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christopher malayalam movie review in malayalam

സ്റ്റൈലിഷ് ത്രില്ലർ; ക്രിസ്റ്റഫർ റിവ്യൂ

Published: February 09 , 2023 04:15 PM IST

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പ്രണയം നിരസിച്ചതിന് പെൺകുട്ടിയെ വീട്ടിലെത്തി കുത്തിക്കൊന്നു, പ്രായപൂർത്തിയാകാത്ത കുട്ടി ക്രൂരപീഡനത്തിന് ഇരയായി... ഉള്ളുപൊള്ളിക്കുന്ന ഇത്തരം വാർത്തകളിലൂടെ നിരന്തരം കടന്നുപോകേണ്ടിവരുന്ന സമൂഹമാണ് നമ്മുടേത്. ഇത്തരം ക്രൂരകൃത്യങ്ങളിലെ ഇരകൾക്ക് അവർ അർഹിക്കുന്ന നീതി ലഭിക്കുന്നുണ്ടോ എന്ന ചോദ്യം ഇപ്പോഴും അവശേഷിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. അങ്ങനെ നീതി നിഷേധിക്കപ്പെട്ടവരുടെ കാവൽ മാലാഖയാണ് ‘ക്രിസ്റ്റഫർ’. നീതിയും നിയമവും തമ്മിലുള്ള യുദ്ധത്തിലെ യോദ്ധാവ് എന്നുവേണമെങ്കിൽ ക്രിസ്റ്റഫറിനെ വിശേഷിപ്പിക്കാം. 

നിയമത്തെ അംഗീകരിക്കാതെ നിയമം കയ്യിലെടുക്കുന്നതുകൊണ്ടുതന്നെ സമൂഹത്തിന് ക്രിസ്റ്റഫർ ഒരു ഹീറോയാണ്. പക്ഷേ പൊലീസ് വിഭാഗത്തിന് തലവേദനയും. നിയമത്തിന് ഒന്നും ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിയാത്ത സാഹചര്യം ഉണ്ടാകുമ്പോൾ അയാൾ തന്നെ ഒരു ‘താന്തോന്നി’യായി മാറുകയാണ്. ക്രിസ്റ്റഫർ എന്ന വിജിലാന്റെ പൊലീസുദ്യോഗസ്ഥന്റെ ജീവചരിത്രം എന്നതാണ് സിനിമയുടെ ടാഗ് ലൈൻ. അത് സൂചിപ്പിക്കുന്നത് പോലെ തന്നെ ഒരു പ്രത്യേക സാഹചര്യത്തിൽ അയാളുടെ ജീവചരിത്രത്തെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള പൊലീസ് അന്വേഷണത്തോടെയാണ് കഥ തുടങ്ങുന്നത്. 

മുൻകാലാനുഭവങ്ങളായിരിക്കും ഒരാളുടെ വ്യക്തിജീവിതത്തെ കെട്ടിപ്പടുക്കുന്നതിൽ ഏറ്റവുമധികം സ്വാധീനിക്കുക. മുൻകോപിയായ, പ്രകോപകാരിയായ, തന്നിഷ്ടക്കാരനായ ക്രിസ്റ്റഫറിന്റെ ജീവിതത്തിലും മറക്കാനാകാത്ത ചില സംഭവങ്ങൾ ഉണ്ടായിട്ടുണ്ട്. ക്രിസ്റ്റഫർ എന്ന ടൈറ്റിൽ കഥാപാത്രത്തിനേക്കാൾ അയാളുടെ പ്രത്യേക രീതിയിലുള്ള എൻകൗണ്ടറുകളെ കുറിച്ചും അയാൾ അതിലേക്കെത്തിയ സാഹചര്യങ്ങളെക്കുറിച്ചുമുള്ള അന്വേഷണമാണ് സിനിമയുടെ ആദ്യ പകുതി. ഈ സിനിമയിലെ ചില രംഗങ്ങളിൽ ഒരാളുടെ യഥാർഥ ജീവിതത്തോട് സാമ്യമുള്ള ചില സംഭവങ്ങൾ ഉൾപ്പെടുത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. 

