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Self-introduction for Students [With Sample Intros]

  • Published on Dec 25, 2017

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You would want to make a good impression on your friends when you introduce yourself on the first day in class at your school or college – or at some other gathering. Wouldn’t you?

A small note before we dive into thick of things: Self-introductions can be context-driven, implying that because of unique situation you’re in, you may have to customize some part of the introduction. So, feel free to add or subtract to what’s covered here.

What to include in self-introduction?

Is there a format (for the introduction) to follow? The organizer, for example, may ask to include your name, place you come from, and your hobbies in the introduction.

If there is a format, follow it, but feel free to venture into areas that aren’t included in the format if they provide a more complete picture of yours.

You may include following in your introduction:

1. The start

You can start with the obvious – your name.

But that’s a common start. You can be bit innovative by starting with an attention-grabber. Watch the beginning of this video on marketing to get a feel of what I’m saying (watch the first 15 seconds):

Neil didn’t start with his name. He started with things that will grab people’s attention immediately and came to his name later on.

You can follow the same strategy to stand out among your classmates, most of whom would be following the standard ‘name first’ approach. You can start with a unique experience or a peculiar fact about your city or your uncommon hobby. The first sample intro (later in the post) follows this strategy.

More resources on conversations and introductions:

  • How to introduce yourself in different settings?
  • How to say ‘thank you’?
  • How to respond when someone asks ‘how are you’?

2. Where are you from?

Mention the city you come from. You may add a sentence or two about the city as well if there is something interesting to talk about. Maybe the city is known for historic monuments. Maybe it’s known for natural resources.

And if you’ve lived in multiple cities, you may briefly mention the names and, as mentioned above, a sentence or two on the most interesting of them.

3. Where did you last attend the school?

If you recently moved to a new school (or college) and are introducing yourself there, you can briefly talk about your last school. Are there any interesting facts about your last school? If yes, mention them. Maybe it was established a long, long time ago. Maybe it has produced few famous alumni.

If you’re continuing in the same school, you may mention how many years you’ve been studying there.

4. Interests, hobbies, and achievements

What are your interests and hobbies?

Playing a sport? Traveling? Hiking? Reading? Kite flying? Or something unusual, say bull fighting?

Go into details if you’ve pursued the hobby with serious interest. For example, if you’re into reading, mention what genres you read, your favorite books, your favorite author, and how reading has affected you.

Don’t forget to mention your participation in extracurricular activities in school, if you did. Don’t forget to mention any significant achievements you’ve had?

5. Which stream/department/subject have you enrolled in?

You can briefly talk about which subjects (math, science, arts, commerce, biology, and so on) you’ve picked or you intend to pick in future. Optionally, you may also mention why you made the choice you have. Was it because you love it? Was it because it’ll help you achieve your career goals?

If you’re a college student, you can mention the department you’ve enrolled in. Are you in Arts, Commerce, Mechanical Engineering, Science, or Economics?

This doesn’t apply though if you’re introducing yourself to students who’re all from the same stream/department/subject.

6. Do you’ve clarity on interests/goals you want to pursue in future?

If you’re in K-12, you may not have seriously evaluated what career path you want to follow, and that’s fine. But if you’ve certain career aspiration and if you want to talk about it, you can. Some want to become engineer. Some, astronaut. Some, doctor. Some, model. Speak out what you aspire to become.

Most college students though have more concrete idea on post-college career. If you’ve decided the career path you want to pursue after college, you can share it with your classmates. You never know few of your classmates harboring same career aspirations may just approach you to be friends. You may also mention professional clubs you want to join to hone your skills.

Participate in a short survey

If you’re a learner or teacher of English language, you can help improve website’s content for the visitors through a short survey.

7. Where can you help others?

If you’ve a strength others in your class can benefit from, feel free to share it. For example, if you’re good in dancing, you can offer to teach the ropes to anyone interested. If you’re strong in a particular subject that is part of your syllabus, you can offer to help others in that subject.

If people know of your strengths, they’ll readily approach you when they need help. This is an easy way to make friends in college. And if you think helping others may be a time waster, you should remember that you too may need help in areas where others are stronger.

This is also a good stage – by offering help – to finish your intro. (See the first sample intro.)

Should I talk about my family?

Avoid it unless the format of the intro requires you to talk about your family as well. You need not go into what your parents do and which class your siblings study in.

Should I mention my last year’s grades?

You shouldn’t unless specifically asked to or others are mentioning it. Top grades can lend a snobbish air to your intro, even if you’re otherwise. Students may make an impression that you’re flaunting your grades, even if you aren’t.

Remember, the primary goal of your intro is to make friends, find people with shared interests.

Four do’s and don’ts when introducing yourself

1. listen to other intros.

Listen to intros that come before yours. If you can refer to someone else’s point or two seamlessly in your intro, you’ll impress people around.

2. Practice, but don’t cram

People often go blank on some of the points or get nervous when they stand up to speak. The best long-term way to overcome this is exposure to such speaking experiences . But in the immediate term, practice what you want to say few times (don’t cram though) to increase your odds of speaking with confidence.

3. Appear confident even if you’re not

After the presentations by executives and entrepreneurs (presumably confident speakers) as part of an executive program at Harvard University, Carmine Gallo , one of the judges, asked them how their presentations went. He heard following comments:

“I was so nervous. I was shaking.”

“I forgot what to say about a slide.”

“I stumbled over my words.”

“I totally lost my place.”

But, no one in the audience spotted those mistakes.

This phenomenon is called spotlight effect , which in nutshell means that people overestimate how much others are noticing their actions and appearance.

What’s the lesson?

If you’re nervous or you make few mistakes, don’t let them rattle you. Most won’t even notice them. Caroline Goyder captures this sentiment aptly in her book Find Your Voice: The Secret to Talking with Confidence in Any Situation :

When you dive into contribution [speaking], and move beyond the anxious competing, you realize that all the worry was such a waste of time. No one is ever judging you as harshly as you judge yourself. Because the truth is that most people are thinking about themselves.

But if you let nervousness and mistakes overpower you, you may make a mistake or display body language that will be noticed by all. And once you’re through the first few lines in your intro, your nerves will start easing.

So, stay composed and carry on. Many in the audience in fact wouldn’t even be listening to most introductions, as they would be busy silently rehearsing their own lines.

4. Make eye contact and be enthusiastic

Make eye contact with other students while speaking. Don’t fix your eyes on a familiar section of the audience. Move your eyes around. And, last but important, your voice and body language should show enthusiasm.

Here are few sample self-introductions for you to get a hang of how they’re done:

Sample self-introductions

Introduction 1

I once spent an entire night in a dense forest with a friend. Well, this act was not to show off how brave I was, but it was forced on me… by my foolishness. During a trek in [name of the region], I and a friend got too adventurous and strayed from our regular route despite instructions to the contrary by our trek guide. We got lost. We survived somehow (that’s a story for another day), but I haven’t given up on my adventure streak and love for outdoors.

Friends, I’m [your first name] and I love outdoors. I’ve been to treks in Himalayas on multiple occasions. These outdoor expeditions have also forced me to learn basic cooking. Well, I don’t boast of cooking dishes you’ll relish, but yes when you’re dying of hunger in the middle of night, you can count on me. I also love cycling long distances – 20+ kilometers in a stretch – and I can manage singing which some may find intolerable.

I’m from [name of the city]. It’s not a big place, but it somehow exists on the map. I’m really excited to be here. I look forward to having some fun, making friends, and building myself up for college. If you’re organizing any outdoor event in future, you can always count on me for help.

Thanks for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself.

Introduction 2

My name is [your first name]. I’m from [name of the city] where I finished my schooling last year from [name of the school]. Is there anyone here from my city? (Changes tack to engage with the audience.) OK, few.

I like watching movies, at least once a month. I play basketball on weekends and chess whenever I get time. I’m into reading thriller novels as well, Dan Brown being my favorite novelist.

I’m happy to step into college life, which provides more freedom and where, finally, I don’t have to come in a uniform. Post-college, I aspire to work in consulting industry.

I’m particularly strong in Excel worksheets and creating well-designed banners and documents. If anyone requires support in these areas, I’ll be glad to help. I look forward to meeting each one of you in the coming days.

Thanks. Have a great day.

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Anil is the person behind this website. He writes on most aspects of English Language Skills. More about him here:


This really helped me… Thank you so so much.

Thank u….this is quite helpful to overcome my nervousness and get into action..Cheers?

Man, I was so nervous about my interview for school admission. But after reading this, I felt comfortable. Thanks, this was a great explanation.

It helped me a lot. Thank you so much. It was like I was the center of attraction. Thank you again.

Thanx…. It really helped on my first day of college.

Dude, this is another level. Thanks a lot.

Thanks a lot. It was useful. Now, I should be able to introduce my self without nerves ????

Thank you. Now I get some ideas for self intro and thank you for your brief explanation.

I was a little nervous about my varsity first introduction and my confidence increased after watching it.

Intro 2 was like fire…. It helped me a lot, thanx!!

Thanks, dude!!!! I am a school-level student and the introduction part really helped me.

I have a virtual introduction meeting with my seniors in college. I am so nervous about it. This piece is so helpful. Thanks.

Excellent. I like this a lot. I searched for this type of introduction on many websites, but this post is so interesting and good enough to impress my teacher and classmates.

My name is Yeabkal Solomon. I’m a first year student at Arba minch University. It helped me when I was gave my oral presentation.

I was very scared. I was really scared. Thank you very much for helping with the interview. It was very helpful for me

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Student Self Introduction: Benefits, Ti…

Student Self Introduction: Benefits, Tips, and What to Avoid [+5 Examples]

Hi everyone,

My name is [my name] and I write informative and well-researched content for Erudera. I have [number] years of experience when it comes to educational content, university studies, and anything related to writing. My experience has allowed me to be well-equipped to help students when it comes to their university-related concerns.

My hobbies include reading, writing, and researching. So, when I am outside of work (where I read, write, and research) I still read, write, and research! Since I have turned my passion into my work, it gives me great pleasure to compile helpful guides for people who have questions to ask.

Thank you for considering Erudera when it comes to questions related to education!

Here’s everything you need to know about student self introduction:

The Importance of a Good Student Self Introduction

A student self introduction is an opportunity for you to talk about yourself, your personality, highlight your strengths, hobbies, skills, and experience, clearly and confidently. Whether you are introducing yourself to the university admissions committee, your classroom, your instructors, or anyone else, really, a self introduction gives you the chance to help people see who you are as well as understand your goals and ambitions.

A few benefits of a good student self introduction include:

  • You allow a good first impression. A powerful self introduction gives you a say in people’s first impression on you. If you are able to describe yourself and your personality clearly, people will create a good impression, which can open many doors in the academic, professional, or social scene.
  • You highlight your best qualities. A bold student self introduction will allow you to highlight your best qualities. You will tell people about your strengths and your values. You will be able to talk about hobbies and interests, which will create the impression that you know yourself and what you want, and are willing to work for it.
  • You convey self-confidence. Self confidence is important in any sphere of life. A good self introduction will help you convey this confidence to others. By highlighting all the important aspects of your personality, including how you overcame any failures or downfalls, you will convey that you are confident enough to tackle any obstacles, in any setting or situation.
  • You pique curiosity. This goes without saying. A bold and powerful self introduction will pique curiosity. From your personality to your ambitions, people will want to know more about what you can offer. At the end of the day, confident individuals who can express themselves clearly will often pique people’s interest.

Quite interesting, huh? Keep reading to learn more on how to write a powerful student self introduction that conveys confidence and attracts curiosity.

How to Prepare a Good Student Self Introduction

Talking about oneself can be challenging, mostly because you do not know where to focus, which characteristics to highlight, and what exactly makes a, so called, impressive self introduction. Let’s get on it.

Here are a few tips on how to prepare a good self introduction as a student:

Always Greet and Smile Before Starting

A simple greeting and a warm smile will show good manners, a positive attitude, and respect. Showing respect is the key to a good first impression. Regardless of how good your self-introduction is, you will not leave a good impression if you are rude and inconsiderate.

Begin With Demographic Information

Yes, you should begin with your name, age, origin, education, and/or employment status. You will talk about these aspects of your life briefly but clearly. These will set the stage for what follows and will allow the audience to better understand your background and relate it to your hobbies, interests, and ambitions.

Talk About Skills and Experience

Talking about your skills is important because you want to let the audience know how and what you learned from your previous education and experience. This could include skills you learned during university studies, any internships, volunteer work, or employment experience you might have, it does not matter what or how long — what matters is the skills you gained.

Include Hobbies and Interests

Now, you want to continue with your hobbies and interests. Make sure you do not take too long talking about either, because you do not want the conversation/essay to focus solely on one aspect of your life — it will get boring. Talking about hobbies will give the audience an insight into your way of thinking and reasoning. It will also show a unique aspect of your personality.

For example, if you like reading, talk about reasons you like reading and the books you like to read. Similarly, if you like writing, talk about reasons you like writing and whether you like to write prose or poetry, fiction or nonfiction, and similar details like these ones. If you like sports, include the reasons you like sports and the types of sports you practice.

Discuss Achievements

Your achievements could be anything, from grades, awards, competitive results, honors, contributions to the community, perfect attendance, etc. Your achievements are not simply certificates and titles, they highlight the aspect of yourself that is committed, dedicated, and hard-working.

Remember to include these into the conversation, not in a boastful manner but rather to build up on your skills, values, and determination.

Mention Strengths and Weaknesses

Talking about your strengths and weaknesses lets the audience know how self-aware you are. You should begin talking about your strengths by mentioning something related to the university program you’re applying for. You want to mention something that makes you reliable and trustworthy when it comes to success in the field you have chosen to study.

When it comes to weaknesses, you want to be honest but strategic. However, not too honest in the sense that it will make the audience doubt your position/ability. You want to go with something unrelated to your area of interest. For example, you could mention that you struggle with, let’s say, flexibility — as in you have difficulty adapting to changes in plans.

Whatever you mention in terms of weaknesses, make sure you specify that you are working to improve them. List the steps you think will help you turn your weakness into a strength.

Show Your Unique Qualities

Do not be afraid to talk about what makes you stand out. If you’re a creative person, mention that you are creative. If you have emotional intelligence or empathy, mention this to the audience. Make sure to highlight how these unique qualities have helped you succeed up until now and why you think they are important.

Make Connections

Whatever you decide to mention in your student self-introduction, make sure to make a connection to the university/program. You can research the university’s mission, vision, and values and try to make a connection to how your strengths and values align with those of the university.

Provide Insights Into Your Likes

There are many things you can mention that will allow the audience to better understand you and your likes/dislikes. For example, some other things you could also include are:

  • People who inspire you. You can talk about a person who inspires you. Someone who is your role model. Mention why they are important to you and the reasons why their ideals align with yours.
  • Favorite books/movies/artists. By doing this, you have the chance to mention something that you like and give the audience an insight into your personality and your way of thinking and reasoning.

After completing your introduction, thank the audience for taking the time to listen to you. Make sure to give them the chance to ask any questions they might have.

Student Self Introduction: What to Avoid

Try to avoid the following during your self-introduction:

  • Avoid being too casual/informal. Although feeling comfortable while doing your self-introduction is important, you should avoid using slang or informal language.
  • Avoid being disrespectful. Be mindful of any comment that might come off as rude or disrespectful. This could also include body language. You should face the audience with an open body language, mind your tone, and avoid any comment that might be perceived as negative.
  • Avoid repeating the contents of your CV. You should mention your experience and accomplishments, of course, but do not make the introduction only a repetition of your CV. Try to include extra details that connect your experience/skills/values to your university/area of interest. Provide context regarding how you gained your skills and why they are important to you.
  • Avoid sharing too much personal information. While sharing your hobbies is relevant, you do not want to go on too long about it, especially if what you’re detailing is not relevant to the context of your area of interest.
  • Avoid a super lengthy introduction. You do not want your introduction to sound like rambling. Be brief about anything you mention, from the experience to the hobbies. The ideal duration of a self introduction should be less than two minutes. So be mindful of what you include and how much time you allocate to each detail.

Practicing Student Self Introduction

Practice makes perfect, right? It really does. A self-introduction that you scribbled down quickly and did not practice will not be of lesser value than one you spent time preparing and practicing.

A few ways to practice your self-introduction include:

  • Write it down in detail. Write your introduction down, either on paper or on your laptop. This will help you keep your introduction tidy and concise.
  • Stand in front of a mirror and practice the contents of your introduction. By practicing your introduction out loud, you will see how long it’s taking, and you will have a chance to either shorten it or lengthen it.
  • Record yourself. You can always record yourself to analyze your tone and delivery.
  • Get a different perspective. You can ask someone you trust to listen to you and give you feedback. Someone else’s point of view can make you see things differently because one can get lost in all the writing and practicing. A fresh perspective can always help, especially in such cases.

Student Self Introduction: Three Examples

Example 1: college interview student self introduction.

My name is [your name], I was born and raised in [your hometown/country], and I am currently a senior at [your high school]. I am interested in pursuing a degree in [preferred major] at [university name]. Initially, thank you for allowing me to introduce myself.

During my high school years, I took an interest in [your academic area of interest]. In fact, I continuously took classes in this subject area because I wanted to challenge myself and learn more. In addition, I have gained skills such as problem-solving, time management, and leadership from extracurricular activities, such as [insert extracurricular activities]. I value these skills because I strongly believe they will help me be successful in my academic pursuits in [your preferred subject area].

I used my time management skills to also work on my hobbies and interests. Some of my hobbies include [your hobbies]. When I am not involved in my academic responsibilities, I am usually [your hobby] or [your other hobby]. What is especially interesting about these hobbies is that they help develop my soft skills, such as critical thinking and creativity.

I want to mention that creativity* and critical thinking* are two of my greatest strengths, which I can use both in real life as well in professional or academic settings. Up until now, they have been a great help to my accomplishments. One weakness I’d like to mention is flexibility*. I need some time to adjust to abrupt changes in plans. However, I am working hard to turn this weakness into a strength, by exposing myself to situations where I need to adapt quickly.

I am thrilled to continue my academic interests at [university name]. I am also certain that my skills, enthusiasm, and work ethic will make me a strong candidate for [preferred major]. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me and for considering my application. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have.

*hypothetical examples. you can easily adapt them to your self-introduction.

Example 2: Classroom Student Self Introduction

My name is [your name], and I come from [your hometown/country]. I am [your age], and I look forward to being a part of this classroom.

I am interested in [your hobbies], so when I am outside of the classroom and not engaged in academic activities, I usually engage in [your hobby] or [your hobby].

My favorite subjects in school are [your favorite subjects] and my favorite extracurricular activities include [insert extracurricular activities].

I am excited to be here with you and can’t wait for us to learn together. Please feel free to approach me with any questions you might have.

Thank you for listening to me!

Example 3: Student Self Introduction Letter to Teacher

Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I am writing this letter to introduce myself since I am one of your students this year.

My name is [your name], I come from [your hometown/country], and I am [your age]. I look forward to being in your class because I am always enthusiastic about learning more and curious about what your class has to offer.

I am a dedicated student who enjoys challenges. Some of my hobbies include [your hobbies]. Outside the classroom and when I am not involved in academic activities, I like to [your hobby] or [your hobby].

I also like being involved in extracurricular activities. Currently I have joined [your extracurricular activity] and [another extracurricular activity]. These activities help me get exposure to different areas of interest.

One of my strengths is curiosity* and hard work*. However, I would say one of my weaknesses is public speaking*. Nevertheless, I am working towards transforming this weakness into a strength, by staying more organized, practicing, and focusing on myself rather than the public. I believe I will overcome this in no time.

Thank you! I am excited for the year to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Take a look at these frequently asked questions when it comes to student self introduction.

How Do I Start My Self Introduction?

Always start by introducing yourself. If you have not greeted the audience yet, start with a simple greeting then proceed to tell your name, surname, hometown, and age.

What Is the Best Self Introduction?

The best self introduction is one that is cohesive, radiates confidence, comfort, positivity. There is no one answer when it comes to a good self introduction. Just make sure to keep it brief, informative, and concise because you do not want to “bore” the audience.

However, you should not keep it too short, in that it feels like you’re rushing through it. Find a perfect balance according to the instructions in this article.

How Can I Introduce Myself in 10 Lines in English?

You can easily introduce yourself in 10 lines in English. Here’s how:

  • In the first line , talk about your name, hometown, and age.
  • In the second line , talk about the purpose of your self introduction.
  • In the third line , talk about your experience and skills.
  • In the fourth line , elaborate on these skills and show how they relate to the context.
  • In the fifth line , talk about your hobbies and interests.
  • In the sixth line , elaborate on these hobbies and show why you like your hobbies.
  • In the seventh line , talk about your strengths.
  • In the eighth line , talk about your weaknesses.
  • In the ninth line, talk about what you’re doing to overcome your weaknesses.
  • In the tenth line, conclude your introduction.

How Can I Introduce Myself More Confidently?

To sound more confident, you need to believe the things you are saying. This is one thing. Here are some other things to keep in mind when it comes to sounding more confident:

  • Speak slowly and clearly.
  • Have an open body language.
  • Avoid filler words.
  • Keep a friendly eye contact.
  • Practice your self introduction.

Is 4 Minutes Too Long for ‘Tell Me About Yourself’?

It is recommended to complete your introduction in less than two minutes. However, this depends on several factors, such as how relevant the details you are including are, and whether or not the introduction is engaging.

How Do You Introduce Yourself Before Speech as a Student? [Example 4]

If you want to introduce yourself before a speech, as a student, here’s how you should do it:

  • Greet the audience.
  • Say your name, surname, and where you are from.
  • Mention your skills and interests (to show credibility when it comes to the speech).
  • Provide a short summary of what you will be talking about.
  • Show you are open to taking questions (during/after the speech).

How Do You Introduce Yourself Online as a Student? [Example 5]

If you’re attending an online course and want to introduce yourself to your class, make sure to keep it brief and clear.

For example:

Hi everyone! My name is [your name]. I live in [city/country] but I am originally from [hometown]. It’s my first time attending an online course but I am sure we’ll have a great time together! I’m looking forward to learning and socializing with you. I wish you all good luck!

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Self Introduction for Students: Examples, Tips, Things to Avoid

Pallavi Pradeep Purbey Image

Pallavi Pradeep Purbey ,

Aug 2, 2024

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Self-introduction is the first impression that lasts forever in a person’s mind. It provides insights into the personality of a person, their strengths, and their weaknesses.

Self Introduction for Students: Examples, Tips, Things to Avoid

Self Introduction for Students: A self-introduction is a brief statement or speech in which an individual introduces himself to others. It is a way to share crucial information about yourself, such as your name, background, interests, and ambitions. A self-introduction is often used in various contexts, including social gatherings, interviews, schools, and professional networking events.

A self-introduction is intended to provide others with a concise explanation of who you are while also establishing a connection or relationship. It helps others understand you better and serves as an icebreaker when starting a conversation or interaction.

Table of Contents

What is Self Introduction?

Importance of a strong self introduction for students, key elements of self introduction for students.

  • Examples of Self Introduction for Students 

Steps to Draft a Good Self Introduction for Students

  • Important Tips for Self Introduction for Students

Best Practices for Self Introduction

Books for enhanced english.

A Self Introduction is a way of introducing oneself to others. It is a brief statement that gives an overview of who you are, where are you from, what you do, and other highlights required.

A person needs to introduce themselves when they are anchoring an event, starting a new job, joining an organization, or meeting new people in social gatherings. A Self Introduction typically includes one's name, profession, education, or field of study and a brief overview of their background and forum-based interests. 

Self Introduction for students means introducing and describing themselves in a justified manner while highlighting all their unique attributes. It is a good practice to be confident and clear enough while introducing themselves to others. A good Self Introduction for students must include the following:

  • Start with a smile on your face and greet the person or audience to whom you are introducing yourself.
  • Begin with your 'Name and Place' after the greeting. And if necessary, add family details to the introduction.
  • Be brief about educational details, from sharing areas of interest and hobbies to ideas and inspiration.
  • Share your prior experience (if any) and recreational activities.
  • Give details about the skills.
  • Share past experiences, and finally, express your gratitude.

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A good self introduction for students creates an everlasting impression, and people might be urged to listen to or talk to the person introducing themselves. It builds confidence and enhances one's ability to meet new people and present themselves well.

Moreover, a good self introduction helps make the atmosphere contended and comfortable to have a conversation. This, in turn, makes a good impression on others.

Knowing how to introduce ourselves helps "break the ice" when meeting new people in any place or situation. Only an individual can know who they are, and it is essential to convey the same to let others know about themselves.

By knowing ourselves, one might build enough confidence to face the world in any situation. Thus, one can work solely on producing a masterpiece and develop a positive approach to life.

Also Read: List of 10 Novels for Students to Read

Advantages of Self Introduction

Self Introduction for students helps build a persona and creates an impactful impression on the people one addresses. Students can grab attention and pique interest with a strong introduction. Below are the advantages of self introduction for students: 

  • Helps build connections
  • Enhances self-confidence
  • Sharpens presentation skills
  • Builds a favourable impression
  • Enhances the ability to meet people
  • Deep understanding
  • Positive thinking
  • Generates motivation
  • Enhances communication skills
  • One could learn and improve through Self Introduction

The students must note the key elements to be addressed while introducing themselves. The pointers are as follows:

  • The students will have to mention their full names. 
  • They have to mention their educational qualification and the institution in which it was pursued.
  • If the student is introducing themselves during an interview, they will have to mention their short-term and long-term goals (one each).
  • Practice short 1-minute self introductions to be more concise. 
  • The students must conclude by being polite and summarizing a good word or two about the introduction experience.

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Examples of Self Introduction for Students

Self Introduction for students is essential to have clear communication. The students should be able to communicate freely and make an effort to address the audience smartly. Below are the best self introduction example for students:

Example 1: Self Introduction for students during a college interview

Example 2: Self Introduction for students to a team

Example 3: Classroom Self Introduction for students

Example 1: Self Introduction for Students during a College interview

Good morning Sir/Ma'am,

I am Amogh, born and brought up in Bandra. Thank you for allowing me to introduce myself. I scored 77% in my school at Little Flowers Montessori English Medium High School. I scored 77.7% at SSWN Junior College.

I believe my strength is my attitude, and I like to take up challenges and think to accept both success and failure in a balanced way to move forward. I want to say that I don't leave any questions altogether as I believe in myself and my work.

My short-term goal is to find my area of interest in various clubs that the college organized. And my long-term goal is to get placed in a high-paying position and a holistic work environment that allows me to learn and implement my ideas. That's all about me, sir.

Thank you for providing me with such an excellent opportunity to introduce myself.

college student introduction speech

Example 2: Self Introduction for Students to a Team 

Good morning Ma'am/Sir,

I'm Shree, and it's my pleasure to introduce myself. I was born in Himachal Pradesh and grew up in Anandpur. I did my schooling at Little Flower Montessori English Medium High School and am now pursuing my B.Tech from CBT.

My strength is that I am always ready to take up new challenges and strive for excellence. This is because I believe success and failures are the best way to sculpt ourselves to reach our goals. And I believe in myself and my hard work and want fulfilment in everything.

My short-term goal is to achieve excellence in the skills I'm mastering. However, my long-term goal is to be a renowned Technical Engineer. That's all about me, sir. Thanks for allowing me to introduce myself.

college student introduction speech

Example 3: Classroom Self Introduction for Students

Hi everyone,

My name is Akhil, and I come from Anna Nagar, Chennai. I am 12 years old, and I look forward to being a part of this classroom. I am interested in coin collecting and collecting different-sized and shaped leaves, so when I am outside of the classroom and not engaged in academic activities, I usually engage in my hobby.

My favorite subjects in school are History and my favorite extracurricular activities include painting and pencil sketching.

I am excited to be here with you and can't wait for us to learn together. Please feel free to approach me with any questions you might have. Thank you for listening to me!

college student introduction speech

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The students can get to know how to draft a good self introduction using the step-by-step guide given below:

  • Step 1: Create an outline of the self introduction

The students must create a synopsis or outline of the self introduction with the crux of what points they are going to include in their self introduction. It will help them decide on what is worth saying and what is not.

