a young man Chesterton became fascinated with the occult and, along with his brother Cecil, experimented with Ouija boards.
The texts written by Caesar, an of the most important events of his public life, are the most complete primary source for the reconstruction of his biography.
Benn's , published in 2001, is called Dark Destroyer.
It is his lesbophilia that sets Proust's narrator apart from the author, that marks the novel as a novel rather than a perverse exercise in selective .
His Changeling was published in May 2007 by Virgin Books.
She began to write her , as she expected her life to end.
It was only later in that week I had the courage to venture into my bottom drawer and pull out the synopsis of his , together with the first couple of chapters.
And when I revealed this fact in my I'm Not The Only One he took my publisher Penguin to the High Court in Edinburgh seeking to injunct publication.
But that's just what he has done, in typically exuberant, no-holds-barred fashion by detailing his life story in a volume of entitled Kickups, Hiccups, Lockups.
He's had an amazing time, he assures me, although reading between the lines of his Funny Peculiar, his path to happiness hasn't always run smooth.
In his , the South African poet Roy Campbell recalled his youth in the Dargle Valley, near the city of Pietermaritzburg, where people spoke only Gaelic and Zulu.
The photographer Eric Hosking lost his left eye after attempting to photograph a tawny owl, which inspired the title of his 1970 , An Eye for a Bird.
Freddie Foreman, a friend of the Krays, claimed in his Respect that he shot Mitchell dead as a favour to the twins and disposed of his body at sea.
Contrary to some longstanding accounts, Stewart states in his 2012 that he was never signed to the club and that the club never called him back after his trials.
Christie's makes no reference to her disappearance.
In the autumn of 2003, Sting released his , Broken Music.
In it Bunting tells his but also traces the lineage of poetry in the North back to the Viking Skaldic tradition and the Celtic bards that they went to war with.
Make your story unputdownable whether it's your , the portrait of a lost industry or town, or a speculative fiction set on another world.
We do not know who is the author of this very interesting of an old and popular coleus.
But there is one point about the book that deserves some considering, its credibility as .
The charm of these essays is a frank note of tempered by a kindly humor and whimsicality peculiar to Lamb.
The plotless narrative, reading like , of a kid who ran away from a farm in East Texas to be a cowboy in Arizona.
The volume included his loges of several academicians, and the of his great-grandfather, the first Cassini.
In addition to writing an , she authored articles and a swimming instruction book for women.
I wasted myself on too nice points, laments Brea in his deep, honest, clear-eyed .
To take them as an attempt at would be a mistake.
Writing one's life story in the form of a personal memoir or an can have immense value for benefiting posterity.
This is a powerful book of love and sociology.
May they all get thwacked over the head with Coleen McLoughlin's .
Trajectory is Malcolm's in which he writes about growing up in India with Armenian parents and an English education.
The following account of this performance is abridged from his .
An , when confronted by a careful editor with documentary evidence, is usually found to be full of obviously inadvertent errors.
He had the training that a coloured youth receives at Hampton, which, indeed, the does explain.
Gareth wrote a fanfare for Owain Arwel Hughes' 70th birthday to coincide with the launch of Owain's .
The Australian rubbished the claim made in Tendulkar's Playing It My Way, and said he never contemplated the change in captaincy.
He sat down to write his new book which was, in a way, an .
The whole episode takes about three pages of his .
Smith, in his , laments the mortality among the settlers.
So wrote Trollope in the concluding chapter of his .
I will observe, in parenthesis, that Heine says that a true is almost an impossibility, and that man is bound to lie about himself.
She broke into the industry in 1973 with her Halfbreed.
Oprah natters to Mia Farrow about her What Falls Away, giving her account of her relationship with Woody Allen, surely one of Movieland's wackiest characters.
The irrepressible charisma and unnatural good health radiated by George Zoritch in the Goldfine-Geller movie permeates every page of this anecdotal .
Rugby men don't possess a sympathetic ear for smart alecks, and that is what our Gav is now perceived to be after his controversial .
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How To Use “Autobiography” In A Sentence: Exploring The Word

How To Use “Autobiography” In A Sentence: Exploring The Word

Autobiography is a powerful word that holds the essence of one’s life story. It allows individuals to express their experiences, thoughts, and emotions in a deeply personal manner. In this article, we will explore how to effectively use the term “autobiography” in a sentence, shedding light on its proper usage and significance.