കുറ്റാന്വേഷണ സിനിമയല്ല ക്രിസ്റ്റഫർ. ഒരു പൊലീസുദ്യോ​ഗസ്ഥന്റെ ജീവിതത്തില്‍ കെട്ടുപിണഞ്ഞു കിടക്കുന്ന ആളുകളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടും അവർ പറയുന്ന ചില സംഭവങ്ങളിലൂടെയും വിവിധ ലെയറുകളായാണ് കഥ പറച്ചിൽ. ലൈംഗികാതിക്രമമാണ് സിനിമ പ്രധാനമായും ചർച്ച ചെയ്യുന്നത്. സങ്കീർണമായ വിഷയത്തെ അതിന്റെ ഗൗരവം ഒട്ടും ചോരാതെ അവതരിപ്പിക്കാൻ സംവിധായകനും തിരക്കഥാകൃത്തിനും കഴിഞ്ഞു. ലൈംഗികാതിക്രമം നടത്തുന്ന കുറ്റവാളികൾക്ക് അർഹിക്കുന്ന ശിക്ഷ ലഭിക്കുന്നില്ല എന്ന പൊതുബോധവും സിനിമയുടെ പശ്ചാത്തലമായുണ്ട്.

നീതിമാനായ, പഴയകാല മുറിവുകൾ വേട്ടയാടുന്ന, ഒറ്റയാനും ഏകാകിയുമായ പൊലീസ് ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥനായി മമ്മൂട്ടി നിറഞ്ഞുനിൽക്കുന്നു. ആക്‌ഷൻ രംഗങ്ങളിലുള്ള അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ സ്വാഗും മെയ്‌വഴക്കവും അതി ഗംഭീരം. ആക്‌ഷൻ രംഗങ്ങൾ കുറവാണെങ്കിലും സ്റ്റൈലിഷ് ആയി തന്നെയാണ് മമ്മൂട്ടിയെ ഉടനീളം ചിത്രത്തിലവതരിപ്പിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നത്. കോട്ട്രക്കൻ എന്ന ഡിവൈഎസ്പിയായി എത്തിയ ഷൈൻ ടോമിന്റെ പ്രകടനമാണ് മറ്റൊരു ഹൈലൈറ്റ്. ഇടവേളയ്ക്കു ശേഷം വരുന്ന സൈക്കൊ പൊലീസുകാരനെ ഷൈൻ ടോം തന്റെ സ്വതസിദ്ധമായ അഭിനയ ശൈലിയിൽ രസകരമാക്കി.

സ്നേഹ, അമല പോൾ എന്നിവരുടെ പ്രകടനവും മികച്ചു നിന്നു. വില്ലൻ റോളിലെത്തിയ വിനയ് റായ് തന്റെ മലയാള അരങ്ങേറ്റം ഗംഭീരമാക്കിയെന്നു പറയാം. ഐശ്വര്യ ലക്ഷ്മി, സിദ്ദീഖ്, ദിലീഷ് പോത്തൻ, ജിനു ജോസഫ്, നിഥിൻ തോമസ്, വിനീത കോശി, ദീപക് പറമ്പോൽ, കലേഷ് രാമാനന്ദ്, ഷഹീൻ സിദ്ദീഖ് എന്നിവരാണ് മറ്റ് താരങ്ങൾ. ശരത് കുമാർ, അദിതി രവി എന്നിവർ അതിഥി വേഷത്തിലെത്തുന്നു.