  • Where the student is from?
  • Educational background (degree or class with the institution's name)
  • Interests or Hobbies / Life goals (short and long-term)
  • Why did the student choose to be there that day?
  • Exciting call to action
  • Ending greetings
  • Step 2: Two points for each header in the outline

The students can write two points in different formats under each header mentioned in the outline. This practice will help them understand which format works better for them. The formats could be formal informal or semi-formal.

  • Step 3: Selecting the points from each header

Once the students select the format (formal, informal, or semi-formal) they'll have to go with the same throughout the self introduction. It is important to stay on track to have an effective and good self introduction for students to make a confident first impression.

  • Step 4: Check the tone of voice and grammar

The students ought to check their tone of voice since it will decide their image and personality in the long run. The self introduction has to be polite and attention-worthy. They can also use free online tools to check the grammar of the content to be spoken out. 

  • Step 5: Speak it out loud

The students’ last step is to speak the self introduction out loud to decide on the timings, the sentence formation, the order of the points spoken during the self introduction etc. Speaking it out loud will help the students to add or remove points to make the self introduction more attractive.

Also Read: Top 10 Most Effective Stress Management Techniques for Students

Important Tips for Self Introduction for Students 

The self introduction for students must be impactful. The points expressed while giving the self introduction must be precise and clear.

It is not necessary to include every trivial information to fill in the gaps in the conversation. Find the list of points and tips for a self introduction for students to make an excellent first impression:

  • Always greet: By wishing good morning or good evening, a person initiates a conversation and grabs the listeners' attention. It would be better if a student looked confident while starting a conversation.
  • Have a purpose: It is necessary to have a better understanding of the motive behind the conversation. Always try to make the conversation impactful and engaging.
  • Provide a name: Start by telling your name in a lively voice to make them remember the following words spoken by a particular person.
  • Profession: Tell about your work experience, career, or anything related to work. Sometimes it's okay to exclude work experience in the self introduction for students. However, if there are any internships or part-time jobs, students can include those too.
  • Location: Speak about your background and area of residence. One may include a native place and tell about its speciality to help them remember the site.
  • Hobbies: One may tell them about hobbies, areas of interest, and activities one gets involved in. This can help to know about nature and lifestyle.
  • Aims: Mention the objective of life and give a detailed description.
  • Discuss achievements: Include one's achievements in the introduction, and mention what one has achieved till now. Besides, give 3-5 descriptive achievements in the introduction to make it look impactful.
  • Favourite or ideal persons: Include one's perfect person in the introduction, and talk about the reason why they motivate you.
  • Favourite things, colours, and movies: If the introduction is casual, students may feel free to tell their favourite movies and other favourite places, colours, etc.
  • Strengths and weaknesses: Mention strengths and weaknesses in a self introduction. Mmake sure not to include major flaws, and give a detailed description of the strengths possessed. Remember not to hide your weaknesses and do not boast your strengths.
  • Discuss likes and dislikes: One may include their personal preferences or dislikes in the introduction.
  • Any life-changing point: Students may include life-changing moments if students want the listeners to engage in their talk.
  • Differentiation: In one's introduction, students should speak about their uniqueness and what makes them stand out, which is the essential aspect of self introduction.
  • Conclusion: In conclusion, offers an unforgettable answer to the question the spectators possibly will have when they listen to a public speech: what's in it for me? Describe how different life experiences molded your personality, which will be the perfect ending of the self introduction for students.
  • Greeting: Say thank you and exit.

Also Read: 10 Tips for Staying Focused and Productive as A Student

Things to Avoid During Self Introduction for Students 

The students must know the things to avoid during self introduction to be projected for confidence and make a good first impression. Here’s a list of things to avoid during self introduction for students:

  • Avoid being too casual or informal while being self introduction. 
  • Avoid being disrespectful to the person opposite you. 
  • Avoid a super lengthy introduction instead try a 1-minute self introduction. 
  • Avoid repeating the contents of your CV or resume.
  • Avoid sharing too much personal information.
  • Avoid fidgeting while sitting or standing during self introduction.

The students must practice pointers before self-introducing in a public forum. These pointers and tips will help the students to be more conscious during their self introduction:

  • Practice and prepare ahead of time before the actual self-introducing event.
  • Pay attention to your body language and tone of voice during self introduction.
  • Use simple and clear language while introducing yourself.
  • Keep practising until you perfect the speech in front of the mirror to be more self-aware. 
  • Keep eye contact with the group while introducing yourself. 
  • Keep a timer while practising your self introduction and cut short the speech if necessary.

Also Read: 10 Healthy Habits for Students to Excel in Studies

To speak an impactful self introduction for students, they must utilize some resources. Students can always refer to and practice with books to improve their language skills. Below is the list of books for enhanced English:

Books for Enhanced English

How I Learnt to Speak in English

Neetu Sugandh

The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking

Dale Carnegie

Spoken English

Vikram Khanna

How to Write and Speak Effective, Powerful, and Fluent English

Raj Bapna

Word Power Made Easy

Norman Lewis

Everyday English for Grown-Ups

Michelle Finlay

Eats, Shoots, and Leaves

Lynne Truss

Usage and Abusage

Eric Partridge

Perks of Being a Wallflower

Stephen Chbosky

Deal Breaker

Harlan Coben

A Thousand Splendid Suns

Khaled Hosseini

Treasure Island Robert

Louis Stevenson

Also Read: Smarter Study Tips for Students to Ace Their Management Exams

What is the time limit for self introduction for students?

How many points does a self introduction for students require?

What is the importance of self introduction for students?

What should be avoided in self introduction?

How to end a self introduction for students?


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college student introduction speech

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college student introduction speech

How to Introduce Yourself in College (as a Student)

Starting college can be exciting, overwhelming—and scary. Meeting and getting to know new people on campus is one of the best ways to feel more comfortable and at ease from the first day. People who make new friends in college report having an easier time adjusting to campus life and are also more likely to still be around in their second year. [ 1 , 2 ]

Whether you are moving into a dorm, commuting to college, or taking online classes, this article can help you figure out how to introduce yourself to people in college and become part of the social scene on campus.

1. Assume you’re not the only new student

Your first day of classes can feel a lot like being the “new kid” in school who doesn’t know how to get to their homeroom class or who to sit with at lunch. It can be daunting when you don’t know anyone in your new school, but most people you meet on your first day are also new students. This means that most will be just as eager (and nervous) to meet new people as you are, which makes it easier to figure out how to approach people and make friends .

2. Craft an intro speech

Because there’s a good chance that you will get asked to introduce yourself many times in your first days in college—for example, in some of your classes—you may want to craft a brief introduction speech.

Good intros provide basic information about who you are, where you are from, and what your goals are for college, as well as providing an interesting detail or two that people can remember you by.

Here is an example of a good intro to use when first meeting other students or professors:

“Hi, my name is Carrie, and I’m originally from Wisconsin. I’m a military kid, so I’ve lived all over the US and Europe. I’m hoping to major in finance and also to study abroad.”

Practicing some words to say in specific situations can be particularly useful for transfer students. If you are one of them, take a look at this article on how to make friends as a transfer student .

3. Make a positive, intentional impression

People form first impressions of others within seconds of meeting them, with or without their knowledge. Being intentional about the impression you make helps you take advantage of these first opportunities to meet people at college.

Here are some tips on how to start a self-introduction:

  • Intention : Your “goal;” what you hope to achieve by introducing yourself.

Example: Set yourself the goal of sharing more about your major (e.g., “I’m majoring in finance and would love to meet others in my department!”).

  • Impression : Something you want others to remember about you.

Example: Consider making a memorable impression by sharing something interesting about yourself (e.g., “A fun fact about me is that I’m fluent in Russian”).

  • Inside information : “Inside information” is what you want others to know about you.

It should give others important clues to who you are and what you are looking for in your college experience. Example: “I am from Hawaii, so this is my first time on the mainland and it’s really different! I’m still adjusting to the weather.”

4. Initiate 1:1 conversations

It can be overwhelming to introduce yourself to a class or large group of people, and it can also be difficult to form personal connections this way. Try to approach people who seem like they have things in common with you, as friendships are more likely to develop among people who are similar to each other. [ 5 ] Start by walking up, saying hello, and introducing yourself. If they seem open to talking, you can also start a more in-depth conversation by asking them questions about where they are from or how they are settling in.

5. Connect with suitemates before school starts

Being on-campus gives you a big advantage because it makes it easier to adjust and adapt to college life and also provides more natural opportunities to meet people and make friends. [ 4 ]

If you are moving into on-campus housing, consider reaching out to your suitemates before school starts by searching for them on social media or using contact information provided to you by the college.

This way, you can both go to college knowing at least one other person, which can make the first days easier. Also, connecting on social media ahead of time has been proven to make your first interactions with housemates less awkward. [ 2 ]

6. Learn people’s names

Make a point to remember the names of people you meet and talk to, and try to use their names aloud in a conversation with them. This simple trick is a proven way to help you remember names and also helps you make a positive impression on people. [ 6 ] When you know their name, it’s also easier to say hello or start conversations with them when you see them in class or around campus.

7. Talk about common struggles

Inconveniences are a part of the adjustment process to college life but also provide opportunities to naturally connect and relate to people. For example, saying, “I’ve been there!” to someone who looks lost on campus, is rushing to class, or just got a parking ticket can be a great “in” to introduce yourself. By being observant of other people, you can often find opportunities to use this approach and even offer a helping hand to someone.

8. Be active in your classes

Being active in your classes is one of the best ways to get to know your classmates while also getting to know your professors. Speaking up and sharing your input and opinions in class will help your classmates get to know you while also helping you form a good relationship with instructors. Good relationships with your professors can help open doors in your academic and professional life, as well as helping you adjust to college. [ 3 ]

9. Develop an on-campus social media presence

Research has shown that connecting with new college friends on social media can help new students build a new social life. Students who are socially connected with other students also have an easier time transitioning to college and are also more likely to still be enrolled in college the next year. [ 1 , 2 ]

You can work on building your social media presence at college by:

  • Cleaning up your social media profiles by making sure pictures and posts are up-to-date and reflect the content you want others to see.
  • Join social media groups with other students at your college.
  • Stay up-to-date on current events and activities on campus by subscribing for updates or following university social media accounts.
  • Connect 1:1 with classmates, friends, and people at your dorm on social media to message and connect directly with them.

10. Get involved in your college’s social scene

If you stay cooped up in your dorm and only come out for classes and bathroom breaks, you will have a hard time adjusting to college life. Going to on-campus events is a proven way to help students adjust, adapt, and develop an active social life in college. [ 3 , 7 ]

There are many ways to get more active and involved in on-campus activities, including:

  • Consider the Greek life : Research different sororities and fraternities at your school, and consider attending a recruitment event.
  • Attend campus events and socials : Attend events and socials on campus to meet new people and get oriented to campus life.
  • Join a club, sport, or activity : If you have a hobby or interest, consider joining an existing club, sport, or activity at your school to meet people with similar interests.

11. Invite people out

Asking people to hang out can be difficult and intimidating but gets easier with practice. The key is to keep the invitation casual by saying something like, “Here’s my number. We should study together sometime” or, “I was thinking of going for coffee later if you feel like joining?” By taking this first step, you are showing interest in people, being friendly, and creating a chance to connect with them more personally.

12. Ask good questions

When people are nervous, they often ramble or talk too much about themselves, but one of the best ways to make conversation is to ask good questions. Asking questions is a great way to show interest in other people, which is proven to make you more likable. [ 6 ] Asking questions can also be a great way to keep a conversation going or to go deeper in a conversation and find things in common with someone .

Here are some questions to introduce yourself and find things in common with people:

  • “What did you think about class today?”
  • “Where are you from originally?”
  • “What are you majoring in?”
  • “How are you adjusting?”
  • “What kinds of things do you like doing outside of class?”

13. Hone your online introduction

If you are in an online class, it’s a good idea to customize your profile in ways that help your professor and classmates get to know you. Add a photo and brief message to your profile for online classes. Also, introduce yourself to individual classmates by responding directly to their posts, messages, or online introductions. This can provide them with some validation while also giving you an easy ‘in’ to start future conversations with them.

14. Get people to come to you

You don’t have to do all of the work to introduce yourself and start conversations with people, especially if you know how to get people to come to you. According to research, being friendly, showing interest in others, and giving people your undivided attention go a long way towards making a good impression. [ 6 ] Being open and participating in classes also helps to attract people to you who share similar interests, ideas, and goals.

You can create easy opportunities for people to approach you by:

  • Coming to class a few minutes early or taking your time leaving
  • Studying in public areas of campus
  • Attending more on-campus events
  • Responding to comments of other students in classes
  • Talking about your interests and opinions in classes

15. Develop an inside-out approach

People will feel more comfortable talking to you and can relate to you better when you take an ‘inside-out’ approach, letting more of your true thoughts, feelings, and personality show. [ 6 ] Often, being nervous causes people to hide their true self or put on a front or persona, but being more authentic is proven to lead to more genuine and meaningful interactions. [ 8 ]

Final thoughts

Introducing yourself is often the hardest and scariest part of your first day at college, but also one of the most important. Don’t miss out on early opportunities in classes and on-campus events to begin meeting people. The more you put yourself out there, start conversations, and show interest in others, the easier it will be to adapt to college life. [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]

  • Gray, R., Vitak, J., Easton, E. W., & Ellison, N. B. (2013). Examining social adjustment to college in the age of social media: Factors influencing successful transitions and persistence. Computers & Education , 67 , 193-207.
  • Yang, C. C., & Lee, Y. (2020). Interactants and activities on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: Associations between social media use and social adjustment to college. Applied Developmental Science , 24 (1), 62-78.
  • Terenzini, P. T., Rendon, L. I., Upcraft, M. L., Millar, S. B., Allison, K. W., Gregg, P. L., & Jalomo, R. (1994). The transition to college: Diverse students, diverse stories. Research in higher education , 35 (1), 57-73.
  • Buote, V. M., Pancer, S. M., Pratt, M. W., Adams, G., Birnie-Lefcovitch, S., Polivy, J., & Wintre, M. G. (2007). The Importance of Friends: Friendship and Adjustment Among 1st-Year University Students . Journal of Adolescent Research, 22 (6), 665–689.
  • Van Duijn, M. A., Zeggelink, E. P., Huisman, M., Stokman, F. N., & Wasseur, F. W. (2003). Evolution of sociology freshmen into a friendship network. Journal of Mathematical Sociology , 27 (2-3), 153-191.
  • Bradberry, T. (2017). 13 habits of exceptionally likable people . HuffPost .
  • Bohnert, A. M., Aikins, J. W., & Edidin, J. (2007). The Role of Organized Activities in Facilitating Social Adaptation Across the Transition to College . Journal of Adolescent Research, 22 (2), 189–208.
  • Rodebaugh, T. L. (2009). Hiding the self and social anxiety: The core extrusion schema measure. Cognitive Therapy and Research , 33 (1), 90.

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How to Write a Speech Introducing Yourself

Last Updated: June 24, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. There are 15 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 3,811,476 times.

First impressions have a big impact on how others perceive you, so how you introduce yourself to others is extremely important. Many people call an introductory speech an elevator speech, because it should be succinct enough that you could introduce yourself and tell someone about your goals or interests in the time it takes to ride an elevator. It may also be called an "icebreaker" speech, as it breaks the ice and lets others get to know you. [1] X Research source Consider your words carefully when you write a speech introducing yourself. Crafting a good self-introduction can either build or harm your credibility.

Sample Speeches

college student introduction speech

Preparing Your Speech

Step 1 Make an outline...

  • State your name in the very first sentence of your speech. This can be very straightforward: "Good afternoon!/Good morning! My name is Deshawn Smith, and I am a computer programming student at the University of Arkansas."
  • If the introduction is work-related, mention your interests and your career goals together in the same sentence. This will save on time and convey that your personal interests can serve your professional goals. For example, "I am working on an app that allows people to order pizza from their Twitter account."
  • You may want to mention your education or professional training background, if it is relevant and appropriate. "This is the fifth app I've designed. My second app, which helped people locate dog parks near them, won an award at my university."

Step 2 Mention hobbies or outside interests.

  • If you are explaining your passion or goal and how it helped formed your progression up to this point, that can help you tell a compelling story about yourself. For example, if you're writing a speech for your college speech class , you might want to explain how you got into computers at an early age and why they're important to you now as you pursue your career goals.
  • If, however, you are introducing yourself to potential clients at a business lunch, they are probably not interested in your hobbies. They will want to know what you are doing right now and what your skills are.
  • Try writing one draft with your experience/hobbies and one without, and run both versions by an objective listener who can give you feedback before your speech.

Step 3 Sell yourself...

  • Highlight the qualities, skills and experience you have that are most relevant for the audience and occasion. For example, "Because of my background in app writing and my extensive network of professional connections, I have a strong grasp of what today's young professionals are looking for. My apps offer convenience and immediate gratification."
  • You are trying to present yourself as a professional while making a strong and lasting impression.
  • If you're trying to sell yourself to a group of new colleagues, you probably won't need to tell them about your family life, or anything outside of work that isn't directly relevant.

Step 4 Set yourself apart from your peers.

  • You can simultaneously demonstrate your skills and experience, while presenting yourself as a forward-looking person who is always learning and developing. For example, you could say, "I spend a lot of time attending app conventions and conferences so I can learn what audiences are looking for. I pride myself on staying on the cutting edge of app design."
  • Try to tie this into your broader outline of your career goals and personal development.

Revising and Practicing Your Speech

Step 1 Trim your speech down.

  • Make sure that if this is an assignment, you stay within the assigned guidelines.
  • If your speech is supposed to be 3-5 minutes, a 7-minute speech and a 2-minute speech are equally inappropriate.
  • If you are giving a brief introductory speech in an interview , be certain that you don't go over the recommended time.

Step 2 Use short, simple sentences.

  • Avoid long rambling sentences, and use direct and concise prose as much as possible.
  • Think about your sentence structure carefully. Reading your speech out loud will help you determine when you have overly long sentences that need to be restructured.

Step 3 Practice your speech.

  • Practicing in front of other people will enable you to gauge whether your speech captures the interest of your listeners.
  • Think about which parts of the speech were successful and which parts weren't.
  • Try to get as much detailed feedback as possible by asking specific as well as general questions after your speech.
  • As well as saying "how did you like the speech?", ask specifically what parts were the strongest and weakest.
  • Check that you delivered a clear message by asking your practice audience what they took away from the speech.

Step 4 Memorize your speech...

  • If you are staring down at a piece of paper all the time, the audience might struggle to truly engage with what you are saying.
  • You can, however, bring an index card with bullet points, just in case you freeze up. You shouldn't write your whole speech on the card, just the main points you hope to cover.
  • Think of the card as a point of reference, rather than a backup for your speech.

Planning Your Speech

Step 1 Determine your audience.

  • Who is the intended audience?
  • What is the purpose of my introduction?
  • What are the expectations others may have?

Step 2 Decide what's relevant.

  • Stick to one or two main points you want to convey about yourself. You can always add more if time allows it.
  • Depending on the audience and function of your speech, you shouldn't allow the focus to become too narrow. For example, if you're introducing yourself to a crowd of prospective investors, you'd focus on your skills to build their confidence in you. If you're introducing yourself to a general audience -- say, for a speech class in college -- you can be a bit more wide-ranging.
  • Remember that you're introducing yourself in general, and you want to present yourself as an interesting and rounded individual. [12] X Research source
  • That doesn't mean you should spend time talking about your love of baseball when you are introducing yourself in a professional scenario.

Step 3 Consider the purpose and tone.

  • Are you hoping to win someone over to your point of view with this introduction, or to inspire/motivate someone to work hard under your leadership?
  • All of these will affect the things you say in your introduction and the way you say them. [14] X Research source

Delivering Your Speech

Step 1 Try to relax.

  • You can also try some visualization techniques to help ease your nervousness and give you confidence for your speech.
  • Imagine the way you will feel when you have finished delivering your speech and are met with smiling faces and resounding applause. Then channel that confidence into the actual speech you are about to deliver.

Step 2 Have good body...

  • Avoid crossing your arms or clutching your hands.
  • Don't stare down at the ground or cling to the table or lecture in front of you.
  • Make eye contact across the room in a measured and controlled way. Avoid lingering on one person, but also avoid darting your eyes back and forth restlessly.
  • Try making eye contact with one person on the left side of the room, then one person on the right side of the room. Shift across the room, but in a controlled way that feels natural and relaxed.

Step 3 Don't rush.

  • Aim for a comfortable, conversational pace of dialogue.
  • Practicing your speech in front of other people, or recording it and listening back are great ways to judge the tempo of your speech.

Step 4 Use humor if...

  • Self-deprecating humor can help you come across as humble and likable. For example, if you've accidentally skipped forward in your speech and have to circle back, you could say something like, "And now I'm going to cycle back and tell you something I forgot before. If you wanted to get to know the "real me," you're seeing it now!"
  • You can also make a quick, humorous nod to your mistake and move on. For example, if you come out and you mess up the very first line, you could say something like, "Wow, excuse me. Here I am so excited to tell you about myself that I've mixed up all my words. Let me try that again."
  • Don't be too self-deprecating, however. You are still trying to ensure people remember you for your strengths and competencies. Move on quickly.

Expert Q&A

Lynn Kirkham

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  • Improve eye contact with the audience. Be direct and move confidently during the speech. Thanks Helpful 20 Not Helpful 3
  • Do not be afraid to make yourself sound good. After all, this is an introduction, and the first impression you will make. Thanks Helpful 23 Not Helpful 4
  • If the introduction is too long, you will lose your audience's attention. A good introduction should be short and to the point. Thanks Helpful 19 Not Helpful 6

college student introduction speech

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  • ↑ https://courses.lumenlearning.com/publicspeakingprinciples/chapter/chapter-8-outlining-your-speech/
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  • ↑ https://www.hamilton.edu/academics/centers/oralcommunication/guides/shortening-a-speech
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/speeches/
  • ↑ https://www.unr.edu/writing-speaking-center/student-resources/writing-speaking-resources/speech-delivery
  • ↑ Lynn Kirkham. Public Speaking Coach. Expert Interview. 20 November 2019.
  • ↑ https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-publicspeaking/chapter/methods-of-speech-delivery/
  • ↑ https://www.comm.pitt.edu/oral-comm-lab/audience-analysis
  • ↑ https://open.lib.umn.edu/writingforsuccess/chapter/6-1-purpose-audience-tone-and-content/
  • ↑ https://pac.org/content/speechwriting-101-writing-effective-speech
  • ↑ https://sps.columbia.edu/news/five-ways-improve-your-body-language-during-speech
  • ↑ https://www.apa.org/monitor/2017/02/tips-speaking
  • ↑ https://professional.dce.harvard.edu/blog/10-tips-for-improving-your-public-speaking-skills/

About This Article

Lynn Kirkham

To write a speech introducing yourself, start by organizing the information you want to include. When writing content, consider the purpose of the speech, your intended audience, and your goals for the introduction. You can speak about your education, professional background, career/career goals, and outside interests, but keep things brief and to the point. Only include information that is important and relevant to your listeners. Don't forget to state your name in the first sentence of the speech. To learn more from our English Ph.D. co-author, such as how to practice and memorize your speech, continue reading the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Home  >  News & Articles  >  Self Introduction in English: Student Self Introduction Sample

college student introduction speech

Nikita Parmar

Updated on 22nd July, 2024 , 7 min read

Self Introduction in English: Student Self Introduction Sample

Self Introduction for Students

Self Introduction in English: Comprehensive Overview

Many people feel under confident while introducing themselves. It can be in school, college , offices or even while giving interviews. To convey the audience a sense of who you are and what you do, a clear, concise and confident self introduction is very important. Although it may also be done in writing, it is frequently carried out in the form of a speech or presentation before the start of a meeting or event.

Self Introduction in English: Why Self Introduction is Important?

"First impressions are everything," as the old saying goes. It's critical that students make a strong case for their introduction. Students should introduce themselves to the audience, including their names, preferences, characteristics, family, and prior experiences.

The pupils will benefit from making more friends and acquaintances. As a result, pupils must be able to describe themselves in 10 to 12 lines and cover every facet of speaking to others. It's crucial to introduce yourself in order to communicate clearly. Students should be confident in their ability to interact with the audience.

Self Introduction in English: Tips, Tricks and Approaches

Even though it can appear easy, creating and preparing a self introduction for your purpose can be time-consuming. You should begin by planning out the basic ideas.

The first few items you provide in your self introduction might be your name, experience, and present position . Self introduction is a skill that can be acquired with practice, here are some instructions on how to introduce yourself:

  • As they introduce themselves, the person must first smile and extend a greeting to the audience they are speaking to.
  • Students must first introduce themselves by giving their names, the location they are now in, and the place they belong.
  • If required, provide a little summary on the topic that you will be speaking about.
  • Tell the audience a little bit about yourself; mention your interests, preferences, and so on.
  • If you have any past experience, please share it as an incident
  • The most crucial thing to remember is to focus on your strengths
  • Don't forget to end by thanking everyone and sharing some of your prior experiences

Self Introduction for Students

Self Introduction in English:  Advantages of Self Introduction

Students can improve their self-confidence, motivation, and interpersonal skills by introducing themselves. One can express their emotions when they introduce themselves to other students, instructors, and parents. This improves their social abilities by enabling them to interact with new individuals. You tell the audience who you are, what you do, and where you're from when you introduce yourself.

With a powerful introduction, you may make a bold statement, attract attention, and pique curiosity. When used correctly, an introduction may mark the beginning of a new life, career, or group of friends. In essence, an introduction is your first impression, and people will recognize that impression for the rest of their lives.

  • Greater sense of self-worth results from increased self-confidence because people respect themselves and their skills more when they are confident in themselves while giving a self-introduction.
  • Happy and joyous environment is created : The more self-confident you are, the happier you are with yourself and the audience appreciates you and gives a positive response.
  • Less fear and anxiety : When confidence is high, you can accept, adapt, learn, gain, and benefit from any situation in life. In this way, you naturally replace fear and anxiety with greater confidence in yourself and your capabilities.
  • More energy and motivation to act : Convince the audience that you can achieve things you want to achieve (like personal goals or dreams), the more motivated and energised you are to take action to achieve them!
  • Preparing for success : There has been no mystery that self-confident people tend to be more successful, it is important that the audience notices how seriously you have prepared your self introduction!

Each of the benefits above help you prepare a self introduction more easily.

Self Introduction in English: How to Introduce Yourself?

The first chance a student has to create a good impression on their peers, teachers, or professors is during self introduction. Students may position themselves for success in the classroom and beyond by taking the time to develop a well-crafted self introduction.

Students should think about their goals for their self introduction as they are ready to present it. Are they hoping to meet new people? Do they want to win the favour of their professors? They may start to create their introduction after they have a certain objective in mind. Things to include in a self introduction are:

1. Your name

Your name is the most basic component of a self introduction. It's the first thing people will see when they meet you, so it's important that it's memorable and clearly identifies who you are.

2. Where you are from

You should include your hometown, current city, and any other places you have lived. This helps give the person you are introducing yourself to a better sense of who you are and where you come from.

3. What you do

It is important to include some information about what you do. This could be your profession, your hobby, or anything else that you feel defines you as a person.

4. What are your interests

Sharing your interest is a great way to let others know what you enjoy doing and what kinds of things you are passionate about

5. What are your goals

Sharing your goals gives the person you're speaking to a sense of what you're hoping to achieve and why you're motivated to achieve it.

6. What you want

Share what you're looking for in terms of opportunities and relationships. By articulating your desires, you give others a better sense of how they can help you and be a part of your life.

By including these elements, students can give their peers and professors a snapshot of who they are, what they want, and how they plan to pursue that goal. You must include all the above information in your self introduction and practise it aloud. This way, you can ensure that you are using the right vocabulary and correctly articulating the content of your introduction.

