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60 Killer Microeconomic Topics For Your Research

Microeconomic Topics

Microeconomic topics to write about are becoming rare to find nowadays. One can even equate this scenario to the shortage of masks and other PPEs during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, students cannot present topics that can earn them top grades in class.

However, our expert microeconomic gurus have selectively handpicked 60+ topics to help students attain better grades. These topics will inspire you to think further and write even better ones for an A+ grade.

Before we embark on the topics, below are some of the characteristics of good microeconomic paper topics:

They should be of an empirical problem They should show causal or strong correlative relationships in economics They should point out the dynamic nature of microeconomics

So, what are some microeconomic topics that you can use for your next assignment? Scroll down.

Microeconomic Topics For Presentation

  • What is the impact of coronavirus on small-scale traders?
  • How to strike a balance between supply and demand
  • Is it possible to achieve a market place where there is ‘perfect competition?’
  • The functioning of the stock market and its role in the business sector
  • Ways of improving opportunity costs for start-ups

Microeconomic Topics in the News

  • The effect of working from home on the economy
  • Enormous consequences of economic recession on third world countries
  • Why people are not able to afford mortgage rates during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • How effective are inflation strategies?
  • Working options for salvaging collapsing economies

Microeconomic Research Topics For High School Students

  • How to avoid business bankruptcy for small businesses.
  • Is the minimum wage a significant result of unemployment?
  • Government policies that threaten the success of microeconomics
  • Should the government impose taxes on small business enterprises?
  • Discuss the Matthew effect and its relation to social involvement.

Microeconomic Paper Topics For College Students

  • Should the government fix prices for circulating capital economics?
  • Why is a monopoly killing small businesses globally?
  • The role of trademark and intellectual property rights in microeconomics
  • Why bureaucracy on customers and employees is killing business start-ups
  • Why market speculation is essential before venturing into a business

Good Microeconomic Research Topics

  • Advantages and disadvantages of permanent employee contracts
  • How to attain market equilibrium for developing countries
  • Are discounts and offers suitable for starting microeconomic enterprises?
  • How do Gossen’s laws apply in today’s market?
  • The economic impact of advertising on businesses

Microeconomic Topics for Presentations During Conferences

  • How pricing relates to salary when determining the minimum wage increases.
  • What is the best way of cushioning small businesses after a pandemic?
  • Why is it challenging to attain a positive inflation rate during a global crisis?
  • How the composition of a market affects its productivity.
  • How do industries survive during an economic recession?

Hot Microeconomic Topics For Research

  • The impact of changing demands on the operation of small businesses
  • Factors of supply that affect personal households and enterprises
  • What are the unique characteristics of the labor market of a town?
  • How the work market impacts an average income individual
  • Analyze the influence of buyers and sellers

Microeconomic Current Event Topics

  • How can the world revive the falling economy?
  • The impact of coronavirus prevention measures on microeconomics
  • Government reforms after COVID-19 that can help jumpstart businesses
  • The growth of online marketing and potential buyers
  • Ways of keeping a business afloat during pandemics

Interesting Microeconomic Topics

  • Discuss the law of diminishing returns in manufacturing industries.
  • Why McDonald’s model is a cause for monopolistic competition
  • How to lead a company from scratch to success
  • How to maximize e-commerce trading for microeconomics
  • Why there are many small-scale businesses over big scale companies

Microeconomic Theory Topics

  • Discuss how the theory of Consumer Demand relates to consumer preference and choice
  • Production factors involved in the Theory of Production Input Value
  • How businesses determine the number of raw materials using the Production Theory
  • Is the Theory of Opportunity Cost still viable today?
  • Critically analyze the Neo-classical theory.

Microeconomic Paper Topics Econometrics

  • How variables relate to each other
  • The principle behind econometrics in microeconomics
  • Discuss the intricacy of modern econometric techniques
  • Econometric software used for the manipulation of large amounts of measured data
  • Is it possible to achieve a general econometric equilibrium?

Microeconomic Paper Topics For Monopoly

  • How technological monopoly is dominating the global market
  • Discuss how natural monopoly is the new norm for businesses
  • Evaluate the positive side of oligopoly
  • How the government monopoly is killing businesses
  • Is a legal monopoly the way to go for struggling businesses?

You can use any of the topics above for your microeconomic paper or seek professional writing help from our expert writers today.

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55 Microeconomics Research Topics for Your Paper Assignment

Writing an economics research paper can be intimidating. So you either have to cope with this struggle, or pay someone to get homework help online and write the paper for you. There are numerous microeconomics subjects you can discuss in your paper. Other ideas do not fit the level of a research paper and will result in a poor grade. The choice you make for a topic determines your overall writing experience.

How do you choose the best microeconomics topic for your paper?

  • Relevant subject – choose a relevant subject to study and discuss microeconomics problems . The best microeconomics topics cover ideas that people in the industry can relate to. When a microeconomics professional sees your paper, he should immediately find a solution to a challenge he has been facing. Relevance also means that the microeconomics research topic is within your expected scope of work. Avoid a topic that is too light or too difficult for your level of study. Light topics come with poor grades while too-heavy topics deny you the opportunity to satisfactorily express your idea.
  • Fresh idea – keep away from old ideas. Every microeconomics research papers reader is looking for new perspectives. The old ideas have nothing new to offer to a reader. They feel like a waste of time and will result in poor grades. Check news headlines for fresh ideas on the subject. If you have to revive an old research paper idea, it must come with a fresh perspective.
  • Specific issue – the strongest microeconomics topics to write about cover a specific issue. The topic will define boundaries such that a reader develops particular expectations. From the topic, the reader has an idea of what to expect and will not be disappointed in the middle when he realizes that the paper does not address his expectations.
  • Passionate choice – the microeconomics project you are handling in your paper should be informed by passion. Passion helps you to write the most insightful ideas. It keeps you researching even when fatigue strikes. Take this as a chance to contribute to a subject that is close to your heart.
  • Researchable topic – the idea is to have quality and reliable reference materials for the microeconomics topics for research paper you are writing. You should also have the knowledge and experience to find answers to the hypothesis you are developing. Choose a topic within your scope.

Here is a list of the latest microeconomics paper topics to discuss:

  • Direct foreign investment and its effect on village economies
  • Household income consolidation and how it affects family financial goals
  • Migration and its effects on local economies
  • Do immigrants live a better quality of life?
  • Urban regeneration and its impact on individual earnings
  • Government stimulus packages and their trickle-down effect
  • GDP expansion and how it is felt in people’s pockets
  • Fiscal policies and impact on households
  • Mechanization of mining and local economies
  • E-money and village economies
  • Industry consolidation and impact on the profitability of individual firms
  • Industry competition and its impact on growth in individual firms
  • Post-Covid-19 market entry strategies for SMEs
  • Sustainability of non-profit organizations
  • Privatization of public entities and its impact on governments’ social responsibility
  • Fraud by Non-government organizations
  • Oil prices and effects on basic consumer goods
  • Sports marketing and benefits to the host cities
  • Business globalization and how local economies can withstand competition
  • Effects of Covid-19 pandemic on the ecosystem depending on sports
  • Lessons on internal energy use during the pandemic
  • Changed consumer tastes over the last 20 years
  • Different generations and how they understand financial management
  • Culture and how it affects entrepreneurship
  • Different between single income house-hold and homes where both spouses are earning
  • E-shopping and effects on liquidity
  • Online buying and financial discipline
  • Product development and impact on technology
  • Income levels and the motivation to start businesses
  • Is it possible to bridge the wealth gap in a capitalist society?
  • Trade unions and benefits to workers
  • Informal sectors and liquidity challenges
  • Income distribution and Covid-19
  • Social media and its influence on collective market decision making
  • Mergers and acquisitions in relation to local suppliers
  • Tourism destinations and rural economies
  • Education levels and financial stability
  • Impact of hosting universities on the local economy
  • Salary increment and growing wealth
  • Covid-19 and market uncertainty
  • Behavioral economics and job search
  • Emotional stability and financial discipline
  • Why do customers change mobile phone operators
  • Branding and consumer pricing
  • Homeschooling and family finances
  • Online banking and financial management
  • Central banks and their impact on liquidity
  • Recession and creditworthiness
  • Drug abuse and financial stability
  • International economic order post-Covid-19
  • Salary inequalities
  • International development and economic growth
  • A renewable energy economy
  • Terrorism and global economy
  • CSR and its full impact

The microeconomics paper topics address the latest market concerns. This gives you relevant ideas to focus on in your writing. Choose a topic that will be interesting to study and help you to produce the most captivating paper.

microeconomics assignment topics

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Hot Microeconomics Research Topics for 2024


Table of contents

  • 1 What Is Microeconomic Research?
  • 2 Can I Pay Someone to Write my Paper?
  • 3 Tips for Choosing the Best Topic
  • 4 Areas of Research In Microeconomics
  • 5 Microeconomics Topics on Ecology and Environmental Economics
  • 6 Microeconomics Topics on Social Media
  • 7 Microeconomics Topics on Technology
  • 8 Microeconomics Topics on Healthcare and Pharma Economics
  • 9 Microeconomics Topics on Politics
  • 10 Microeconomics Easy Paper Topics
  • 11 Microeconomics Topics for Presentation
  • 12 Conclusion

Are you an economics student who is looking for a research topic? If so, you’re in luck. This blog post will provide you with a list of topics that all students can choose from. Each topic is interesting and has the potential to lead to a great project. So, what are you waiting for? Pick a topic and get started!

What Is Microeconomic Research?

Before we get to the list of topics, it’s important to ask these questions and understand what microeconomics is. Microeconomics is the study of how people use scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited wants and needs. In other words, it’s the study of how people make decisions about what to buy, how much to work, and how to save and invest their money.

The economic investigation typically focuses on specific issues and problems that people face in their everyday lives. For example, researchers might explore how changes in gas prices affect people’s driving habits or how different tax policies impact people’s spending patterns. By understanding these real-world issues, economists can develop policies and solutions that improve people’s lives.

Now that you know a little bit about microeconomics, let’s get to the list of topics for the microeconomics research paper.

Can I Pay Someone to Write my Paper?

It’s a common question asked by students – can I pay someone to write my paper ? The answer is yes! There are a number of companies that offer research paper help for students who need a little extra assistance. Whether you’re struggling with the process, don’t have time to complete the paper on your own, or simply want to get a better grade, there are professional writers who can help. The best part is that you don’t have to break the bank to get quality help. There are many affordable options available, so you can get the assistance you need without going over budget.

Tips for Choosing the Best Topic

As you browse the list of ideas, keep in mind that not all of them will be right for you. When choosing a topic, it’s important to consider your interests, skills, and knowledge. It’s also important to get any research paper help when possible, so you could save time and effort.