So, what is the correct way to use “autobiography” in a sentence? Simply put, it refers to the written account of a person’s life story, penned by the individual themselves. For example, one might say, “I thoroughly enjoyed reading Maya Angelou’s autobiography, ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’, as it provided a profound insight into her remarkable life.” This sentence demonstrates the appropriate use of the term, highlighting the personal nature of the narrative.

Now that we have established the meaning and usage of “autobiography,” let us delve deeper into the various contexts in which this term can be employed. In the following sections, we will explore how autobiography can be used in different scenarios, such as literature, education, and self-reflection.

Definition Of Autobiography

An autobiography is a written account of a person’s life, written by the individual themselves. It is a form of literature that provides a detailed and personal narrative of the author’s experiences, thoughts, and reflections. Autobiographies often cover a wide range of topics, including personal achievements, struggles, relationships, and significant events that have shaped the author’s life.

Autobiographies can take various forms, including books, essays, or even blog posts. They serve as a means for individuals to share their life stories, leaving behind a literary legacy that offers insights into their unique perspectives and experiences.

Historical Evolution

The concept of autobiographical writing can be traced back to ancient times, with notable examples found in the works of famous figures such as Julius Caesar, Saint Augustine, and Marco Polo. However, the term “autobiography” itself emerged much later in literary history.

During the 18th century, a surge in autobiographical literature occurred, particularly in Europe. This period marked the rise of the Enlightenment and the Romantic movement, which emphasized the individual experience and the exploration of one’s inner self. Prominent autobiographies from this era include “Confessions” by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and “The Life of Samuel Johnson” by James Boswell.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, autobiographies gained further popularity as a literary genre. Notable examples during this time include “The Story of My Experiments with Truth” by Mahatma Gandhi and “The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank. Autobiographies became a means for individuals to document their personal journeys, share their insights, and inspire readers.

Different Meanings In Different Contexts

While the basic definition of autobiography remains consistent, there can be variations in its interpretation and usage across different contexts. Autobiographies can be categorized into several subgenres, each with its own distinct characteristics.

Memoirs are a specific type of autobiography that focuses on a particular period or theme in the author’s life. They often delve into specific experiences, relationships, or events that have had a significant impact on the author. Memoirs provide a more targeted and selective exploration of the author’s life, offering a deeper understanding of their personal journey within a specific context.

2. Personal Essays

Autobiographical essays are shorter, more concise pieces that offer glimpses into the author’s life. These essays usually revolve around a specific topic or theme and provide personal insights, reflections, and anecdotes related to that particular subject. Personal essays allow authors to share their thoughts and experiences in a more focused and introspective manner.

3. Diaries and Journals

Diaries and journals serve as a form of autobiographical writing that captures the author’s daily experiences, thoughts, and emotions. Unlike traditional autobiographies, diaries and journals are typically written in a chronological order, offering a raw and unfiltered account of the author’s life. They provide a unique window into the author’s inner world and can be invaluable historical and personal records.

Overall, the term “autobiography” encompasses a broad range of literary forms, each with its own nuances and purposes. Whether in the form of a memoir, personal essay, or diary, autobiographies allow individuals to share their stories, connect with readers, and leave a lasting impact on the world of literature.