Self Introduction in English: Things To Avoid 

Here is a few don'ts to take care of when giving a self-introduction.

  • Don't just repeat what's on your CV and cover letter. Give instances to make it sound genuine.
  • Never enquire, "What do you want to know?" It demonstrates your lack of readiness.
  • Never tell life tales. If you wish to emphasize any certain characteristic, simply mention an experience.
  • Spend a short amount of time introducing yourself.

Self Introduction in English Examples

First example of self introduction for students.

Hello, my name is ______. I am a student at _______. I am from _____. I am studying _______. I am interested in ________. I am a member of ________. I am also involved in ___________.

I am a very outgoing person, and I love to meet new people. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and getting to know you better.

Thank you for having me here today.

Second Example of Self Introduction for Students

Hello, everyone!

My name is _____________ and I'm from ____________. I'm currently studying ____________ at _____________, and I hope to become ___________ one day.

I'm really passionate about ___________, and I'm always looking for new ways to learn and improve my skills. I'm also a firm believer of teamwork, and I believe that working together is the best way to achieve success.

I'm excited to start my career and can't wait to see what the future holds for me. I'm confident that I have what it takes to be a __________, and I'm looking forward to making a difference in the world.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I hope to see you all soon!

Self Introduction for Students: Interview Example

Good [morning/afternoon/evening],

My name is [Your Name], and it's a pleasure to speak with you. I belong to (City Name). I have been living in (City Name) for (No. of years/months) now.   I recently completed my [Degree/Qualification] in [Your Field of Study] from [University/Institution]. Throughout my academic journey, I have developed a strong foundation in [Key Skills or Expertise Relevant to the Position].

In my previous role at [Previous Company/Internship], I gained practical experience in [Highlight a Relevant Achievement or Task]. This experience has not only honed my technical skills but has also strengthened my ability to [Highlight a Soft Skill, e.g., collaborate with diverse teams, problem-solving, etc.].

I am particularly drawn to this opportunity because [Share What Excites You About the Position or Company]. I believe my combination of [Mention a Few Key Skills] and my passion for [Relevant Industry/Field] make me a strong fit for this role.

Outside of work and academics, I am an avid [Hobby or Interest]. I find that [Mentioning a Hobby] not only helps me maintain a healthy work-life balance but also contributes positively to my problem-solving and creative thinking abilities.

I am excited about the possibility of contributing my skills and enthusiasm to [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to discussing in more detail how my experiences align with the needs of the role.

Note: Remember to tailor the introduction to your own experiences and the specific requirements of the position you're applying for.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to introduce myself.

Ans. Talk about the basic- Name, Hobbies, Family. You can also describe your ambitions.

Why is self introduction important?

Ans. It helps you introduce yourself to an audience, interviewer, senior manager, etc. Basically, it helps you to bring impact and notice towards you. It becomes easier to make an impression.

Where is self introduction used?

Ans. Self Introduction is used in schools, colleges and even offices (especially while giving interviews).

What are the advantages of self introduction?

Ans. Greater sense of self-worth, Happy and joyous environment is created, Less fear and anxiety, More energy and motivation to act: and Preparing for success.

What are some of the things to avoid during Self-Introduction?

Ans. Don’t just repeat what’s on your CV and cover letter. Give instances to make it sound genuine, Never tell life tales. If you wish to emphasize any certain characteristic, simply mention an experience, Spend a short amount of time introducing yourself.

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How to Introduce Yourself in College as a Student (With 10+ Examples)

Going to college can be an intimidating experience, especially when you have to introduce yourself to a whole new group of people.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make sure your introduction leaves a lasting positive impression on your classmates and professors.

Here are some tips on how to introduce yourself in college as a student.

Dr. Darin Steven Detwiler

Darin Steven Detwiler

Doctor of Law and Policy | Educator | Professor, Northeastern University | Author, “ Building the Future of Food Safety Technology “

Mention an accomplishment or a career-related element that you have developed or mastered

My college students often ask me for help with networking, and I typically ask them a few questions.

First, I ask them to describe their dream career — not their dream job. When we talk about a career, this is when interests, passions, and what drives their mission beyond simply talking about the work they do for an employer.

Second, I ask them to share an accomplishment or artifact from their college journey up to this point . Too many times, students just talk about what grade they earned in professor so-and-so’s class.

This is where I stop them and ask about a project , a collaboration , teamwork , leadership , or an accomplishment that they can discuss .

The reality is that introducing one’s self as a college student to others in the same group does little to convey what makes you unique or what value you bring to an activity.

My recommendation is for students to strive to create an item or two discussing an accomplishment in each course they complete.

Something worthy of including could be:

  • leading a team,
  • working with a sponsor,
  • presenting findings,
  • publishing an article,
  • attending a conference,
  • earning a certificate, or
  • any career-related elements that you can note as having developed or mastered

Don’t get me wrong… I am not saying that you carry around a resumé all over campus for this, but if you are able to put your thoughts on your accomplishments onto paper like these, then not only are you ahead of the game the next time you apply for a grant or a position.

But you have multiple ways of avoiding the minimal perspective that you are only a college student.

Be conference friendly

My college students often ask me for help with networking, and this conversation includes conferences.

Students think that they are not qualified to go to a conference or that they would not be able to network due to being college students.

A few things to consider — first, conferences related to most fields are held every year in major cities, including those close to universities. These conferences offer incredible discounts on student rates and even student memberships.

Beyond the ability to hear from leaders in the field, students should take advantage of student socials , career boards , and the exhibitor halls , where employers are often having recruiters on-hand to talk with students.

Here are great opportunities to learn about companies, people, and issues that matter to them, but to note the key players and even collect business cards and literature about them.

One tip I always recommend is that students who attend a conference obtain an agenda and information on:

  • who is presenting,
  • what topics,
  • and even who the exhibitors are.

This gives students an advantage in planning, prioritizing, and even practicing how they introduce themselves.

Another tip I offer is to go online and create business cards to take with them . They don’t cost too much and are a great tool for introductions and for asking for a card in return.

After returning home from a conference, take the additional step of looking up the people who gave you their business cards on LinkedIn, following them, and even sending a connection request.

Related: How to Network on LinkedIn

Also, consider sending them an email thanking them for their time, complimenting them for their presentation, or even being as bold as to reiterate that you value their thoughts on the next steps in the transition from college student to a leader in that field.

Sara Strickland

Sara Strickland

Student Support Specialist, My College Planning Team

One of the greatest opportunities presented to students in college is the opportunity to start fresh.

Students can be surrounded by literally thousands of others on campus which can be both amazing and amazingly overwhelming.

You are new among your peers and your professors, and that leads to an important question: “ How do I introduce myself as a student to the people in my new college community? “

Here are three pieces to lean on as you dive into these new relationships.

Put yourself out there; go with an open mind and open-ended questions

College provides dozens of opportunities per week to meet others. Not only in your classes but in your dorm, the gym, the library, the dining hall, the student center — you name it.

Colleges also have many student organization meetings and student-centered activities.

You can use these meetings and activities to find others with your unique interests:

  • athletic events,
  • community service, and
  • guest speakers

Put yourself out there; nobody says you have to attend every event. And nobody says just because you go to one event; you have to go to every following similar event.

Go with an open mind, some information, and an open-ended question:

  • “Hi, my name is Sara, and I’m studying English. This is my first time coming to karaoke! Have you been to karaoke before?”
  • “What song are you hoping to hear?”
  • “What are the chances of us scoring a recording contract?”

In these first few words, you’ve accomplished a great deal:

  • You’ve shared your name and your major (another talking point!),
  • you’ve shared that you’re new to the event (maybe ask for pointers or why the other person enjoys the event!),
  • and you’ve taken an interest in the person you’re meeting.

This brings me to my second point.

Take an interest in others; ask them about themselves

American writer Dale Carnegie said, “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

Even if you’re social and outgoing, you can help break the ice with your peers by asking them about themselves.

Bonus: this also works when getting to know your professors and other adults on campus.

Go beyond “Where are you from?” or “What’s your major?” (although those are totally usable), and try something a little more forward:

  • “Hi Professor, my name is Sara, and I am in your Intro to Linguistics class. I’m wondering when you became interested in studying linguistics?”
  • “I am really enjoying your class. What other courses do you teach?”
  • “I thought the class about different dialects was really interesting. I’m wondering if you can help me understand something better?”

Be yourself

Let’s face it. Introducing yourself to new people can feel unnatural and intimidating. At your core, you know how to do one thing better than anyone else on the planet: You know how to be yourself.

As Aladdin’s great Genie of the Lamp advised his love-stricken friend, “Be yourself.”

Ask to sit with others in the dining hall and laugh at their conversation. Ask a neighbor if they want to come to check their mailbox with you.

You don’t have to talk the whole time, and that’s OK. Start with something you know, or admit that you’re trying to meet new people and go from there. You’re definitely not alone in that adventure.

And if you don’t feel something click one day, you have many days ahead of you to try again or try differently.

Nowhere will you be surrounded by so many others who are excited to live and learn in this new student-centered community as you will in college.

Beverly Gearreald

Beverly Gearreald

College Counselor and Community Manager, Transizion

The key is to bring up a similarity quickly

When you’re in college, it’s about preparing yourself for your future career. A lot of times, that means expanding your network is just as important as what you’re learning.

In university, networking is typically comprised of three types of individuals: peers, professors, and professionals already established in your field.

But how do you introduce yourself to these different types of individuals?

Introducing yourself to peers

Start by thinking about how you like to be approached. It never hurts to start with a compliment. “Hi! I love your Zelda shirt. I’m a big fan, too! Did you play Breath of the Wild?”

Once a conversation has started, it’s easy to exchange names and even contact information.

Introducing yourself to professors

Typically, you’re introducing yourself to a professor for a reason, so lead with it.

For example, “Hi, Professor Smith. My name is John. I’m in your Chemistry 101 class, so I wanted to introduce myself.”

Alternatively, “Hi, Professor Patel! My name is Sally. I recently read your paper on quantum computing and was wondering if you had a few minutes to discuss it with me.”

Introducing yourself to professionals

A great way to get ahead in the job market is to do networking and get advice from people in your target industry before you get there.

If you go to a talk or are at a job fair and are interested in making a connection, consider asking them to be a mentor , whether formally or informally. “Hi, Mr. Wang! My name is Jane. Could I ask you a few questions about the talk you just gave?”

Alternatively, “Hi, Ms. Cortez! My name is Peter. I’m interested in being a politician, just like you. Would you be willing to meet with me for 15 minutes every month to give me some advice?”

Whomever you’re looking to make a connection with, the key is to bring up a similarity quickly, so they feel drawn to you rather than bothered by the interruption.

It can help to practice, so if you struggle to talk to people you don’t know, consider hiring a mentor to work with you through the problem. As a career mentor, this is one of the many skills I help people master.

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Dr. Renetta Weaver, LCSW

Renetta Weaver

Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Neuroscience Coach

When it comes to introducing yourself, did you know that they see you before they hear you?

And what they see from you will interpret the meaning of your words. Since we can say a lot without speaking, it’s important for us to blend our body language with our spoken language.

Here are some examples of how you can intentionally blend your non-verbal with verbals to introduce yourself to your peers and professors that will leave an unforgettable good first impression.

Emit confidence vibes

Emit confidence vibes by extending a firm handshake, fist bump, or elbow bump (depending on what you are comfortable with), and genuine smile while saying, “Hello, my name is…”

Keep in mind that “hello” can also be “hey,” “what’s happening,” “what’s popping,” “what’s good,” “what’s up,” or any other words that your culture/peers use.

To present with confidence, it is important to feel comfortable and genuine.

Be armed with a fun fact about yourself

Fun facts are unique skills (I can cook), hobbies (I like to write), interests, or personality traits (i.e., I’m an extrovert/introvert).

Oh, and don’t forget to mention where you are from. This will give off the impression that you are open to continuing the conversation and invites the other person to share with you.

An example of this is also saying, “Hello, I’m [your name], or they call me [your name] and I [fun fact].”

Related: How to Come up With Interesting Facts About Yourself

Talk about what major you are in

Lastly, talk about what major you’re in, and if you’re still deciding on a major, talk about what you are most interested in learning.

For example:

“Hello, my name is Dr. Renetta, and I am from Maryland. I have always loved to write and cook, so one day I hope to write a recipe book. I haven’t decided on my major yet, but I know I enjoy listening to and supporting others with their goals.”

Remember to bring along your smile, handshake, elbow or fist bump, and uncrossed arms and hands out of your pockets.

Here’s a COURAGE formula you can post on your mirror as you practice your introduction:

  • C onfidence
  • U nique and
  • A venues to

Jessica Robinson

Jessica Robinson

Content and Marketing Manager,  crowjack

There is nothing exciting in life like embarking on a new journey! It could be learning how to drive, bake, or perhaps set off on a career path.

Similarly, many of us get thrilled when it comes to joining a new college, whether within our localities or abroad. Setting foot on the college premises for the first time is exciting but terrifying at the same time.

First of all, you will be excited about meeting new people, making new friends, advancing academically, and landing opportunities.

However, amidst all that, there is a dilemma that comes with self-introduction. “How should I introduce myself to my classmates, what words should I use, or what standing posture should I adopt?”

Wondering how you can introduce yourself in college? Here is how to go about it.

Whether it’s introducing yourself in front of the college principal, classroom, or around the college premises, there are two major things to keep in mind.

Exude self-confidence

Self-confidence is associated with a myriad of competencies. Being confident about yourself doesn’t mean you’re perfect, nor does it require you to play a deaf ear to your flaws. But it’s about embracing yourself without projecting others as insignificant.

Confidence is a healthy conscience, and it can help you overcome the phobia of public speaking in case you have it.

You will even feel less intimidated by the new faces you come across in the initial phase of your college life.

Maintain eye contact

Effective communication occurs where there is proper eye contact. Apart from developing a connection with your audience, maintaining eye contact can also help you feel less anxious.

If you’re generally terrified about meeting new people, try practicing while alone or in front of your friends.

Note: Public speaking etiquette doesn’t come accidentally. It is through continuous practice and interaction with different groups of people and ages.

A self-introduction in college mainly involves telling people about yourself, your educational background, and your academic goals.

Your self-introduction can be similar to this:

“My name is Alexa Portman, and I am from Bristol. I completed my secondary education at Colston’s school, where I performed incredibly well in maths.

My ultimate goal is to become a data analyst because I am fascinated by the field of data science.

I come from a family of five members and am the second child out of three.

I love music and sports and am eagerly waiting to become of the college sports team. Just like any other student, I have brilliant academic ambitions, but besides that, I love engaging in activities that impact and impart something new.

I don’t take college life as a race for popularity but as a phase to craft and direct my professional path and life ahead. If given an opportunity, I would like to make a difference by fostering equity, inclusion, and a sense of belonging for everyone.

Lastly, I am looking forward to exploring this new phase with each one of you. Thank you so much.”

Kathleen Fletcher

Kathleen Fletcher

CEO, Kitty Baby Love

Starting college can be an intimidating time in your life. I know it was for me— despite my parent’s reassurances, I was totally panicking about meeting a whole bunch of new people and living with strangers for the first time.

My parents, for all their efforts, had never been to college, and I know I would have really appreciated some advice from someone who had at that point.

Here goes with mine:

Relax and be yourself

I know a lot of people think of college as a great time and place to ‘reinvent themselves,’ and that’s fine if that’s what you want to do.

But don’t feel like you have to; there is space in college for every different type of person, from the sport obsessed to the musical and creative and everything in between.

Remember, this isn’t school anymore— there aren’t ‘cool kids’ and ‘nerds, ’ just different people with different interests.

The more you relax and be yourself, the quicker you will connect with like-minded people.

I should say this, though. You won’t get anywhere at college by being quiet as a mouse, so you absolutely do need to put yourself out there and talk. In fact, be prepared to do a lot of talking.

People say you should smooth your transition to college by joining a bunch of clubs and societies, and sure, that does work, but talking a lot works too.

I practically pestered my way into a friendship group in college, chatting to them, suggesting activities, etc., and that persistence paid off. I’m still great friends with them all these years later.

Iam Akshay

Founder, OnlineCourseing

Be friendly, articulate, and concise

One of the most important things you’ll do is introduce yourself to your professors and classmates. This task may seem daunting, but with a few simple tips, you’ll be on your way to making great first impressions.

When introducing yourself in college, it’s important to be friendly, articulate, and concise. You should also make sure to include any relevant information about your educational background or professional experience .

When you’re introducing yourself, start by saying your name and then give a brief explanation of who you are and what you’re studying. For example, you might say, “Hi, my name is Sarah, and I’m an English major.”

If you have any relevant work experience, you can also mention that in your introduction. For example, you might say, “ I’ve interned at a publishing company, so I’m interested in a career in editing .”

When you’re introducing yourself to your professors, it’s also important to be respectful and professional . Make sure to use proper titles and honorifics when you’re speaking to them.

Related: How to Introduce Yourself Professionally (With 50+ Samples)

Finally, remember that first impressions are important, but they’re not everything . If you don’t make the best first impression, don’t worry — you’ll have plenty of other opportunities to get to know your classmates and professors throughout the semester.

Drew Sherman

Drew Sherman

Director of Marketing and Communications, Carvaygo

Decide what you want to do and meet like-minded people

Since people typically begin college right after high school, many new college students are still stuck in a social clique mentality.

For instance, they may feel a need to join Greek life to feel like they are part of a close-knit community.

While joining a sorority or fraternity can be a great experience for some, this is not the only way to meet people in college. College is a time to find yourself through the classes you enjoy and activities that genuinely spark your interest.

Rather than clinging to any group out of desperation, decide what you want to do and meet like-minded people.

For example, if you enjoy history classes and are considering majoring in history, introduce yourself to the people you meet through those classes.

For instance, you could say, “Hi, I’m [Name]. Are you a history major?” or, “Are you enjoying this class?” You should focus on finding the commonalities you share with these people to keep the conversation rolling.

You may have difficulty making friends if you merely introduce yourself to anyone, especially if you do not have much in common with them.

This is why you should focus on discovering your interests and introduce yourself to people who pursue the same classes and activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if i’m nervous about introducing myself.

It’s perfectly normal to be nervous about introducing yourself to new people. Take a few deep breaths and remember that everyone else is probably just as nervous as you are. Don’t be afraid to start with a simple “hello” and smile. It’s a great way to break the ice and start a conversation.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when introducing myself to other students in college?

While it’s important to be yourself when introducing yourself to other students, there are a few common mistakes you should avoid:

Being too aggressive: It’s important to be confident when you introduce yourself, but don’t come on too strong. Remember to respect others’ boundaries and personal space.

Talking too much: While sharing a little about yourself is important, you shouldn’t dominate the conversation. Remember to ask questions and listen to what others have to say.

Using inappropriate language or jokes: College is a professional environment, so it’s important that you don’t use inappropriate language or tell offensive jokes. Remember to keep things respectful and appropriate.

Ignoring non-verbal cues: Pay attention to the body language and non-verbal cues of those around you. If someone seems uncomfortable or disinterested, it might be a sign to wrap up the conversation.

What if I’m an introvert and struggle with socializing?

Introverts can have a hard time socializing, but that shouldn’t stop you from meeting new people. Start by attending events and activities that interest you, and approach people who are standing alone or seem approachable.

Remember that it’s okay to take breaks if you feel overwhelmed and that it’s better to make a few meaningful connections than a lot of shallow ones.

Is it okay to ask for help when introducing myself?

Absolutely! Asking for help can be a great way to start a conversation and show that you’re interested in learning more about the person you’re talking to. For example, you could ask for advice on a class or recommendations for campus resources. Usually, people are happy to share their knowledge.

What if I accidentally offend someone while introducing myself?

It’s possible to unintentionally offend someone while introducing yourself, but don’t beat yourself up over it. If you realize you said something that could be taken as offensive, apologize and try to explain what you meant.

Remember to listen to the other person’s perspective and be open to learning from your mistakes.

Is it okay if I introduce myself differently to different people?

It’s perfectly fine to tailor your introduction based on the person you’re talking to, especially if you’re trying to make a meaningful connection.

For example, you might emphasize your interest in music when talking to someone who plays in a band or your interest in community service when talking to someone passionate about social justice. Just remember to stay true to yourself and don’t try to be someone you’re not.

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The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

How to Introduce Myself for a College Class

Mary Dowd

How to Make Friends in College Classes

You are not alone if you sink in your chair when a college instructor tells everyone to “introduce yourself” in class. Some professors use icebreakers such as personal introductions to encourage student participation in class discussions. Asking and answering questions in class is less intimidating when you know your classmates. Ironically, a well-intended activity to help you feel more relaxed can unleash all your anxieties. Preparing a short introduction paragraph about yourself can calm your nerves and bolster self-confidence when you are put on the spot to introduce yourself in college.

Start With an Attention Grabber

Instead of quickly mumbling your name in a monotone voice and identifying your hometown and high school, share unique or silly details to help people remember you. For example, if you are from Roswell, New Mexico, you could brag that your city is the UFO capitol of the world. Or you could introduce yourself in class by sharing a funny story about how your parents decided to name you Rocky, for instance. When you introduce yourself in class, keep it light and friendly. Your goal is to come across as warm and approachable.

Explain Academic Plans and Goals

When asked to introduce yourself in college, consider the needs and interests of your audience when choosing what academic information to share. Like you, your classmates are hoping to make friends with other students who may have the same major, similar goals or who might be able to help them learn in areas where they struggle, such as math.

Typically, an introduction includes your major or favorite academic subjects, if you haven’t selected a major. You may want to mention why you chose that major and what type of career you hope to pursue.

Share Hobbies and Personal Interests

When choosing what personal information to share, keep in mind the purpose of being told to introduce yourself in college. Your mission is to help fellow students and your teacher get to know you and your uniqueness.

Many students eagerly seek out potential new friends, especially if they hardly know anybody at their new school. In your introduction, talk about favorite pastimes like playing video games, watching movies, working out, running or drawing. Students also enjoy hearing about less common hobbies like kite-boarding or spelunking.

Speech About Myself Example

Although it takes a little more time to develop an outline or introduction paragraph about yourself, you won’t have to worry about your mind going blank or awkwardly fumbling for words if you are prepared. An introduction paragraph about yourself doesn’t have to be very long either.

Hi Everybody. I’m Peter Smith. I just returned from an awesome church missionary trip to Belize where I slept in a grass hut that was about the size of my dorm room. Does anyone else here live in Taft Hall? Cool! We should get together. Don’t laugh, but I am from Cornville, Iowa. No seriously, that town does exist. In high school I played soccer for the Cornville Huskers.

Anyway, I am a math geek hoping to be a high school math teacher after I graduate. You may want to keep that in mind if you don’t like math and need a tutor. I spend most of my free time at the campus rec center working out. I am looking forward to this class and getting to know each of you.

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Dr. Mary Dowd is a dean of students whose job includes student conduct, leading the behavioral consultation team, crisis response, retention and the working with the veterans resource center. She enjoys helping parents and students solve problems through advising, teaching and writing online articles that appear on many sites. Dr. Dowd also contributes to scholarly books and journal articles.

Self-Introduction Speech Examples & Tips to Help You Be Confident & Calm

Here's how you can nail your self-introduction speech, without the sweaty palms! Go from nervous to natural with these tips.

It's time! The moment for your self-introduction speech is upon you. Are your palms sweating just at the thought? There are two secrets to making it easier to give an introduction speech about yourself: practice and preparation.

And with those two things already on your to-do list, we took care of some of the lifting for you with these self-introduction speech examples. Plus plenty of tips to help you not only get through it but get through it and feel good about it after. Yes, it is possible. And you're on your way!

Easy Self-introduction Speeches for School

It's the first day of school or of the semester. Perhaps you've found yourself in a new classroom halfway through the academic year. No fear, these intros will ease you into things and hook you a few new friends and classroom groupmates, too.

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Self-Introduction for Elementary or Middle School Kids

For the younger kiddos, these intros are all about who they are and what makes them happy.

  • "Hi, everybody! My name is [Your Name], and I'm super excited to be in this class with all of you. I'm [Your Age] years old. I live with my family, and we have a dog named [Dog's Name] who likes to eat all my homework. I really love dinosaurs, especially the T-Rex because he's big but has tiny arms, just like my baby brother when he tries to reach for cookies on the high shelf. In my free time, I love building rocket ships from Legos. One day, I hope to become an astronaut and find aliens -- friendly ones, of course!"
  • "Good morning, everyone! I'm [Your Name], and I'm really excited to be part of this class. I am [Your Age] years old. At home, I'm the queen/king of board games, although my cat [Cat's Name] often tries to join in and messes up the pieces. My favorite food is pizza, because who can say no to pizza? And when I grow up, I want to be a detective because I love solving mysteries, like where my missing socks go in the dryer. I'm looking forward to learning and having fun with all of you this year!"

Self-Introduction Speech for High Schoolers

Give new classmates an in or let people know that you're just like them so you can make friends once you find the cafeteria.

  • "Hey everyone, I'm [Your Name]. I'm new here, so please go easy on me if I can't find my way to the cafeteria. A few facts about me: I love music and play the guitar -- it's like a six-stringed stress buster for me. I'm a total sci-fi geek. If you need someone to debate Star Wars vs. Star Trek, I'm your person! And I have a secret ambition: to try every ice cream flavor in the world. Looking forward to getting to know all of you."

Self-Introduction Speech for College Kids

A quip about your major is a great way to start, but you can also loop in anything you love (or avoid) on your campus too, even if it's the steps by the library that seem to go on for eternity.

  • "Hello everyone! My name is [Your Name] and I'm majoring in [Your Major]. When I'm not elbow-deep in textbooks or caffeine, I love exploring the city, one coffee shop at a time. Yes, I'm a self-confessed coffee addict and my dream is to find the perfect cup of coffee. I also enjoy [Another Hobby], because what's life without a little variety, right? Excited to be on this journey with you all!"

Job Interview Self-Introduction Speech

There's nothing like the dreaded "tell us about yourself" comment at an interview. The good news? You won't have any more nightmares because this intro is the perfect way to ease into the answer.

  • "Good morning/afternoon! I'm [Your Name], and it's a pleasure to meet you. I graduated from [Your University] with a degree in [Your Major], and since then, I've gained [Number of Years of Experience] years of experience in the [Your Field] field. During my previous role at [Your Previous Company], I was responsible for [Key Responsibility] and I [Describe a Key Achievement or Impact You Made]. What I particularly enjoyed about that role was the opportunity to [Something You Enjoyed that Relates to the New Job]. In my free time, I enjoy [Briefly Mention a Hobby], which helps me to [Explain How It Applies to the New Role]. For example, [Concrete Example of How Hobby Relates to Job]. I'm excited about the possibility of bringing my unique experience and passion for [Mention Something About the Company or Role] to this position. Thank you for this opportunity to interview."
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Work Self-Introduction Speeches

Make a smooth, witty, and warm self-introduction when you land the job or want to kick off an introduction with ease.

Introduction for a New Job

You're the new kid on the block at the office, you have enough to learn, here's an easy intro on your first day before jumping in.

  • "Hello team, I'm [Your Name]. I'm thrilled to be joining the [Company Name] family as your new [Your Job Title]. I come with a background in [Relevant Skills or Experience], and most recently, I was at [Previous Company] where I [Describe a Key Achievement or Project]. Outside work, I love [A Personal Interest or Hobby]. I look forward to collaborating with all of you and contributing to our shared success."

Introduction for a Presentation or Meeting

Before you launch into the important information, take a moment to let people know who you are, why you're giving this presentation, and why you're qualified to do it. After all, you've done all the hard work, allow your accolades to shine.

  • "Good morning/afternoon everyone, for those who don't know me yet, I'm [Your Name], the [Your Job Title] here at [Company Name]. I oversee [Briefly Describe Your Responsibilities]. I've been with [Company Name] for [Duration at the Company], and before that, I worked at [Previous Company]. Today, I'm excited to discuss [Topic of Presentation or Meeting]. Although if you want to chat after, I also love [Hobby]."