ബി. ഉണ്ണികൃഷ്ണന്റെ മേക്കിങ് ആണ് ക്രിസ്റ്റഫർ എന്ന സിനിമയുടെ പ്രധാന പ്രത്യേകത. ചിത്രം കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യുന്ന വിഷയത്തിന്റെ ഗൗരവം ഒട്ടും ചോര്‍ന്നുപോകാതെയുള്ള കറ തീര്‍ന്ന അവതരണശൈലിയാണ് ചിത്രത്തിലുടനീളം അദ്ദേഹം അവലംബിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നത്. തിയറ്ററുകളെ പ്രകമ്പനം കൊള്ളിക്കുന്ന ജസ്റ്റിൻ വര്‍ഗീസിന്റെ പശ്ചാത്തല സംഗീതമാണ് സിനിമയുടെ മറ്റൊരു ഹൈലൈറ്റ്. മനോജിന്റെ എഡിറ്റിങ്ങും ഫയീസ് സിദ്ദീഖിന്റെ ക്യാമറയും സിനിമയെ കൂടുതൽ ചടുലമാക്കുന്നു.

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Christopher Movie Review: Another Encounter Glorification Vehicle That Takes Us Back 20 Years

Director: B Unnikrishnan

Writer: Udaykrishnan

Cast: Mammootty, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Amala Paul

There are long 30-minute stretches in  Christopher  where you’re simply waiting for the inevitable. The boundaries have been drawn, the characters have been explained and there’s only one final destination the film has been building up to. This is exactly what ends up happening finally but somewhere during these parts is when you realise how  Christopher  has invented a nice little trick to incorporate more female characters into the mainstream superstar saviour movie. 

But before we get there, it's important to understand why  Christopher  remains yet another superstar saviour movie. The caption for the film describes itself as the autobiography of a vigilante police officer. It sounds reasonably interesting when you’re trying to merge the classic super-cop movie with elements of the superhero movie. This includes a dark flashback to show why Christopher is so connected to the central cause, a certain madness that makes him who he is and the vigilante part where he shows up at the most perfect of places even without his superhero costume—the khakhi, given how he has been suspended. 

The central theme has got to do with how he takes out offenders who commit sexual assault, yet his mode as a “vigilante” is obviously extra judicial. This is the problematic aspect of the film that is even bigger than its dullness. It’s been months since films like  Jana Gana Mana (2022) pointed the finger at the audience for supporting glorified encounter-killing scenes, bu t Christopher  chooses to undo all those steps forward when it continues to talk about the failure of the system and the need for extra judicial murders. 

At least on the surface, you feel like giving the film a little room to make its case (again for the hundredth time) when it underlines the fact that the central character is a morally ambiguous vigilante. But you understand pretty soon that this too is another lofty term being used in the wrong context. Not only does it remain unbelievable how Christopher has been able to get away for so many years for killing so many people but it is also funny how there’s almost no stealth, intelligence or cleverness in his extra judicial pursuits. 

The fact that he’s a social media superstar, familiar to everyone in his state, makes the case for a vigilante sound even sillier. But what makes the film appear so flat is how not a single character has any life of their own. This includes Christopher himself being played by Mammootty who is unable to give him any interiority or depth. We get several lines describing Christopher’s madness especially when someone he loves gets hurt. But these are still just lines that add nothing to how we perceive the man. On paper, I feel he was meant to be a cold, distant man toughened by lifelong sadness, but he comes across as simply plain and uninterested. 

This is when we come back to the initial point of how the film tries to do something new within this saviour complex. The fact that such a trigger happy cop will either save or avenge every victim is understood from scene one, but  Christopher  is also a film in which almost every other character, except the protagonist and the villains, are women. They are played by actors like Aishwarya Lekshmi , Amala Paul and Sneha (Mammotty’s heroine from the same director’s  Pramani ) and they appear in strong posts like that of a journalist, a senior police officer and the Home Secretary. Even if these characters aren’t well-written, it is at least a novel way to give us the impression that a film about women’s issues are also being handled by several women. Add to this the way the film uses these characters to create twists and you can see better-written films employing this trick to reinvent the male saviour movie. 