Here are some tips to help you choose the best topic:

  • Pick a topic that interests you and look for a microeconomics research paper example previously written. If you’re not interested in the topic, it will be very difficult to write a good essay. So, make sure to choose a topic that you find interesting and challenging.
  • Make sure you have the necessary skills and knowledge. Some fields of study might require background knowledge that you don’t have. For example, if you’re interested in studying tax policy, you might need to have some knowledge of economics and accounting. If you don’t have the necessary skills or knowledge, you can always take a course or do some additional research to gain the required background knowledge.
  • Choose a topic that is manageable. Don’t try to bite off more than you can chew. It’s better to choose a narrower topic that you can research thoroughly than a broad topic that you will only scratch the surface of.

Now that you know how to choose the best topic , let’s get review some global fields and get to the list!

Areas of Research In Microeconomics

Microeconomics covers a wide range of sub-fields. Here are some of the most popular fields in microeconomics:

  • Consumer behavior
  • Producer behavior
  • Market structure and competition
  • Pricing models
  • Labor economics
  • Resource allocation
  • Economic growth and development
  • International trade and finance
  • Public finance
  • Monetary economics

These are just a few of the many possibilities in microeconomics. As you can see, there is a lot to explore! So, how do you choose the best topic? Well, that’s where our list comes in. We’ve compiled a list of 70 microeconomics subjects to help you get started.

And if you’re looking for someone to write your paper, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional writing service. You’ll be glad you used some sort of online research paper editing help!

Microeconomics Topics on Ecology and Environmental Economics

  • How does climate change affect economic activity?
  • What are the costs and benefits of environmental regulations?
  • How do natural disasters impact the economy?
  • How do environmental taxes play a part in promoting sustainable development?
  • How do electronic road pricing schemes work?
  • What is the economics of water scarcity?
  • What is the market structure of renewable energy?
  • How can developing countries reduce high air pollution?
  • Nature is the biggest victim of industrialization and technology
  • What are the economics of climate change mitigation?

Microeconomics Topics on Social Media

  • How does social media affect consumer behavior?
  • What is the true purpose of social media in advertising and marketing?
  • How does social media use vary across age groups?
  • How does social media use vary across cultures?
  • What are the effects of social media on relationships?
  • Does social media help the profitability of a small store?
  • How does social media impact political campaigns?
  • Does fake news spread faster on social media?
  • What are the effects of cyberbullying on social media users?
  • Is there a connection between social media use and mental health problems?

Microeconomics Topics on Technology

  • What is the economics of artificial intelligence?
  • What are the costs and benefits of automation?
  • How does digitalization affect consumer behavior?
  • What is the role of technology in economical growth?
  • How does innovation lead to economic gains?
  • What are the economics of data privacy?
  • Are there any negative economic effects of technological progress?
  • What is the role of technology in developing countries?
  • What is the role of technology in the future of work?
  • Is technology a driver of inequality or does it help to reduce it?

Microeconomics Topics on Healthcare and Pharma Economics

  • Why are prescription drugs so expensive in the United States?
  • How does health & pharma spending vary across countries?
  • What is the role of the government in health-related aspects?
  • What are the economics of preventative care?
  • How does the Affordable Care Act affect the economy?
  • What is the influence of health insurance on national spending?
  • Does a lack of access to healthcare lead to poor health outcomes?
  • How does obesity affect economic activity?
  • What is the link between smoking and economic productivity?
  • What are the costs and benefits of pharmaceutical drug development?

Microeconomics Topics on Politics

  • What are the costs of unemployment?
  • How do minimum wage laws affect employment levels in startups?
  • What are the impacts of taxes on the economy?
  • What are the effects of government spending on the economy?
  • How does inflation affect economic activity?
  • What are the costs and benefits of deficit reduction?
  • How do interest rates affect a country’s growth?
  • What is the impact of monetary policy on inflation?
  • How does exchange rate policy affect trade flows?
  • Development of an index as a reflection of the problem of inequality in developing countries


Microeconomics Easy Paper Topics

If you want to start with something simpler, here are some easy paper topics:

  • How do consumers make spending decisions?
  • What part does advertising play in consumer behavior for sellers vs buyers?
  • How does income affect consumption patterns?
  • Does age play a factor on whether consumers make emotional or rational buying decisions?
  • How do the saving and investment decisions impact personal financial growth?
  • How interest rates influence in investment decision-making?
  • How do macroeconomic factors affect stock prices?
  • What is the relationship between inflation and unemployment?
  • Does government spending stimulate economic activity?
  • Does fiscal policy have an impact on inflation?

Microeconomics Topics for Presentation

If you’re looking for microeconomics topics for presentation, here are 10 of them:

  • How do high taxes affect the economy?
  • What is the impact level of government spending in financial growth?
  • How does inflation affect the economy?
  • What is the relationship between interest rates and investment?
  • How do exchange rates affect trade flows?
  • What are the economics of supply and demand?
  • What is the impact of technology in developing countries?
  • Compare and contrast the marketing strategies of intellectual property rights in the US
  • Economy aspects for maximal usage of natural resources in 2023

Writing a research paper on microeconomics can be challenging. To make it easier, consider using an essay writer service to provide you with expert help. They can help you to not only come up with great microeconomics research topics, but also ensure that your paper follows the correct format and structure.

There are many subjects to choose from, and the ones we’ve listed here are a great starting point. We hope this has given you some ideas for your own project. Remember, the most important thing is to find a topic that interests you and that you can be passionate about researching. Good luck!

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microeconomics assignment topics

Microeconomics Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This page provides a comprehensive list of microeconomics research paper topics , divided into 10 categories, to help students choose a suitable topic for their research. Additionally, this page offers expert advice on how to select and develop a research topic, and how to write a high-quality microeconomics research paper. Finally, we present iResearchNet’s writing services, which provide students with customized and high-quality research papers on any microeconomics topic. With a team of expert writers and a range of features, we are committed to helping students achieve academic success.

Microeconomics Research Guide

Microeconomics is a branch of economics that focuses on the behavior of individual units such as consumers, firms, and markets. It is a fundamental aspect of economics that provides insights into the allocation of resources, decision-making processes, and the interactions between individuals and institutions. As a student of microeconomics, you will encounter various topics that are essential to understanding the complexities of the economy.

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The purpose of this page is to provide you with a comprehensive list of microeconomics research paper topics that you can use for your academic assignments. We have divided these topics into 10 categories, each with 10 potential research paper ideas, to help you navigate the vast landscape of microeconomics research. Our goal is to help you identify interesting and relevant research topics that will enable you to produce high-quality papers that showcase your understanding of microeconomic theory and its practical applications.

Microeconomics is a vast field that covers a broad range of topics, including consumer behavior, market structure, pricing, production, and efficiency. As you progress in your studies, you will discover the interconnectedness of these topics and their relevance to real-world economic issues. By delving into these topics and exploring their implications, you will gain a deeper understanding of the economic forces that shape our society and the decisions that individuals and institutions make.

100 Microeconomics Research Paper Topics

Microeconomics is a fascinating field of study that deals with the behavior of individual consumers and firms, and their interactions in various markets. It is a vital part of economics, as it helps us understand how people make choices about what to buy, how much to produce, and at what price to sell. Microeconomics research papers cover a wide range of topics, from consumer behavior to market structure and everything in between. To help you navigate the multitude of microeconomics research paper topics, we have divided them into ten categories, each containing ten potential research paper topics.

In this section, we will explore each category in detail, providing a brief overview of the topics it covers and listing ten potential research paper topics within it. By reading through these categories and topics, you will gain a better understanding of the scope of microeconomics research and hopefully find inspiration for your own research paper.

Microeconomic Behavior

Microeconomic behavior is a branch of economics that focuses on the actions and decision-making processes of individual consumers, households, and firms. It studies how these entities make decisions under conditions of scarcity and how they allocate their limited resources among different needs and wants. The goal of microeconomic behavior is to understand the factors that influence decision-making at the individual level and to develop models that can help predict consumer behavior, market outcomes, and firm behavior. Here are 10 potential research paper topics in microeconomic behavior:

  • The role of information in consumer decision-making processes
  • The impact of social norms on individual behavior and market outcomes
  • The relationship between risk aversion and decision-making under uncertainty
  • The determinants of labor supply and demand
  • The effect of taxes on consumer behavior and market outcomes
  • The role of expectations in shaping market outcomes and economic growth
  • The determinants of firm investment decisions and capital structure
  • The impact of regulation on firm behavior and market outcomes
  • The relationship between innovation and market structure
  • The determinants of individual saving and investment behavior

Microeconomic Institutions

Microeconomic institutions refer to the organizations, policies, and rules that govern the behavior of individuals, firms, and markets in the microeconomic context. These institutions can have a significant impact on economic outcomes, such as market efficiency, consumer welfare, and firm profitability. Understanding the nature and function of microeconomic institutions is crucial for analyzing the behavior of economic agents and the functioning of markets. Here are ten potential research paper topics related to microeconomic institutions:

  • The impact of antitrust laws on market concentration and competition.
  • The role of property rights in economic growth and development.
  • The effectiveness of financial regulations in promoting stability and growth.
  • The role of social norms in shaping individual behavior and market outcomes.
  • The impact of trade regulations on international trade and economic growth.
  • The influence of legal institutions on contract enforcement and economic activity.
  • The role of labor market institutions in shaping wage determination and labor market outcomes.
  • The impact of government subsidies on firm behavior and market outcomes.
  • The effectiveness of environmental regulations in promoting sustainability and economic growth.
  • The role of intellectual property rights in promoting innovation and technological progress.

Microeconomic Policy

Microeconomic policy refers to the use of government policies to influence individual and firm behavior, in order to improve economic outcomes. This involves the use of tools such as taxes, subsidies, regulations, and incentives to shape economic activity and achieve specific objectives. Possible research paper topics in microeconomic policy could include:

  • The impact of minimum wage laws on employment and poverty rates.
  • The effectiveness of tax incentives in promoting small business growth.
  • The role of patent laws in promoting innovation and economic growth.
  • The effects of government subsidies on the agriculture industry.
  • The impact of environmental regulations on industry and consumers.
  • The effectiveness of antitrust laws in promoting competition and consumer welfare.
  • The role of government in promoting international trade and investment.
  • The effects of government investment in infrastructure on economic growth.
  • The impact of government funding for research and development on innovation and economic growth.
  • The effectiveness of government programs aimed at reducing income inequality.