How To Properly Use Autobiography In A Sentence

When using the word “autobiography” in a sentence, it is important to follow the grammatical rules to ensure clarity and accuracy. Autobiography is a noun that refers to a written account of a person’s life, written by that person themselves. Here are some guidelines to consider when incorporating this word into your sentences:

1. Use Autobiography As A Noun:

The most common usage of the word “autobiography” is as a noun. It functions as the subject or object of a sentence, providing information about a person’s life story. For example:

  • “I am currently reading an autobiography about Nelson Mandela.”
  • “Her autobiography provides a fascinating insight into her early years.”

By using “autobiography” as a noun, you can clearly convey that you are referring to a written account of someone’s life.

2. Consider The Different Parts Of Speech:

While “autobiography” is primarily used as a noun, it is worth noting that it can also be used as an adjective or a verb in certain contexts. Let’s explore these possibilities:

  • Adjective: When used as an adjective, “autobiography” describes something related to or characteristic of an autobiography. For example:

“The library has an impressive collection of autobiographical works.”

  • Verb: In rare cases, “autobiography” can function as a verb, indicating the act of writing or producing an autobiography. However, this usage is less common and may not be widely recognized. For instance:

“She hopes to autobiography her experiences as a war correspondent.”

While these alternative uses are not as prevalent, it’s important to be aware of their existence and context-specific applications.

In conclusion, when incorporating the word “autobiography” into your sentences, remember to use it as a noun to refer to a written account of a person’s life. By following these grammatical rules, you can effectively communicate your ideas and convey the intended meaning.

Examples Of Using Autobiography In A Sentence

When it comes to incorporating the word “autobiography” into a sentence, it’s essential to showcase its versatility and multiple contexts. By using a mix of simple and complex sentences, we can effectively demonstrate the various ways this word can be used. Let’s explore some examples:

1. In The Context Of A Person’s Life Story:

  • Her autobiography, titled “A Journey Within,” delves deep into her struggles and triumphs.
  • Reading Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, “Long Walk to Freedom,” inspired me to fight for justice.
  • Writing an autobiography requires introspection and a willingness to share personal experiences.

2. Referring To A Literary Genre:

  • Autobiographies provide valuable insights into the lives of notable individuals.
  • The library’s biography section is brimming with captivating autobiographies.
  • As an avid reader, I enjoy exploring different autobiographies to gain diverse perspectives.

3. In A Legal Context:

  • The defendant’s autobiography played a crucial role in the courtroom, shedding light on their motives.
  • During the trial, the prosecution presented the accused’s autobiography as evidence.

4. Describing A Written Work:

  • James’s autobiography, a beautifully crafted memoir, captivated readers around the world.
  • The author’s autobiography provides a candid account of their experiences as a war correspondent.

5. In A Figurative Sense:

  • Her actions spoke louder than any autobiography, revealing her true character.
  • Through his art, the painter created an autobiography of emotions, each stroke conveying a story.

These examples demonstrate the diverse contexts in which the word “autobiography” can be used. Whether it refers to a person’s life story, a literary genre, legal proceedings, a written work, or a figurative representation, its usage is both versatile and intriguing.

Edge Cases Or Things To Consider

When it comes to using the word “autobiography” in a sentence, there are a few edge cases and considerations to keep in mind. Understanding these nuances can help you avoid common mistakes and navigate any cultural or regional differences that may arise.

Common Mistakes People Make When Using Autobiography

While using the word “autobiography” may seem straightforward, there are a few common mistakes that people often make. By being aware of these errors, you can ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct and convey the intended meaning.

  • Using “autobiography” instead of “autobiographical”: One frequent mistake is using the noun form “autobiography” when the adjective form “autobiographical” is required. For example, instead of saying, “I enjoyed reading his autobiography book,” it should be “I enjoyed reading his autobiographical book.”
  • Confusing “autobiography” with “biography”: Another common mistake is using “autobiography” when referring to someone else’s life story. It is essential to remember that an autobiography is a self-written account, while a biography is a written account of someone’s life by another person. For instance, saying, “I just finished reading his autobiography about Albert Einstein” would be incorrect, as it should be “I just finished reading his biography about Albert Einstein.”
  • Improper capitalization: It is crucial to capitalize “Autobiography” when using it as the title of a specific book or work, but not when using it as a general term. For example, “I am currently reading ‘The Autobiography of Malcolm X'” is correct, while “I am currently reading an autobiography” is appropriate.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your usage of “autobiography” in a sentence is accurate and conveys your intended meaning.