Apart from this one silver lining and Jakes Bejoy’s catchy theme for Christopher’s entry, there’s hardly a scene that remains memorable. If crazy camera angles, unimaginative use of the Bolt robotic camera and the use of English dialogues could make a filmmaker’s style appear fresh and contemporary then  Christopher  would have been enough. But what we get here is a film so dated in its ideas and execution that you feel like patting yourself on the back three times, just like Christopher does, to remind you how much you’ve outgrown lines like “If you are Trimurti, I’m your Samharamurti”. 

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christopher malayalam movie review in malayalam

Christopher movie review: A wake-up call after three lovely Mammootty starrers…

… lest Puzhu, Rorschach and Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam caused anyone to assume that the Big M is now fully committed to original thinkers making out-of-the-box films.

Christopher movie review: A wake-up call after three lovely Mammootty starrers…

Cast: Mammootty, Amala Paul, Sneha, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Vinay Rai, Shine Tom Chacko, Remya Suresh, Siddique, Vinitha Koshy, Jinu Joseph, Deepak Parambol

Director: Unnikrishnan B.

Language: Malayalam

The past year has felt like bliss for anyone who remains invested in Mammootty’s continuing potential for brilliance and has lamented the number of formulaic, over-the-top, men-centric, regressive, anti-women films crowding his filmography in the past three decades. The back-to-back release of Ratheena’s Puzhu , Nisam Basheer’s Rorschach and Lijo Jose Pellissery’s Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam held out the hope that at long last, the Big M has fully committed himself to original thinkers making out-of-the-box cinema. The hope shone bright even though women artistes who look young enough to be his daughters were cast as wife and sister to the male lead in each of these films too. The hope came from their themes and under-statedness.

Like the primary character in Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam who wakes from a slumber to enter a whole new reality, this week serves as a wake-up call for optimists among Mammukka-gazers. How else does one describe the new film Christopher ?

Directed by Unnikrishnan B., written by Udaykrishna and starring Mammootty as a policeman for the millionth time in his career, Christopher is not only packed with clichés and established formulae, it is also an all-out ode to extra-judicial executions and police vigilantism. A celebration of encounter killings by police personnel is not new to commercial Indian cinema, but this film goes several steps ahead of most. Here, the titular hero is not merely a hot head or an honest individual frustrated with a corrupt, inefficient system that does not deliver justice. He is the toast of the media, the citizenry and the filmmaker. The entire Kerala police force – apart from a few individuals – seems to collaborate with him to finish off criminals. And ultimately (not that this film deserves a spoiler alert, but here you go: spoiler alert for the rest of the paragraph) we realise that he has the support of even the top echelons of the government. So confident is he of this backing that at one point he goes so far as to shoot a criminal in an open space in the presence of the police while a large media contingent watches. (Spoiler alert ends)

Christopher is a saviour of women. Characters in the film who condemn his conduct are either criminals, or corrupt politicians, police and bureaucrats, or later change their minds about him. The only person who fits none of the above slots is a lone figure on a TV news channel debate, but he barely gets a few seconds of screen time.

This is not to say that the public in India has never salaamed town square justice. The most widely reported of such recent episodes came after the rape and murder of a veterinarian in Hyderabad in 2019. When the accused were shot dead shortly thereafter by the police who claimed that they did so in self-defence, the din of congratulations on the social media was deafening. Voices of reason were shushed for pointing out that a thorough investigation had not yet been conducted, the dead men’s guilt had not been proven and privileged folk on SM were celebrating only because the accused came from socio-economic backgrounds that ensured they would not be counted as “one of us”. Christopher is not a true-to-life chronicle of this reality, it is a member of the mob. And in its bid for populist appeal, it gets its leading man to do what even famed ‘encounter specialists’ in the real world do not.

Mammukka’s Christopher does not just zero in on “the other” who have no one but activists to speak for them: the faceless poor, nameless tribals, members of various marginalised groups. He does not necessarily bother to hide his crimes. Unlike the actual public, the public in this film display no hypocrisy – they cheer Christopher equally whether the person who he exterminates is poor, middle class or rich, well-known or obscure.