Household Behavior

Household behavior is an important area of study in microeconomics that focuses on the economic decisions and behavior of households, such as consumption, saving, and investment. Understanding household behavior is crucial for policymakers and economists as it has a significant impact on the overall economy. If you are interested in exploring research topics in household behavior, here are ten potential topics to consider:

  • The role of social norms in shaping household consumption patterns
  • The impact of cultural practices on household investment decisions
  • The effects of household debt on economic growth
  • The relationship between household savings and economic development
  • The impact of government policies on household spending and investment
  • The factors that influence household decision-making during economic crises
  • The effects of gender and income inequality on household behavior
  • The role of technology and innovation in shaping household consumption patterns
  • The effects of climate change on household behavior and economic development
  • The relationship between household behavior and labor market outcomes

Household Economics

Household economics is a branch of microeconomics that studies how households make consumption, savings, and investment decisions based on their income and preferences. The study of household economics is important because households are the basic unit of the economy, and their decisions have a significant impact on the overall economy. Household economics can be applied to various aspects of household decision-making, such as budgeting, borrowing, and saving for retirement. Here are 10 potential research paper topics in household economics:

  • The impact of income inequality on household consumption patterns.
  • How do households make decisions about borrowing and debt?
  • The effect of demographic factors on household savings rates.
  • The relationship between household income and child well-being.
  • The role of social norms in household spending patterns.
  • The effects of tax policy on household savings and consumption.
  • The impact of unemployment on household financial decision-making.
  • The influence of culture on household investment decisions.
  • The role of financial literacy in household financial decision-making.
  • The impact of technological advancements on household spending patterns.

Consumer Economics

Consumer economics is the study of how consumers make decisions about spending their money on goods and services. It analyzes the factors that influence consumer behavior, such as income, price, quality, and consumer preferences. Research topics in consumer economics can include a variety of topics, ranging from consumer behavior in specific industries to the role of consumer credit in the economy. Here are 10 potential research paper topics in consumer economics:

  • The impact of product labeling and packaging on consumer purchasing behavior.
  • An analysis of the factors influencing consumer decision-making in the automobile industry.
  • The effect of advertising on consumer purchasing behavior.
  • The role of social media in shaping consumer preferences and behavior.
  • An investigation of the factors affecting consumer demand for organic food products.
  • A study of the relationship between consumer debt and economic growth.
  • The impact of consumer trust on e-commerce sales.
  • An analysis of the factors influencing consumer decision-making in the housing market.
  • The role of cultural and social factors in shaping consumer preferences and behavior.
  • The impact of consumer education programs on financial literacy and behavior.

Break Even Analysis

Break even analysis is an important tool for microeconomic decision making because it helps businesses determine the minimum level of sales they need to generate in order to avoid losses. By analyzing the fixed costs, variable costs, and selling price of their products, businesses can calculate the break even point and determine whether their pricing strategy is feasible. Break even analysis is used by businesses of all sizes and in all industries, from small startups to large corporations. The scope of break even analysis is wide-ranging and includes a variety of topics that can be explored in a research paper. Some potential topics include:

  • Break even analysis in the service industry: A case study of a restaurant.
  • Analyzing the impact of changes in fixed and variable costs on break even analysis.
  • The use of break even analysis in project management: A case study of a construction company.
  • Break even analysis and pricing strategy: A case study of a tech company.
  • Analyzing the limitations of break even analysis in decision making.
  • The impact of inflation on break even analysis: A case study of a manufacturing company.
  • Break even analysis and capital budgeting: A case study of a retail company.
  • The role of break even analysis in determining the profitability of a new product.
  • Analyzing the impact of competition on break even analysis: A case study of a retail company.
  • The use of break even analysis in non-profit organizations: A case study of a charity.

Profit Maximization

Profit maximization is a key concept in microeconomics that refers to the process of increasing the difference between total revenue and total costs in order to achieve the highest possible level of profit. Profit maximization is a fundamental goal of most firms, and is achieved by optimizing the production and pricing strategies of the firm. List of 10 potential research paper topics:

  • The impact of profit maximization on the pricing strategies of firms in competitive markets.
  • A comparative analysis of profit maximization strategies used by small and large businesses.
  • The role of innovation in profit maximization: a case study of Apple Inc.
  • The ethical implications of profit maximization: balancing profits with social responsibility.
  • The relationship between profit maximization and corporate social responsibility in the banking industry.
  • The impact of technological advancements on profit maximization strategies in the retail industry.
  • A critical analysis of the effectiveness of different profit maximization techniques used by firms.
  • The impact of globalization on profit maximization strategies in the manufacturing industry.
  • The role of marketing in profit maximization: a case study of Coca Cola.
  • The impact of external factors such as government policies and economic conditions on profit maximization in the airline industry.

Market Structure

Market structure refers to the degree of competition and market power in a given market, as well as the organization and behavior of firms operating in that market. The study of market structure is essential for understanding how markets work, how prices are determined, and how firms make decisions about production and pricing. Here are ten potential research paper topics related to market structure:

  • The impact of market structure on pricing and market outcomes in the airline industry.
  • An analysis of the oligopolistic market structure in the smartphone industry.
  • The effects of market structure on consumer welfare in the healthcare industry.
  • An evaluation of the competitive landscape of the US retail industry.
  • The role of vertical integration in market structure and firm behavior in the automotive industry.
  • The impact of mergers and acquisitions on market structure and competition in the banking industry.
  • The relationship between market structure and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • The effects of market structure on pricing and quality in the broadband industry.
  • An analysis of the impact of regulatory policies on market structure and competition in the telecommunications industry.
  • The influence of market structure on firm strategy and market power in the beer industry.

Personal Finance

Personal finance is a branch of economics that focuses on the management of individual financial resources. It involves the management of financial investments, savings, expenses, and debt to achieve financial goals such as retirement, homeownership, college education, or financial independence. Personal finance involves making informed financial decisions and considering factors such as inflation, taxes, and interest rates. It is essential to have a good understanding of personal finance as it affects an individual’s financial well-being and future prospects. List of 10 potential research paper topics

  • The effects of inflation on personal finance
  • Strategies for effective debt management in personal finance
  • The role of financial literacy in personal finance
  • The impact of low-interest rates on personal finance
  • The role of financial technology in personal finance
  • The relationship between personal finance and mental health
  • The effect of taxes on personal finance decisions
  • The benefits and risks of investing in cryptocurrencies for personal finance
  • The impact of the gig economy on personal finance
  • The impact of global economic trends on personal finance

In conclusion, microeconomics research paper topics cover a vast range of issues related to individual behavior and market interactions. The ten categories we have outlined in this section provide a useful starting point for your research, but they are by no means exhaustive. Whether you choose to focus on consumer behavior, market structure, or household economics, there is no shortage of interesting and relevant microeconomics research paper topics to explore. With careful planning, research, and writing, you can create a compelling and informative research paper that contributes to our understanding of microeconomics and its impact on our daily lives.

Choosing Microeconomics Research Paper Topics

Choosing a topic for your microeconomics research paper can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can also be a rewarding one. Here are some expert tips to help you choose the best microeconomics research paper topic for your assignment:

  • Start with what interests you : The first step in choosing a topic is to think about what interests you. Consider the microeconomic concepts and theories that you find most fascinating and choose a topic that allows you to explore them in greater depth.
  • Look for gaps in the literature : Conduct a literature review to see what has already been written on your topic of interest. Look for gaps or areas that have not been explored in depth and consider focusing your research on these areas.
  • Consider the scope of your research : Microeconomics is a broad field, and it can be challenging to narrow down your research to a specific topic. Consider the scope of your research and choose a topic that is manageable in terms of time and resources.
  • Choose a topic with practical applications : Microeconomics has many practical applications, and choosing a topic that has real-world implications can make your research more interesting and relevant. Look for topics that are relevant to current economic issues and that have the potential to inform policy decisions.
  • Consult with your instructor : Your instructor is an excellent resource for help with choosing a research paper topic. Consult with them early on in the process and get their input on your ideas.

Once you have chosen a topic, it is essential to start your research early and stay organized. Develop a clear research question and outline, and make sure to use reputable sources in your research.

By following these expert tips, you can choose a microeconomics research paper topic that is interesting, manageable, and relevant to your academic and professional goals.

How to Write a Microeconomics Research Paper

Writing a research paper in microeconomics requires careful planning, research, and analysis. Here are some tips to help you write a successful microeconomics research paper:

  • Choose a topic : The first step in writing a research paper is to choose a topic. Select a topic that is interesting to you and is also relevant to the field of microeconomics. Try to narrow down your topic to a specific research question that you can answer with your research.
  • Conduct research : Once you have chosen your topic, it is important to conduct thorough research. Gather information from a variety of sources, including academic journals, books, and online databases. Take detailed notes and organize your research in a way that makes sense to you.
  • Develop a thesis : Your thesis statement should be a clear and concise statement of the main argument or point you will be making in your paper. It should be based on your research and should be supported by evidence.
  • Outline your paper : Organize your research and develop an outline for your paper. Your outline should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. Use your outline to guide your writing and to ensure that you stay focused on your main argument.
  • Write your paper : Start with your introduction, which should include your thesis statement and an overview of the main points you will be making in your paper. Use evidence to support your argument in the body of your paper. Make sure to cite your sources and to use appropriate formatting (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago) for your citations. Finally, wrap up your paper with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and restates your thesis.
  • Revise and edit : Once you have completed your first draft, take time to revise and edit your paper. Look for areas where you can improve your argument, and check for grammatical and spelling errors.
  • Get feedback : Ask a friend, family member, or professor to read your paper and provide feedback. This can help you identify areas where you can improve your argument or clarify your ideas.

By following these tips, you can write a successful microeconomics research paper that effectively communicates your research and ideas. Remember to take the time to carefully plan and execute your paper, and to revise and edit your work to ensure that it is polished and professional.

Custom Writing Services for Microeconomics Research Papers

If you are struggling with choosing a topic or writing your microeconomics research paper, iResearchNet is here to help. Our team of expert degree-holding writers is ready to provide you with custom written works, based on in-depth research and tailored to your specific needs. Here are some of the features that make our writing services stand out:

  • Expert degree-holding writers : Our writers are highly qualified in the field of microeconomics and have years of experience in academic writing.
  • Custom written works : We provide custom written works, tailored to your specific instructions and requirements.
  • In-depth research : Our writers conduct thorough research on each topic to ensure that the paper is well-informed and meets the highest academic standards.
  • Custom formatting : We can format your paper according to any style you need, whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, or any other.
  • Top quality : Our writers are dedicated to delivering high-quality, original, and well-researched papers that meet the highest academic standards.
  • Customized solutions : We understand that each paper is unique, and we work closely with our clients to ensure that their specific needs and requirements are met.
  • Flexible pricing : Our prices are affordable and flexible, and we offer a variety of discounts and special offers to our clients.
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  • Timely delivery : We guarantee timely delivery of your paper, so you never have to worry about missing your deadline.
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  • Easy order tracking : You can easily track the progress of your order and communicate with your writer through our user-friendly platform.
  • Money-back guarantee : We offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of our work.

With iResearchNet, you can rest assured that your microeconomics research paper is in good hands. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve academic success.

In conclusion, writing a high-quality microeconomics research paper can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, it can also be a rewarding one. The key is to choose a topic that is interesting and relevant, conduct thorough research, and follow a clear and concise structure. It is also important to seek expert advice and consider the writing services offered by iResearchNet, which can help students achieve academic success and save time and effort.