Introduction for a Networking Event

You'll be introducing yourself a lot at networking, so now is the time to make yourself pop and be memorable.

  • "Hello, I'm [Your Name], currently serving as a [Your Job Title] at [Company Name]. I've been in the [Your Industry] industry for [Number of Years], specializing in [Your Specialty]. When I'm not [Job-Related Activity], I like to [Personal Interest or Hobby]. I'm eager to meet like-minded professionals and see how we can help each other grow in our careers."

Introducing Yourself at a Funeral

Whether you're delivering a eulogy, poem, or making a brief introduction of yourself to other family and friends, you can rely on this intro to make things a little easier.

  • "Good morning/afternoon, everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I had the honor of being [Deceased's Name]'s [Your Relation to the Deceased, e.g., friend, colleague, neighbor]. We shared many [memories/experiences] together, and I am here to pay my respects and celebrate the remarkable life they led. Their [specific quality or memory] has always stuck with me, and it is something I will carry in their memory."

How to Introduce Yourself at a Party

It's party time! Keep the intro laid back and casual.

  • "Hi! I'm [Your Name]. I may know some of you from [How You Know Some People at the Party]. I'm [a brief sentence about yourself, e.g., your job, where you're from]. I'm a bit of a [Hobby] enthusiast, so if you ever want to chat about [Topic Related to Hobby], I'm all ears."

Examples of How to Introduce Yourself to a New Group

You're the newbie, and there's nothing wrong with that. Start your clean slate with a short and sweet intro.

  • "Hello, everyone! My name is [Your Name]. I'm thrilled to be joining this group! I have always been passionate about [Your Hobby]. It all started when [A Short Story About How You Got Started With This Hobby]. Over the years, my love for it has only grown, and I've spent countless hours [Describe Something You Do Related to The Hobby].
  • Apart from this, I'm [Something About Your Job or Other Interests]. In my day-to-day life, I'm a [Your Profession], which can be pretty demanding, but [Your Hobby] has always been my perfect stress-buster.
  • I joined this group because I wanted to meet people who share this passion, learn from your experiences, and hopefully contribute with some of my own insights. I'm really excited to be a part of this community and can't wait to get to know all of you better!"

10 Tips for Writing and Making a Self-Introduction Speech

Here are some tips to keep in mind while writing and giving your self-introduction speech. The most important tip, however, is to do what feels natural and flows easily.

  • Know Your Audience : Tailor your introduction to the context and the audience. A self-introduction at a professional event will be very different from one at a casual party.
  • Start Strong: Grab the audience's attention from the beginning. You can start with an interesting fact about yourself, a short story, or a joke if the setting is informal.
  • Keep It Brief: Your introduction should be concise and to the point. Stick to key details about who you are, what you do, and perhaps one or two interesting facts or hobbies.
  • Be Authentic : Genuine introductions are the most memorable. Be honest about who you are and don't be afraid to show some personality.
  • Highlight Key Moments : Especially in a professional setting, it can be helpful to highlight a few key experiences or achievements that have defined your career or personal life.
  • End on a Positive Note: Conclude your introduction on a positive or forward-looking note. You could express excitement about the event or meeting, or share a hope or goal for the future.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice : Rehearse your introduction speech so you can deliver it confidently and naturally. This will help reduce any nerves and ensure you come across as polished and professional.
  • Be Engaging : Use body language to engage your audience. Make eye contact, smile, and use gestures where appropriate.
  • Relate It to the Purpose of the Event : If there's a specific reason for your introduction (like starting a new job, or joining a club), make sure to mention your relationship to the event or group and your expectations or goals.
  • Provide A Personal Touch : Share a little about your personal life (like a hobby or interest) to make your introduction more unique and memorable.
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Remember, the goal is to introduce yourself effectively, not to tell your entire life story. Keep it brief, engaging, and genuine .

Introducing Yourself With Ease

Sit yourself in front of the mirror, and run through your lines like an actor for a play, and in no time at all, the words will flow and you'll find a natural cadence. You may even surprise yourself with how easily your introductions flows once you take the stage. Don't be surprised if people ask how you were so calm and cool.

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

Self Introduction Speech [Topics + Outline Sample]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

self introduction speech

This page deals with self introduction speech topics for classroom or other public speaking events an opportunities in life for a good first impression.

In this article:

Sample Introduction Speech Topics

Sample self introduction speech outline.

Another short manner for introducing yourself is the elevator speech, meant for business purposes.

The key question for successful and effective presenting yourself to others in both occasions is: how much and what information do you want the audience to know about you?

Due to the fact you have to write your talk around one theme, I recommend to develop one aspect of your life. That aspect will tell who you are and what you are about. Some people call this type a one-point preliminary, because it is based on one speaking idea.

Can We Write Your Speech?

Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

Look at the sample self introduction speech topics and pick out the aspects of your personal life you want to share with the audience. Approach the list below with the who, the what, the whereabouts, for sure the why, the how and when questions. That is an effective way to outline your first thoughts.

  • What activity has played or plays an important part in your life? Tell the story and distract the message.
  • What is your main personal goal?
  • What do you like very much? Your hobby?
  • What do you hate or dislike? Your aversions?
  • Do you have developed a very special skill?
  • What is your lifestyle?
  • Can you come up with a turning point or milestone in you life?
  • What is your hobby or interest in your spare time?
  • What is a pet peeve or another very familiar topic you like to talk about, to do or to discuss?
  • Where you are from? Do your roots reveal something about yourself that is new for the audience? That always works in a small nice text for introducing your biggest personal features.
  • Is there an object or prop that means a lot to you?
  • What distinguishes you from other individuals in class?

Now that you have picked out a central thesis, use this example profiler I have created:

Grab their attention . Immediately bring in your central message and come to the point.

Give some background information . Tell why it is important to you, why you are doing it, why you want to tell them, etcetera.

Now work out your item of discussion in a few sentences. Draw the contours, make it personal.

Give an example .

In conclusion, offer a memorable answer in your self-introduction speech on the question the listeners probably will have when they listen to your public speaking efforts: what’s in it for me? Tell how this aspect of your life makes who you are and what you are. It will be the perfect ending of your spoken presentation.


113 Extemporaneous Speech Topics

147 Unique Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative]

2 thoughts on “Self Introduction Speech [Topics + Outline Sample]”

i think that talking about some people that have influenced you the most really gives good base to your speech and it helps you by writing about things that you are familiar with so if you write about what has inspired you and what you care about you can easily write about anything.

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Frantically Speaking

How to start a speech for students (Ultimate opening lines)

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Topics , Speech Writing

Person presenting to an audience

Schools and their love for speeches is an affair we are all quite aware of. Now if you are looking to move beyond the mundane way of delivering speeches in school and are in search of some amazing speech openings for students, you are at the right place!

Speeches are the most common form of public speaking that is encouraged in schools . Be it for a competition, assignment, presentation, or even as a punishment (oops), speeches are everywhere in a student’s life.  

To get a quick idea on speech opening lines for students , don’t forget to check out our video on 3 speech opening lines for students!

But before we dive into understanding how to go about your speeches, it is important to first understand why educational institutes focus so much on speeches or public speaking in general that they begin introducing us to speeches as early as primary sections.

Why is speech encouraged in Primary school?

It is a common practice to give the students a little idea about giving speeches as early as primary school. Part of the reason is that these are the foundational years and form as a stepping stone for the students to get a little more used to public speaking as they move to higher classes .

A couple of ways students in primary schools may be asked to give speeches would be to introduce themselves or at competitions like fancy dress competitions.

What is the use of speech in high school?

In high school, as students gain more understanding about the world at large and develop their opinions, giving speeches is encouraged in school to help them navigate their thoughts to their peers. Further, speeches as a form of public speaking also help build the student’s soft skills .

A few ways giving speeches in high school can help in developing their soft skills are:

1. critical thinking.

Speeches aren’t about blurting out your ideas or opinions, rather it requires you to research and find evidence to back your point of view, or to think critically to deliver a speech that effectively reaches the other students.

2. Problem-solving

Speeches could be framed around a popular or controversial issue that the student wishes to provide their insight into. This would encourage them to come up with solutions. Apart from that, even coming up with a speech can be a task sometimes, and overcoming those challenges too can be counted in as a way of problem-solving

3. Time-management

With a huge number of students in high school, speeches are almost always time-bound. This also means that the students have to structure their speeches in a way that fits the time given, further inculcating time management skills in them.

4. Active listening

Speeches are not only about delivering or conveying your ideas or findings but also about listening carefully to what others have to say in terms of questions that may ask.

Why is speech required at college?

Speeches in college have an entirely different goal than the one that schools have.

In college, it isn’t always mandatory to give speeches or to participate in public speaking. However, a few reasons why giving speeches or public speaking is encouraged in colleges is because:

  • It helps in developing communication and public speaking skills that can be very beneficial to their professional life later.
  • Speeches may also be a way to meet new people and make new connections.
  • It improves the student’s leadership skills. How? We have all heard how a good speaker carries with him or her the potential to influence and lead the crowd, and that is how practicing public speaking in college helps improve a student’s leadership skills.

When can students be asked to give a speech?

As we just discussed that the purpose of giving speeches changes as we progress in our school. However, there are a couple of situations where mostly all students are expected to present their speech. And they are:

Classroom/section speeches

Classroom or section speeches are the ones you give in front of your classmates or people from your age group. Generally, the presentation of assignments and competitions comes under this category.

Graduation Speech

Graduating students

Students may also be expected to present a graduation speech . However, the big difference here is that not everyone gets the opportunity to present a graduation speech or commencement address as it is known.

What type of speech is a graduation speech? Or what type of speech is a commencement speech?

Graduation speeches or commencement speeches are parting speeches wherein the focus is on reflecting on the good times in the institute and motivating others for their bright future ahead. Depending on the purpose as selected by the speaker, these speeches could be persuasive, informative, or entertaining in nature . 

How to start a speech as a student 

Giving speeches as a student, even if you have been doing it for the past few years can still end up being a little challenging.  But rather than giving you tons of tips on things you can focus on while coming up with your speech or speech openings for students, we have got one ultimate tip . If you follow that, you should ideally be able to reach your audience more effectively.

Ultimate tip when writing speeches or speech openings for students

Write how you speak, not how you write.

When I came across this tip, I was surprised too. Because is indeed true that we write very differently when we have to show the speech to someone in written form but if asked honestly, do we speak in such a highly polished, extra professional vocabulary?

The idea is not to write the speech or speech opening riddled with slang but rather in a way that you’d feel comfortable listening to and understanding easily had you been the listener.

So in short, prepare the speech with the listener in mind, not the reader .

What is a good opening line for a speech?

Most opening lines for speech in school begin with a good morning.  We usually follow it with greetings or addressing the audience and the guests.

Wondering how you greet everyone in a speech?

Here is a list of ways you can begin with a simple good morning:

  • Good morning everyone presents here today. I’m delighted to present my views and understanding on a very delicate yet overlooked topic; Gender sensitization in the workplace.
  • Good afternoon esteemed members of the jury, my friends and peers, and everyone present in the room today.
  • Good morning to the faculty, the non-teaching staff, and the class of 2022!!

Now it is a good practice to begin your speech with your usual greetings. However, in this blog, we are trying to look beyond the usual.

It doesn’t mean that you will not be saying good morning or your basic greetings; the only difference is that you’ll not be opening your speech with it but addressing these basic formalities later in the speech.

How do you start a speech without saying good morning?

There are a couple of ways you can start a speech without saying good morning. Here are some of the ways we will take a look at in this blog:

  • “Imagine” scenario
  • “What if” scenario
  • Rhetorical questions
  • Statistics and figures
  • Powerful statements

Quotes are phrases or things spoken by someone influential . Quotes as speech openings for students can not only help them go beyond the widely popular way of beginning any speech but will also help them establish credibility right in the very beginning!

Now if you have ever wondered,

How to start your speech with a quote?

Here are a couple of examples of using quotes as speech openings for students:

Lon Watters had said that “A school is a building with four walls, with tomorrow inside.” And it would be wrong if I said that I didn’t agree with every bit of what he said. As we come to an end of our journey with this school that has provided us with tons of opportunities to learn, grow, interact and make memories we sure will cherish forever…
“If you don’t have a plan for your life, somebody else does.” This is a quote given by Michael Hyatt and isn’t it something we have all been experiencing all these years of growing up as our parents or guardians make plans for us right from the way we dress to the school we go to and sometimes even the careers we choose. Good morning everyone, I am Myra, a student of XYZ school standing here to voice my opinion on “Factors that influence your career decisions.”

 2. “Imagine” Scenario

Young girl imagining

This happens to be a personal favorite of mine when it comes to speech openings for students. A very simple yet beautiful way to engage your audience right at the beginning of your speech while at the same time allowing them to relate to what you’ll be saying next is what the image” scenarios are all about.

Before we begin, I’d like you to take a moment and imagine walking through a trail. You see the lush greens and pretty sky above you, the most dynamic clouds following everyone you go. Try sniffing the smell of wet soil and a hint of flowery fragrance as you walk towards the edge of the hill expecting to take a glimpse of the utter beauty that these hours of walking would lead you to, but you find something else. You see something that sends chills down your spine. There are some strange men performing rituals right in the very heart of these dense greens. You wonder what it is all about until it hits you; you have just uncovered a cult.

For the next example, I’d like you to take a look at the video below and check for yourself how wonderfully the speaker (although not a student) has made use of the “imagine” scenario to share his tragic experience with his audience.

Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. Imagine a plane full of smoke. Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack. It sounds scary. Well I had a unique seat that day. I was sitting in 1D.

3. “What If” Scenario

What if I told you that the best speech openings for students are actually the ones wherein they come up with an opening that best represents their style and comfort at delivering speeches, be it with a joke or a story?

Do you see what I did there?

That is an example of a “what if” scenario. It is similar to the imagination scenario we discussed above but the only difference here is that “what if” speech openings for students focus on providing an alternative idea to the audience while the imagined scenarios provide the audience an opportunity to relate to the speaker.

4. Rhetorical question

Rhetorical questions are questions the speaker includes in his/her/their speech that doesn’t necessarily require the audience to come up with an answer but are posed to get the audience thinking on the same.

Using rhetorical questions as speech openings for students can work wonders especially when you are looking for either a very quick speech opening or have very little time to deliver the speech.

An example of using rhetorical questions for speech opening is given below:

Talking about the new policy that makes it illegal to check the gender of the child before birth, do you think that it will curb the issue of female foeticide? Or will it simply take the activity underground?

The art of silence is phenomenal. Opening your speech in silence can help enhance your speech in two ways.

First, it will give the audience some time to settle in , post which you can expect to grab their dedicated attention. And secondly, silence would give you some time to understand the room and calm your pre-stage anxiousness .

6. Statistics and figures

collage of random numbers

Want to begin your speech on a hard-hitting and eye-opening note?

Show the numbers, the figures, and any statistics that serve your purpose for giving the speech.

It is very common to overlook the seriousness of any situation when you aren’t aware of the real extent of its seriousness. But when we have numbers in front of us, there is no more room for being in denial.

Examples of using Statistics or figures as speech openings for students

  • According to the 2019 WWF report , on average, we consume about 1,769 microplastic particles every week. 1769 microplastic particles every single week, can you imagine that?
  • 3.2 million teenagers between the age of 12-17 were depressed in the US as of 2017. Now you can only assume the number has increased over the past 5 years.

7. Powerful  Statements

Powerful statements are statements that try to break any common ideologies held by the public. Another example of a powerful statement is stating a fact or idea that isn’t openly spoken .

The video below is one such example of how the speaker tries to break a perception generally held by the people.

How often have we been told to include stories in our speech?

Almost every time isn’t it? So here we are to bombard you yet again by saying that stories are extremely fun and engaging forms of speech openings for students.

You can either share your experience or someone else’s story.

You can also refer to a Recent Conversation by starting your speech with something like “Just the other day as I was walking out of my Philosophy lecture, I asked Mr.Dee about his philosophy on life, and what he said was so eye-opening that I could not wait to share with all of you.”

An adorable example of how to begin a speech with a story is given below to help you get a clearer idea.

Examples of speech openings for students

Speech opening lines for public speaking competitions.

When it comes to public speaking competitions like elocutions, speech competitions, or even presentations, it is almost always recommended to begin with self-introduction . The reason is quite simple; there is a high chance that your audience might not know you .

But if you don’t want to begin with a self-introduction, you can start by using any of the alternatives we discussed earlier. Click here to go back and take another peek at it.

Speech Opening Lines for Self-introductions

Speech openings for self-introductions need to be simple, to the point yet descriptive.

Wait a minute? Wasn’t I contradicting myself in that line?

Yes, but that is how opening lines for self-introductions would ideally work. As people expect you to talk about yourself in depth in the rest of your speech, your opening lines would just be a teaser about yourself.

2 most important things to add in your self-introduction opening lines for students

  • What do you do?

Other things that you can talk about in these opening lines include:

  • Where are you from?
  • What is your goal?
  • What does your organization do?
  • A little bit about your family

Examples of opening lines for students

Good morning, I am Reini. I recently graduated from BMU college and have since been working as a Design intern at Desgynopedia. 
Hello and good evening everyone. I am Nicole and this is my team, Alina, Tim, Harold, and Noman. We are in our senior year majoring in Organizational psychology. Today we would like to talk about the 5 main Psychological factors that impact any organization’s overall performance.
Hey, I am Nizan. I am a nerd for Political Science and Greek Philosophy and am currently majoring in the same. My love for the subjects is also the reason why I am here to present a topic I found very intriguing “The injustice behind socrates’ death.”

Funny speech opening lines for students

If you are giving a speech for a competition, one of the most fun ways of opening your speech could be to say “Good morning to the faculty, my friends, and (look at the opponents) others.”

Other funny opening line examples:

  • I almost bunked school today until I realized that this speech carries marks and I sure don’t want to be in a class with our juniors. Just imagine! Who could do that?
  • Hello and good morning to everyone, except the ones who are well prepared for their speeches today.
  • Hello everyone, I’m excited to present my speech on XYZ’s topic today. I mean come on, what could be better than waking up at 7 am on a Monday morning to give a speech?
  • Today I’ll be talking about XYZ because I was told to!

Best Speech Opening Lines by students

1. chase dahl.

In one of the funniest speech opening lines by students, Chase Dahl opens up by saying “You know I have never understood how imagining the audience naked was supposed to make you less nervous. Honestly, I’m just uncomfortable right now.”

2. Kyle Martin (The King’s Academy)

Yet another Valedictorian speech that has caught our eye is the one given by Kyle Martin. The reason we would suggest you take a look into the opening lines of his speech is so that you can take notes on how beautifully he has described the efforts taken by every department of the institute as he tries to thank them for their efforts.

Presentation Opening Lines

Presentation speeches are a little different compared to your usual speeches and the major reason for that is because now you have access to visuals or your PPT.

Besides some of the ways already discussed above, you can begin the presentation by pointing out a particular slide. You can show your audience a graph, table, pictures, or any other creative and eye-catching ideas that can also turn out to be an amazing presentation opening.

How to start a presentation speech example for students

A few common ways you can open your speech are:

  • Hello everyone, I am Miya. I would first like to thank you all for your time.
  • For those who don’t know me, my name is Nazia, and if you do know me, hello again!
  • Good afternoon to all you wonderful people present here. I am Ryan and as you can see on screen, today I’ll be speaking on “The hazards of drinking from plastic bottles.”

For more examples of opening lines check out 50 Speech Opening Lines .

You might also like to know:

How to start a speech for the student council.

Speeches for student council are usually persuasive. They are your pitch to convince your fellow students to vote for you and help you get the position you are looking for.

So ideally, you should start by addressing everyone in the room . Then make a point to introduce yourself. Once you have introduced yourself, remind the audience why you are speaking which means let them know the position you are campaigning for. Bring up at least 1-2 issues that the students are most concerned about and tell them how if elected you’ll provide solutions to their issues.

Try to end it on a high note and don’t forget to add your campaign slogan .

You can also begin by stating your campaign slogan .

Yet another way to begin your speech for the student council is by challenging your opponent’s point of view or campaign . However, this would work only f you have a better strategy or solutions to the issues raised by your opponents.

Lastly, do something that no one expects from you . Let me share a story here to help you understand this point better. During one of the student council speeches, one candidate asked the audience to stand up, move a step in the front then go back to their seats and settle down. Following this, she said, “My parents told me if I could move the audience, I’d win.” And so she did win!

What is a speech class?

A speech class in high school or college is usually a short course or 1-semester course wherein the student is expected to improve on their public speaking skills along with critical thinking and active listening skills.

It essentially enhances their oral communication skills.

This also reminds me to introduce you to our courses that help enhance your public speaking and communication skills. If you are interested, head to Frantically Speaking .

But if your appetite for learning more about opening speeches isn’t satiated yet, we suggest you go check out our Video on the Powerful speech opening lines.

To Conclude

There are tons of ways to get creative with speech openings for students. From saying a simple good morning to adding stories, quotes, statistics, rhetorical questions, and even silence!

Get creative with your speech openings. As we always say, there are no right or wrong ways of public speaking as such, only a way that suits perfectly for you is the one that is right for you.

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Introduction Speech

Barbara P

Introduction Speech- Tips & Examples

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Introduction speeches are all around us. Whenever we meet a new group of people in formal settings, we have to introduce ourselves. That’s what an introduction speech is all about.

When you're facing a formal audience, your ability to deliver a compelling introductory speech can make a lot of difference. With the correct approach, you can build credibility and connections.

In this blog, we'll take you through the steps to craft an impactful introduction speech. You’ll also get examples and valuable tips to ensure you leave a lasting impression.

So, let's dive in!

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  • 1. What is an Introduction Speech? 
  • 2. How to Write an Introduction Speech?
  • 3. Introduction Speech Outline
  • 4. Introduction Speech Example
  • 5. Introduction Speech Ideas
  • 6. 7 Tips for Delivering the Best Introduction Speech

What is an Introduction Speech? 

An introduction speech, or introductory address, is a brief presentation at the beginning of an event or public speaking engagement. Its primary purpose is to establish a connection with the audience and to introduce yourself or the main speaker.

This type of speech is commonly used in a variety of situations, including:

  • Public Speaking: When you step onto a stage to address a large crowd, you start with an introduction to establish your presence and engage the audience.
  • Networking Events: When meeting new people in professional or social settings, an effective introduction speech can help you make a memorable first impression.
  • Formal Gatherings: From weddings to conferences, introductions set the tone for the event and create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

In other words, an introduction speech is simply a way to introduce yourself to a crowd of people. 

How to Write an Introduction Speech?

Before you can just go and deliver your speech, you need to prepare for it. Writing a speech helps you organize your ideas and prepare your speech effectively. 

Here is how to introduce yourself in a speech.

  • Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is crucial. Consider their interests, backgrounds, and expectations to tailor your introduction accordingly.

For instance, the audience members could be your colleagues, new classmates, or various guests depending on the occasion. Understanding your audience will help you decide what they are expecting from you as a speaker.

  • Opening the Speech with a Hook

The best speech introduction starts with a hook or opening line that grabs your audience's attention. This could be a surprising fact, a relevant quote, or a thought-provoking question about yourself or the occasion.

  • Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself to the audience. State your name, occupation, or other details relevant to the occasion. You should have mentioned the reason for your speech clearly. It will build your credibility and give the readers reasons to stay with you and read your speech.

  • Keep It Concise

So how long is an introduction speech?

Introduction speeches should be brief and to the point. Aim for around 1-2 minutes in most cases. Avoid overloading the introduction with excessive details.

  • Highlight Key Points

Mention the most important information that establishes the speaker's credibility or your own qualifications. Write down any relevant achievements, expertise, or credentials to include in your speech. Encourage the audience to connect with you using relatable anecdotes or common interests.

  • Rehearse and Edit

Practice your introduction speech to ensure it flows smoothly and stays within the time frame. Edit out any unnecessary information, ensuring it's concise and impactful.

  • Tailor for the Occasion

Adjust the tone and content of your introduction speech to match the formality and purpose of the event. What works for a business conference may not be suitable for a casual gathering.

Introduction Speech Outline

To assist you in creating a structured and effective introduction speech, here's a simple speech format that you can follow:

Here is an example outline for a self-introduction speech.

Outline for Self-Introduction Speech

Introduction Speech Example

So if you are wondering what to say in an introduction speech we have you covered! We have compiled introduction speech examples to help you understand how to put your ideas into practice for different scenarios. 

Introduction Speech Writing Sample

Short Introduction Speech Sample

Self Introduction Speech for College Students

Introduction Speech about Yourself

Student Presentation Introduction Speech Script

Teacher Introduction Speech

New Employee Self Introduction Speech

Introduction Speech for Chief Guest

Moreover, here is a video example of a self-introduction speech. Watch it to understand how you should deliver your speech:

Want to read examples for other kinds of speeches? Find the best speeches at our blog about speech examples !

What Are Some Famous Introduction Speeches?

Here are the best introduction speeches for students to get inspired:

  • Malala Yousafzai's Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech (2014) : Malala's speech upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize introduced her advocacy for girls' education and youth empowerment globally.
  • Elon Musk's Presentation on SpaceX Interplanetary Transport System (2016) : Elon Musk introduced SpaceX's ambitious plans for interplanetary travel, outlining a vision for the future of space exploration.
  • Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention Speech (2008) : Michelle Obama's speech introduced her as a potential First Lady, sharing personal stories and values that resonated with the audience.
  • J.K. Rowling's Harvard Commencement Speech (2008) : Rowling's speech introduced themes of failure, imagination, and resilience, drawing from her personal journey as an author and philanthropist.

Introduction Speech Ideas

So now that you’ve understood what an introduction speech is, you may want to write one of your own. So what should you talk about?

The following are some sample introduction speech topics and ideas that can provide an engaging start to a presentation, meeting, or social gathering. 

  • Personal Story: Share a brief personal story or experience that has shaped you.
  • Professional Background: Highlight your career achievements and expertise.
  • Hobby or Passion: Discuss a hobby or passion you're enthusiastic about.
  • Volunteer Work: Talk about your involvement in volunteer work or community service.
  • Travel Adventures: Share anecdotes from your travel adventures.
  • Books or Literature: Provide an introduction related to a favorite book, author, or literary work.
  • Achievements and Milestones: Highlight significant achievements and milestones in your life or career.
  • Cultural Heritage: Explore your cultural heritage and its influence on your identity.
  • Social or Environmental Cause: Discuss your dedication to a particular social or environmental cause.
  • Future Aspirations: Share your future goals and aspirations.

You can deliver engaging speeches on all kinds of topics. Here is a list of entertaining speech topics to get inspiration.

7 Tips for Delivering the Best Introduction Speech

Now that you know how to write an effective introduction speech, let's focus on the delivery. The way you present your introduction is just as important as the content itself. Here are some valuable tips to ensure you deliver a better introduction speech:

Tip# 1: Maintain Eye Contact

Make eye contact with the audience to establish a connection. This shows confidence and engages your listeners.

Tip# 2: Use Appropriate Body Language 

Your body language should convey confidence and warmth. Stand or sit up straight, use open gestures, and avoid fidgeting.

Tip# 3: Mind Your Pace

Speak at a moderate pace, avoiding rapid speech. A well-paced speech is easier to follow and more engaging.

Tip# 4: Avoid Filler Words

Minimize the use of filler words such as "um," "uh," and "like." They can be distracting and detract from your message.

Tip# 5: Be Enthusiastic

Convey enthusiasm about the topic or the speaker. Your energy can be contagious and inspire the audience's interest.

Tip# 6: Practice, Practice, Practice

Rehearse your speech multiple times. Practice in front of a mirror, record yourself or seek feedback from others.

Tip# 7: Be Mindful of Time

Stay within the allocated time for your introduction. Going too long can make your speech too boring for the audience.