Cultural Or Regional Differences

Language is not static, and its usage can vary across different cultures and regions. This holds true for the word “autobiography” as well. While the fundamental meaning remains the same, there may be slight variations in how it is used or understood in different contexts.

In some cultures, the concept of writing one’s autobiography may be more prevalent and celebrated than in others. For instance, in Western societies, autobiographies are frequently published and widely read. On the other hand, in certain Eastern cultures, the emphasis may be more on collective narratives and family histories rather than individual autobiographical accounts.

Moreover, regional dialects and colloquialisms can influence the way “autobiography” is used in everyday speech. It is essential to be mindful of these cultural and regional differences to ensure effective communication.

When using “autobiography” in a sentence, it is advisable to consider the cultural and regional context in which you are communicating. This awareness allows you to tailor your language appropriately and avoid any unintended misunderstandings.

Synonyms Or Alternates To Use

When it comes to expressing the concept of autobiography, there are several synonyms or alternate words that can be used to convey a similar meaning. Each of these terms possesses its own nuances and may be preferred in different contexts. Here, we explore four such synonyms:

A memoir is a written account of one’s own life experiences, typically focusing on specific events, themes, or periods. While it shares similarities with autobiography, a memoir often has a more subjective and introspective tone. It allows the author to delve into personal reflections and emotions, providing a deeper understanding of their life journey. Memoirs are often preferred when the author intends to highlight specific aspects or themes within their life story.

2. Life Story

The term “life story” is a broader alternative to autobiography, encompassing the narrative of an individual’s entire life. It emphasizes the chronological sequence of events, from birth to the present or a specific point in time. Unlike autobiography, which often implies a more formal and comprehensive approach, a life story can be more casual and conversational in tone. This term is commonly used in informal settings or when discussing personal experiences in a less structured manner.

3. Personal Narrative

A personal narrative refers to a firsthand account of an individual’s experiences, thoughts, and feelings. It can encompass a range of storytelling formats, including written, oral, or visual. While autobiography usually implies a written form, a personal narrative can extend beyond just writing to include other mediums such as interviews, videos, or even artwork. This term is often employed when the focus is on conveying a personal perspective rather than providing a comprehensive life account.

4. Life Chronicle

Life chronicle is another synonym for autobiography, emphasizing the chronological aspect of one’s life events. It suggests a detailed and systematic account of an individual’s experiences, often spanning various periods and milestones. This term is particularly suitable when the author aims to present a comprehensive and structured narrative, highlighting the significant events and their impact on their life’s trajectory.

While each of these synonyms shares a common thread with autobiography, their subtle differences in meaning and usage offer writers a range of options to choose from based on the specific context and desired tone of their writing.

Related Phrases Or Idioms

When it comes to incorporating autobiography into our everyday language, there are several phrases and idioms that have emerged over time. These expressions not only add depth and color to our conversations but also provide a unique way of conveying meaning. Let’s explore a few of these related phrases and idioms:

1. Tell-all Autobiography

Meaning: A memoir or autobiography that reveals intimate or scandalous details about the author’s life.

Example sentence: “In her tell-all autobiography, the famous actress bared her soul, recounting her struggles with addiction and failed relationships.”

2. Rewrite History

Meaning: To alter or reinterpret past events in order to present a more favorable or self-serving version of the truth.

Example sentence: “The politician’s autobiography conveniently rewrote history, conveniently omitting any mention of his controversial decisions.”