Through all this of course, as is the case with all police dramas starring Mammootty, his swag is never disrupted. Loud signature tune accompanying his entry on screen each time – check. Slow motion exit from vehicles – check. Impeccable wardrobe – check. Since small mercies are all that can be expected from such cinema, I guess I am grateful that he is not incessantly shown walking into the camera in slow motion in Christopher , nor does the camera constantly zoom in on his shoes, sunglasses and pants as it has in numerous films before this one.

It goes without saying that the actor playing the central character’s ex-wife in this film (Sneha) looks as if she could well be Mammootty’s child. Women dot the narrative possibly to avoid accusations that there are no women of worth in the storyline. A fine talent like Aishwarya Lekshmi is wasted in a marginal part. Amala Paul, however, has as significant a role as a human being who is not Mammootty can possibly have in a Mammootty cop saga. Of course her existence in the script too revolves around Him. Still, another small mercy, I guess: Christopher does not erase women completely unlike others of its ilk. And while we are listing those, here’s yet another: Christopher is not screamingly loud and bombastic like the director’s last film, Aaraattu starring Mohanlal, nor crass like the one before that, Kodathi Samaksham Balan Vakeel starring Dileep. Imagine how bad a situation must be if these are the best things that can be said about a film.

One of the nice developments of the past year has been that Mammootty is camouflaging his age a little less than he earlier was. In this film he even has a touch of white in his hair and moustache. There is of course a double standard in increasingly acknowledging your advancing years yet denying space to your female contemporaries to star as your lover and sibling in films. Well, at least this baby step is a relief. Regrettably it comes in a film revisiting a tired, tried and tested template. Christopher is dull. Even Mammootty seems to think so – that could be one logical explanation for why his expression barely changes throughout the film.

But seriously… while Mammootty’s character has a painful past, the effort to portray the man’s pain and emotional weariness comes across more as the actor’s own fatigue and boredom. I get it, Mammukka. I almost dozed off while watching Christopher .

Rating: 0.5 (out of 5 stars)  

This review was first published in February 2023 when Christopher was released in theatres. The film is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.  

Anna M.M. Vetticad is an award-winning journalist and author of The Adventures of an Intrepid Film Critic. She specialises in the intersection of cinema with feminist and other socio-political concerns. Twitter: @annavetticad, Instagram: @annammvetticad, Facebook: AnnaMMVetticadOfficial

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Christopher Movie Review (2023)

  • 09 Feb 2023

B Unnikrishnan's 'Christopher', starring Mammootty, is a loud, blunt weapon of a movie about a vigilante cop

Christopher Movie Review

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No means no. That's what Christopher (Mammootty) wants for women. But very often, toxic and powerful men do not take no for an answer – and the women end up punished. It's been a while since I have seen women put through as many gruesome rapes and burnings and other forms of torture. Christopher is the cop who ensures that the men responsible for these crimes end up being punished. He simply shoots them. It's been a while since I have seen a cop so trigger-happy, even in the midst of crowds. There's probably a genuinely serious drama to be made about how – at least from a certain point of view – extrajudicial killings are the only way to punish those who have the power to escape the clutches of the law. But Christopher , directed by B Unnikrishnan, is not that movie.

This is a blunt weapon of a screenplay that exists to present a hero-glorification story. There's nothing wrong about that, of course. In fact, you could even argue that the reason we like watching stories about vigilante justice is that the men on screen are doing what we want to do but are too gutless to do. Even so, you expect a certain finesse in the way all this comes about on screen. Christopher is almost comical in the way it makes its hero a one-man army, who is present anywhere and everywhere to punish the wicked. The writing is comical, too. When we see Christopher asking a young girl to go home and study, we know this is really a red flag for the audience to keep in mind because something is surely going to happen to this young girl. And elsewhere, with someone else, the mere mention of genital mutilation is not enough. A few scenes later, we are shown in graphic slo-mo exactly how this gory act occurred and how the woman twitched in pain.