Mistakes to Avoid in an Introduction Speech

When crafting and delivering an introduction speech, it's important to avoid common pitfalls that can reduce its impact. Here are some mistakes to watch out for:

  • Rambling On: Avoid making the introduction too long. Keep it short and sweet to set the stage without stealing the spotlight.
  • Lack of Preparation: Not preparing enough can lead to awkward pauses or losing your train of thought. Practice your speech to feel more confident.
  • Using Jargon or Complex Language: Steer clear of technical jargon or complicated language that might confuse the audience. Keep it simple and clear.
  • Being Too Generic: A bland introduction can set a dull tone. Make your speech specific to the event and the speaker to keep it engaging.
  • Using Inappropriate Humor: Be careful with humor. Avoid jokes that could offend or alienate the audience.
  • Overloading with Background Information: Providing too much background information can overwhelm the audience. Offer just enough to give context without bogging down the introduction.

To Conclude,

An introduction speech is more than just a formality. It's an opportunity to engage, inspire, and connect with your audience in a meaningful way. 

With the help of this blog, you're well-equipped to shine in various contexts. So, step onto that stage, speak confidently, and captivate your audience from the very first word.

Moreover, you’re not alone in your journey to becoming a confident introducer. If you ever need assistance in preparing your speech, let the experts help you out.

MyPerfectWords.com offers a custom essay service with experienced professionals who can craft tailored introductions, ensuring your speech makes a lasting impact.

Don't hesitate; hire our professional speech writing service to deliver top-quality speeches at your deadline!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should a speech introduction be.

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A speech introduction should be concise, typically lasting about 1 to 2 minutes. It should set the stage, capture the audience's attention, and provide a clear direction for the rest of the speech.

What Is the Best Speech Introduction Greeting?

The best greeting for a speech introduction depends on the formality of the event. Some examples include:

  • Formal: "Good morning/afternoon/evening, distinguished guests."
  • Semi-formal: "Hello everyone, thank you for being here today."
  • Informal: "Hi everyone, thanks for coming."

What Word to Start a Speech?

Starting a speech with an engaging word or phrase can capture the audience's attention. Here are a few speech starting lines:

  • "Imagine..." to prompt the audience to visualize something.
  • "Today..." to ground the speech in the present moment.
  • "Have you ever..." to ask a thought-provoking question.
  • "In our lives..." to make a personal connection.
  • "Picture this..." to create a vivid mental image.

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Barbara P

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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college student introduction speech

Creative Self Introduction Example for Students in English

The creative self-introduction has a great first impression example for students in English. First impressions have a huge impact on how others feel about you, so it is very important that you introduce yourself to others. Many people call an introductory speech a lift lecture because it should be enough that you can introduce yourself and tell someone about your goals or interests that it takes time to operate the elevator it can be called an “ice cream” speech since it breaks the ice Gives and lets others know you with the self-introduction sample for students. Learn how to introduce yourself in a creative way as a student example. It is very good to have a 2-minute self-introduction speech example for college students. Explore how to introduce yourself in an online class in a creative way as a student.

Self-introduction example for students in the following 3 steps

1. Your professional standing or elevator pitch -Summarize 2. Your recent experiences and achievements – Elaborate 3. A call to action to the next part of the conversation – Conclude

How to generate self-introduction for students

Carefully consider your words when you write a lecture presented to yourself. A good self-introduction can be rafting or creating or harming your credibility. There are many other key skills that employers will look for in resumes for freshers in the 21st century. Grab them.

Make an outline of your lecture. Start by creating a skeleton draft of your key points. To determine what is most important to say, and to dictate what information should be provided to you on the instructions, paste the lecture into its bare bones. This is the basic structure that you will make around your conversation.

Learn below how to give a brief introduction about yourself as a student. Please mention your name in the first sentence of your statement. It can be very straightforward: “Good afternoon!” / Good morning! My name is Ray Smith and I am a computer programming student at Arkansas University. “

If the role is related to work, then mention the same spontaneity for your interest and your career. It will save time and disclose your personal interests that can serve your professional goals. For example, “I’m working in an app that lets people order their daily commodities from a Facebook account.”

The creative self-introduction has a great first impression example for students in English. It is relevant and appropriate if you can mention your education or professional training background. “I designed this fifth app. My second app, which helped people to identify dog parks near them, won a prize at my university.”

Mention hobbies or outside interests. Depending on the scenario, you can mention any relevant hobbies or additional experiences. Specifying interests and hobbies can help cement your authority over specific authorities, or it may seem sensational as per your initial point of view.

If you explain your passion or goal and how it helps to make your progress up to this moment, it can help you tell a compelling story about yourself. For example, if you write a lecture for your college lecture class, how can you explain how you entered computers during your adolescence and why are they so important to you now to follow your career goals?

However, if you present yourself to prospective clients at the business lunch, they probably are not interested in your hobby. They want to know what you are doing now and what your skills are. There are some self-introductions to introduce yourself example college student essay .

Try writing a draft without your experience and hobbies, and both versions are run by a motivated audience that can respond before your speech.

Sell yourself If you are trying to create a good first impression in a professional context, it is important that you express your expertise and skills in your statement. By congratulating yourself on your past achievements with your future goals and desires, you can achieve them, and let others know that your future contributions contribute to your contributions in the past.

Highlight the most relevant qualities, skills, and experiences for the audience and occasion. For example, “With my background in coding the app and my versatile connections of professional networking, I have a strong idea about what my young professionals are looking for. My applications offer convenient and instant amusement.”

You are trying to present yourself as a professional while creating a strong and lasting impression.

If you are trying to sell yourself to a group of new colleagues, you probably do not have to tell directly about your family life or anything that is not directly related to work. The creative self-introduction has a great first impression example for students in English. They are smart and say, “pay someone to do my English homework”

Separate yourself from your colleagues. Present yourself honestly, but do so in a way that removes your story from the rest. If you play an important role in a big project, mention that role. Get out what you learned from the experience and explain your ideas about how to implement the project more effectively for more repetition. I take support to write my essay online in order to save time and effort. What about you?

You can showcase your skills and experiences at the same time when you will always present yourself as a pioneer in learning and development. For example, you might say, “I spend a lot of time in the app conventions and conferences so that visitors can find out who they are looking for. I am proud to be on the cutting edge of App Design.”

Try to tie this into the broad outline of your career goals and personal development.

Pruning your lecture below. Some Career Service Advisers recommend keeping your self-introductory speech as short as two or three sentences. Others watch for a length of five to seven minutes. If your statement is not possible to summarize, or if the time allows you to have more contact, you should still shorten your statement to be as brief, and informative as possible. We will discuss self-introduction in English for engineering students example .

If it is an assignment, make sure you stay within the prescribed guidelines.

Your lecture is supposed to be 3-5 minutes, a 7-minute lecture, and a 2-minute lecture is equally inappropriate. The creative self-introduction has a great first impression example for students in English.

If you are giving a brief introductory speech in an interview, make sure that you do not go over the proposed time.

There is good body language. It may seem like a minor point, but a slouching posture may appear less confident or less professional, and it may be confusing to your audience. Stand straight and try to make a strong image project. You can help push your chest and suck your stomach to help you stand back, but try to keep it natural.

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Avoid clinging to your hands or clutching your hands

Do not look down at the ground or cling to the table or lecture in front of you.

Take measurable and controlled eye contact across the room. Avoid lingering on one person, but avoid darting your eyes unsteadily.

Try to contact the person on the left side of the room, then a person on the right side of the room. Move across the room, but in a controlled way that seems normal and comfortable.

Do not push You do not want to drag your speech, but you do not want to impose it on your words or read it very quickly, so no one can understand you. Try to find a balance and speed with you comfortably. You have to speak slowly enough that everybody can follow and understand what you are saying, but not so slow that it makes your speech short.

Watch for a comfortable, conversational motion dialogue

Great way to practice your lecture in front of other people, or to judge your speech tempo by listening to it or recording and returning which is a great self-introduction example for college students.

Use humor if you make a mistake. If you make mistakes while delivering your lecture, do not be afraid. Apologies purposely attract your attention and think of them as more significant. Instead, if you think you want to deal with the wrong, make a ridiculous comment and then leave it. It will show consolation and confidence.

Self-esteemed humor can help you come across as humble and loved as having a self-introduction sample for engineering students . For example, if you go ahead in your speech incorrectly and you’re going to have a recap of it then you can say something like, “And now I’m going back to the circle and you’ll say something I forgot before.” If you want to know the “real me,” you are now seeing it!

You can also become quick, and ridiculous, and move forward from your mistakes. For example, if you go out and you mess up the first line, then you can say, “Wow, please forgive me, here I am so excited to tell you that I’ve mixed all my words and tried again.”

Not too self-deprecating, however. You are still trying to make sure to remember your strengths and skills. Move faster.

Practice your lecture. You should run louder well through your speech before the actual role. During the lecture, practice different changes and experiments with how you are in motion. You can practice alone to read first, but to get some feedback, a good idea to accomplish the speech before a friend, family member, or colleague.

Practicing in front of other people will be able to determine whether your lectures capture your audience’s interest.

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Think of any part of the speech that was successful and what was not part.

Try to get as much detail as possible by asking specific and common questions after your speech.

As well as saying, “How do you like the lecture?”, Especially asking if any part was strong or weak.

Send a clear message by asking if you are taking away your practitioner’s address from the lecture.

Define your audience. If you write a role for yourself in a professional setting, you will probably choose a different message and use a different language than you would present to colleagues in a normal setting. Before you begin your lecture plan, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who is the intended audience?
  • What is the purpose of my role?
  • What are the expectations of others?

What is the relevant decision? If you have lived all the time in the world, you probably think of many interesting and relevant things to say about yourself. But being a successful self-introduction key is short and dots. This means that you must determine what most important or relevant topics you should know for your audience. You need to provide that information in the minimum possible time.

Stick to one or two main points you want to express yourself about. If the time allows, you can always add more as a part of the self-introduction example for students .

Depending on your lecture audience and function, you should not allow the focus to be too narrow. For example, if you present yourself to potential investors, you will focus your skills on building your confidence. If you present yourself to a general audience – say, for a college lecture class – you can expand a bit more.

Remember that you are generally introduced to yourself and want to present yourself as an attractive and circular person. The creative self-introduction has a great first impression example for students in English.

This does not mean that you should talk about your love for baseball when you are presenting yourself in a professional profession.

Consider the purpose and the voice. Whenever you plan a speech, you should always be aware of what your goals and results are. Ask yourself what kind of messages you are expecting to reach your audience. Is your self-identifying professionally with others, or just casually (with new friends)?

Would you like to win someone from your point of view about this role, or motivate you to work hard under your leadership?

These will affect your impact on your role and how you say them.

Try to relax. If you are particularly nervous before giving lectures, you can consider using relaxation strategies shortly before speaking. Find a cool place and take a few minutes to prepare yourself. Take a deep breath, focus on your breathing, and gradually calculate the breath you breathe, then slowly move out.

You can try some imagination techniques to help your nerves ease and give confidence to your speech.

Feel when you’re finished distributing your lecture and face-to-face smile and enjoy it. Then trust the channel that the actual speech delivered to you.

Self-introduction example for students 1

Well, good morning sir/madam,

Hi Friends, My name is………….. from …………….. I get my b-classification from college in the computer science and engineering stream, with a total of 65% xxx. I completed 6% of …………………college and SSC from HSC. N. High School with a total of 73%.

We have five in my family. My dad is a personal employee and my mother is a housewife. I have three siblings.

My achievements, I have never achieved any success at the state level. But at my school, I got a certificate in a competition. In college, I got the NSS certificate which I participated in as my first-year engineer’s volunteer.

My strength is devotion to hard work, self-motivation, and my work. And I’m a good teacher as teacher.

My hobby is making nets, painting, and surfing the net.

My short-term goal is to establish good reputable companies

My long-term goal is to place in any multinational company and give me your best.

As a youngster, I have no work experience, but once the opportunity comes I’ll prove myself.

5 minute self introduction speech short introduction about yourself sample self introduction in english steps self introduction speeches how to introduce myself in english essay sample self introduction speech self introduction for class 12 introduce yourself in a creative way self introduction speech for job interview writing an introduction about yourself introduction speech about yourself examples myself paragraph for university student introduce yourself in a unique way what to include in a introduction about yourself self introductory speech example how to introduce yourself how to give introduction brief introduction of myself myself self introduction how to introduce yourself in an essay the best self introduction english myself introduction my introduction sample self-introduction school introduction sample self introduction for 12th pass student simple self-introduction example creative introduction of yourself examples essay self introduction project self introduction in stylish way self introduction in english student attractive way to introduce yourself self introduction content for students fancy introducing yourself self introduction sample for elementary students introduction student in english unique introduce yourself example best introduction in english for students college students self introduction introduction yourself student college students self introduction introduce yourself my self introduction in english in college student self introduction for b.com student simple introduction of yourself as a student 20 second self introduction sample introduction about myself as a student introduction for graduate students introducing name in a creative way self introduction for university admission master student self introduction how to give an interesting introduction about yourself introduce yourself as college student introduction in a creative way self introduction btech student self introduction in english with work experience creative ideas for self introduction introduce yourself example in college introduce yourself in a unique way example how to introduce myself in university introduction speech in english for college students advantages of self introduction introduce yourself in university introduction about myself sample for college self introduction master degree introduction myself for college students best introduction lines about yourself for students example introduce yourself example college self introduction for post graduates introducing myself in college introduce myself as a student introduce yourself in creative way essay introduction of myself in college my self speech for university students introduction english example introduce myself in college short self introduction examples english self-introduction sample self introduction in english in interview how to give self introduction for students unique self introduction in interview amazing introduction about yourself self introduction in english for school students self introduction essay for college students simple self introduction sample presentation about myself for university introduction english mein best self introduction introduction about yourself in college self introduction in english sample classroom student self introduction brief self introduction short self introduction sample introduce yourself in english sample self introduction in english for students class 10 self introduction for students essay self introduction for mca students self introduction sample for job interview short introduction examples self introduction ending unique way to introduce yourself in class teacher self introduction sample casual self introduction self intro sample speech about myself for school professional introduction example how to speak self introduction in english self introduction paragraph how do you introduce yourself as a student? self introduction example for engineering students pdf self introduction sample in english how to introduce yourself in a creative way in an interview how to write an introduction about myself introduction of yourself in english my self essay for job myself in english for interview sample of self introduction speech brief introduction yourself self write up introduction example of introduce yourself in class introduction on myself how to write a self introduction for a job short introduction in english self introduction speech sample basic self introduction introduction speech about yourself in school class introduction sample example introduce myself introduce myself in english example impressive self introduction interview self introduction sample self introduction in english for interview write an introduction about yourself how to introduce yourself in a unique way how to write introduction myself give a brief introduction about yourself self introduction for class 11 simple introduction of myself 2 minute speech about yourself sample give brief introduction about yourself self-introduction speech sample how to introduce yourself to students our introduction in english how to introduce yourself sample how to write an intro about yourself introduce yourself script general introduction of myself introductory paragraph about yourself catchy introduction examples how to give self introduction introduction speech about yourself how to introduce yourself in class as a student introduce example 1 minute self introduction script conclusion for self-introduction example creative self introduction essay examples how to introduce myself in interview self introduction at college self introduction how to write self introduction in writing self introduction writing format self-introduction title examples brief self introduction example self introduction for professional students my self for interview introduction self introduction for ba students 30 second self introduction examples self introduction in english for school students example example of introduce yourself in a creative way attractive introduction myself examples of introducing yourself in a creative way how to give a brief introduction about yourself as a student how to introduce yourself in online class in a creative way as a student self intro of a student education background in self introduction creative introduction in class creative self introduction examples for interview fun self introduction example how to introduce myself as a college student how to write a short introduction about yourself for school my self introduction in university one minute self introduction script for introducing yourself in school how to introduce yourself college student self introduction after graduation self introduction for 2 minutes

Self-introduction example for students 2

Good evening sir/madam

I’m happy to be here for this interview. Thanks for giving you this opportunity to show yourself.

My name is YYY to XXX. B with the head of my information technology field. There is a Tech Degree. In 2011, Graduates of XXX College earned 74% marks in the degree.

I’d like the opportunity to work as a software engineer. When I have the skills needed for educational qualifications and solutions based on all the ideas, I will work on time and fill the allocations given to me.

I did not grow big, but I was in a well-served environment. I got the award for my academic excellence.

My best thing is positive thinking. My negative side is that I want to do everything by myself, it is my childhood habit and I get more experience with such things.

My goal: I always want to finish my daily work properly. It will take me to a good position.

Due to my role model, YYYY communicates with others in an effective time and way.

Not talking about my family’s background, my mother works as a school teacher and my sister is studying BE As my mother and relatives are educated, I bought them discipline well and correctly in my work.

I hope to be a colleague one day.

Self-introduction example for students 3

Good morning sir/madam,

It’s my pleasure to introduce myself. I’m from Sunny in Delhi. Currently, I follow electronics and communication engineering in my final year at Mary College of Engineering Technology, with a sum of 7%. I completed my +2 from the …………………… School. I have also read in my school at the same school

My father holds a public service and my mother is a housewife

My strength is my attitude that I like to take the challenge that I can do it, am self-taught, autonomous I have a good team player, as well as I, have a great ability to lead a team. I can accept any type of environment. I’m a good listener and a quick peek.

My weakness I can not tolerate any warmth in the work

My short-term goal is that want a platform where I can increase my career and with the growth of organizations like yours.

My long-term goal is to be the cause of the success of the organization and I want to see your organization as the benchmark for other organizations

About me sir Thank you for giving me such an extraordinary opportunity.

creative self introduction examples creative self introduction creative self introduction speech examples creative self introduction speech ideas creative self introduction presentation creative introduction of self innovative self introduction self introduction creative creative self introduction sample creative introduction about myself self introduction in a creative way self introduction sample for students self-introduction in english for students example self introduction for students example self introduction for students introduce yourself example college student creative self introduction for students student self introduction sample creative introduction of yourself examples for students self introduction in english for college students example self introduction for college students example creative self introduction examples creative self introduction creative self-introduction examples introduction about myself sample student self introduction example for students self introduction examples for students self introduction in english for college students unique self introduction for students student self introduction creative self introduction example for students 2 minute self introduction speech examples for students self-introduction script sample for students example of self introduction as a student unique self introduction self introduction script for students self introduction speech examples for college students self introduction sample for college students creative self introduction speech examples self introduction template for students short self introduction sample for students self introduction student sample student introduction example creative self introduction examples for students simple self introduction for students self introduction for students in college sample of self introduction for students self introduction in english for students example of introducing yourself as a student sample self introduction for students self introduction for college students self-introduction sample for students introduction examples for students creative introduction of yourself examples example of creative self introduction self introduction for students sample self introduction sample student self introduction college student how to write self introduction for students self introduction examples for college students introduce yourself example student self introduction as a student self-introduction in english example self introduction speech examples for students self introduction student self introduction creative short self introduction for students college self introduction examples self introduction in one minute for students example unique introduction for self student self introduction example how to introduce yourself in a creative way as a student example how to write an introduction about yourself as a student introduce yourself as a student example college student self introduction speech self introduction student example creative writing self introduction examples self introduction example student self introduction in english for students example introduction sample for students introduce yourself sample for students self introduction for university students short introduction about yourself as a student best self introduction for students self introduction sample for university self introduction example for university students self introduction as a student example self introduction in one minute for students creative introduction examples self introduction example for high school students self introduction example for college students self-introduction example for students cool self introduction self-introduction for students example self introduction speech for college students self-introduction examples for students introduce yourself student example self introduction speech examples for school students self introduction format for college students how to write self introduction in english for college students unique introduction for students self introduction sample for students in college innovative self introduction sample of introducing yourself as a student introduction of yourself examples for students self introduction example for students in school self intro for college students self introduction in college introduce yourself example college student essay self introduction for students in college example examples of self introduction for students creative self introduction sample simple self introduction example for students self introduction for students template

Self-introduction example for students 4

Good morning sir/madam;

First of all, I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity and I am glad to introduce myself to it.

I am fed up with Tamil Nadu. After passing the CA from my BCM Oranandar College, it was approved by Madurai Kamaraj University with 64.5%, and with 63.58% of government high school, I completed +2. I studied at the same school.

About my family My mother is working at school, my father died, and coming to my hobby, playing barn, net surfing.

I am young and no company has any work experience.

My strengths can be easily taken into any kind of environment.

Setting up my short-term goal in a famous organization like yours gives me the opportunity to improve my skills and knowledge.

My long-term goal will reach your company’s higher position.

Sir, thank you all for giving me such a wonderful opportunity.

Self-introduction example for students 5

Good morning mam/sir

I am happy to introduce myself. I am Rachel born and grew up in Kingston.

I read 77% with my school at Little Flowers Montessori English Medium High School, then I gave my plus 12% to SSWN junior college 77.7% and now I’m following my final year. Xavier Institute of Technology and Science, Kingston 78.33%

My strength is my attitude that I like to take the challenge that I can, and my thinking that I accept both success and failure in a balanced way.

I do not like to say weaknesses but I want to say that I do not leave any questions altogether, I believe in myself and my hard work and I want fulfillment in everything.

My short-term goal is to find a platform where I can increase your career and with the growth of organizations like you

My long-term goal is to be the cause of the organization’s success and I want to organize as a benchmark for other organizations.

My philosophy is “I always love to take challenges for my progress”.

About me sir. Thank you for giving such great aptitude.

Self-introduction example for students 6

My name is XXX and I’m from ……………….. Currently, I am pursuing an education in finance and economics at …………. University. I was raised in ………………. and when I was 18 years old I moved to ………………. to study at my university. Last year I went to Australia to join the exchange program at my school. During my exchange, I backpacking with other backpackers around the world to other countries across Europe. It was a fun experience. I think I am fortunate enough to be able to live in different parts of the world and thus expand my horizons in this way.

I have a strong interest in the banking and financial services industries. Because I want to leverage my detailed-minded mind and apply the skills and knowledge that I have acquired throughout my degree course. I see myself as a man-oriented and more achieving person. I have worked with different types of people working on different group projects, and I was able to perform well.

I’d like to be part of your company to develop myself further in banking and to use my abilities to serve both your company and your client.

(Note: All the space fiction here, although the rest are based on my real experience, some parts have been distorted, the purpose is a structure of self-roles that you think is good and appropriate. The creative self-introduction has a great first impression example for students in English.)

how to introduce yourself example creative self introduction speech ideas creative writing about myself sample introduce yourself in a creative way 1 minute self introduction points for students introduce yourself creative self introduction in english for pg students how to introduce yourself as a university student best introduction lines for students introduction in english for student how to creatively introduce yourself introduction in english self introduction tips unique introduction about yourself how to make a creative introduction college introduction examples introduce yourself in creative way example self introduction script sample simple self introduction in english myself essay for interview self introduction university students introduce yourself as a student sample self introduction for b.tech students self introduction samples self-introduction letter sample student my self introduction my introduction in english how to introduce yourself in class graduate student self introduction sample intro for students sample self introduction script self introduction tips for students introduce yourself example master student introduction for students in english creative title for self introduction self introduction unique way 2 minutes introduce yourself student self introduction for pg students self introduction for bcom students creative way to introduce yourself in writing student self introduction sample essay formal self introduction in english self introduction in english for students sample how to write self introduction for college students introduce myself as a university student self introduction engineering student how to introduce yourself as an engineering student how to make a unique introduction simple self-introduction self introduction for school students self introduction written sample self introduction in class introduce yourself in english example writing present yourself in english example short introduction about myself creative self introduction template self introduction for engineering students freshers in college college student introduction speech self introduction ideas introduction after graduation how to introduce yourself example student introduction lines for students self introduction for credibility interview self introduction for diploma students how to make creative introduction student introduction in english introduce yourself in college simple introduction in english how to write a brief introduction about yourself impactful self introduction example of student introduction student self introduction. introduction for student self introduction in one minute for college students introduction as a college student introduce yourself in a creative way essay example how to introduce yourself in a creative way example self introduction letter sample student self introduction english introduce myself in english for student brief introduction about yourself example professional introduction about yourself sample simple self-introduction sample self introduction achievement examples artistic self introduction self-introduction for students simple self introduction in english for students my self introduction in english in college students introduction of yourself as a student unique introduction of myself self into for students best self introduction in english for students self intro for engineering students introduction ideas for students introduction in english for students in college introduction of student self introduction in english college how to introduce yourself as a college student introducing yourself in a creative way essay english class introduce yourself as a student .like pro example for self introduction how to conclude self introduction how to give introduction in college personal introduction in english introduction of myself sample introduce yourself in class example how to conclude self introduction in interview college self introduction essay brief introduction of yourself example creative ways to introduce yourself examples of introductory speeches about yourself example of introducing yourself best self presentation formal introduction of yourself self introduction speech college 2 minute self introduction speech examples for college students self introduction for b.ed students how to write an introduction about yourself as a student? stylish self introduction introduction university student college self introduction in english self introduction in a unique way introduce myself in university teacher self introduction to students sample self introduction format in english introduction in english my self student good self introduction self introduction model introduce yourself in school example personal introduction format introducing yourself sample short introduction about yourself intro about myself sample introduction speech about yourself personal introduction self introduction sample for kids self introduction in student self introduction for school students example self introduction in innovative way self introduction for first year college student college student introduce yourself college student introduction in english "introduce yourself: family background, education, hobbies, memorable event, future plans and goals etc." self introduction in english assignment self introduction mba students self introduction of engineering student self introduction college level 30-second introduction for students introduce yourself as undergraduate self introduction in engineering students how to creatively introduce yourself in a paper academic self introduction sample how to introduce yourself in class as a college student example how to introduce yourself creatively in online class introduction speech about yourself student how to give introduction in school english introduction sample how to introduce yourself in a creative way essay creatively introduce yourself unique introduce yourself student self introduction essay example of a self introduction how to introduce yourself in college online class example self presentation in english introduction myself student professional self introduction in english

Self-introduction example for students 7

It’s my pleasure to introduce myself. Well, I was born to humble and grew up in [city/village].

I read my school at Little Flower Montessori English Medium High School, then I started my plan 12 from Nara Pya Jar College and now I am following my last year’s B Tech from CBT.

My strength is my attitude that I want to take on the challenge that I can, and my thinking that I accept both success and failure in a balanced way.

I do not like to say weaknesses but I want to say that I will not leave any questions altogether, I believe in myself and my hard work and I want fulfillment in everything.