3. Skeletons In The Closet

Meaning: Hidden or embarrassing secrets from one’s past that could potentially damage their reputation if revealed.

Example sentence: “Despite his successful career, the renowned author had a few skeletons in the closet that were unveiled in his autobiography.”

4. Chapter Of My Life

Meaning: Referring to a specific period or phase in one’s life, often marked by significant events or personal growth.

Example sentence: “When I lost my job and went through a difficult divorce, it felt like I was closing a painful chapter of my life.”

5. Written In One’s Own Words

Meaning: To express something using one’s own language or style, without external influence or editing.

Example sentence: “The author insisted that the autobiography be written in her own words, capturing the authenticity of her experiences.”

6. Life Story

Meaning: The narrative of one’s entire life, encompassing both significant events and personal anecdotes.

Example sentence: “The elderly gentleman shared his life story with the eager audience, recounting his adventures and lessons learned along the way.”

7. Between The Lines

Meaning: To understand the hidden or implied meaning in a text, often requiring careful reading or interpretation.

Example sentence: “In her autobiography, the author left subtle hints between the lines, giving readers a glimpse into her true emotions.”

These phrases and idioms demonstrate how autobiography has become deeply ingrained in our language, allowing us to express complex ideas and emotions in a concise and relatable manner. By incorporating these expressions into our conversations, we can add depth and nuance to our communication.

In conclusion, the correct usage of autobiography holds significant importance in effective communication. By understanding how to use autobiography in a sentence, individuals can convey personal experiences, perspectives, and insights with clarity and precision. This not only adds depth and authenticity to their writing but also allows readers to connect on a deeper level.

Autobiography serves as a powerful tool for self-expression and storytelling. It enables individuals to share their unique journeys, triumphs, and challenges, fostering empathy and understanding among readers. When used appropriately, autobiography can captivate an audience and leave a lasting impact.

As with any skill, practice is key to mastering the art of using autobiography in a sentence. By incorporating autobiography into their everyday language, readers can refine their writing skills and develop a stronger sense of self-awareness. This practice not only enhances their ability to articulate their thoughts and experiences but also encourages introspection and self-reflection.

Remember, autobiography is not limited to formal writing or literary works. It can be seamlessly integrated into everyday conversations, personal narratives, and even social media posts. Embracing autobiography as a linguistic tool allows individuals to express themselves authentically in various contexts.

So, whether you are a budding writer, a student, or simply someone who values effective communication, I encourage you to embrace the power of autobiography in your own sentences. Take the time to reflect on your own experiences, thoughts, and emotions, and find ways to incorporate them into your writing. Through practice and exploration, you will discover the transformative potential of autobiography in connecting with others and leaving a lasting impression.

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

AUTOBIOGRAPHY in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Autobiography

sentence with Autobiography

Have you ever wondered what goes into writing an autobiography? An autobiography is a self-written account of one’s own life, detailing personal experiences, memories, and moments that have shaped the individual.

Crafting an autobiography allows individuals to reflect on their journey, share their unique story, and leave behind a legacy for future generations. Through this genre of writing, authors have the opportunity to provide insights, lessons, and inspiration drawn from their own lived experiences.

Table of Contents

7 Examples Of Autobiography Used In a Sentence For Kids

14 sentences with autobiography examples, how to use autobiography in sentences.

Autobiography is a noun that refers to a written account of a person’s life, written by that person themselves. To properly use autobiography in a sentence, follow these guidelines:

Identify the Subject: First, identify the person whose life story is being presented. This person should also be the author of the autobiography.

Introduce the Autobiography: Begin your sentence with a clear introduction that the text is an autobiography. For example, “In his autobiography,” or “Her autobiography details.”

Use Correct Punctuation: Place the title of the autobiography in italics or quotes, following the appropriate punctuation rules.

Proper Grammar: Ensure that your sentence is grammatically correct and clearly conveys the intended meaning.