By following the expert advice provided in this guide and taking advantage of the writing services offered by iResearchNet, students can overcome the challenges of writing a microeconomics research paper and produce a well-researched and well-written piece that meets the highest academic standards. Whether you are struggling to choose a topic or need help with the writing process, iResearchNet is here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you succeed.


microeconomics assignment topics

microeconomics assignment topics

Microeconomics Assignment Topics

Table of Contents

Why Does Microeconomics Necessary for Learning?

What branches does microeconomics include, who is studying microeconomics, microeconomics topics for presentation, microeconomics research topics, microeconomics topics on social media, environmental economics, current microeconomics topics, easy microeconomics research paper topics.

Microeconomics Assignment Topics

Microeconomics is a fundamental branch of economics that deals with the study of individual consumers, firms, and markets behavior. In today’s economic landscape, understanding the principles of microeconomics has become more critical than ever before.

Whether you’re a business owner, a student, or an economist, the ability to analyze and interpret microeconomic data can provide valuable insights into market dynamics and inform your decision-making processes.

However, choosing the right microeconomics assignment topic can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not familiar with the subject’s intricacies. In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive list of microeconomics assignment topics that can help you develop a deeper understanding of the subject and excel in your coursework.

Microeconomics is essential for learning as it helps us comprehend how individual consumers, firms, and industries make decisions in the market and how those choices influence the entire economy. It provides an analytical framework that can be used to examine economic behaviour at a micro level, which is essential for comprehending the functioning of the economy as a whole.

The study of microeconomics assists us to understand how supply and demand work together to set prices in the market, how firms make production decisions grounded on the expenses of inputs, and how buyers make purchasing determinations based on their tastes and budget constraints. Knowing microeconomics is critical for making wise decisions in many areas, such as business, public policy, and personal finance.

Microeconomics comprises different sub-disciplines, such as consumer theory, producer theory, market structures, game theory, and welfare economics. Consumer theory scrutinizes how buyers make decisions regarding what to purchase, while producer theory investigates how firms choose what to produce and how to do it efficiently. Market structures assess how firms compete with one another in various market settings. Game theory is preoccupied with strategic decision-making under conditions of interdependence. Lastly, welfare economics appraises how different economic policies can impact the welfare of individuals and the society as a whole.

Microeconomics is studied by a wide range of individuals, including students, researchers, policymakers, and business professionals.

  • Students studying economics or related fields such as business, finance, or public policy often take courses in microeconomics as part of their degree programs. These courses provide a foundation for understanding economic behaviour at the individual and firm level and how it influences market outcomes.
  • Researchers in academia and think tanks also study microeconomics to conduct research and analyse economic data.
  • Policymakers, such as government officials and central bankers, also use microeconomics to inform their decision-making.
  • Business professionals, including managers and entrepreneurs, also use microeconomic models to understand the behaviour of customers and competitors and how market conditions affect their business strategies.
  • The Impact of Taxes on Consumer Behaviour and Market Outcomes
  • The Economics of Climate Change and Its Impact on Environmental Policies
  • Minimum Wage Laws and Their Effects on Labour Markets
  • Analysing the Healthcare Market: Supply and Demand
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Economics
  • The Role of Advertising in Shaping Consumer Preferences
  • Investing in Education: Economic Costs and Benefits
  • Discrimination and Inequality in the Economics Field
  • Natural Resources and Their Economic Impact on Extraction, Depletion, and Conservation
  • Market Structure and Competition in the Digital Economy
  • Understanding Elasticity of Demand and Supply
  • The Economic Analysis of Risk and Uncertainty
  • Climate Change and Its Economic Impact on Environmental Policies
  • Advertising’s Role in Shaping Consumer Preferences
  • Discrimination and Inequality in Economics
  • Market Failure and the Need for Government Intervention
  • Renewable Energy Economics and Its Impact on Sustainability
  • Technological Advancements and Their Impact on Production and Cost Analysis
  • Exchange Rates and Their Influence on Business Decisions
  • Housing Markets and Affordability: An Economic Perspective
  • The Impact of Globalization on Labour Markets
  • The Economic Impact of Immigration on Host Countries
  • Network Effects and the Economics of Social Media Platforms
  • Public Goods and Externalities: The Role of Government in Market Outcomes
  • Price Discrimination: The Economic Theory and Its Practical Applications
  • The Economic Impact of Immigration on Native-Born Workers
  • The Economics of Privacy and Data Protection in the Digital Age
  • The Effect of Price Changes on Consumer Demand for a Specific Product or Service
  • Analysis of the Determinants of Firm Profitability in a Specific Industry
  • The Impact of Government Regulations on Market Outcomes
  • How Do Changes in Consumer Demand Affect Prices of Goods and Services in a Specific Market?
  • An Examination of Factors That Influence Firm Profitability in a Particular Industry.
  • What Are the Effects of Government Regulations on Market Competition and Firm Behaviour?
  • Does Advertising Expenditure Have a Significant Impact on Consumer Behaviour and Market Share?
  • The Relationship Between Advertising Expenditure and Market Share
  • Do More Concentrated Markets Lead to Higher Prices and Fewer Choices for Consumers?
  • How Do Changes in Input Prices Affect Firm Behaviour and Market Outcomes?
  • The Relationship Between Market Structure and Investment in Research and Development
  • The Role of Consumer Preferences in Shaping Product Differentiation and Market Outcomes
  • An Analysis of the Impact of Environmental Regulations on Firm Behaviour and Industry Structure
  • The Effects of Asymmetric Information on Market Outcomes and Consumer Welfare
  • How Do Changes in Exchange Rates Impact International Trade and Firm Competitiveness?
  • The Role of Information Technology in Shaping Industry Structure and Firm Behaviour
  • How Does Uncertainty Affect Firm Behaviour and Market Outcomes?
  • The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Market Structure
  • The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Shaping Firm Behaviour and Market Outcomes
  • The Effects of Government Subsidies on Industry Competitiveness and Innovation
  • How Does Consumer Behaviour Vary Across Different Age Groups and Demographics?
  • The Impact of Product Safety Regulations on Firm Behaviour and Consumer Welfare
  • The Role of Social Networks in Shaping Consumer Behaviour and Market Outcomes
  • An Examination of the Effects of Market Power on the Distribution of Income and Wealth
  • The Role of Bargaining Power in Determining Wages and Employment Outcomes
  • Economic Impact of Social Media on Traditional Media Industries and Advertising
  • Influence of Social Media Algorithms on Consumer Decision-Making and Behavior
  • Effects of Social Media on Competition and Market Structure in the Tech Industry
  • Economic Implications of Data Privacy Regulations on Social Media Companies and Users
  • Use of Social Media Analytics To Analyze Consumer Preferences and Trends
  • Relationship Between Social Media Use and Mental Health, and Associated Economic Costs
  • Economic Impact of Social Media Influencers on Brand Endorsements and Sales
  • Role of Social Media in Facilitating E-Commerce and Its Impact on Brick-and-Mortar Stores
  • Economics of Social Media Content Creation and Monetization
  • Potential Economic Benefits and Drawbacks of Social Media Platforms’ Expansion Into Financial Services
  • The Impact of Carbon Taxes on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Economic Growth
  • Valuing the Economic Benefits of Renewable Energy Sources
  • Sustainable Agriculture Practices: A Profitable Investment
  • Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Development
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis of Pollution Control Measures
  • International Trade and Environmental Protection
  • The Impact of Environmental Disasters on Local Economies
  • Climate Change and Its Impact on Agricultural Productivity
  • Eco-Labelling and Sustainable Consumer Behaviour
  • Ecosystem Services and Their Economic Value
  • The Economic Feasibility of Implementing Circular Economy Principles
  • Economic Implications of Deforestation and Forest Conservation
  • The Economics of Water Scarcity and Water Conservation
  • Natural Disasters and Their Economic Impact on Local Communities
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Tourism-Dependent Economies
  • Green Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services
  • The Economics of Urbanization and Environmental Sustainability
  • What Is the Circular Economy, and How Can It Promote Sustainability?
  • How Can We Promote Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship?
  • The Role of Technology Innovation in Environmental Protection
  • Role of Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Sustainable Development
  • Impact of Plastic Pollution on Marine Ecosystems
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis of Environmental Policies
  • Market Failure and Externalities
  • Valuing Ecosystem Services
  • Corporate Environmental Responsibility
  • What Policies and Strategies Can Be Used to Promote Sustainable Urban Development?
  • Market Structure and Competition
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Businesses and Their Supply Chains
  • The Influence of Climate Change on Sustainable Product Demand and Market Structures
  • Economic Implications of Artificial Intelligence and Automation on Employment and Wages
  • The Correlation Between Income Inequality and Economic Growth in Developed and Developing Countries
  • Government Intervention in Addressing Market Failures and Externalities
  • Sharing Economy Economics and Its Effect on Traditional Industries and Markets
  • The Effect of International Trade Policies and Tariffs on Domestic Industries and Consumers
  • Implementing a Universal Basic Income in Modern Economies: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Economic Impact of Immigration on Local Labor Markets and Wages
  • The Intersection of Behavioral Economics, Public Policy, and the Use of Nudges To Influence Consumer Behavior
  • The Gig Economy and Its Impact on Labour Market Dynamics
  • How Can Healthcare Markets Be Made More Efficient and Affordable?
  • How Do Demographic Trends, Such As Aging Populations and Declining Birth Rates, Impact Labour Market Outcomes, Healthcare Systems, and Social Welfare Policies?
  • How Does the Gig Economy Affect Wages, Working Conditions, and Job Security?
  • The Impact of Social Media on Consumer Behaviour, Advertising, and Competition
  • How Do Automation and AI Impact Employment and Productivity, and What Policies Can Promote Job Creation?
  • Risk and Uncertainty
  • What Are the Most Effective Policies for Promoting Access to Education, and How Can Education Markets Be Made More Efficient and Equitable?
  • How Can Big Data and Analytics Be Used for Better Business Decision-Making?
  • How Do Fast Food Chains Maintain Low Prices?
  • The Impact of the Gig Economy on Employment and Wages
  • Monetization Strategies Used by Social Media Influencers
  • The Effect of Taxes on Consumer Behavior
  • The Role of Government Subsidies in Promoting Renewable Energy
  • Does an Increase in Minimum Wage Lead to a Decrease in Employment Rates?
  • The Influence of Fashion Trends on Consumer Spending
  • The Impact of Online Marketplaces on Traditional Retail Businesses
  • The Economic Implications of Legalizing Marijuana
  • Why Is College Education So Expensive?
  • Globalization’s Effects on Labor Markets and International Trade
  • The Sharing Economy: How Airbnb and Uber Impact Hospitality and Transportation Industries

To effectively accomplish a Microeconomics assignment, it can be a challenging task that requires proper guidance and research. Here are the steps you can follow to write a Microeconomics assignment topic:

  • Choose a topic that interests you and has enough research material available.
  • Conduct thorough research on your chosen topic, utilizing reliable sources such as academic journals, textbooks, and reputable websites.
  • Create an outline comprising an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should provide an overview of the topic, the body should provide supporting evidence and arguments, and the conclusion should summarize the main points.
  • Follow the outline and use clear and concise language while avoiding jargon unless necessary to start writing the assignment.
  • Once you have finished writing, edit and proofread the assignment to eliminate any errors or mistakes. Ensure that it follows the guidelines and instructions provided by your instructor.