My moral is “I never do any harm to others”.

introduce yourself self introduction introduce your self creative way to introduce yourself ways to introduce yourself self introduction introduce yourself your self introduction creative self introduction introduction your self about your self introduction introduction about your self introduction of your self introduction for introducing yourself self introduce yourself introduction to introduce yourself introduction to your self an introduction about yourself introduction of introducing yourself by way of introduction for yourself self introduction sample for students self-introduction in english for students example self introduction for students example self introduction for students introduce yourself example college student creative self introduction for students student self introduction sample creative introduction of yourself examples for students self introduction in english for college students example self introduction for college students example creative self introduction examples creative self introduction creative self-introduction examples introduction about myself sample student self introduction example for students self introduction examples for students self introduction in english for college students unique self introduction for students student self introduction creative self introduction example for students 2 minute self introduction speech examples for students self-introduction script sample for students example of self introduction as a student unique self introduction self introduction script for students self introduction speech examples for college students self introduction sample for college students creative self introduction speech examples self introduction template for students short self introduction sample for students self introduction student sample student introduction example creative self introduction examples for students simple self introduction for students self introduction for students in college sample of self introduction for students self introduction in english for students example of introducing yourself as a student sample self introduction for students self introduction for college students self-introduction sample for students introduction examples for students creative introduction of yourself examples example of creative self introduction self introduction for students sample self introduction sample student self introduction college student how to write self introduction for students self introduction examples for college students introduce yourself example student self introduction as a student self-introduction in english example self introduction speech examples for students self introduction student self introduction creative short self introduction for students college self introduction examples self introduction in one minute for students example unique introduction for self student self introduction example how to introduce yourself in a creative way as a student example how to write an introduction about yourself as a student introduce yourself as a student example college student self introduction speech self introduction student example creative writing self introduction examples self introduction example student self introduction in english for students example introduction sample for students introduce yourself sample for students self introduction for university students short introduction about yourself as a student best self introduction for students self introduction sample for university self introduction example for university students self introduction as a student example self introduction in one minute for students creative introduction examples self introduction example for high school students self introduction example for college students self-introduction example for students cool self introduction self-introduction for students example self introduction speech for college students self-introduction examples for students introduce yourself student example self introduction speech examples for school students self introduction format for college students how to write self introduction in english for college students unique introduction for students self introduction sample for students in college innovative self introduction sample of introducing yourself as a student introduction of yourself examples for students self introduction example for students in school self intro for college students self introduction in college introduce yourself example college student essay self introduction for students in college example examples of self introduction for students creative self introduction sample simple self introduction example for students self introduction for students template self introduction for student self introduction college student example college self introduction unique self introduction example self introduction example how to write self introduction in english for students self 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description example for students simple self introduction for college students example of introduce yourself as a student self introduction for students in school university student self introduction self introduction of a student introduction about yourself example student self introduction example college self introduction paragraph for students introduction about myself sample for students script to introduce yourself as a student self introduction in english for graduate students self introduce for students self introduction in school example self introduction for college assignment self introduction sample for secondary students introduction about myself as a student sample class self introduction example self introduction in english for college students assignment self introduction students self introduction for a student self introduction of a college student student self introduction speech example of unique introduction self introduction in english for college students format 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creative writing introduce yourself introduce yourself creatively example self introduction in english for btech students one minute self-introduction sample how to make a creative self introduction introduce yourself examples self introduction in unique way short self introduction example creative manner example introduction yourself example student self introduction sample for mba students how to introduce yourself in class in a creative way as a student example self-introduction script introduce yourself example university student self introduction for degree students my self essay for bs students graduate student self introduction introduce yourself example student high school introduction college student self introduction of student in college interesting introduction about yourself informal self introduction example how to be creative in introducing yourself 3 minute self introduction speech examples about me examples for students introduce yourself in a creative way example self introduction sentence introduce yourself sample college student introduction for students self introduction about education student introduce yourself example self introduction for ug students how to give a unique self introduction interesting self-introduction casual self introduction example attractive introduction of myself unique introduction of yourself self introduction for university student self introduction sample for master degree self introduction sample for engineering students self introduction for a college student how to introduce yourself as a student how to introduce myself in class 2 minute self introduction sample short introduction for students how to introduce yourself in college example introducing yourself examples self introduction speech in english for college students class introduction example name introduction example how to write self introduction in project self introduction sample for university admission university self introduction introduce yourself sample student sample of self introduction how to introduce yourself in college class example how to introduce yourself as a university student example introduce yourself as a student how to introduce yourself in english as a student self introductions examples best introduction lines about yourself self introduction education self introduction for undergraduate students introduction speech examples for students professional introduction about yourself introduction for college students self introduction in english class introduce myself example storytelling self introduction example short introduction about yourself student short and crisp self introduction introduce yourself in a creative way essay how to introduce yourself in college introduce yourself in english example creative introducing yourself introduction in 60 words for internship example introduce yourself college student sample self introduction for pg students in college introduce yourself for college students creative way to introduce yourself example self intro for pg students example of self-introduction personal introduction example software engineer self introduction speech sample brief introduction of yourself sample introduce yourself good introduction examples self introduction in written self introduction for mba students example 1 minute self introduction sample how to introduce yourself creatively creative ways to introduce yourself in writing sample self introduction for online class how to introduce yourself in class example example of self introduction in school self introduction speech in english for students self introduction in college students engineering student self introduction introduction in unique way awesome self introduction self introduction examples self-introduction in english self introduction speech short self-introduction sample example of introducing yourself as a college student unique introduction in class self introduction in 60 words university student introduce myself college student introduction how to introduce myself in college informal self introduction sample simple self introduction in english for college students b.tech student self introduction example self introduction example of introducing yourself student self introduction for computer science student how to give unique introduction how to introduce yourself in creative writing how to write self introduction self introduction format how to introduce yourself example creative self introduction speech ideas creative writing about myself sample introduce yourself in a creative way 1 minute self introduction points for students introduce yourself creative self introduction in english for pg students how to introduce yourself as a university student best introduction lines for students introduction in english for student how to creatively introduce yourself introduction in english self introduction tips unique introduction about yourself how to make a creative introduction college introduction examples introduce yourself in creative way example self introduction script sample simple self introduction in english myself essay for interview self introduction university students introduce yourself as a student sample self introduction for b.tech students self introduction samples self-introduction letter sample student my self introduction my introduction in english how to introduce yourself in class graduate student self introduction sample intro for students sample self introduction script self introduction tips for students introduce yourself example master student introduction for students in english creative title for self introduction self introduction unique way 2 minutes introduce yourself student self introduction for pg students self introduction for bcom students creative way to introduce yourself in writing student self introduction sample essay formal self introduction in english self introduction in english for students sample how to write self introduction for college students introduce myself as a university student self introduction engineering student how to introduce yourself as an engineering student how to make a unique introduction simple self-introduction self introduction for school students self introduction written sample self introduction in class introduce yourself in english example writing present yourself in english example short introduction about myself creative self introduction template self introduction for engineering students freshers in college college student introduction speech self introduction ideas introduction after graduation how to introduce yourself example student introduction lines for students self introduction for credibility interview self introduction for diploma students how to make creative introduction student introduction in english introduce yourself in college simple introduction in english how to write a brief introduction about yourself impactful self introduction example of student introduction student self introduction. introduction for student self introduction in one minute for college students introduction as a college student introduce yourself in a creative way essay example how to introduce yourself in a creative way example self introduction letter sample student self introduction english introduce myself in english for student brief introduction about yourself example professional introduction about yourself sample simple self-introduction sample self introduction achievement examples artistic self introduction self-introduction for students simple self introduction in english for students my self introduction in english in college students introduction of yourself as a student unique introduction of myself self into for students best self introduction in english for students self intro for engineering students introduction ideas for students introduction in english for students in college introduction of student self introduction in english college how to introduce yourself as a college student introducing yourself in a creative way essay english class introduce yourself as a student .like pro example for self introduction how to conclude self introduction how to give introduction in college personal introduction in english introduction of myself sample introduce yourself in class example how to conclude self introduction in interview college self introduction essay brief introduction of yourself example creative ways to introduce yourself examples of introductory speeches about yourself example of introducing yourself best self presentation formal introduction of yourself self introduction speech college 2 minute self introduction speech examples for college students self introduction for b.ed students how to write an introduction about yourself as a student? stylish self introduction introduction university student college self introduction in english self introduction in a unique way introduce myself in university teacher self introduction to students sample self introduction format in english introduction in english my self student good self introduction self introduction model introduce yourself in school example personal introduction format introducing yourself sample short introduction about yourself intro about myself sample introduction speech about yourself personal introduction self introduction sample for kids self introduction in student self introduction for school students example self introduction in innovative way self introduction for first year college student college student introduce yourself college student introduction in english "introduce yourself: family background, education, hobbies, memorable event, future plans and goals etc." self introduction in english assignment self introduction mba students self introduction of engineering student self introduction college level 30-second introduction for students introduce yourself as undergraduate self introduction in 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interview fun self introduction example how to introduce myself as a college student how to write a short introduction about yourself for school my self introduction in university one minute self introduction script for introducing yourself in school how to introduce yourself college student self introduction after graduation self introduction for 2 minutes

Self-introduction example for students 8

I am Christopher John, basically, I am from London. I do not have discipline where a family belongs. My father is in the police department and my mother is a housewife. I have two brothers and two sisters. The creative self-introduction has a great first impression example for students in English.

Regarding my eligibility, I have completed a Bachelor’s degree. From the CEC Bilaspur in 2016 I did +2 from Jawahar Nagar in central school in Bihar and I studied at CityMari High School near my suburbs.

I have completed MCP certification on ASP.NET with version 2.0.

I am a good listener and a good student I can work hard to achieve my goals. I am confident, positive attitude, and patient.

My hobbies include working with her mom sometimes and helping to list the music list.

My short-term goals are to join your organization and improve my skills. My long-term goal is to see your organization at the top level where I am one of those responsible for it.

I elected my college vice president in my last year about my achievement and I have achieved 83% MCP certification.

Fear my weakness, but I will overcome this.

self introduction for student self introduction college student example college self introduction unique self introduction example self introduction example how to write self introduction in english for students self introduction in english for university students how to end self introduction for students self introduction format for students college student introduction example college student self introduction interesting self introduction sample self introduction as a college student best self introduction for college students student self introduction in english creative self-introduction for students self introduction for college introduce yourself script student self introduction in class example how to write a self introduction for students self introduction letter for college students example of self introduction in college college student self introduction sample example of self introduction for students self introduction for college students in english introduce yourself in english example student university self introduction sample introduction about myself sample as a student creative self intro introduce yourself college student example student self-introduction sample self introduction sample for university students introduce yourself example college student example self introduction introduce yourself example college student essay creative self introduction essay introduction sample for school project in english self introduction in english for students in college self introduction unique self introduction of college students introduce yourself college student creative self introduction ideas self introduction in college example self introduction of student script for introducing yourself as a student creative self introduction example introduce yourself as student example self introduction for it students creative self introduction speech unique introduction 1 minute self introduction for students student introduction to class sample introduction format for students 2 minute self introduction speech examples self introduction script how to introduce yourself professionally sample student self-introduction in english for students example in college self description example for students simple self introduction for college students example of introduce yourself as a student self introduction for students in school university student self introduction self introduction of a student introduction about yourself example student self introduction example college self introduction paragraph for students introduction about myself sample for students script to introduce yourself as a student self introduction in english for graduate students self introduce for students self introduction in school example self introduction for college assignment self introduction sample for secondary students introduction about myself as a student sample class self introduction example self introduction in english for college students assignment self introduction students self introduction for a student self introduction of a college student student self introduction speech example of unique introduction self introduction in english for college students format formal self introduction for students personal introduction for students simple introduction for students self introduction as student introduce yourself student sample how to end self-introduction for students example of how to introduce yourself as a student introduce yourself for students student self introduction script students self introduction professional introduction about yourself sample student school student self introduction sample self introduction of students 3 minute self-introduction speech examples for students school self introduction sample student self introduction template self-introduction script for students creative introduction self introduction for project file self introduction in a creative way catchy self introduction example of creative introduction about myself self introduction for college student introduce yourself examples for students formal introduction for students professional introduction for students impressive self introduction for students self introduction college self introduction for university introduction in english for college students creative introduction of self casual self introduction sample sample script for self introduction self introduction in university college student self introduction in college creative introduction about yourself best self introduction lines for students best introduction lines about yourself for students self introduction for freshers in college unique introduction examples student introduction sample simple self-introduction for students best introduction for students brief introduction of yourself as a student self introduction for students in school speech self introduction for students in school example introduction about yourself as a student self introduction creative way how to write a creative introduction about yourself self introduction example in class self introduction in english college students introduce yourself for students example self introduction sample for school students student introduction examples short self introduction for college students how to write a self introduction for college self introduction for students in english self introduction to students introduce yourself example as a student simple self introduction for students in college self intro for students self-introduction in english for college students example creative introduce yourself script introduce yourself student self introduction sample introduction of myself as a student introduction as a student formal self introduction in english for college students introduce yourself examples for university students presentation about yourself examples for students self-introduction in english for students college level college student self introduction in college student self introduction for college introduction of students how to write a creative self introduction student self introduction format long self introduction for students example of self introduction in class a unique introduction about yourself best introduction lines about yourself for college students college self introduction paragraph examples long self introduction in english for college students introduce yourself as a college student self introduction by students student self introduction in college best introduction lines about yourself as a student creative self presentation how to introduce myself in college presentation self introduction example as a student points for self introduction in college introducing myself as a student example of introduction about yourself as a student college self introduction introduce yourself introduction about myself student self introduction in english in college written self introduction for students

Self-introduction example for students 9

(This is not a big role.) Try to try it and you’ll see it in less than 2 minutes, but sometimes I’ve added some tips to give you tips. Hope this helps.

Hello sir/mam;

It is my pleasure is to introduce myself to me. My name is Jashsini Mahanti. I was born and born in the Cuttack town of Orissa. I completed my education from there (do not mention the education details because it is already on my CV).

My five members have a beautiful family. My father is a retired government employee. My mother is a housewife. I have two big sisters and they both work in various MNCs.

Drawing my hobbies, drawing pictures, reading books (If you have read some excellent motivational books, just say it, they can name some of the books that you can read, but if you say something like Harry Potter and Twilight it will show how you are a child. )

In my achievement, I was elected as the representative of my college class. (Shows your management skills). I have taught myself Photoshop and have participated in many online digital art tournaments. I was elected to the state talent scholarship examination conducted by World Health and Education. Odisha services I participated in many blood donation camps by the Red Cross organization.

My greatest strength I am a fast student, smart, and hardworking. (Please mention hard work after doing a smart job, they always need smart workers organized by tough but stupid workers. I am a member of the HR and interview panel board.) My greatest weakness is my love for food, but I am trying to overcome it. (You can add something that will not affect your work or you can tell me my weaknesses that I have no real-time experience with. I am a new friend in the software field, according to John Boss, but various interviews can take different meanings. .)

My short-term goal should be placed in a multinational organization and my long-term goal should be a member of the organization that is responsible for the success of the established organization.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself to you and to me.

Self-introduction example for students 10

I am verifiable from AP. I completed my MCA with a sum of 74% in engineering at Swami Ramananda College. I completed my assignment from Acikal College, which was affiliated with the University of Kakatiya with 60% and I completed 65 with my post-graduate college +2. I have been reading my school from GP, HS High School.

My father is my father and my mother is helping my father while talking to my father about my father. We are studying with four siblings, my older brother, and my younger brother. And surfing the net in my hobby area, playing cricket.

I am young and no company has any work experience .

My long-term goal is to be the cause of the organization’s success and I want to be responsible for the progress of the organization.

Creative writing self-introduction self introduction to college students self introduction for students college introduce yourself creatively good introduction for students essay introduce myself for university self introduction student in english introduction speech about yourself in college introduction about myself sample in class introduction about myself for students how to introduce yourself in english as a student in college self-introduction example self-introduction sample creative introduction of yourself self introduction self introduction for engineering students freshers creative writing about myself example self introduction in english creative ways to introduce yourself in writing example introduction about myself sample self introduction for graduate students interesting self introduction self-introduction script sample creative introduction of yourself essay self introduction sample self introduction in english for degree students introduce yourself example college student in a creative way self introduction education background self introduction in english for engineering students 1 minute self-introduction script how to write an introduction about yourself how to introduce yourself in a creative way as a student impressive self introduction sample teacher self-introduction to students sample introduction in english for students self introduction in creative way english introduction example self introduction in english for project creative introduction ideas self introduction for school project exchange interview self introduction how to introduce yourself in class in a creative way as a student self-introduction examples example of introducing yourself in a creative way introduce yourself in artistic way introduce yourself in a creative way sample sample self-introduction for online class attractive self introduction 1 minute self-introduction sample self introduction comprehensive example 3 minute self-introduction speech examples how to introduce yourself professionally sample self introduction in english example introduce yourself sample introduce yourself example normal self introduction unique self introduction for freshers introduce yourself university student creative introduce yourself introduce yourself in a creative way in online class achievements in self introduction for students sample self-introduction script self introduction university student self introduction graduate student self introduction for masteral students how to introduce yourself as an undergraduate self introduction for btech students short self introduction self introduction for kids introduction of a student self introduction for final year students introduce yourself example college student online class introduce yourself examples for college students self introduction for engineering students creative introductions self introduction university example of self introduction creative way of self introduction one minute self introduction student self introduction for commerce students introduction myself in english for college students self introduction in english for mba students sample essay about myself introduction how to introduce yourself as a student example introduce yourself example for students self-introduction creative writing introduce yourself introduce yourself creatively example self introduction in english for btech students one minute self-introduction sample how to make a creative self introduction introduce yourself examples self introduction in unique way short self introduction example creative manner example introduction yourself example student self introduction sample for mba students how to introduce yourself in class in a creative way as a student example self-introduction script introduce yourself example university student self introduction for degree students my self essay for bs students graduate student self introduction introduce yourself example student high school introduction college student self introduction of student in college interesting introduction about yourself informal self introduction example how to be creative in introducing yourself 3 minute self introduction speech examples about me examples for students introduce yourself in a creative way example self introduction sentence introduce yourself sample college student introduction for students self introduction about education student introduce yourself example self introduction for ug students how to give a unique self introduction interesting self-introduction casual self introduction example attractive introduction of myself unique introduction of yourself self introduction for university student self introduction sample for master degree self introduction sample for engineering students self introduction for a college student how to introduce yourself as a student how to introduce myself in class 2 minute self introduction sample short introduction for students how to introduce yourself in college example introducing yourself examples self introduction speech in english for college students class introduction example name introduction example how to write self introduction in project self introduction sample for university admission university self introduction introduce yourself sample student sample of self introduction how to introduce yourself in college class example how to introduce yourself as a university student example introduce yourself as a student how to introduce yourself in english as a student self introductions examples best introduction lines about yourself self introduction education self introduction for undergraduate students introduction speech examples for students professional introduction about yourself introduction for college students self introduction in english class introduce myself example storytelling self introduction example short introduction about yourself student short and crisp self introduction introduce yourself in a creative way essay how to introduce yourself in college introduce yourself in english example creative introducing yourself introduction in 60 words for internship example introduce yourself college student sample self introduction for pg students in college introduce yourself for college students creative way to introduce yourself example self intro for pg students example of self-introduction personal introduction example software engineer self introduction speech sample brief introduction of yourself sample introduce yourself good introduction examples self introduction in written self introduction for mba students example 1 minute self introduction sample how to introduce yourself creatively creative ways to introduce yourself in writing sample self introduction for online class how to introduce yourself in class example example of self introduction in school self introduction speech in english for students self introduction in college students engineering student self introduction introduction in unique way awesome self introduction self introduction examples self-introduction in english self introduction speech short self-introduction sample example of introducing yourself as a college student unique introduction in class self introduction in 60 words university student introduce myself college student introduction how to introduce myself in college informal self introduction sample simple self introduction in english for college students b.tech student self introduction example self introduction example of introducing yourself student self introduction for computer science student how to give unique introduction how to introduce yourself in creative writing how to write self introduction self introduction format

It is necessary to know how to write self-introduction for students . A creative self-introduction sample for college students has a great first impression example for students in English. Start with a smile on your face and give details about the name, and give place after greeting.

  • Just add your family details if needed.
  • Tell me about your educational details.
  • Share why you want a JOB to do so.
  • Summarize your project.
  • The person who inspired you so much.
  • Then about your interests/hobbies
  • How to spend your time when you are free.
  • Speak about their skills.
  • Congratulations to you for thanking the person listed on your behalf.

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Latest Education and Career News

How To Introduce Yourself In College/School; Self Introduction in English

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Reported by Anshika Saxena

Published on 16 August 2024

How To Introduce Yourself In College/School? Introductions can be tricky. They usually are the very first impression of the speaker in a new place. It can either construct a very interesting repo or could lead to an initial hindrance in getting comfortable in an unknown environment. Self Introduction is pretty uncomplicated and will always lead to ample opportunities to make positive acquaintances. If you have just joined School or College and are in doubt about how to introduce yourself to your new mates , do not worry. Here we provide with you general templates of self-introduction for schools and colleges.

Additionally, tips on framing and delivering a self-introduction speech are written subsequently. Read the following article and get an idea of How To Introduce Yourself by delivering a Self Introduction in English.

How To Introduce Yourself in Schools/Colleges by giving out a self in troduction speech

How To Introduce Yourself In College/School

Self introduction speech tips.

There are two parts in the case of the deliverance of speech. It needs thorough thought and writing. The speaker needs to frame it properly and then confidently speak it in front of the audience. Both phases are equally relevant and crucial. The orator needs to be very careful with language and tone. Lacking in any department could lead to a bad impression and can derail the purpose of giving out a self-introduction speech. All the speeches follow similar rules. Thus it is not a concern if a person is speaking at a school or a college.


They need to follow a specific pattern of thought and speech. They need to be on point and interesting in nature. Here we have listed tips on how to frame and deliver a self-introduction in public.

Framing or Writing of Speech

The first and foremost step in the case of an Introduction Speech is framing the matter. One needs to figure out why is he or she introducing themselves. Next, they need to get a clearer perspective of the kind of words and facts they need to include in their speech. There could be two cases, one in which the candidate gets ample time to speak about themselves and they have an equal opportunity to prepare the speech .

The other situation can be such that the speaker needs to deliver at the same point in time. In any case, the framing of the speech needs to be done in a manner that all the following points are covered:

  • The words of the speech need to be formal since the candidate is new and introducing themself to a new educational organisation.
  • The speaker needs to maintain a very short limit for the matter he/she needs to deliver. A lengthy speech often is boring and leads the interest of the audience. It should not be more than 2 minutes long in any scenario.
  • The facts which the speaker includes should not be very personal. For example, he/she needs to be restrained with the information they intend to provide.
  • Always start with the name. The audience would need to know who they are listening to.
  • It is very important that the candidate gives a general insight into his/her background. They also need to be very limited while doing that. They can start by explaining about their parents and siblings. Any other relative would not be appreciated by the listeners.
  • Providing a description of the cultural backdrop will give depth to the introduction .
  • Any fact that would pose an impression of brag shall be avoided.
  • If there happens to be an achievement that can provide a genuine sense of happiness, it should be included.
  • Providing unnecessary and irrelevant information needs to be avoided.
  • The speech needs to be very rational in nature .

Deliverance of Speech while Introduce Yourself

The speech which the candidate chooses to deliver needs to be honest. The speaker needs to appear genuine and kind. Any ambiguous first impressions need to be avoided. Thus, there is a way of speaking that needs to be considered. The speaker must observe the following tips while introducing themselves through a speech :

  • The speech needs to be delivered with confidence and with sheer honesty.
  • The speaker must be constantly making occasional contact with the listener.
  • While delivering the speech, one must maintain a genuine smile on the face that impresses the audience.
  • One must focus on ensuring a formal and proper posture while delivering the speech.
  • The speaker must not be very loud and must impose an impression of a soft-spoken person.
  • Apart from that, the speaker needs to maintain a formal tone and a very reserved side must reflect. It should not appear as if the candidate is imposing themselves on the listeners.
  • Always smile when you hold the attention of a certain section of the audience.

Teacher’s Day Speech

Self-Introduction Speech Sample for School/ College

Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening to each and everyone present here. This is ________________ (Name). I am so elated to be soon joining your class and getting an opportunity to educate all of you. Speaking about me, I hail from a simple family which is deeply rooted in ___________ (Name of the Hometown). My parents have raised me while providing me with an upbringing that is culturally wholesome and nurturing. My father, ___________ (Name of the Father) is ____________ (occupation of the father) while my mother, __________ (Name of the Mother) is a __________________ (occupation of the mother). I am the eldest/elder/young/younger sibling in my household and I happen to share a very amicable bond with my brother/sister, ______________ (name of the sibling).

Speaking of my early education, I completed my initial school at _____________ (Name of the School). It was a reserved premise for education and provided quality values and morals. Further, I moved ahead to gain my higher education at __________ (Name of the institution). I specifically preferred studying in the field of ____________ (favourite subject). Here I aim to educate in the subjects _____________ (name of the subject you are willing to pursue). I have always had a keen interest in these subjects and I feel very eager to start the course with you all. Speaking non-academically, I am keenly attracted to ___________ (name favourite extracurricular activities or hobbies).

Getting into this college/school was a dream as it is so highly reputed and the epitome of a knowledge hub. I look forward to getting acquainted with you all and befriending you. Thank you for such a warm welcome here!

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Anshika Saxena

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Written Samples

10 student council speech samples.

Running for a position on the Student Council is a commendable endeavor that requires courage, planning, and a clear vision. Student Council serves as the voice of the student body, advocating for changes, planning events, and representing student interests.

A strong, compelling speech can significantly impact your campaign, resonating with peers and motivating them to vote for you. This article provides 10 distinct student council speech samples tailored for various roles and personalities.

Student Council Speech Samples

Whether you’re running for president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, or a specific committee, these speeches are designed to inspire and guide you in crafting your unique message.

Speech 1: The Visionary Leader

“building a brighter future together”.

Fellow students, today marks a significant moment in our journey together. I stand before you, not as an individual, but as a representative of the collective dreams and aspirations we all share for our school. As a candidate for your Student Council President, I am committed to making those dreams a reality.

Our school is more than just a building; it’s a vibrant community where each of us has the opportunity to grow, learn, and succeed. However, like any community, we face our share of challenges. Whether it’s improving school lunches, increasing club funding, or ensuring that every student’s voice is heard, there is always work to be done.

My vision is to create a more inclusive, supportive, and dynamic school environment. This means establishing open forums where every student can voice their concerns, working closely with administration to implement sustainable changes, and building a culture of mutual respect and collaboration.

I bring to this position my experience as class representative, my passion for student involvement, and my unwavering commitment to our school’s welfare. Together, we can build a brighter future for all students. Let’s make it happen!

Speech 2: The Approachable Vice President

“uniting for a stronger community”.

Hello, fellow students! I am thrilled to stand before you as a candidate for Vice President of the Student Council. My goal is clear: to work alongside the president in creating a united, empowered student body ready to tackle the challenges and embrace the opportunities that come our way.

As Vice President, I will focus on enhancing communication between the council and you, the students. I plan to set up a suggestions box, hold regular meet-ups, and ensure your ideas and concerns don’t just stay heard but acted upon. I understand the importance of teamwork, and I promise to be an accessible, friendly face you can always turn to.

My dedication to our school community stems from my own experiences as an active member of several clubs and organizations. These experiences have taught me the value of listening, the importance of action, and the transformative power of community spirit. Let’s work together to make our school not just a place of learning, but a home of lasting memories and achievements!

Speech 3: The Meticulous Treasurer

“investing in our future”.

Good day, students! As a candidate for the position of Treasurer, I want to talk about an essential aspect of our student council: fiscal responsibility. The role of Treasurer is more than just handling funds; it’s about ensuring that every dollar you entrust to the council is spent wisely and benefits as many students as possible.

I come to you with a strong background in mathematics and a keen eye for detail, qualities that are crucial for managing our budget effectively. I plan to introduce transparent budget reports, seek your input on spending priorities, and negotiate for better deals on our events and supplies.

Investing in our future means more than just saving money; it means funding initiatives that build our skills, enhance our school spirit, and create lasting memories. With your trust, I promise to be a responsible steward of our resources, always seeking ways to improve our collective experience while maintaining fiscal prudence.

Speech 4: The Organized Secretary

“keeping us connected”.

Hello, everyone! As your prospective Student Council Secretary, I understand the significance of organization and clear communication in making our council effective. My mission is to keep us connected and informed, ensuring that every meeting, every event, and every decision is recorded and communicated to you promptly and clearly.

My approach involves not just meticulous note-taking and organizing but also harnessing technology to streamline our communication. This means regular updates through our school’s website and social media, creating a digital archive of minutes and decisions, and ensuring you’re always in the loop.

By keeping our council’s work transparent and accessible, I aim to build trust and encourage greater participation from all of you. Let’s work together to create a well-informed student body capable of making a difference!

Speech 5: The Dedicated Committee Member

“every voice matters”.

Hi, everyone! Running for a specific committee might seem like a small role, but it’s roles like these that make our student council function effectively. As a candidate for the [Insert Committee Name] committee, I am passionate about [Insert Committee Focus, e.g., environmental issues, school spirit, academic improvement].