Example: In her autobiography, “Becoming,” Michelle Obama shares her journey from a young girl in Chicago to becoming the First Lady of the United States.

By following these steps and tips, you can effectively use autobiography in a sentence to accurately convey the subject and context of a person’s life story.

In conclusion, sentences from an autobiography are personal accounts of the author’s life experiences, often reflecting their thoughts, emotions, and memories. These sentences provide intimate insights into the author’s worldview, struggles, triumphs, and growth over time. By narrating key events, relationships, and turning points in their lives, authors shape a narrative that can resonate with readers on a human level.

Autobiographical sentences serve as powerful tools for self-reflection, self-expression, and storytelling. They offer a unique window into the author’s inner life, allowing readers to connect with the author’s journey and gain a deeper understanding of their perspectives and values. Through autobiography sentences, authors create a lasting record of their lives, leaving behind a legacy that can inspire, educate, and resonate with others for generations to come.

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Autobiography in a Sentence  🔊

Definition of Autobiography

the story of an individual’s life written by that individual

Examples of Autobiography in a sentence

To learn about the deceased celebrity, you should read the autobiography he wrote about his life.  🔊

It was interesting to listen to the actress share a memory she had included in her autobiography.  🔊

During the interview, the singer took a few moments to promote the autobiography he penned about his college days.  🔊

Writing my autobiography has been difficult because my childhood was unpleasant.  🔊

While an autobiography is self-written, a biography is written by someone other than the book’s subject.  🔊

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Use "autobiography" in a sentence

Autobiography example sentences, autobiography.

1. Title of David Horowitz"s autobiography , in which he shows that a

2. She laughed at the autobiography he had concocted for Kazowskis, and repeated her amazement at his ability to construct plausible stories on short notice

3. in his autobiography , that initially, when sex energy is retained, the

4. him in my autobiography but I was not able to find out whether or not he would be pleased to see this small detail of his life in print

5. Beijing, he gave a copy of his autobiography to the guide, a lady who looked young and open minded, promising her, with the best of intentions, that he would write an article about his visit to China

6. autobiography , Soros on Soros, is told again and again that the main premise of his

7. Putting aside his seductive and well-written autobiography (Soros on Soros), we must look at his actions

8. In his post-war autobiography General Schwarzkopf paid tribute to the military forces of the international Persian Gulf coalition, and the success achieved by “all of the soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard and reserves who took part in Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm” (Schwarzkopf, p

9. (The autobiography of a yogi, 1946)

10. In the jail, he spent his time writing his autobiography

11. In the introduction to his autobiography Gāndhiji writes that this ‘title has deeply pained me’ because:

12. There is also a provision to read Gāndhi books online including his Autobiography and more

13. “A Sailor's Tales” is an autobiography tracing the twists and turns in the life

14. In Michael Caine’s autobiography he writes about his theatrical initiation with the irascible Alwyn D

15. In his autobiography , David Hockney reckons he said something like that in a life drawing class at the RA during those years, so it might have been him… but then again it might not

16. Autograph collectors wave magazines with interviews or even copies of your brief autobiography

17. hacker type," recalls Torvalds in his 2001 autobiography Just for Fun

18. In The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Alex Haley gives readers

19. You can read more on Anderson in her autobiography and in the 2009 book by Raymond Arsenault, The Sound Of Freedom: Marian Anderson, The Lincoln Memorial, And The Concert That Awakened America

20. “She’s trying to piss us off with her autobiography !” the woman said, leaning over the table

21. Proctor wrote in his autobiography that he was raised in Norfolk’s Huntersville neighborhood

22. In his autobiography , Proctor expressed gratitude to Sparks Melton, the liberal white pastor who arranged a full scholarship to a liberal white seminary

23. Proctor’s high moral standards were evident in his autobiography and in Rev

24. From Samuel Proctor’s autobiography , The Substance of Things Hoped For, I conclude that he grew up in the black middle class