Nevertheless, Microeconomics is a complex discipline that focuses on individual economic decisions and how they affect the economy as a whole. To comprehend it, one requires an understanding of mathematical concepts, statistical analysis, and critical thinking skills. Further, the subject continuously evolves, necessitating students to stay abreast of the latest trends and developments.

Selecting AssignmentBro service can help you with Microeconomics and to overcome these challenges. The team of Microeconomics writers can deliver high-quality assignments that meet your specific requirements. We offer timely delivery, 24/7 customer support, and affordable prices, making an excellent choice for students who need assistance with their Microeconomics assignments.

microeconomics assignment topics

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203 Best Microeconomics Research Paper Topics For 2024

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Microeconomics is as interesting as macroeconomics. If you are writing a paper and looking for a professional  paper writing service , you are on the right page.

Now you choose the best topic for your microeconomics research paper. These topics will assist you with  how to write a research paper  with a perfect idea that is going to win hearts.

Table of Contents

Economic Research Topics For Thesis, Essays, University, and more

If you are looking for some heavy-duty economic research paper topics, you need to look no further. The best of them are here, chosen by the best of  our writers . Read on for the reward!

Interesting Microeconomics Research Paper Topics

interesting microeconomics research topics

Here are the topics for microeconomic term papers. We know they are more than sufficient to make your wildest dream come true.

  • Forming the audit report in accounting and financial auditing
  • Investment credit: what is it, and how significant is it?
  • A look at the economic policies of countries in South Asia
  • Managing the finances of an economic association
  • Business growth and digital marketing
  • Human resource management relies on recruitment and training
  • Pandemic-related economic crisis and economic governance
  • An overview of offshore companies and their impact on microeconomics
  • A public institution’s management control
  • Stock market listing of small and medium-sized businesses
  • The foundations of Islamic banking and its mechanisms
  • How will Islamic banking be more accessible to public institutions?
  • The development of the private sector and the rural economy
  • What solutions do economists recommend to overcome the effects of pandemics?
  • Economies around the world and effects by pandemic crises
  • A look at the price and product policies in South American countries
  • The role of tourism in improving an economy
  • Market structure in the labor market compared to a business venture
  • The unemployment rate among young graduates
  • Finance, money, and banking related to economic values
  • An overview of management control practice
  • Best taxation and tax relief for industrial development
  • Market structure of small businesses compared to a market economy

Interesting microeconomic paper topics we mentioned here will give you plenty to search for. If you’re looking for more exciting topics. Here are  402 Best Research Paper Topics

Best Microeconomics Research Paper Topics

best microeconomics research topics

  • The general framework and manifestations of Wall Street
  • Brazil and South America as tourist destinations
  • Finance for investments through microcredit
  • The impact of immigration on the region’s development
  • Providing quality service to customers in the banking industry
  • Impacts of tourism on the Utah region’s economy
  • What happened to European industries as industrialization progressed?
  • Sector-specific project management in education
  • A comparison of supply and demand for healthcare workers
  • A study of vocational training institutes in Arab countries
  • Efforts made by women to promote economic values
  • Business development models that are sustainable
  • The possibilities of tourism and sustainability
  • Increasing awareness of sustainability in business
  • The vocational training of women in South America: a case study
  • Increasing the sustainability of the business through the involvement of women
  • The voices of women for sustainable business are being heard
  • The economic impact of tourism on the Hawaiian islands
  • The relationship between sustainable development and business
  • The unemployment rate among females in the United States
  • Do we plan to improve women’s employment in South Asian countries?

Want more of these microeconomics research topics for your high school assignment? Read the next section.

Microeconomics Research Paper Topics For High School

microeconomics research paper topics for high school

  • Insights into the role of micro-loans in financing SMEs
  • The COVID-19 pandemic is transforming the world
  • The major construction sites in the UAE and the financing of these projects
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises: territorial marketing
  • Canada’s E-Commerce Market: Reality and Perspectives
  • Inventory management on a larger scale
  • Perks and challenges of digital marketing for women
  • Factors that contribute to local development
  • Developing a sales strategy for mass distribution
  • A case study and survey on how to ensure successful project management
  • Developing countries’ use of fintech to improve quality of life
  • How audits play an instrumental role in an organization’s disciplinary actions
  • A boost in the digital marketing business as a result of the pandemic
  • Strategies for business development: the role of training
  • Professional training of women through digital marketing
  • The myths and facts about digital marketing in business
  • Why mobile audit management apps are imperative for a better world economy
  • Analyzing the most efficient apps for economics
  • The impact of fintech on the global economy
  • Fintech’s impact on developing countries’ businesses

Need help with your outline?  How To Write A Research Paper Outline?

Microeconomics Research Paper Topics For University

microeconomics research paper topics for university

  • A system of internal audits and management controls
  • Managing inventory and predicting the future
  • A guide to vocational training in the United States
  • Management of Canadian SMEs through strategic planning
  • Management of short-term and long-term cash flow in SMEs
  • Manage corporate cash according to rules and regulations
  • Establish a strategy for starting a stock brokerage business
  • A review of the capital structure and profitability
  • The types of investments and the modes of financing
  • The regional hospital center conducts a staff performance evaluation
  • Managing human resources with management tools
  • A microfinance approach to poverty alleviation
  • Feasibility study for maintenance, IT development, and network installation in SMEs
  • Management of water resources and the environment
  • A company’s performance and effects of the management control
  • SME financing through internal resources
  • Making an investment decision and choosing a financing option
  • How does investment credit affect the economy?
  • An assessment of management control for a pharma company
  • The Nevada banking industry’s strategic marketing
  • Things for leaders to know  for a more sustainable business and economy
  • Analyzing external business financing through a case study
  • Evaluation and management of assets in small and medium-sized businesses

Microeconomics Research Paper Topics For Thesis

astronomy research topics for thesis

  • The importance of environmentalist approaches
  • Insights into the mechanisms of monetary policy
  • Providing marketing services to the banking industry
  • Attractions in the Brazilian tourism sector
  • Maintaining the financial equilibrium of companies
  • A case study of transforming a computer building company into a sustainable business
  • Graduate recruitment: challenges and difficulties
  • A step-by-step guide to onboarding new employees
  • Recyclability as an economic activity in the 21st century
  • Business sustainability: What’s needed and what’s required
  • In search of the spirit of entrepreneurship among young entrepreneurs
  • Management of customer-business relationships
  • An organization’s success depends on communication
  • Trends and trajectory of digital marketing in Canada
  • To ease the professional integration of young graduates through recruitment practices
  • Developing a strategy to go green with your business
  • A case study of human resources management for a paper recycling company
  • Making household waste collection more efficient
  • Research study on the rise of the Indian automotive industry
  • The chemical industry’s waste recycling
  • Incorporating sustainability into your business

Macro vs. Microeconomics Research Paper Topics 

macro vs microeconomics research paper topics

  • Economic development in modern times
  • Dissemination and production of economic knowledge
  • Analyzing economics from a political perspective
  • The study of organizational behavior in management 
  • Management of risk and finance: microeconomics vs. macroeconomics
  • An introduction to macroeconomics and international economics
  • Thoughts on economics throughout history
  • An analysis of the relationship between social choices and social well-being
  • Research in applied microeconomics
  • Enhancing efficiency within the company through branding
  • The decision-making process in a changing and innovative environment
  • Consumer behavior influenced by psychosocial factors
  • Ecological issues, ethical concerns, social marketing, paradigm shifts, etc.
  • Strategies for communicating with customers and maintaining relationships with them
  • Analyses of primary market finance from an empirical and theoretical perspective
  • Institutions for the study of political economy
  • International macroeconomics vs. international trade
  • A comparison of marketing and management in microeconomics and macroeconomics
  • The macroeconomics of closed economies
  • The impact of global politics on microeconomics versus macroeconomics
  • An economic analysis of the family
  • Is the economics of taxation a macroeconomics issue or a microeconomics issue?
  • The application of game theory to microeconomics
  • Role of natural resources: Micro vs. Macroeconomics

Microeconomics In Asian Countries Research Paper Topics 

microeconomics in asian countries research paper topics

  • Region’s unemployment and immigration problems
  • The unemployment rate in South Asia
  • Case study of digital marketing for a cosmetics production company
  • Finance for small and medium-sized businesses
  • Microeconomics models for best assured private health insurance
  • A management control system for service-offering companies
  • What social media marketing can do for your online business
  • Innovations in technology that venture capital finances
  • SMEs in South Asia: financing options and development constraints
  • Employment-generating activities and income-generating activities
  • Putting in place a quality management system 
  • Inclusion of young people in the labor market and their professional development
  • Improving performance through a process-oriented approach
  • Developing loyalty among bank customers
  • Companies determine pricing systems according to what microeconomic models?
  • Managing customer relationships in the banking industry
  • The social security system in South Asian countries
  • Constraints on household life caused by confinement
  • Managing bank loans and analyzing them
  • Managing the waste generated by hospitals
  • A production’s impact on the budget
  • Economic theory in and marketing strategies in business ventures
  • What is the impact of social media on marketing strategies for companies?
  • A study of the economics of handicraft production in Sindh
  • An analysis of the Chinese citrus industry
  • American business landscape and immigration’s impact on the economy
  • Developing countries in South America facing effects by the COVID pandemic
  • Small business in market equilibrium

Domestic Microeconomics Research Paper Topics 

domestic microeconomics research paper topics

  • An analysis of the role that vocational training plays in small towns
  • The impact of microeconomics on the well-being of people living in small towns
  • Role of microeconomics in education for the middle and lower class
  • Politics influence economic development and microeconomic models
  • Market speculation for a profitable business venture
  • Market segmentation and impacts on small business
  • How can microeconomics improve the lives of people in remote areas?
  • Microeconomics and its relation with products of rural areas
  • Microeconomics topics to discuss in small businesses conferences
  • Role of education in the improvement of the economy of the rural areas
  • The role of education in microeconomics
  • Effects on a small business in case of market failure
  • History of economic thought
  • Role of  food prices and supply  on the local human development index
  • Marketing and management at the town level
  • Microeconomics topics for research about small businesses
  • How natural resources help microeconomics on domestic levels
  • Role of education in the improvement of the economy of the people in small towns
  • Microeconomics vs. international economics
  • The economy of the rural areas and changes with microeconomics
  • Impact on health care and medical facilities connected with microeconomics
  • The technological impact of microeconomics
  • Changing microeconomics in the digital age
  • Role of small industry related to microeconomics
  • Small industries and development of rural areas
  • The economy of townships and local domestic product
  • Microeconomics connected to the technological revolution
  • The role that small industry plays in the improvement of local healthcare