My commitment is to bring fresh ideas, boundless energy, and a listening ear to this position. I want to ensure that every student who shares a passion for [Committee Focus] has a platform to express their ideas and see them come to life. Whether it’s organizing events, leading campaigns, or working on improvements, I am ready to dedicate my time and effort to make a real impact.

Your vote means not just support for me but an investment in the area we’re passionate about. Let’s join hands and make [Insert School Name] a beacon of [Committee Focus] excellence!

Speech 6: The Inspirational President

“leading with heart and vision”.

Dear students, as I stand before you, aspiring to be your next Student Council President, I am filled with a sense of purpose and determination. This school is not just an institution but a vibrant community where each of us has the potential to thrive and contribute. As your president, I aim to lead not just with decisions, but with vision, empathy, and unwavering dedication.

My vision for us is a school where every student feels valued and empowered. A place where we tackle challenges head-on, celebrate our diversity, and work collectively towards innovative solutions. I plan to initiate regular student-led forums, champion inclusive policies, and ensure that our activities and decisions reflect the rich tapestry of our student body.

My commitment to you is rooted in a deep belief in teamwork, respect, and perseverance. I have learned through various leadership roles that the key to effective leadership is listening, adapting, and inspiring. Together, we can elevate our school to new heights, create a nurturing environment, and build a legacy of positivity and progress.

Speech 7: The Dynamic Vice President

“collaboration and action”.

Greetings, fellow students! As candidates for Vice President of the Student Council, I am excited about the prospect of working closely with the president to amplify your voices and bring your ideas to fruition. I understand that this role is pivotal in facilitating smooth operations and fostering a spirit of unity and collaboration among us.

My focus will be on bridging the gap between students and the council, ensuring that we are not just a body making decisions but a dynamic team working in sync with the student community. I plan to introduce innovative collaboration tools and platforms where every suggestion is considered, and every voice is heard.

With my experience in organizing school events and managing teams, I bring a set of skills that are crucial for the effective execution of our shared goals. I promise to be proactive, resourceful, and most importantly, accessible to each one of you. Let’s work together to make our school a hub of vibrant student activity and shared success.

Speech 8: The Strategic Treasurer

“fiscal responsibility, our collective commitment”.

Hello to all! As your candidate for Treasurer, I am aware of the significant responsibility that comes with managing our student council’s finances. It’s not just about keeping books; it’s about strategic planning, transparency, and making every penny count towards improving our school life.

I bring to this position my experience with budgeting and finance, coupled with a deep commitment to serve each one of you. My plan includes introducing a participatory budgeting process where you get to have a say in our financial priorities, regular financial updates to keep everyone informed, and innovative fundraising ideas to boost our resources.

Investing in our collective future means making smart, ethical, and impactful financial decisions. With a keen eye on our goals and a strict adherence to transparency, I will ensure that our council’s financial health is robust and that our resources are aligned with our shared vision.

Speech 9: The Efficient Secretary

“the backbone of our council”.

Dear students, as a hopeful Secretary for our Student Council, I recognize the immense responsibility of being the link between you and the council’s activities. This role is more than just taking minutes; it’s about ensuring that every decision, every event, and every initiative is documented, communicated, and archived effectively.

My vision is to make our council’s workings as transparent and accessible as possible. This means not only meticulous record-keeping but also innovative communication strategies to keep everyone informed and engaged. I plan to utilize digital platforms to disseminate information, organize feedback sessions, and ensure that our council is always accountable to you.

With a commitment to organization and a passion for communication, I am ready to be the reliable backbone of our council, ensuring that as we move forward, every step is recorded, every voice is heard, and every achievement is shared.

Speech 10: The Passionate Committee Leader

“spearheading change, one initiative at a time”.

Greetings, peers! As a candidate for the [Insert Committee Name, e.g., Environmental Committee] leader, I am here not just to lead a committee but to ignite a movement. Whether it’s enhancing our school’s green initiatives, boosting academic resources, or strengthening our sports programs, each committee plays a crucial role in our student council’s mission.

I am passionate about [Committee Focus] and have spent my time at school actively involved in related projects and initiatives. As a leader, I plan to bring this passion to the forefront, driving innovative programs, rallying student support, and ensuring that our activities have a lasting impact.

Your support means empowering a dedicated leader focused on making tangible changes in our school. Together, we can champion causes close to our hearts, bring about meaningful change, and leave a legacy that future students will be proud of.

In crafting your speech, remember the importance of authenticity, clarity, and enthusiasm. Your fellow students are looking for leaders who not only promise but also inspire and enact real change. Use these samples as inspiration, but ensure your personal story and vision shine through. Good luck!

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My Self Introduction

27 Examples of Self Introduction in English For Great First Impression – Introduce Yourself In English

self introduction examples scaled

Telling someone about yourself can be tricky if you’re not sure how to go about it, but when you’re in an interview or at the start of your first day on the job, giving someone an overview of your previous work and education experience isn’t only necessary – it shows that you’re excited to be there and prepared to work hard.

Here are some examples of self introduction in English that you can use to introduce yourself.

You can check the video to learn more..

Self Introduction in English Examples

Example 1: 

Hello, my name is [name] and I am writing to introduce myself. My interests include photography, art, and music. I enjoy making things out of clay and woodworking.

I am a native of the United States and have been here for over 20 years now. I grew up in [city] where I attended school. After high school, I moved to [state] where I went to college at [school name].

During college, it was not easy for me to make friends because I was shy and quiet. It wasn’t until after college when I started working at [job title], that my relationships with others changed for the better. At work, I was able to open up more as well as learn how to communicate better with others by using body language and tone of voice rather than words alone. This resulted in me being promoted from a part-time employee into an assistant manager position within two years of working there full-time!

Hello, I’m [first name], and I’m a writer.

I’ve been writing for a while now, and it’s become an integral part of my life. My passion for writing started when I was in elementary school. I got a pen and paper and wrote down everything that popped into my head—I couldn’t stop!

As my writing skills improved, so did my confidence as a writer. At first, people thought I was just a kid with a lot of energy; but now they see that writing is more than just something fun to do—it’s something that makes me happy, and gives me clarity on what I want out of life, and helps me make sense of the world around me.

So if you’re interested in hiring me as your writer or if you have any questions about what it’s like to work with me, please feel free to reach out!

Hi, I’m [name] and I work at [company] as a [job title]!

I’m a recent college graduate and have been working in customer service for the past six months. I’m looking for opportunities to learn more about the customer service field and grow my skills to take on more challenging roles.

[Company name] provides the best customer service in the world, and I am excited to join such an amazing team.

Self Introduction Paragraph Examples

My name is [name], and I’m a [type of person].

I love to [what you love to do].

When I’m not working or doing what I love, my friends and family are the most important thing in my life. They mean the world to me. When they’re around, I feel like everything is possible.

I’m currently in my final year of university, and it’s been one of the most amazing years of my life so far. I’ve learned so much about myself and how to be a better person, which has made me feel more confident than ever before.

Hi! I’m [name] and I’m so excited to meet you all.

I’m a passionate, driven person who wants to do my part to make the world a better place. That’s why I’m here at [company name].

I’ve got a lot of experience working in customer service, but I also have a passion for helping people find their best path forward when they’re faced with challenges. And that’s what we’re working on at [company name]: finding those solutions for our clients so they can focus on what matters the most—their business.

I’m looking forward to getting to know you all!

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  • 9 Examples of Self Introduction For Pharma Interview

Hi, my name is [name], and I’m here to tell you about my [job].

I’ve been working as a [job] for [number of years], and I love it. It’s an amazing job that allows me to do what I love most—make people happy!

My favorite part of my job is seeing how much happiness can be brought into someone’s life when they’re feeling down or stressed out. I know that by helping people feel better, we’re all better off as a community.

I also really enjoy meeting new people every day who need support in their journey through life. Being able to share what I know with them has helped me grow personally and professionally, so thank you for your support!

Self Introduction Speech Examples For Students

Hi, my name is [name], and I’m about to give you a self-introduction speech.

I’m going to tell you about myself in three parts: who I am, what I’ve done, and why I should be hired for this job.

First, let’s talk about who I am: I’m [age] years old. I’ve been working as a [job title] for [amount of time]. And I love it! It’s made me very good at what I do and keeps me busy all day long.

And now let’s talk about what I’ve done…

I started working at the company when they were just starting, and now they’re one of the top 10 companies in our industry. They’re growing so fast that there are times when we can’t keep up with hiring new people or training them properly. That’s where you come in—you’re going to help us hire some awesome new people who are ready to hit the ground running!

And finally, why should you hire me? Well… because if this were a movie script, there would be no way for me not to get hired by your company!

Hello, my name is [name] and I am a student at [school].

I am interested in pursuing a career in the field of [industry], and I would like to study [field] at [school].

My current job is working as a marketing assistant for [company], where I handle all the emails and calls from clients, as well as manage our social media accounts.

I have been working in this position for over three years now, and it has greatly improved my skillset in terms of customer relations and communication abilities. I would love to continue working for [company] after graduating from college with a degree in both marketing and business management.

Hello, my name is [name] and I’m a student at [school name].

I have always loved to learn and explore, so when I was in the 8th grade I started taking classes at my local college. Now, I have many different degrees from various programs and am heavily involved in the community at large.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with family, and friends and doing things that make me happy. One of those things is hiking!

Self Introduction Sample For Nurse Job Interview

Hi, I’m [name], and I hope to be the next one of you awesome nurses!

I have a bachelor’s degree in nursing and am currently working as a nurse at [hospital name]. I’ve worked in many different areas, including ER, ICU, and medical-surgical. I love working with patients from all walks of life, but my favorite part is taking care of babies because they’re so sweet and innocent.

I also enjoy helping others learn about their health, whether it’s through patient education or offering advice on dieting or exercise.

Hello, I’m [name] and I’m a nurse. I’ve been in the industry for many years and have worked with many different kinds of patients. I am looking to move into a leadership position, preferably with a hospital or nursing home to manage more than one unit. I believe that the most important part of my job is making sure that my patients are comfortable in their care environment and feel safe at all times. I also enjoy working with other staff members because they can help me access different areas of expertise, which makes me a better nurse and leader.

I would love an opportunity to discuss how my experience could benefit your organization!

Hello, I’m [name] and I’m looking for a job as a nurse.

I’m a middle school student who loves to help people. I’ve had experience working at [hospital name] and [hospital name], where I helped children get better after they were injured.

I also love volunteering at the local animal shelter, where I’ve helped an elderly cat named [cat name]. The owner of the shelter said that she couldn’t find a home for her because she was old, but after working with her, I realized that she was still young at heart.

The hospital where I work now is great and everyone there is very nice, but it’s not the same as being able to help people. It’s hard for me to watch someone get hurt or sick on my shift—especially when there’s nothing that I can do about it—and I want something more for myself than just working in healthcare.

Self Introduction Speech Examples For School Students

Hello! My name is [name], and I’m here to introduce myself to the class.

I’m from [city] in [country]. I’ve been living in the United States for five years now, but I’ve been here for seven. I love this country, and I love being able to learn more about it every day.

In high school, I was a really good student—I got straight A’s all the time. But during my senior year, one of my teachers taught us how to write a speech about ourselves—and that’s when everything changed. Now when someone asks me what I want to be when I grow up, instead of saying “an accountant,” like everyone else says, I say “a teacher.”

So this is me: A teacher who has learned so many things since she started working with children at the age of 18. And now at age 32, she has even more knowledge than she did before!

Hello, my name is [name], and I’m a student at [school name].

I’m excited to be here today because I’ve been wanting to go to this school for a long time. My favorite subject is math, so it’s cool that there will be an opportunity for me to learn more about that.

I also love reading a lot of books and watching movies, so I think this is going to be a good fit for me.

My parents are very supportive of my dreams and help me whenever they can. They always make sure that I am doing what I want, so if you have any questions about anything related to school or your studies, feel free to ask them!

Hello, everyone! I’m [name], and I was just thinking about what to say.

I think that you’re all really smart and kind, and it’s a pleasure to meet you!

My name is [name] and I’m going to be taking your next test. Hopefully, we’ll get along well enough to make it interesting.

I’m here today because I want to talk about [topic]. It’s important to me because it affects my life every day, but also helps me think about things that are important in the world.

Self Introduction Speech Examples Public Speaking

I am a passionate person, who loves to learn and share knowledge with others. I believe that every person should be treated equally, no matter their gender, race, or religion.

I have always dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur. I have been working in the field for the last 6 years and it has become my passion now.

I have completed my MBA from St. Xavier’s College and I worked as an Assistant Manager in a reputed company for 4 years before joining here at [company name].

Hello, my name is [name] and I am a [job title]. I have been working as a [job title] for [number of years] and I have been enjoying every moment of it.

I have always had a passion for [job title], and it is truly an honor to be able to work with such amazing people.

I have been lucky enough to work with some of the most talented people in the world, including [famous person’s name], who has taught me so much about [job title].

I would like to thank you all for this opportunity because it has helped me grow both personally and professionally. It has brought me closer to my family and allowed me to meet new people who share similar interests.

Hi, I’m [name], and I’m a professional speaker.

I’ve been giving speeches for over 10 years, and I love it.

My favorite part is being able to share what I know with other people engagingly. It’s also really fun to meet new people and hear their stories because then I can learn from them too!

I also like that people are usually surprised when they find out how much time goes into preparing for a speech—it’s not just about speaking fast or moving your mouth around—but about making it personal and interesting for your audience.

If you have any questions about anything related to public speaking, feel free to contact me at [email address].

Self Introduction Sample For Hr Interview

Hello, I’m [name], a junior HR professional at [company name]. I’m interested in the position of HR Manager, and I’m here today because I think you’re the right person for it.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources and a Master’s degree in Personnel Management, both from [school name]. My interests include [interests], which are things like [things], which are things like [things].

In my spare time, I enjoy watching sports on TV and playing volleyball with friends at the local park.

Hello, I’m [name] and I’m a [position] at [company name]. I love to work hard, which is why I’m so excited to be here.

I’ve been working with [company name] for years now, and it’s been an amazing experience. I’ve been able to learn so much about myself and the company in that time.

I’d love to talk more about my experience with you! Please feel free to reach out if you’d like any additional details or want me to send you anything from HR.

Hello! I’m [name], and I would be happy to answer any questions you have about my qualifications for this position.

I have a bachelor’s degree in computer science, but I’ve also spent the past six years working as a software engineer. In my current role, I’m responsible for building, maintaining, and improving our software products.

Throughout my career, I’ve worked with engineers from all over the world who have taught me how to problem-solve creatively and work well with others. My experience with developers at [company name] has given me an understanding of what it takes to build quality products that meet our customers’ needs.

The skills listed on my resume are just a small representation of the competencies that make me a great fit for this position:

– Able to build robust, scalable systems that meet customer needs and respond quickly to change

– Able to communicate effectively with other team members

Self Introduction Examples For Experienced Software Engineers

Hello, I am [name], and I am an experienced software engineer.

My specialty is in creating high-quality, well-tested code that solves business problems for my clients. I have been working with them for about five years, and have also worked as a freelance software engineer for several other companies during that time.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from [school name]. After graduating, I worked as a software developer at [company name] for two years. During this time, I learned how to contribute my skills to the company by making contributions within the company’s code base. After working at [company name], I decided to pursue a career as a freelancer and started freelancing immediately.

As a freelancer, my primary focus has been working on projects related to building web applications using mostly JavaScript-based technologies such as HTML5+CSS3/SASS/LESS/JAVASCRIPT (JS) frameworks like ReactJS or VueJS, or NodeJS (server side). However, I have worked with the PHP framework (Laravel) on some projects too.

Hi! I’m [Name] and I’m a software engineer at [company name]. I’ve been working in this industry for six years now, and it’s always been my dream to be in the field. When I graduated from college, I started working as a developer at one of the country’s largest consulting firms. After two years there, I decided to move on and pursue my dream of being a software engineer—and here I am today!

I love what I do because it allows me to work on some cool projects. One of my favorite parts of being a software engineer is working with clients and helping them improve their products. It’s also very rewarding when you see how your work helps people take control of their lives or businesses.

I am a software engineer with over 10 years of experience. I have worked on many different projects, including web development, mobile applications, and backend systems.

My strengths are in designing and implementing scalable solutions while maintaining high-quality standards. I am also very good at communicating my ideas effectively and creating solutions that meet the needs of my clients. I have worked in teams to develop solutions that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

I would love to work on projects that allowed me to use my skills and knowledge to help solve real problems for people in our community.

Self Introduction Sample For Virtual Assistant

My name is [your name here]. I am the founder of [company name] and I have been a virtual assistant for 10 years.

I love helping people with their problems and helping them grow their businesses. I’m also a huge fan of dogs, serial killers, and the Harry Potter series.

Example 2: 

I’m [name], and I’m a virtual assistant and web developer based in [location].

I bring over 15 years of experience as a web developer, working with both small and large businesses, to assist you in getting your projects off the ground. Whether you need help building websites, or just need someone who can manage your social media, my background as a web developer will help me keep you informed, on track, and able to stay focused on your goals.

I have experience working with clients from all over the world and am always looking forward to helping others achieve their goals.

Example 3: 

Hello, I’m [name] and I’m a virtual assistant.

I’ve been working as a VA for over [years] now, and I love it! I work with people who are looking to get their business off the ground, or who just need some extra help around the house. My clients are always happy with my work.

In addition to being a VA, I’m also an avid reader and writer. I enjoy helping others in any way that I can—whether it’s by offering advice or helping them write their copy for landing pages or emails.

I’ve worked on projects ranging from simple blog posts to complex web applications (both front-end and back-end), so whatever your project requires, you’ll find me very capable of handling it.

Related Questions:

Can an introduction be one sentence.

Yes. Just give your name and then your question. There is no reason to list all your credentials first. That’s boring and drawn out. You should know about the community that you’re applying for. You don’t need to list the fact you are a school teacher, that you have a degree in English, that you have a spouse and 2 kids. All of that stuff is irrelevant when it comes to what you want to know, and you’re just wasting space.

Can Introduction Be Two Paragraphs?

Yes. The introduction is a paragraph. That’s the whole rule. With that said, it can be two paragraphs, it can be ten paragraphs, and it can be a page. The length of your introduction is dependent on several factors: who you are writing for, how much time you have to write, how detailed you want to get, and how much detail your reader can absorb.

With that said, let’s take a look at a few examples of great introductions: 1. This is the best, most concise introduction I’ve ever read. Not only is the information short and sweet, but it gets right to the point and shows exactly what the reader has to do, and why it’s important.

The Verdict: Self Introduction Examples

Choose a template that you like, edit it and make it your own. When you’re done, add your photos to the design. Present yourself to the world with these stunning, professional designs for your self introduction. And as always, please feel free to contact me if you have a question or would like to give feedback on this article.

Hi, I a Usmaan Ali, a content writer. I’ve always been passionate about writing and blogging. I hope you enjoy my blog posts as much as I enjoy writing it!

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Independence Day Speech 2024: Short & Long Speech for the Students

As we mark the 78th Independence Day, here are a few speech ideas for students to draw inspiration from for their school projects or events.

Itisha Arya

  • Itisha Arya
  • Updated - 2024-08-14, 22:20 IST

th indepedence day speech ideas for students

Independence Day Speech 2024: Short And Long

Independence day 2024 speech: reflecting on our journey and looking ahead.

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Credits: Freepik

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US colleges revise rules on free speech in hopes of containing anti-war demonstrations

As students return to college campuses across the United States, administrators are bracing for a resurgence in activism against the war in Gaza

NEW YORK -- As students return to colleges across the United States, administrators are bracing for a resurgence in activism against the war in Gaza, and some schools are adopting rules to limit the kind of protests that swept campuses last spring.

While the summer break provided a respite in student demonstrations against the Israel-Hamas war, it also gave both student protesters and higher education officials a chance to regroup and strategize for the fall semester.

The stakes remain high. At Columbia University, President Minouche Shafik resigned Wednesday after coming under heavy scrutiny for her handling of the demonstrations at the campus in New York City, where the wave of pro-Palestinian tent encampments began last spring.

Some of the new rules imposed by universities include banning encampments, limiting the duration of demonstrations, allowing protests only in designated spaces and restricting campus access to those with university identification. Critics say some of the measures will curtail free speech.

The American Association of University Professors issued a statement Wednesday condemning “overly restrictive policies” that could discourage free expression. Many of the new policies require protesters to register well in advance and strictly limit the locations where gatherings can be held, as well as setting new limits on the use of amplified sound and signage.

“Our colleges and universities should encourage, not suppress, open and vigorous dialogue and debate even on the most deeply held beliefs,” said the statement, adding that many policies were imposed without faculty input.

The University of Pennsylvania has outlined new “temporary guidelines” for student protests that include bans on encampments, overnight demonstrations, and the use of bullhorns and speakers until after 5 p.m. on class days. Penn also requires that posters and banners be removed within two weeks of going up. The university says it remains committed to freedom of speech and lawful assembly.

At Indiana University, protests after 11 p.m. are forbidden under a new “expressive activities policy” that took effect Aug 1. The policy says “camping” and erecting any type of shelter are prohibited on campus, and signs cannot be displayed on university property without prior approval.

The University of South Florida now requires approval for tents, canopies, banners, signs and amplifiers. The school’s “speech, expression and assembly” rules stipulate that no “activity,” including protests or demonstrations, is allowed after 5 p.m. on weekdays or during weekends and not allowed at all during the last two weeks of a semester.

A draft document obtained over the summer by the student newspaper at Harvard University showed the college was considering prohibitions on overnight camping, chalk messages and unapproved signs.

“I think right now we are seeing a resurgence of repression on campuses that we haven't seen since the late 1960s,” said Risa Lieberwitz, a Cornell University professor of labor and employment law who serves as general counsel for the AAUP.

Universities say they encourage free speech as long as it doesn't interfere with learning, and they insist they are simply updating existing rules for demonstrations to protect campus safety.

Tensions have run high on college campuses since Oct. 7, when Hamas militants assaulted southern Israel and killed 1,200 people, most of them civilians, and took about 250 hostages.

Many student protesters in the U.S. vow to continue their activism, which has been fueled by Gaza's rising death toll, which surpassed 40,000 on Thursday, according to the territory’s Health Ministry.

About 50 Columbia students still face discipline over last spring’s demonstrations after a mediation process that began earlier in the summer stalled, according to Mahmoud Khalil, a lead negotiator working on behalf of Columbia student protesters. He blamed the impasse on Columbia administrators.

“The university loves to appear that they’re in dialogue with the students. But these are all fake steps meant to assure the donor community and their political class,” said Khalil, a graduate student at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.

The university did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

The Ivy League school in upper Manhattan was roiled earlier this year by student demonstrations, culminating in scenes of police officers with zip ties and riot shields storming a building occupied by pro-Palestinian protesters.

Similar protests swept college campuses nationwide, with many leading to violent clashes with police and more than 3,000 arrests. Many of the students who were arrested during police crackdowns have had their charges dismissed , but some are still waiting to learn what prosecutors decide. Many have faced fallout in their academic careers, including suspensions, withheld diplomas and other forms of discipline.

Shafik was among the university leaders who were called for questioning before Congress. She was heavily criticized by Republicans who accused her of not doing enough to combat concerns about antisemitism on the Columbia campus.

She announced her resignation in an emailed letter to the university community just weeks before the start of classes on Sept. 3. The university on Monday began restricting campus access to people with Columbia IDs and registered guests, saying it wanted to curb “potential disruptions” as the new semester draws near.

“This period has taken a considerable toll on my family, as it has for others in the community,” Shafik wrote in her letter. “Over the summer, I have been able to reflect and have decided that my moving on at this point would best enable Columbia to traverse the challenges ahead.”

Pro-Palestinian protesters first set up tent encampments on Columbia’s campus during Shafik’s congressional testimony in mid-April, when she denounced antisemitism but faced criticism for how she responded to faculty and students accused of bias.

The school sent in police to clear the tents the following day, only for the students to return and inspire a wave of similar protests at campuses across the country as students called for schools to cut financial ties with Israel and companies supporting the war.

The campus was mostly quiet this summer, but a conservative news outlet in June published images of what it said were text messages exchanged by administrators while attending a May 31 panel discussion titled “Jewish Life on Campus: Past, Present and Future.”

The officials were removed from their posts , with Shafik saying in a July 8 letter to the school community that the messages were unprofessional and “disturbingly touched on ancient antisemitic tropes.”

Other prominent Ivy League leaders have stepped down in recent months , in large part due to their response to the volatile protests on campus.

University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill resigned in December after less than two years on the job. She faced pressure from donors and criticism over testimony at a congressional hearing where she was unable to say under repeated questioning that calls on campus for the genocide of Jews would violate the school’s conduct policy.

And in January, Harvard University President Claudine Gay resigned amid plagiarism accusations and similar criticism over her testimony before Congress.

Perry reported from Meredith, New Hampshire. Gecker reported from San Francisco.

The Associated Press’ education coverage receives financial support from multiple private foundations. AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP’s standards for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at AP.org .

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U.S. colleges revise rules on free speech in hopes of containing anti-war demonstrations

In a growing number of college campuses throughout the country, student protesters are setting up tent encampments on school grounds to call for a ceasefire in Gaza and for their schools to divest from Israeli companies.

As students return to colleges across the United States, administrators are bracing for a resurgence in activism against the war in Gaza, and some schools are adopting rules to limit the kind of protests that swept campuses last spring.

While the summer break provided a respite in student demonstrations against the Israel-Hamas war, it also gave both student protesters and higher education officials a chance to regroup and strategize for the fall semester.

The stakes remain high. At Columbia University, President  Minouche Shafik  resigned Wednesday after coming under heavy scrutiny for her handling of the demonstrations at the campus in New York City, where the  wave of pro-Palestinian tent encampments  began last spring.

Some of the new rules imposed by universities include banning encampments, limiting the duration of demonstrations, allowing protests only in designated spaces and restricting campus access to those with university identification. Critics say some of the measures will curtail free speech.

Police face-off with pro-Palestinian students

The American Association of University Professors issued a statement Wednesday condemning “overly restrictive policies” that could discourage free expression. Many of the new policies require protesters to register well in advance and strictly limit the locations where gatherings can be held, as well as setting new limits on the use of amplified sound and signage.

“Our colleges and universities should encourage, not suppress, open and vigorous dialogue and debate even on the most deeply held beliefs,” said the statement, adding that many policies were imposed without faculty input.

The University of Pennsylvania has outlined new “temporary guidelines” for student protests that include bans on encampments, overnight demonstrations, and the use of bullhorns and speakers until after 5 p.m. on class days. Penn also requires that posters and banners be removed within two weeks of going up. The university says it remains committed to freedom of speech and lawful assembly.

At Indiana University, protests after 11 p.m. are forbidden under a new “expressive activities policy” that took effect Aug 1. The policy says “camping” and erecting any type of shelter are prohibited on campus, and signs cannot be displayed on university property without prior approval.

The University of South Florida now requires approval for tents, canopies, banners, signs and amplifiers. The school’s “speech, expression and assembly” rules stipulate that no “activity,” including protests or demonstrations, is allowed after 5 p.m. on weekdays or during weekends and not allowed at all during the last two weeks of a semester.

A draft document obtained over the summer by the student newspaper at Harvard University showed the college was considering prohibitions on overnight camping, chalk messages and unapproved signs.

“I think right now we are seeing a resurgence of repression on campuses that we haven’t seen since the late 1960s,” said Risa Lieberwitz, a Cornell University professor of labor and employment law who serves as general counsel for the AAUP.

Universities say they encourage free speech as long as it doesn’t interfere with learning, and they insist they are simply updating existing rules for demonstrations to protect campus safety.

Tensions have run high on college campuses since Oct. 7, when  Hamas militants  assaulted southern Israel and killed 1,200 people, most of them civilians, and took about 250 hostages.

Many student protesters in the U.S. vow to continue their activism, which has been fueled by Gaza’s rising death toll, which  surpassed 40,000  on Thursday, according to the territory’s Health Ministry.