25. In his autobiography , therefore, Proctor provided evidence that he aspired to achieve the higher, second stratum that he called the “heirs of the missions schools

26. You can find more information about the Boggs in her 1998 book, Living For Change: An Autobiography

27. Leakey’s 1983 book, One Life: An Autobiography , though thirty years old, delves somewhat into how it was done and highlights some of his health issues

28. I learned by writing my autobiography for Chapter 1, with the

29. This is an historic autobiography of a knucklehead growing up in the 50’s and 60’s

30. Searching in a drawer of her work desk, Ingrid took out an extra copy of the book Bateman held, plus a copy of her autobiography as a fighter pilot

31. For many of us, it is our own autobiography in verse

32. ” < From The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, Little, Brown and Co

33. He’s busy writing his autobiography and feels confident that it will make record sales

34. Ghost writing is where a book, usually an autobiography , comes out in a

35. ‘Wow,’ I said, ‘plenty to choose from here for an autobiography

36. Autobiography Project, Third Meeting

37. press is clearly stated even in the Fifth Dalai Lama’s autobiography

38. later autobiography , referring to him in passing only as his Junior

39. 126 His earlier autobiography

40. Lama claims in his most recent autobiography that just before the

41. parts of an autobiography that are a witness of God's power

42. Save that for your autobiography

43. Fortunately he was so much absorbed in autobiography that he didn't notice

44. Churchill and Roosevelt in his autobiography ?

45. exhilarating,”(18) he says in his autobiography

46. days,”(20) he also says in his autobiography

47. autobiography , because he was a small child detached from his parents

48. * I have based all the Dalai Lama’s biography of this chapter on his autobiography

49. the adventure that lay ahead was very thrilling,”(5) he says in his autobiography

50. he left the palace, as he says in his autobiography

51. A man who becomes totally silent loses boundaries, loses definitions, loses autobiography

52. [14] Frederick Douglass in his autobiography writes about the same sort of phenomenon that occurred in the slave owner

53. Oh no, I hear you cry, dear reader, not another celebrity autobiography , replete with tales of a

54. When would you have time to write an autobiography

55. I had read Lord Byron's autobiography and I felt privileged to hear the famous man tell

56. it not been for the fact that I had a love of autobiography film documentations, I probably

57. Rose’s new relationship with Saint Coletta developed at the same time that she was collaborating with ghostwriter Robert Coughlan on her autobiography , Times to Remember

58. In her enormously self-serving and revisionist autobiography , she asserted that she agreed to make the film only after Hitler promised to keep Goebbels at bay

59. My discussion of Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will is based on Trimborn, Bach, and Brendon, cited above, but also in part on Riefenstahl’s own autobiography , Leni Riefenstahl: A Memoir (New York: St

60. (The first public person to come out in a big way with bipolar disorder was actress Patty Duke, in her 1987 autobiography and in a bold 1992 book just about her experience with the illness

61. It was a gift that seriously perplexed me once I was old enough to read Mingus’s autobiography , Beneath the Underdog

62. But passages of his autobiography portray an angry and disillusioned man

63. Marshall, Autobiography ,” The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2005, Nobelprize

64. Dorothea was led on to this bit of autobiography without any sense of making a revelation

65. I remember that when I’d read Bill Clinton’s autobiography , I couldn’t help thinking that when he was confessing to the hurt he’d caused his wife and daughter, he couldn’t seem to resist looking for forgiveness too, and even hugs from the reader

66. She also enjoyed both volumes of The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens

67. But in her autobiography , By Myself, Bacall wrote about how irritating it was with Marilyn, prompted by Natasha Lytess sitting just off camera, calling for take after take, “often as many as 15 or more

68. He reveals in his 1983 autobiography , Confessions of an Actor, that preparatory to beginning production on the movie, he was convinced he was going to fall in love with Marilyn

69. He points out in his autobiography , Time-bends, that he wrote the screenplay as a gift to her and as she read an early draft she would “laugh delightfully at some of the cowboys’ lines but seemed to withhold full commitment to playing Roslyn