Almost everyone is indebted to the hero in some way, so there is zero suspense whether his actions will get him caught. Just take a look at the cast: Dileesh Pothan, Sneha, Amala Paul, Sarath Kumar, Siddique, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Shine Tom Chacko… I could go on, but it's tragic how little everyone is given to do. Even the cop played by Amala Paul says a lot but does very little. And they should have a contest to see what use the villain played by Vinay Rai is. The best answer gets two tickets to Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam. No, I understand that great films don't keep coming along all the time and actors have to keep themselves busy. But even after a tragic backstory, Mammootty is asked to do so little that he powers along solely on the basis of his charisma.

The ear-shattering score, the camera gimmicks – all of this is a reminder that the audience is as much a victim as the women in this empty shell of a movie. The worst thing is that the screenplay thinks it is making a statement. At one point, we get statistics like this: at least five women are raped and killed every day by feudal landlords in Bijapur village in Madhya Pradesh. Thank you for that research, but how about addressing something that you can actually do something about: like writing better parts for your women actors! That is a form of empowerment, too. Sneha plays the Home Secretary and she comes across like an idiot! If you want to make a pure action movie for a big star, surely there are better ways to do it than to pretend you are avenging raped women. Excitement is fine, but this is exploitation.

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Baradwaj Rangan

Baradwaj Rangan

National Award-winning film critic Baradwaj Rangan, former deputy editor of The Hindu and senior editor of Film Companion, has carved a niche for himself over the years as a powerful voice in cinema, especially the Tamil film industry, with his reviews of films. While he was pursuing his chemical engineering degree, he was fascinated with the writing and analysis of world cinema by American critics. Baradwaj completed his Master’s degree in Advertising and Public Relations through scholarship. His first review was for the Hindi film Dum, published on January 30, 2003, in the Madras Plus supplement of The Economic Times. He then started critiquing Tamil films in 2014 and did a review on the film Subramaniapuram, while also debuting as a writer in the unreleased rom-com Kadhal 2 Kalyanam. Furthermore, Baradwaj has authored two books - Conversations with Mani Ratnam, 2012, and A Journey Through Indian Cinema, 2014. In 2017, he joined Film Companion South and continued to show his prowess in critiquing for the next five years garnering a wide viewership and a fan following of his own before announcing to be a part of Galatta Media in March 2022.

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Christopher review: A stylish Mammootty and a socially relevant theme make this cop story a good watch

Technically sound, this is a good comeback film for director B Unnikrishnan and writer Udaykrishna.

Bhaskar Basava

Published:Feb 27, 2023

christopher malayalam movie review in malayalam

Mammootty in B Unnikrishnan's 'Christopher'. (FilmChristopher/Twitter)

A visual treat for Mammootty's fans!

Christopher (Malayalam)

  • Cast: Mammootty, Amala Paul, Sneha, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Shine Tom Chacko, Vinay Rai, and Dileesh Pothan
  • Director: B Unnikrishnan
  • Producer: RD Illuminations
  • Music: Justin Varghese
  • Runtime: 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Cast: Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Emraan Hashmi, and Revathy
  • Director: Maneesh Sharma
  • Producer: Aditya Chopra
  • Music: Pritam Chakraborty
  • Runtime: 2 hours 35 minutes

Mammootty plays a cop — Christopher — yet again. Questions like who Christopher is and what his mission is all about make for an interesting and entertaining watch on screen.

Christopher is an officer of the rank of DSP in the Kerala Police. But his way of investigating cases makes his character controversial. He has a troubled past, which gives justification for his deeds.

The film’s story deals with many cases, mainly heinous rapes, and how Christopher comes to be connected to these cases.

Unlike Mammootty’s characters in Nanpakal Nerath Mayakkam and Rorschach , Christopher is dangerous. He dares to even go for extreme steps while investigating.

Director B Unnikrishnan uses the actor’s stardom to the fullest to draw crowds to the theatres and to entertain them.

Sensitive theme

Christopher deals with rape, a sensitive subject in modern India, where more cases are reported than earlier.