International Microeconomics Term Paper Topics

international microeconomics research paper  topics

  • Microeconomics and rural economies
  • Impact of microeconomics on medical care and facilities
  • An examination of the technological impact of microeconomics
  • Control over a company’s performance effects 
  • Using internal resources to finance SMEs
  • The decision to invest and the choice of financing
  • Social media business monopolies mapping industrial location explain with examples
  • In what ways does investment credit affect the economy?
  • Analyzing bank loans and managing them
  • Effects of economic collapse on labor unions
  • Managing the waste generated by pharma companies
  • The impact of a product on the budget
  • Why do businesses prefer selling products to services?
  • Small business working in market structure
  • How modern companies deal with the health sector economy 
  • The impact of social media on a company’s marketing strategy
  • A closer look at how monetary policy works
  • Services provided to the banking industry in the area of marketing
  • The Brazilian tourism industry’s attractions
  • Ensuring that companies maintain their financial equilibrium
  • Immigration and the American business landscape
  • Improvement of small-town economies through education
  • Economics at the micro level versus economics at the macro level
  • Utilizing natural sources to help international communities

Excellent Microeconomics Research Paper Topics

excellent microeconomics research paper topics

  • A look at emerging economies of emerging countries and their development
  • The tourism industry and the economy
  • What is the role of tourism in a country’s economic activity?
  • Auditing and management of businesses
  • What are the benefits of auditing for companies, and particularly for management?
  • What are the benefits of employee share ownership for company performance?
  • Employee share ownership: challenges and opportunities
  • A challenge of territorial competitiveness for logistics
  • Analyzing how sporting events affect host countries’ economic growth
  • The management of knowledge in the company
  • Sustainable development and ethical principles
  • The role of intangible capital in sustainable development
  • Innovating and entrepreneurship on a social level
  • Employees of small businesses: Discussions on microeconomics

By now, you already know the topic you will write on. If you still need any inspiration or help, you can reach us at Paper Perk through our  contact  page. and we’ll be right there for you.

What is a good topic for a microeconomics research paper?

What are the 5 topics of microeconomics.

Here are five great topics for microeconomics:

  • Analyzing how sporting events affect host countries' economic growth

What are the top 10 research paper topics?

Here are 10 of our best research topics for microeconomics:

  • The impact of social media on a company's marketing strategy
  • The Brazilian tourism industry's attractions

What is an example of a microeconomic topic?

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50 Top-Notch Economics Research Topics

Benjamin Oaks

Table of Contents

to get information from

Even despite the fact that you can be a real professional in economics, it could be extremely difficult to find the appropriate topic that would be interesting for both, you and your readers. In most cases, it takes several hours to find the best microeconomics topics. Considering the fact that you have to perform a college research paper, create an outline and write your paper, the duration of writing may take up to 10-15 hours. …Can’t spend that much time? Consider these thrilling macroeconomics and microeconomics research paper topics, and save up to 4 hours!

What microeconomics topics are all about?

When was the last time you saw a student happy about writing a paper on microeconomics? What, never? Well, we believe, that choosing the right topic is already half the battle. If you do everything possible to find the topic of interest, you’d manage to decrease the stress from writing, and like a lot! What is the essence of microeconomics term paper topics? In fact, they make you study the main principles of economics from both, producer and consumer perspectives. Surely, loads of details are included, but we’re talking about the big picture, right? Let’s consider several microeconomics research paper topics

  • The balance between supply and demand. Are these concepts tightly bound or not?
  • Production expenses, price, and profit.
  • The essence of markets and competition.
  • Pricing and competition.
  • Inflation: essence, types, sources, consequences.

Microeconomics topics for presentation

Choose one of these microeconomics topics for presentation. Each would be greatly explained with the combination of text messages and different visuals. These topics enable you to make a presentation interactive, interesting and quite simple.

  • How does the stock market work? How do markets appear?
  • Opportunity costs
  • What is the meaning of the “perfect competition”?
  • What is the impact of supply and demand?
  • Is it possible to combine the private health care business with the state health care system?

Microeconomics term paper topics

As you probably understand, macroeconomics research paper writing is significantly more difficult to write rather than an ordinary essay, that’s why these economics research paper topics have to be complex and multifaceted. There is no need to stay focused on some specific features of any phenomenon. Analyze the whole phenomenon : its pros and cons, causes, consequences, conditions of development, possible ways of change, etc.

  • Activities of a competing firm in a long-term perspective: revenue increase, effectiveness of competition, simplification of business processes.
  • Impact of the 2008-2009 crisis on the small business in your country.
  • The containment of inflationary processes in the US and EU.
  • What are the most effective ways to stimulate purchases? Why do you need to sale your products on the Internet in 2019?
  • Finance vs. Nature. How to find the ideal balance? How to reduce the pollution of environment and continue the industrial development?

AP microeconomics topics

Need a fitting Advanced Placement Microeconomics topic? Let’s consider some of these in order to make it all easier for you!

  • The meaning of ‘opportunity costs’. What is the difference between explicit and implicit costs?
  • The Nature and Functions of Product Markets.
  • What are the main reasons for market failures? Is it predictable?
  • The problem of limited commodity availability. What should be done to reduce the risks of failure? How to prevent the individual lack of resources?
  • What is the essence of game theory? How can we use this theory in real life?
The abovementioned economics topics aren’t good enough? Find out the best ideas in articles and works of scientists like Hermann Heinrich Gossen, Carl Menger, John Bates Clark, Alfred Marshall, etc. All of them were real professionals in the sphere of microeconomics. Borrow interesting topics or just consider their works in own writing.

How about a package of great macroeconomics topics?

Still, loads of students who are not interested in microeconomics choose one of the macroeconomics topics . Those won’t analyze the activity of particular businesses but would focus on the behaviour and decision-making of an economy as a whole. In most cases, the authors of these articles are going to consider fundamental concepts like unemployment, consumption, savings, investment, and so on. Even despite the fact that the two topics of primary concern in macroeconomics are spending and saving, we are going to consider additional microeconomics research paper topics as well.

Macroeconomics research paper topics

  • What is the impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, signed into law by Donald Trump on the United States economy?
  • What is the future of the GDP growth rate in the US?
  • How to stimulate GDP growth in our country? Is it possible to increase our development and save the leading positions in the world?
  • US unemployment is at its lowest since 1969. Is it possible to continue this success?
  • What should our government do to minimize risks of the future default?

Macroeconomics topics for presentation

There are also a lot of interesting macroeconomics topics for presentation. How about analyzing the historical context? That would increase the number of available topics.

  • Laffer curve: the essence of theory, ways of use, successful implementation examples.
  • The miracle of Chile: what did the government and Chicago Boys do in order to create the financial success of Chile?
  • The story of Israel’s economic miracle.
  • International Monetary Fund and its role in the financial success of European and Asian countries.
  • How Lee Kuan Yew created Singapore’s economic miracle?

Macroeconomics term paper topics

Try those great macroeconomics term paper topics in case you need something more difficult to challenge yourself.

  • Banks and their role in the economy.
  • State regulation of the economy in foreign countries: main models of regulation.
  • Causes of global financial crisis in 2008-2009.
  • Main problems of the US state budget in 2019.
  • Inflation in the US and possible ways to reduce its impact.

Additional economics topics, for most persistent ones

You are already past more than 30 economics topics! Thrilled to continue? We too! There are dozens of great ideas ahead.

Economics research paper topics: general approach

  • What is the future of the US stock market? How to choose potentially profitable stocks?
  • How the stock market indirectly controls inflation and deflation in the market.
  • What are the main reasons for the cryptocurrency market’s failure in 2018?
  • What should we do in order to double the growth of GDP in the US?
  • How do banks work in the US?

Fab economics topics for presentation

  • 5 best ways to reduce the state budget deficit in your country.
  • Neoliberal reforms in the 20th century. Is same success possible in 2019?
  • Chicago school of economics vs. Austrian school of economics.
  • The anatomy of an economic crisis: various contributing factors.
  • Is it possible to predict and prevent economic crisis in European countries?

Challenging economics term paper topics

  • History of Economic Thought.
  • How to conduct neoliberal reforms in your country.
  • What is the impact of labor organizations in the US?
  • Is it possible to reduce the role of labor organizations in our country?
  • What is the future of economic systems in former Soviet Republics?

How to classify topics as relating to microeconomics or macroeconomics?

Loads of people don’t get the difference between these two concepts. If you are one of those people who cannot classify the following topics as relating to microeconomics or macroeconomics, we’ll simplify it for you. Microeconomics studies the basic level of different businesses and their cooperation with customers. Macroeconomics considers the most fundamental principles and concepts of economics.

What an idea! Choose one of the economics topics above and hand it to a professional writer. Save time for things that truly matter!

1 Star

How to Write an Essay: A Complete Guide

microeconomics assignment topics

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microeconomics assignment topics

20 Most Prominent Technology Essay Topics And Writing Hints

ECON101: Principles of Microeconomics

Course introduction.

  • Time: 32 hours
  • College Credit Recommended ($25 Proctor Fee) -->
  • Free Certificate

When discussing the economy, we refer to the marketplace or economic system where the choices of all economic agents interact. This course explores how and why we make economic decisions and how our choices affect the economy. Each unit is a building block. By the end of this course, you will be able to grasp the major issues microeconomists face, including consumer and producer behavior, supply and demand, how different markets function, and the welfare outcomes of consumers and producers. We also examine how formal principles and concepts apply to real-world issues.

Course Syllabus

First, read the course syllabus. Then, enroll in the course by clicking "Enroll me". Click Unit 1 to read its introduction and learning outcomes. You will then see the learning materials and instructions on how to use them.

microeconomics assignment topics

Unit 1: Introduction to Economics

This unit sets the stage for our journey into the principles of microeconomics. We begin by defining economics and its foundations, emphasizing the concepts of scarcity, choice, and opportunity cost and the need for economic models and theories. Next, we delve into the trade-offs economic agents face when confronting scarcity and applying marginal analysis in their decision-making processes. Once we have discussed the introductory economic toolbox, we finish this unit by introducing basic economic models.

Completing this unit should take you approximately 5 hours.

Unit 2: Supply and Demand

In this unit, we introduce the demand and supply model and the resulting market equilibrium for price and quantity. We will explore how markets are constantly affected by changes that affect prices and quantities. If the market is unaffected by failures or government intervention, we will see that prices and quantities tend to move toward the equilibrium benchmark.

"During the last decades, several challenges have significantly affected the egg industry, such as the increasing consumer demand for animal welfare, the need for more sustainable food production, and the growing human health and food security issues related to egg consumption." (Agnese Rondoni et al., Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2020)

When you finish this unit, you will be able to analyze how these changes affect the prices of eggs and the quantity of eggs available in the market.