70. I also referred to his autobiography , written with Ms

71. Guilaroff’s five decades in the motion picture business and intimate friendships with the biggest stars of Hollywood’s Golden Age made his memoirs the most eagerly awaited autobiography of its kind

72. But this is not to be a regular autobiography

73. "" Baruch responded in his autobiography ,

74. In fact, if a romantic lady should chance to come across my autobiography she woidd ■certainly turn up her nose

75. You could never have employed your leisure time more profitably, my ever precious Arkady Makarovitch, than in writing this autobiography ! You have given yourself, so to say, an unflinching account of your first stormy, perilous steps on the path of life

76. " But such an autobiography as yoiu-s might serve as material for a future work of art, for a future picture of a lawless epoch already passed

77. " The poor woman who had fallen into his hands found much that was obscure, especially when his autobiography almost passed into a complete dissertation on the fact that no one had been ever able to understand Stepan Trofimovitch, and that "men of genius are wasted in Russia

78. I will observe, in parenthesis, that Heine says that a true autobiography is almost an impossibility, and that man is bound to lie about himself

Synonyms for "autobiography"

"autobiography" definitions.

a biography of yourself

sentence with word autobiography in it

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Word History

auto- + biography , perhaps after German Autobiographie

1797, in the meaning defined above

Phrases Containing autobiography

  • semi - autobiography

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“Autobiography.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 18 Jun. 2024.

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  1. Examples of "Autobiography" in a Sentence |

    While an autobiography and a biography both tell the story of someones life, they are not the same thing. When a person writes his or her own life story, the finished work is an autobiography. When an author writes a book about another person’s life, the result is a biography.

  2. Examples of 'Autobiography' in a Sentence | Merriam-Webster

    How to Use autobiography in a Sentence. autobiography. noun. Definition of autobiography. Synonyms for autobiography. I read her autobiography last year. In exchange, guests help for a few hours a day around the bookshop and write a one-page autobiography to add to the shop's collection of past guests.

  3. AUTOBIOGRAPHY in a sentence | Sentence examples by Cambridge ...

    Examples of AUTOBIOGRAPHY in a sentence, how to use it. 98 examples: Critics often applaud rock autobiographies that go at least partially ' against…

  4. How to use "autobiography" in a sentence - WordHippo

    Looking for sentences and phrases with the word autobiography? Here are some examples. Sentence Examples. As you would expect from a historian of Molony's distinction, his autobiography is written chastely, elegantly, self-critically and charitably.

  5. How To Use "Autobiography" In A Sentence: Exploring The Word

    When it comes to using the wordautobiography” in a sentence, there are a few edge cases and considerations to keep in mind. Understanding these nuances can help you avoid common mistakes and navigate any cultural or regional differences that may arise.

  6. AUTOBIOGRAPHY in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use ...

    An autobiography is a self-written account of one’s own life, detailing personal experiences, memories, and moments that have shaped the individual. Crafting an autobiography allows individuals to reflect on their journey, share their unique story, and leave behind a legacy for future generations.

  7. Autobiography: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCE

    Autobiography in a Sentence. Definition of Autobiography. the story of an individuals life written by that individual. Examples of Autobiography in a sentence. To learn about the deceased celebrity, you should read the autobiography he wrote about his life.

  8. Autobiography Definition, Examples, and Writing Guide

    Learn how to write your first autobiography with examples from MasterClass instructors. As a firsthand account of the author’s own life, an autobiography offers readers an unmatched level of intimacy.

  9. Autobiography in a sentence | 99+ Example sentences

    Examples of how to use the word autobiography in a sentence. Definitions, synonyms and translations are also available.

  10. Autobiography Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

    The meaning of AUTOBIOGRAPHY is the biography of a person narrated by that person : a usually written account of a person's life in their own words. How to use autobiography in a sentence.