Writer Udaykrishna gives reference to the Nirbhaya case. A victim is even given the name of Dheera , establishing a connect with the Delhi gangrape case.

The script deals with various rape cases reported in India and also Christopher’s emotional connection with some of the characters.

mammotty christopher movie

Mammotty in ‘Christopher’ movie. (mammukka/Twitter)

Further, the movie talks about the extrajudicial killings and police encounters that have happened in the country.

Prithviraj Sukumaran’s Jana Gana Mana also dealt with a similar subject. But there is no similarity between the two.

Udaykrishna, the storyteller, is critical of the system of the country.

Christopher also showcases how tainted cops get support from higher officials.

Violence against women is a disturbing factor shown in the movie. The rape scenes are highly troubling for the average audience, who might find them difficult to watch.

Christopher’s encounters with these convicts to deliver justice are the highlight of the flick.

There is even a dialogue by Christopher, “Justice delayed is justice denied,” which forms the crux of the story — a deeply committed officer’s fight against sexual predators.

But, post-interval, the story gets stuck on one case and all the other cases remain as references for Christopher’s heroic and emotional acts.

#Christopher In Cinemas from Today @FilmChristopher @unnikrishnanb — Mammootty (@mammukka) February 9, 2023

A galaxy of actors

The movie has several actors. Tamil actor Sarathkumar appears in a crucial role.

Tamil actress Sneha is seen as Home Secretary (State). She is Mammootty’s partner and has a pivotal role.

However, there is nothing much to perform for her as importance is given to Christopher.

christopher unnikrishnan

A stylish Mammootty makes this cop story a visual treat for his fans. (mammuka/Twitter)

Aishwarya Lekshmi appears for some time as the activist lawyer. Her role has some meat, but this is not one of her excellent performances.

Shine Tom Chacko gets a good role as a corrupt DySP. The director seems to be particular in making him look stylish with goggles and slow-motion scenes, which exhibit his masculinity.

The other actors — like Dileesh Pothan as Abhijith, a senior policeman — are forgettable.

But Amala Paul as Sulekha gets her share as one of the major actors. She, too, has a troubled past which makes her role prominent.

Tamil actor Vinay Rai plays the main antagonist, Thiru Moorthy, with limited screen time compared to other actors.

However, that doesn’t make any problem for the movie, which is focused on Christopher’s heroics.

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.. 🔥 How is the First Half.. ?? Comment your Feedbacks 🔥🔥 #Mammootty @mammukka #Christopher @unnikrishnanb — Christopher Movie (@FilmChristopher) February 9, 2023

Technical aspects

christopher malayalam movie

A poster of ‘Christopher’ movie. (mammukka/Twitter)

Christopher is a technically well-made movie, with a special mention needed for the cinematography by Faiz Siddique.

The background music by Justin Varghese, particularly in scenes involving Mammootty, gives goosebumps to the actor’s fans.

The project is a better film from B Unnikrishan, who got criticism for his previous movie Aarattu. He is meant to do big films and this one is pacy and stylish, too.

Christopher is a visual feast for the masses who get to watch Mammootty in a stylish avatar.

Delivered with a socially-relevant theme, it serves as a good comeback for Udaykrishna and B Unnikrishnan.

(Views expressed are personal.)


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'Christopher' review: Mammootty stands out in a stylish thriller that lacks depth

Faiz Siddik has done a great job with the cinematography

Gayathri Gokul

As expected from the trailer and tagline, Malayalam film Christopher is the biography of a vigilante cop. Like most other formulaic films about justice, Christopher features a protagonist who takes matters into his own hands after being duped by the system.

The B.Unnikrishnan-directorial starts by introducing the antagonist, Sitaram Trimurthi Aiyer, played by Vinay Rai. The plot then jumps back a few months to introduce Christopher (Mammootty), handling a case. Following a series of events, Christopher is suspended and an investigation is launched against him. The investigation is overseen by Amala Paul’s Sulekha. What follows are incidents that leave the viewer perplexed and disturbed.