Unit 3: Elasticity and its Applications

In this unit, we delve into the concept of elasticity and its practical applications for how firms make pricing decisions and how governments analyze and make policy decisions. Put simply, elasticity measures responsiveness. It helps us understand why Netflix increases their prices for their Standard and Premium tiers more frequently, compared to their entry-level Basic plan. Government analysts also rely on elasticity to determine the extent of tax increases.

We can apply elasticity to demand and supply analysis. Elasticity measures how quantity responds to changes in the price of the product, the price of related goods, income, advertising, and more. Once you grasp the concept and its basic calculations, applications of elasticity in economic analysis are nearly limitless.

Completing this unit should take you approximately 4 hours.

Unit 4: Markets and Maximizing Individual Behavior

You are now familiar with the workings of the market. You understand how changes in demand or supply affect prices and quantities for firms and consumers. In this unit, we revisit the demand and supply model to explore economic efficiency. Economic efficiency occurs if "the optimal amount of each good and service is produced and consumed."

We introduce the concepts of consumer and producer surplus to analyze how free markets increase overall welfare. Then, we apply these concepts to analyze the effects of price controls on prices, quantities, and market efficiency.

The market, on its own, does not always allocate resources efficiently. Economists talk about market failure when it falls short. We analyze how the government can alleviate these market failures.

This unit concludes with an introduction to the causes and ramifications of income inequality. While much debate exists on long-term inequality, economists can objectively measure the problem's scope and offer options to manage this economic phenomenon. Protracted poverty and inequality can cause long-term harm to an economy's development.

Unit 5: Introduction to Consumer Choice

As you know, consumers are driven by their unique preferences when they seek to maximize their satisfaction (utility) while considering their limited budgets. Despite the subjectivity of preferences, choices are also influenced by income and prices. This Unit introduces the economic theories behind consumer decision-making. We build upon the budget constraint concept from Unit 1 and demonstrate how economic theory helps predict consumption responses to price and income changes.

Completing this unit should take you approximately 3 hours.

Unit 6: The Producer

In this unit, we dive into the world of production. Our focus is on understanding the behavior of producers and the costs associated with their operations in the short and long run. In other words, we explore the relationship between the quantity of output a firm produces and the cost of producing that output. We also analyze the relationship between various cost functions and identify the production function's characteristics in different timeframes. This chapter lays the foundation for a deeper understanding of how businesses operate and make crucial production-related decisions.

Unit 7: Market Structure: Competitive and Non-Competitive Markets

In this unit, we study how firms operate and compete within different market environments defined by the degree of competition. We introduce the concept of perfect competition, an ideal model that serves as a benchmark economists use to analyze real-world market structures. The model of perfect (or pure) competition results in an efficient allocation of resources. However, unregulated markets (which are central to perfect competition) often fail to create desired outcomes in the real world. Economists refer to these situations as examples of imperfect competition.

Keeping the perfect competition model as the analytical benchmark, we transition to its polar opposite, the monopoly model. Following that, we venture into the realm of imperfect competition, encompassing two distinct models: monopolistic competition and oligopoly. Within the context of oligopoly, we introduce some concepts of game theory, such as the prisoner's dilemma model and the Nash Equilibrium.

Unit 8: The Role of the Government in a Market Economy

In this unit, we delve into how government intervention can address market failures, such as the existence of public goods, externalities, and income and wealth inequality. We analyze decision-making in the public sector, comparing public interest theory with public choice theory. Finally, we explore the Coase Theorem to determine whether private bargaining is preferable to government intervention when dealing with external effects.

Course Feedback Survey

Please take a few minutes to give us feedback about this course. We appreciate your feedback, whether you completed the whole course or even just a few resources. Your feedback will help us make our courses better, and we use your feedback each time we make updates to our courses.

If you come across any urgent problems, email [email protected].

microeconomics assignment topics

Certificate Final Exam

Take this exam if you want to earn a free Course Completion Certificate.

To receive a free Course Completion Certificate, you will need to earn a grade of 70% or higher on this final exam. Your grade for the exam will be calculated as soon as you complete it. If you do not pass the exam on your first try, you can take it again as many times as you want, with a 7-day waiting period between each attempt.

Once you pass this final exam, you will be awarded a free Course Completion Certificate .

microeconomics assignment topics

Saylor Direct Credit

Take this exam if you want to earn college credit for this course . This course is eligible for college credit through Saylor Academy's Saylor Direct Credit Program .

The Saylor Direct Credit Final Exam requires a proctoring fee of $5 . To pass this course and earn a Proctor-Verified Course Certificate and official transcript , you will need to earn a grade of 70% or higher on the Saylor Direct Credit Final Exam. Your grade for this exam will be calculated as soon as you complete it. If you do not pass the exam on your first try, you can take it again a maximum of 3 times , with a 14-day waiting period between each attempt.

We are partnering with SmarterProctoring to help make the proctoring fee more affordable. We will be recording you, your screen, and the audio in your room during the exam. This is an automated proctoring service, but no decisions are automated; recordings are only viewed by our staff with the purpose of making sure it is you taking the exam and verifying any questions about exam integrity. We understand that there are challenges with learning at home - we won't invalidate your exam just because your child ran into the room!


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Once you pass this final exam, you will be awarded a Credit-Recommended Course Completion Certificate and can request an official transcript .

Saylor Direct Credit Exam

This exam is part of the Saylor Direct College Credit program. Before attempting this exam, review the Saylor Direct Credit page for complete requirements.

Essential exam information:

  • You must take this exam with our automated proctor. If you cannot, please contact us to request an override.
  • The automated proctoring session will cost $5 .
  • This is a closed-book, closed-notes exam (see allowed resources below).
  • You will have two (2) hours to complete this exam.
  • You have up to 3 attempts, but you must wait 14 days between consecutive attempts of this exam.
  • The passing grade is 70% or higher.
  • This exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions.

Some details about taking your exam:

  • Exam questions are distributed across multiple pages.
  • Exam questions will have several plausible options; be sure to pick the answer that best satisfies each part of the question.
  • Your answers are saved each time you move to another page within the exam.
  • You can answer the questions in any order.
  • You can go directly to any question by clicking its number in the navigation panel.
  • You can flag a question to remind yourself to return to it later.
  • You will receive your grade as soon as you submit your answers.

Allowed resources:

Gather these resources before you start your exam.

  • Blank paper

What should I do before my exam?

  • Gather these before you start your exam:
  •   A photo I.D. to show before your exam.
  •   A credit card to pay the automated proctoring fee.
  •   (optional) Blank paper and pencil.
  •   (optional) A glass of water.
  • Make sure your work area is well-lit and your face is visible.
  • We will be recording your screen, so close any extra tabs!
  • Disconnect any extra monitors attached to your computer.
  • You will have up to two (2) hours to complete your exam. Try to make sure you won't be interrupted during that time!
  • You will require at least 1mbps of internet bandwidth. Ask others sharing your connection not to stream during your exam.
  • Take a deep breath; you got this!


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ECON 2053 Microeconomics

  • How to Use OneSearch
  • Online Sources
  • Assignments
  • Citation/Style Guides
  • Evaluating Sources

Latest from Economist: the world this week

Wall street journal podcast, essay topics.

The topic for the essay should relate to one of the topics covered so far in the course: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Comparative Advantage, or Supply and Demand.

Your essay should include both a summary and an analysis using the tools you have learned in class.  The essay should be no more than half summary in its content.   You will submit the essay on Canvas .  Do NOT include the article with the essay you submit online but do include it as a source on your reference page. If you have questions about whether a specific article would be appropriate or not, send your instructor an email with either the article text or detailed information (such as a web address) so he can find the article and see how it fits.

For example, there might be an article about an early freeze that hurt the orange crops of Florida. You would summarize what the article says in a page or so and then add (either at the end or throughout the essay) an analysis using what you've learned about supply and demand to support the article, to show the article was incorrect, or to add additional insight about the situation that the article did not contain.

The essay should be a minimum of 2 pages, double-spaced with 12 point font.  You should submit it in APA format including a cover page and a reference page which do not count towards the page requirement.  

Approved sources:

Wall Street Journal

The Economist

US News & World Report

Business Week

If you use a source other than an approved one, you must ask your instructor's permission first or you will have a large deduction of points.

Grading Rubric:





You demonstrate clear critical thinking of the article.

You demonstrate a competent level of critical thinking of the article.

You demonstrate a limited amount of critical thinking of the article.

You demonstrate little to no critical thinking of the article .





Thoughtful, well explored and well substantiated.

Mostly well thought out and substantiated

Some mention but not substantiated in all places

Few if any, not supported





Article is from an approved source and relates greatly to the criteria in the assignment.

Article is from a good source but may not be an approved one but still matches well with the assignment specifications.

Article is from a questionable source but the content still mostly matches with the assignment specifications.

Source is not reliable and/or content does not match with the assignment specifications.





No grammar or spelling errors.

All citations are correct. Length matches the required pages.

Only a few grammar or spelling errors. Citations are correct. Length is less than the required pages.

3-5 spelling or grammar errors. Some citation errors. Length is less than the required pages.

More than 5 spelling or grammar errors.  Multiple citation errors. Length is < required pages.



Total Points






Latest from the Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal online: today's issue

  • Student special $1 for 15 weeks of access
  • << Previous: Online Sources
  • Next: Citation/Style Guides >>
  • Last Updated: May 20, 2024 9:52 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.swu.edu/ECON2053

Scores for 2024 AP Exams will be available starting July 8.

AP Microeconomics

Learn all about the course and exam. Already enrolled? Join your class in My AP.

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Go to AP Central for resources for teachers, administrators, and coordinators.

About the Course

Study the principles of economics that apply to the behavior of individuals within an economic system. You’ll use graphs, charts, and data to analyze, describe, and explain economic concepts.

Skills You'll Learn

Define economic principles and models

Explain given economic outcomes

Determine outcomes of specific economic situations

Model economic situations using graphs or visual representations

Equivalency and Prerequisites

College course equivalent.

A one-semester, introductory college course in microeconomics.

Recommended Prerequisites

Tue, May 7, 2024

AP Microeconomics Exam

This is the regularly scheduled date for the AP Microeconomics Exam.

About the Units

The course content outlined below is organized into commonly taught units of study that provide one possible sequence for the course. Your teacher may choose to organize the course content differently based on local priorities and preferences.

Course Content

Unit 1: basic economic concepts.

You’ll study the foundations of microeconomic thinking, including how to evaluate decisions based on constraints and trade-offs and make rational economic choices.

Topics may include:

  • Resource allocation and economic systems
  • The Production Possibilities Curve
  • Comparative advantage and gains from trade
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Marginal analysis and consumer choice

On The Exam

12%–15% of exam score

Unit 2: Supply and Demand

You’ll learn the basis for understanding how markets work with an introduction to the supply and demand model.