About 50 Columbia students still face discipline over last spring’s demonstrations after a mediation process that began earlier in the summer stalled, according to Mahmoud Khalil, a lead negotiator working on behalf of Columbia student protesters. He blamed the impasse on Columbia administrators.

“The university loves to appear that they’re in dialogue with the students. But these are all fake steps meant to assure the donor community and their political class,” said Khalil, a graduate student at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.

The university did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

The Ivy League school in upper Manhattan was roiled earlier this year by student demonstrations,  culminating in  scenes of police officers with zip ties and riot shields storming a building occupied by pro-Palestinian protesters.

Similar protests swept college campuses nationwide, with many leading to violent clashes with police and more than 3,000 arrests. Many of the students who were arrested during police crackdowns have  had their charges dismissed , but some are still waiting to learn what prosecutors decide. Many have faced fallout in their academic careers, including suspensions, withheld diplomas and other forms of discipline.

Students walked out of class and gathered in protest during a pro-Palenstine demonstation. Protests continue to sweep college campuses around the country.

Shafik was among the university leaders who were  called for questioning  before Congress. She was heavily criticized by Republicans who accused her of not doing enough to combat concerns about antisemitism on the Columbia campus.

She announced her resignation in an emailed letter to the university community just weeks before the start of classes on Sept. 3. The university on Monday began restricting campus access to people with Columbia IDs and registered guests, saying it wanted to curb “potential disruptions” as the new semester draws near.

“This period has taken a considerable toll on my family, as it has for others in the community,” Shafik wrote in her letter. “Over the summer, I have been able to reflect and have decided that my moving on at this point would best enable Columbia to traverse the challenges ahead.”

Pro-Palestinian protesters  first set up  tent encampments on Columbia’s campus during Shafik’s congressional testimony in mid-April, when she denounced antisemitism but faced criticism for how she responded to faculty and students accused of bias.

The school sent in police to  clear the tents  the following day, only for the students to return and inspire  a wave of similar protests  at campuses across the country as students called for schools to cut financial ties with Israel and companies supporting the war.

The campus was mostly quiet this summer, but a conservative news outlet in June published images of what it said were text messages exchanged by administrators while attending a May 31 panel discussion titled “Jewish Life on Campus: Past, Present and Future.”

The officials  were removed from their posts , with Shafik saying in a July 8 letter to the school community that the messages were unprofessional and “disturbingly touched on ancient antisemitic tropes.”

Other prominent Ivy League leaders  have stepped down in recent months , in large part due to their response to the volatile protests on campus.

University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill resigned in December after less than two years on the job. She faced  pressure from donors and criticism  over testimony at a congressional hearing where she was unable to say under repeated questioning that calls on campus for the genocide of Jews would violate the school’s conduct policy.

And in January, Harvard University President Claudine Gay resigned amid plagiarism accusations and  similar criticism  over her testimony before Congress.

college student introduction speech

The Associated Press

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Independence Day 2024: 5 inspiring short Speech ideas for students to deliver in schools, colleges

Get ready for independence day 2024 with these five inspiring short speech ideas perfect for students to deliver in schools and colleges. capture the essence of freedom and patriotism with powerful, memorable messages..

Independence Day 2024

1. The Power of Unity

Opening Line: "Unity is the strength of a nation."

Idea: Highlight the importance of unity in achieving freedom and maintaining a strong nation. Share examples of how coming together can overcome challenges and how this spirit of unity is essential for progress. Encourage students to work together towards common goals, just as the leaders of the independence movement did.

2. Honouring the Unsung Heroes

Opening Line: "Not all heroes wear capes; some wear simple uniforms and work tirelessly behind the scenes."

Idea: Focus on the lesser-known figures who played significant roles in the struggle for independence. This could include local leaders, freedom fighters, or ordinary citizens who made extraordinary sacrifices. Emphasize how everyone’s contributions are valuable and worthy of recognition.

3. Embracing Freedom Through Responsibility

Opening Line: "Freedom comes with the responsibility of making a positive difference."

Idea: Discuss how freedom is not just a privilege but also a responsibility to contribute to society. Encourage students to use their talents and skills to address current issues and make meaningful changes in their communities. Highlight how responsible actions can honor the legacy of those who fought for independence.

4. Reflecting on Progress and Challenges

Opening Line: "As we celebrate our freedom, let’s reflect on how far we’ve come and the road ahead."

Idea: Reflect on the progress made since independence, including achievements in various fields, but also acknowledge the challenges that remain. This speech can inspire students to appreciate the journey while motivating them to contribute to ongoing efforts for national development.

5. The Role of Youth in Nation Building

Opening Line: "The future of our nation lies in the hands of its youth."

Idea: Emphasize the crucial role that young people play in shaping the future of the country. Encourage students to take an active role in community service, leadership, and innovation. Highlight how their energy and ideas are vital for continuing the legacy of independence and building a better future.

Each of these speech ideas can be adapted to fit different lengths and styles, ensuring that every student has a chance to deliver a memorable and impactful message on Independence Day 2024.

ALSO READ:  Independence Day 2024: 5 easy DIY Tricolor crafts ideas for kids to decorate their living space

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4 warnings in effect for brantley and columbia counties, us colleges revise rules on free speech in hopes of containing anti-war demonstrations.

Nick Perry And Jake Offenhartz

Associated Press

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

FILE - A demonstrator waves a flag on the Columbia University campus at a pro-Palestinian protest encampment, in New York, April 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Ted Shaffrey, File)

NEW YORK – As students return to colleges across the United States, administrators are bracing for a resurgence in activism against the war in Gaza, and some schools are adopting rules to limit the kind of protests that swept campuses last spring.

While the summer break provided a respite in student demonstrations against the Israel-Hamas war, it also gave both student protesters and higher education officials a chance to regroup and strategize for the fall semester.

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The stakes remain high. At Columbia University, President Minouche Shafik resigned Wednesday after coming under heavy scrutiny for her handling of the demonstrations at the campus in New York City, where the wave of pro-Palestinian tent encampments began last spring.

Some of the new rules imposed by universities include banning encampments, limiting the duration of demonstrations, allowing protests only in designated spaces and restricting campus access to those with university identification. Critics say some of the measures will curtail free speech.

The American Association of University Professors issued a statement Wednesday condemning “overly restrictive policies” that could discourage free expression. Many of the new policies require protesters to register well in advance and strictly limit the locations where gatherings can be held, as well as setting new limits on the use of amplified sound and signage.

“Our colleges and universities should encourage, not suppress, open and vigorous dialogue and debate even on the most deeply held beliefs,” said the statement, adding that many policies were imposed without faculty input.

The University of Pennsylvania has outlined new “temporary guidelines” for student protests that include bans on encampments, overnight demonstrations, and the use of bullhorns and speakers until after 5 p.m. on class days. Penn also requires that posters and banners be removed within two weeks of going up. The university says it remains committed to freedom of speech and lawful assembly.

At Indiana University, protests after 11 p.m. are forbidden under a new “expressive activities policy” that took effect Aug 1. The policy says “camping” and erecting any type of shelter are prohibited on campus, and signs cannot be displayed on university property without prior approval.

The University of South Florida now requires approval for tents, canopies, banners, signs and amplifiers. The school’s “speech, expression and assembly” rules stipulate that no “activity,” including protests or demonstrations, is allowed after 5 p.m. on weekdays or during weekends and not allowed at all during the last two weeks of a semester.

A draft document obtained over the summer by the student newspaper at Harvard University showed the college was considering prohibitions on overnight camping, chalk messages and unapproved signs.

“I think right now we are seeing a resurgence of repression on campuses that we haven't seen since the late 1960s,” said Risa Lieberwitz, a Cornell University professor of labor and employment law who serves as general counsel for the AAUP.

Universities say they encourage free speech as long as it doesn't interfere with learning, and they insist they are simply updating existing rules for demonstrations to protect campus safety.

Tensions have run high on college campuses since Oct. 7, when Hamas militants assaulted southern Israel and killed 1,200 people, most of them civilians, and took about 250 hostages.

Many student protesters in the U.S. vow to continue their activism, which has been fueled by Gaza's rising death toll, which surpassed 40,000 on Thursday, according to the territory’s Health Ministry.

About 50 Columbia students still face discipline over last spring’s demonstrations after a mediation process that began earlier in the summer stalled, according to Mahmoud Khalil, a lead negotiator working on behalf of Columbia student protesters. He blamed the impasse on Columbia administrators.

“The university loves to appear that they’re in dialogue with the students. But these are all fake steps meant to assure the donor community and their political class,” said Khalil, a graduate student at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.

The university did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

The Ivy League school in upper Manhattan was roiled earlier this year by student demonstrations, culminating in scenes of police officers with zip ties and riot shields storming a building occupied by pro-Palestinian protesters.

Similar protests swept college campuses nationwide, with many leading to violent clashes with police and more than 3,000 arrests. Many of the students who were arrested during police crackdowns have had their charges dismissed , but some are still waiting to learn what prosecutors decide. Many have faced fallout in their academic careers, including suspensions, withheld diplomas and other forms of discipline.

Shafik was among the university leaders who were called for questioning before Congress. She was heavily criticized by Republicans who accused her of not doing enough to combat concerns about antisemitism on the Columbia campus.

She announced her resignation in an emailed letter to the university community just weeks before the start of classes on Sept. 3. The university on Monday began restricting campus access to people with Columbia IDs and registered guests, saying it wanted to curb “potential disruptions” as the new semester draws near.

“This period has taken a considerable toll on my family, as it has for others in the community,” Shafik wrote in her letter. “Over the summer, I have been able to reflect and have decided that my moving on at this point would best enable Columbia to traverse the challenges ahead.”

Pro-Palestinian protesters first set up tent encampments on Columbia’s campus during Shafik’s congressional testimony in mid-April, when she denounced antisemitism but faced criticism for how she responded to faculty and students accused of bias.

The school sent in police to clear the tents the following day, only for the students to return and inspire a wave of similar protests at campuses across the country as students called for schools to cut financial ties with Israel and companies supporting the war.

The campus was mostly quiet this summer, but a conservative news outlet in June published images of what it said were text messages exchanged by administrators while attending a May 31 panel discussion titled “Jewish Life on Campus: Past, Present and Future.”

The officials were removed from their posts , with Shafik saying in a July 8 letter to the school community that the messages were unprofessional and “disturbingly touched on ancient antisemitic tropes.”

Other prominent Ivy League leaders have stepped down in recent months , in large part due to their response to the volatile protests on campus.

University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill resigned in December after less than two years on the job. She faced pressure from donors and criticism over testimony at a congressional hearing where she was unable to say under repeated questioning that calls on campus for the genocide of Jews would violate the school’s conduct policy.

And in January, Harvard University President Claudine Gay resigned amid plagiarism accusations and similar criticism over her testimony before Congress.

Perry reported from Meredith, New Hampshire. Gecker reported from San Francisco.

The Associated Press’ education coverage receives financial support from multiple private foundations. AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP’s standards for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at AP.org .

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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U.S. colleges revise free speech rules to contain demonstrations

Tents sit in an encampment May 1 on the UCLA campus after clashes between pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian groups in Los Angeles. (Jae C.

NEW YORK — As students return to colleges across the United States, administrators are bracing for a resurgence in activism against the war in Gaza, and some schools are adopting rules to limit the kind of protests that swept campuses last spring.

While the summer break provided a respite in student demonstrations against the Israel-Hamas war, it also gave both student protesters and higher education officials a chance to regroup and strategize for the fall semester.

The stakes remain high. At Columbia University, President Minouche Shafik resigned Wednesday after coming under heavy scrutiny for her handling of the demonstrations at the campus in New York City, where the wave of pro-Palestinian tent encampments began last spring.

Some of the new rules imposed by universities include banning encampments, limiting the duration of demonstrations, allowing protests only in designated spaces and restricting campus access to those with university identification. Critics say some of the measures will curtail free speech.

The American Association of University Professors issued a statement Wednesday condemning “overly restrictive policies” that could discourage free expression. Many of the new policies require protesters to register well in advance and strictly limit the locations where gatherings can be held, as well as setting new limits on the use of amplified sound and signage.

“Our colleges and universities should encourage, not suppress, open and vigorous dialogue and debate even on the most deeply held beliefs,” said the statement, adding that many policies were imposed without faculty input.

The University of Pennsylvania has outlined new “temporary guidelines” for student protests that include bans on encampments, overnight demonstrations, and the use of bullhorns and speakers until after 5 p.m. on class days. The University of Pennsylvania also requires that posters and banners be removed within two weeks of going up. The university says it remains committed to freedom of speech and lawful assembly.

At Indiana University, protests after 11 p.m. are forbidden under a new “expressive activities policy” that took effect Aug 1. The policy says “camping” and erecting any type of shelter are prohibited on campus, and signs cannot be displayed on university property without prior approval.

The University of South Florida now requires approval for tents, canopies, banners, signs and amplifiers. The school’s “speech, expression and assembly” rules stipulate that no “activity,” including protests or demonstrations, is allowed after 5 p.m. on weekdays or during weekends and not allowed at all during the last two weeks of a semester.

A draft document obtained over the summer by the student newspaper at Harvard University showed the college was considering prohibitions on overnight camping, chalk messages and unapproved signs.

“I think right now we are seeing a resurgence of repression on campuses that we haven’t seen since the late 1960s,” said Risa Lieberwitz, a Cornell University professor of labor and employment law who serves as general counsel for the American Association of University Professors.

Universities say they encourage free speech as long as it doesn’t interfere with learning, and they insist they are simply updating existing rules for demonstrations to protect campus safety.

Tensions have run high on college campuses since Oct. 7, when Hamas militants assaulted southern Israel and killed 1,200 people, most of them civilians, and took about 250 hostages.

Many student protesters in the U.S. vow to continue their activism, which has been fueled by Gaza’s rising death toll, which surpassed 40,000 on Thursday, according to the territory’s Health Ministry.

About 50 Columbia students still face discipline over last spring’s demonstrations after a mediation process that began earlier in the summer stalled, according to Mahmoud Khalil, a lead negotiator working on behalf of Columbia student protesters. He blamed the impasse on Columbia administrators.

“The university loves to appear that they’re in dialogue with the students. But these are all fake steps meant to assure the donor community and their political class,” said Khalil, a graduate student at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.

The university did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Thursday.

The Ivy League school in upper Manhattan was roiled earlier this year by student demonstrations, culminating in scenes of police officers with zip ties and riot shields storming a building occupied by pro-Palestinian protesters.

Similar protests swept college campuses nationwide, with many leading to violent clashes with police and more than 3,000 arrests. Many of the students who were arrested during police crackdowns have had their charges dismissed, but some are still waiting to learn what prosecutors decide. Many have faced fallout in their academic careers, including suspensions, withheld diplomas and other forms of discipline.

Shafik was among the university leaders who were called for questioning before Congress. She was heavily criticized by Republicans who accused her of not doing enough to combat concerns about antisemitism on the Columbia campus.

She announced her resignation in an emailed letter to the university community just weeks before the start of classes on Sept. 3. The university on Monday began restricting campus access to people with Columbia IDs and registered guests, saying it wanted to curb “potential disruptions” as the new semester draws near.

“This period has taken a considerable toll on my family, as it has for others in the community,” Shafik wrote in her letter. “Over the summer, I have been able to reflect and have decided that my moving on at this point would best enable Columbia to traverse the challenges ahead.”

Pro-Palestinian protesters first set up tent encampments on Columbia’s campus during Shafik’s congressional testimony in mid-April, when she denounced antisemitism but faced criticism for how she responded to faculty and students accused of bias.

The school sent in police to clear the tents the following day, only for the students to return and inspire a wave of similar protests at campuses across the country as students called for schools to cut financial ties with Israel and companies supporting the war.

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Speech Examples for College Students

Speech generator for college students.

college student introduction speech

Have you ever heard a speech from a famous Hollywood stars like Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres or Viola Davis that gave you chills on the back of your neck and made you rethink your life choices? Have you ever gave a standing ovation for a wonderfully given speech? Have you ever thought of giving a speech that would give others a life-changing quotation that will be their forever quotable quotes? Don’t worry, you can always deliver your own version of a hair-raising and life-defining speech.

  • Speech Templates and Examples
  • Speech Examples in Doc

Research papers , thesis, essay writing and excuses are always part of your college routine but every now and then, you have to deliver a speech. Here are some college speech highlights to remember and different examples that would help you improve your speech.

1. Catch-phrase

Your catch-phrase or your opening line is one of the most crucial part of your speech because it could either catch the attention of your audience or make their heads turn around (or roll their eyes or make them not want to listen at all). Always start your speech with words that are relatable and “catchy”. There was once a speech given by a college student that started with a word “s ex ” and that got the class’ attention (and your attention) but the thing is that word is not at all related to the topic but you get to achieve your first goal anyways.

Always remember that this opening line would serve as their first impression, so you might as well let them remember you in a good way.

2. Always remember that your audience are college students

According to study, college students usually lose their focus when listening to a 20 minute-talk in a forum or speech. Set the time limit on whatever your speech would be. Make a short but precise and direct speech that could be heard and be remembered by the students. Also try throwing jokes every now and then.

college student introduction speech

3. Pause or Pausing

Let us all go back to the catch-phrase, “s ex ” — after the speaker said this, there was a few seconds of pause to let the audience process the word or to at least let them think again about the said line. “ And that ladies and gentlemen got your attention ” as the speaker continues.

Always remember when to pause. Do not pause for a very long time and do not pause in between the intensity of your speech as this is the part where they would actually want to listen and you don’t want to lose their attention. Also, do not pause in the part that where you will be finishing your speech as the listeners would want to hear the conclusion of it.

4. Intonation

Intonation is what we call the rise and fall of the voice when speaking and this is the part where you could put emphasis or emotions to words. Take time to practice when to raise your voice and when to put emphasis. Another trick would be raising your voice when you think and feel that your audience is losing contact.

Good intonation would actually help you and your audience to focus on your speech. Good intonation would include putting emphasis in the right “yous” in the speech. For example when Ashley Graham gave a speech to Glamour’s International Day of the Girl, she tackled the importance of knowing the beauty beyond size. She also had said in her speech, “ YOU is fine ” and was going on with the speech emphasizing the word “you”. “ You is fine ” is short but effective.

5. Hand Gesture

When your voice is rising and falling every now and then, why not add some actions and do some hand gesture? Hand gesture is a good way of showing your audience that this speech is not a joke and you want your audience to listen and look at you, and even take down notes. In relation to intonation, you could use hand gestures like pointing to the audience when saying “you!” to be more convincing. You can also use hand gestures like showing your three fingers while saying “take note of this 3 points, first…” while also snapping the fingers once in awhile just to keep the crowd awake.

college student introduction speech

The tricky part of hand gesture is sometimes using it in a wrong way. Some hand gestures can be offensive and the best way to avoid it is always know your crowd. Know that with the right amount of hand movement, you can hide the shaking of your hands from the audience.

6. Body Posture

Slouching is the one of the many bad habits we can’t just get rid off but slouching isn’t something you would do when reciting a speech. The moment you decided to slouch is the moment you are giving your audience a chance to think that you are no longer in control.

A good body posture indicates professionalism and in giving speech, you want to show your audience a high level of professionalism.

7. Structure

A good speech comes from a good structure. Structure includes the connection or the relation of the different parts or aspects of something complex. You must create a structure for your speech and surely, the rest would follow. Structure would cover your opening line, your topic, the body of the speech , conclusion and closing remarks. A structure could also serve as an outline for your speech since this is where you try to connect everything at once. You also need to look at the transition as your structure must include when and how to transition the speech from A to Z.

8. Right Location

When you are too nervous or lost, finding a right location in the classroom or stage would help. Look for a spot where the audience could see you and where you can see everyone in the audience. Also, find a spot where you could easily do a hand gesture free of objects, decorations and other display materials.

Have you ever wondered how a good public speaker does his thing confidently? Have you ever noticed them breathing in/out and changing position before they start? That is because they were standing in the right spot.

9. C hoose a topic that you know

There is a numerous list of topics you can find on the internet but always remember to choose a topic that is familiar to you as well as the audience, and also a topic which interests you personally.

Here are few topics:

  • Poverty. This is an easy topic since poverty is still prevalent around the globe. You may also want touch on subjects like debts since this causes poverty and college students have school loans/debts to pay. On the other hand, you can use poverty as a topic use to scare your audience if that they don’t finish their studies or they don’t work, they will end up broke (not unless they’re Bill Gates or Steve Jobs).
  • Effects of US’ Foreign Policy: “Pivot to Asia”. This is a smart topic but would require time for research. This is also a topic that will touch on economy, culture, and the effects of western policies to the east, and vice versa.
  • The Means of Social Media. This is an easy topic since almost everyone is on social media. This is like an every dose for college student — a means of escape. You can actually start your speech by taking a selfie and posting it online then announcing “ I just posted a selfie on Facebook but what difference does it make? ” This topic is very much relatable to the younger generation who are more adept and exposed to social media.

college student introduction speech

  • Accessibility to Education.  This topic would include online education or satellite campuses wherein you can go to school anywhere and anytime you want. You could actually want to open your with lines like “Have you ever wanted to a class on top of the mountain?” Everyone just wants to go here and there and do everything all at once. Why not open a topic that would give interest to both faculty and students. These people always claimed to be busy all the time, give them a topic that would give them their imagination come to words.

There are other topics you could find on the internet but these are just a few you can choose.

Don’t forget to relax and remember the tips when doing a speech mentioned above. If ever you have to do it over again, it will be much easier and probably be less nerve wracking.


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Introduction to engineering courses

Each of the seven engineering departments teaches an introductory engineering elective course. Every first-year engineering student must select one such course per semester (for a total of two). The purpose of these courses is to allow students to get a glimpse of engineering from the beginning of your study at Carnegie Mellon and to become broadly educated across engineering disciplines while learning how to solve engineering problems.

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Engineering + Art
  • Additional majors
  • Global courses and minors
  • Academic advising
  • General education requirement request form

All introduction to engineering courses are 12 units. Please note that Engineering & Public Policy and Biomedical Engineering are double majors ONLY. To pursue undergraduate study in these areas, they must be paired with one of the five traditional majors.

Introductory engineering course options

06-100  introduction to chemical engineering.

We equip students with creative engineering problem-solving techniques and fundamental chemical engineering material for balanced skills. Lectures, laboratory experiments, and recitation sessions are designed to provide coordinated training and experience in data analysis, material property estimation for single- and multi-phase systems, basic process flowsheets, reactive and non-reactive mass balances, problem-solving strategies and tools, and team dynamics. The course is targeted for College of Engineering First-Year students.

12-100  Exploring CEE: Infrastructure and Environment in a Changing World

Civil and Environmental Engineers (CEEs) engage in the planning, design, construction, operation, retrofit, demolition, and reuse of large-scale infrastructure that forms the backbone of all societies and economies. CEEs work at the dynamic interface of the built environment, information environment, and natural environment. Therefore, societal domains that require CEE expertise include smart cities and construction, sustainable energy and buildings, connected and automated transportation systems, resilient infrastructure, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and water management.

Students will explore how sensing, data science, environmental science, life cycle systems and economic analysis, and infrastructure design are integrated to create a built environment that meets the needs of smart and connected communities while enhancing sustainability.

Students work on team-based design-build projects that introduce principles from environmental, structural, construction engineering, and project management. Students learn technical skills as well as methods for management and design considerations that include uncertainty, economics, and ethics for modern and future infrastructure.

18-100  Introduction to Electrical & Computer Engineering

This course introduces students to a broad scope of electrical and computer engineering. The objectives are to prepare students for the next tier of ECE core courses and to excite them about ECE. The course covers topics such as Data Processing, Data Transmission, and Data Storage. Specific coverage includes electronic circuits basics, computer logic, CPU, von Neumann architecture, embedded systems, capacitors, inductors, amplifiers, analog filters, analog to digital conversion, digital filters, wireless communication, fiber communication, computer network, data center and storage technologies, modern cryptography, and machine learning. On each of these subjects, the course will focus on certain topics to give an appreciative depth and help students understand the essence of the subject. Lectures will be accompanied by labs, which may include hands-on building of circuits, embedded systems, computer networks, and a machine learning lab.

24-101  Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering

The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the field of mechanical engineering through an exposition of its disciplines, including structural analysis, mechanism design, fluid flows, and thermal systems. By using principles and methods of analysis developed in lectures, students will complete two major projects. These projects will begin with conceptualization, proceed with the analysis of candidate designs, and culminate in the construction and testing of a prototype. The creative process will be encouraged throughout. The course is intended primarily for College of Engineering first-year students.

27-100  Engineering the Materials of the Future

Materials form the foundation for all engineering applications. Advances in materials and their processing drive all technologies, including the broad areas of nano-, bio-, energy, and electronic (information) technology. Performance requirements for future applications require that engineers continue to design both new structures and new processing methods in order to engineer materials with improved properties. Applications such as optical communication, tissue and bone replacement, fuel cells, and information storage, to name a few, exemplify areas where new materials are required to realize many of the envisioned future technologies. This course provides an introduction to how science and engineering can be exploited to design materials for many applications. The principles behind the design and exploitation of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites are presented using examples from everyday life, as well as from existing, new, and future technologies. A series of laboratory experiments are used as a hands-on approach to illustrating modern practices used in the processing and characterization of materials and for understanding and improving materials' properties.

19-101  Introduction to Engineering & Public Policy

This course examines interactions between technology, society, and the related processes of public and private decision-making. Classes involve a mix of lectures, discussions, and hands-on activities where students tackle interdisciplinary issues with both quantitative and qualitative methods. Students complete individual and group assignments that build skills in analysis and communication relevant for future careers. Past project topics include: using drone imaging to assess algal blooms in Lake Erie, incorporating renewable electricity generation on campus, reducing credit card fraud through data analytics, and creating standards for additive manufacturing of critical airplane parts.

42-101  Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

This course will provide exposure to basic biology and engineering problems associated with living systems and health care delivery. Examples will be used to illustrate how basic concepts and tools of science and engineering can be brought to bear in understanding, mimicking, and utilizing biological processes. The course will focus on four areas: biotechnology, biomechanics, biomaterials, and tissue engineering. The course will also cover bioimaging and will introduce the basic life sciences and engineering concepts associated with these topics. Pre-requisite OR co-requisite: 03-121 Modern Biology.

49-101 Engineering Design, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

*For double majors only. This course will introduce formal engineering innovation and design methods to form new opportunities, product/service solutions, and ventures within a team-based project, with particular emphasis on the translation and integration of technologies into products, services, and venture solutions. The skills learned in this course can be applied to the for-profit sector and also in the context of projects for social good. Effective communication of ideas will also be emphasized. This semester-long course will combine lecture and studio activities. One introductory course of this nature exists for each undergraduate engineering major, and taking this course is a requirement to enter the program.


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    Self Introduction for Students: A self-introduction is a brief statement or speech in which an individual introduces himself to others. It is a way to share crucial information about yourself, such as your name, background, interests, and ambitions. ... Example 1: Self Introduction for Students during a College interview. Good morning Sir/Ma'am ...

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  18. Introduction Speech

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    About 50 Columbia students still face discipline over last spring's demonstrations after a mediation process that began earlier in the summer stalled, according to Mahmoud Khalil, a lead ...

  29. U.S. colleges revise free speech rules to contain demonstrations

    Tensions have run high on college campuses since Oct. 7, when Hamas militants assaulted southern Israel and killed 1,200 people, most of them civilians, and took about 250 hostages.

  30. Speech for College Students

    For example when Ashley Graham gave a speech to Glamour's International Day of the Girl, she tackled the importance of knowing the beauty beyond size. She also had said in her speech, " YOU is fine " and was going on with the speech emphasizing the word "you". " You is fine " is short but effective. 5. Hand Gesture.

  31. Introduction to engineering courses

    Students learn technical skills as well as methods for management and design considerations that include uncertainty, economics, and ethics for modern and future infrastructure. 18-100 Introduction to Electrical & Computer Engineering. This course introduces students to a broad scope of electrical and computer engineering.