  • Market equilibrium, disequilibrium, and changes in equilibrium
  • The effects of government intervention in markets
  • International trade and public policy

20%–25% of exam score

Unit 3: Production, Cost, and the Perfect Competition Model

You’ll explore the factors that drive the behavior of companies and learn about the perfect competition model.

  • The production function
  • Short- and long-run production costs
  • Types of profit
  • Profit maximization
  • Perfect competition

22%–25% of exam score

Unit 4: Imperfect Competition

You’ll learn how imperfectly competitive markets work and how game theory comes into play in economic models.

  • Price discrimination
  • Monopolistic competition
  • Oligopoly and game theory

15%–22% of exam score

Unit 5: Factor Markets

You’ll learn how concepts such as supply and demand and marginal decision-making apply in the context of factor markets.

  • Introduction to factor markets
  • Changes in factor demand and factor supply
  • Profit-maximizing behavior in perfectly competitive factor markets
  • Monopsonistic markets

10%–13% of exam score

Unit 6: Market Failure and the Role of Government

You’ll examine the conditions under which markets may fail and the effects of government intervention in markets.

  • Socially efficient and inefficient market outcomes
  • Externalities
  • Public and private goods
  • The effects of government intervention in different market structures
  • Income and wealth inequality

8%–13% of exam score

Credit and Placement

Search AP Credit Policies

Find colleges that grant credit and/or placement for AP Exam scores in this and other AP courses.

Course Resources

Ap classroom resources.

Once you join your AP class section online, you’ll be able to access AP Daily videos, any assignments from your teacher, and your assignment results in AP Classroom. Sign in to access them.

  • Go to AP Classroom

AP Microeconomics Course and Exam Description

This is the core document for the course. It clearly lays out the course content and describes the exam and AP Program in general. The CED was updated in the summer of 2022 to incorporate the change to the calculator policy for the exam.

The Difference Between AP Macroeconomics and AP Microeconomics

Read about the similarities and differences between AP Macroeconomics and AP Microeconomics, and discover which course may be right for you.

  • Go to College Board Blog

See Where AP Can Take You

AP Microeconomics can lead to a wide range of careers and college majors

Additional Information

Faculty Resources


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The assignments in this course are openly licensed, and are available as-is, or can be modified to suit your students’ needs. Answer keys are available to faculty who adopt Waymaker, OHM, or Candela courses with paid support from Lumen Learning. This approach helps us protect the academic integrity of these materials by ensuring they are shared only with authorized and institution-affiliated faculty and staff.

The assignments and discussion for this course align with the content and learning outcomes in each module. If you import this course into your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.), the assignments will automatically be loaded into the assignment tool.

Note that the Data Project Assignment is split into two parts and spans both Module 6 and Module 7. The Module 16 assignment presents two options, one that emphasizes topics from macroeconomics, and another that emphasizes concepts from microeconomics.

1: Economic Thinking
2: Choice in a World of Scarcity
3: Supply and Demand
4: Applications of Supply and Demand
5: Elasticity
6: Utility
7: Production and Costs
8: Perfect Competition
9: Monopoly
10: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
11: Public Goods and Externalities
12: Labor Markets
13: Income Distribution
14: Globalization and Trade
15: Exchange Rates and International Finance
  • Assignments. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Pencil Cup. Authored by : IconfactoryTeam. Provided by : Noun Project. Located at : https://thenounproject.com/term/pencil-cup/628840/ . License : CC BY: Attribution

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Browse Course Material

Course info.

  • Prof. Ricardo Caballero


As taught in.

  • Macroeconomics

Learning Resource Types

Principles of macroeconomics, course description.

What is a recession? What happened to the U.S. economy in 2020 and 2021, and how did the pandemic, tax and spending policies, and monetary policies affect it? What happened in 2008–2009, during the “Global Financial Crisis”? Why is inflation higher today than at any time in the last three decades? Why does the …

What is a recession? What happened to the U.S. economy in 2020 and 2021, and how did the pandemic, tax and spending policies, and monetary policies affect it? What happened in 2008–2009, during the “Global Financial Crisis”? Why is inflation higher today than at any time in the last three decades? Why does the unemployment rate vary over time? Why is there unemployment at all? Why do exchange rates between currencies fluctuate? How do policies in one country affect other countries? Why do economies grow at different rates? Why has China’s growth rate exceeded that of the U.S. for more than 30 years, and will such disparities continue? What explains movements in the stock market? These are some of the core questions of macroeconomics. If you are curious about the answers, then this is the course for you.

The course is organized around four major themes: the determinants of short-run economic fluctuations; the determinants of long-run growth; the investigation of government policies, including monetary policy, government spending, and exchange rate policy; and the analysis of key economic sectors, such as consumer spending, business investment, and financial markets.

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    However, our expert microeconomic gurus have selectively handpicked 60+ topics to help students attain better grades. These topics will inspire you to think further and write even better ones for an A+ grade. Before we embark on the topics, below are some of the characteristics of good microeconomic paper topics: So, what are some microeconomic ...

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    Microeconomics covers a wide variety of topics, for example, supply and demand, opportunity cost, elasticity, market structures, the theory of production, entrepreneurship, labor market, pricing etc. These large research paper writing topics include a lot of subtopics, and you can choose them for your research. Take a look at this shortlist:

  5. Hot Microeconomics Research Topics [2024]

    3 Tips for Choosing the Best Topic. 4 Areas of Research In Microeconomics. 5 Microeconomics Topics on Ecology and Environmental Economics. 6 Microeconomics Topics on Social Media. 7 Microeconomics Topics on Technology. 8 Microeconomics Topics on Healthcare and Pharma Economics. 9 Microeconomics Topics on Politics.

  6. Microeconomics Research Paper Topics

    The purpose of this page is to provide you with a comprehensive list of microeconomics research paper topics that you can use for your academic assignments. We have divided these topics into 10 categories, each with 10 potential research paper ideas, to help you navigate the vast landscape of microeconomics research.

  7. Assignments

    Topics Social Science. Economics. Microeconomics; Learning Resource Types theaters Lecture Videos. assignment_turned_in Problem Sets with Solutions. grading Exams with Solutions. notes Lecture Notes. co_present Instructor Insights. Download Course. menu.

  8. The Best Microeconomics Assignment Topics

    Microeconomics is a fundamental branch of economics that deals with the study of individual consumers, firms, and markets behavior. In today's economic landscape, understanding the principles of microeconomics has become more critical than ever before. Whether you're a business owner, a student, or an economist, the ability to analyze and ...

  9. Lecture Notes and Handouts

    Lecture Notes and Handouts. The handouts contain graphs that are referenced during each lecture. Handouts are not available for lectures 14, 24, and 25. Notes for Lectures 1-7 (PDF) Topics: Supply and Demand. Consumer Theory.

  10. 203 Best Microeconomics Research Paper Topics For 2023

    Best Microeconomics Research Paper Topics. The general framework and manifestations of Wall Street. Brazil and South America as tourist destinations. Finance for investments through microcredit. The impact of immigration on the region's development. Providing quality service to customers in the banking industry.

  11. 50 Macro- and Microeconomics Topics for Your Research Paper

    In most cases, the authors of these articles are going to consider fundamental concepts like unemployment, consumption, savings, investment, and so on. Even despite the fact that the two topics of primary concern in macroeconomics are spending and saving, we are going to consider additional microeconomics research paper topics as well.

  12. Assignments

    I will assign five problem sets. Problem sets typically include a set of pure theory questions and a set of application questions, often based on readings. Late problem sets will not be accepted. No exceptions. In order to accommodate unanticipated events, illness, or conflicts in your schedule, I will automatically drop the problem set with ...

  13. ECON101: Principles of Microeconomics

    Microeconomics is the brand of economics that pertains to consumer behavior and the economic decisions of producers and the government. It includes the topics of supply and demand, the elasticity of demand and supply, production costs, utility and profit maximization, and market structures. When discussing the economy, we refer to the ...

  14. Microeconomics

    Microeconomics Definition. The formal microeconomics definition is the branch of economics that studies the behavior of individuals and businesses and how decisions are made based on the ...

  15. LibGuides: ECON 2053 Microeconomics: Assignments

    Essay Topics. The topic for the essay should relate to one of the topics covered so far in the course: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Comparative Advantage, or Supply and Demand. Your essay should include both a summary and an analysis using the tools you have learned in class. The essay should be no more than half summary in its content.

  16. AP Microeconomics

    Unit 1: Basic Economic Concepts. You'll study the foundations of microeconomic thinking, including how to evaluate decisions based on constraints and trade-offs and make rational economic choices. Topics may include: Scarcity. Resource allocation and economic systems. The Production Possibilities Curve. Comparative advantage and gains from trade.

  17. Problem Set 1

    Preparation. The problem set is comprised of challenging questions that test your understanding of the material covered in the course. Make sure you have mastered the concepts and problem solving techniques from the following sessions before attempting the problem set: Introduction to Microeconomics. Applying Supply and Demand.

  18. Assignments

    The assignments in this course are openly licensed, and are available as-is, or can be modified to suit your students' needs. ... The Module 16 assignment presents two options, one that emphasizes topics from macroeconomics, and another that emphasizes concepts from microeconomics. Module: Assignment: Discussion: 1: Economic Thinking:

  19. Mastering Microeconomics: Your Guide to Economics Assignment Topics

    Microeconomics assignment themes range from the smallest to the biggest. From market policy to the ecological economy, social media sociology to risk analysis, the area is vast, and the ...

  20. Microeconomics: The Power of Markets

    There are 5 modules in this course. We make economics decisions every day: what to buy, whether to work or play, what to study. We respond to markets all the time: prices influence our decisions, markets signal where to put effort, they direct firms to produce certain goods over others. Economics is all around us.

  21. 14.01 Fall 2018 Problem Set 1

    Resource Type: Assignments. pdf. 144 kB. 14.01 Fall 2018 Problem Set 1. Download File. DOWNLOAD. MIT OpenCourseWare is a web based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.

  22. Assignments

    Assignments. The assignments in this course are openly licensed, and are available as-is, or can be modified to suit your students' needs. Answer keys are available to faculty who adopt Waymaker, OHM, or Candela courses with paid support from Lumen Learning. This approach helps us protect the academic integrity of these materials by ensuring ...

  23. Final Exam

    Unit 6: Topics in Intermediate Microeconomics; Unit 7: Equity and Efficiency; The final exam tests your conceptual, mathematical and graphical understanding of the material covered throughout the entire course. Content Review. Please review all course content before attempting the exam.

  24. Principles of Macroeconomics

    Topics Social Science. Economics. Macroeconomics; Learning Resource Types grading Exams with Solutions. theaters Lecture Videos. assignment_turned_in Problem Sets with Solutions. When a bank fails, customers rush to claim their assets held in the bank's safe deposit boxes. (Photo by Jason Pofahl on Unsplash.