The first half of the movie delves into Christopher's past, depicting who he is and how he works on the cases that come to him. Right before the intermission, Christopher is seen delivering a message to the audience: "Justice delayed is justice denied," dropping a hint about what's to come in the second half.

Characters essayed by Aishwarya Lekshmi and Shine Tom Chacko come in only in the second half. The movie goes back and forth between Christopher's past and present, weaving in the many encounters he has had in life. Although these add depth to the character, it confuses the viewer who struggles to keep track of the plot. Amala Paul, Sneha, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Dileesh Pothan, Siddique, Shine Tom Chacko and Aditi Ravi have done justice to their parts. But too many characters being introduced through the runtime add to the confusion. Mammootty's performance as a vigilante cop stands out in the film. However, even when his character goes through some serious life-altering events, the scenes fail to elicit the expected emotions from the audience.

Graphic scenes of sexual assault can be really disturbing.

Faiz Siddik has done a great job with the cinematography. Slow-motion shots, particularly in the action scenes, will appeal to Mammootty fans. Though the film's beautiful background score, especially in scenes that focus on Christopher, could generate fans of its own, the continuous use of the music at regular intervals is irritating.

The movie might work fine as an entertainer for fans, but the storyline could have been developed better.

Movie: Christopher

Language: Malayalam

Director: B. Unnikrishnan

Cast: Mammootty, Sneha, Aiswarya Lekshmi, Amala Paul, Siddique, Dileesh Pothan, Shine Tom Chacko

Rating: 3/5

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'Christopher' movie review: Vigilante thriller benefits from much-welcome restraint

It’s a relief when a B Unnikrishnan film, that too one scripted by Udayakrishna, turns out to be... not bad! Considering the last film of the former, and the last two films of the latter, I went into Christopher with zero expectations, but I’m glad to report that the film sees both names return to form. Perhaps not having any expectations contributed to my appreciation of it, warts and all.

At its core, Christopher embodies the spirit of many vintage vigilante films, such as Death Wish, some of the notable (for the right and wrong reasons) titles from Malayalam that starred Mammootty in the 80s, or Shaji Kailas’ early work. This means the slightly unsubtle aspects that accompany many a superstar-driven thriller can be found in Christopher too. But one has to see this film for what it is—a commercial entertainer—but, unlike with Aaraattu, the makers don’t use tags like ‘unrealistic entertainment’ as an excuse here to mask its flaws or go overboard with the material. Its sensibilities were apparent from the promos.

Mammootty plays Christopher, the head of a department that handles crimes against women. A deeply traumatising personal tragedy shaped his origin story. So it’s fitting the film opens with him sitting next to a hospital bed, distraught at the state of a survivor of sexual violence, and later exacting retribution for her and her murdered female friend.

And since this is not the only instance of rape in the film, the trigger warning goes without saying. The multiple depictions, one of which recalls the haunting Nirbhaya incident, are upsetting; thankfully, they are brief, not needlessly prolonged or shot with an exploitative gaze—issues in the Malayalam films of the 80s and 90s. In terms of its violent content, Christopher, which is fittingly rated U/A, is closer in tone to Gautham Menon’s Vettaiyadu Vilayadu. I saw a woman with a kid sitting next to me, and I’m not sure bringing the child to a film with the constant threat of sexual violence in the air was a good idea.

As for the adult viewers, I have to add that whatever we see in the film is relatively tame compared to the extreme content on most violent shows and movies, even the popular ones, that air on major OTT platforms today. It occasionally feels like Christopher is relentless in its focus on only one kind of crime—and it makes sense given its protagonist’s past—but it also seeks justice for other forms of violence against women.

That said, having a character like Christopher helps because he becomes a vessel through whom we can vicariously vent our anger at society’s ills. The legal maxim “Justice delayed is justice denied” is the foundation upon which the film is built. The vigilante cop gets celebrated on social media and television channels. The movie makes it clear whose side it is on and whether it’s right or not depends from person to person. You could start debates on this, but sometimes films can be all about entertainment and entertainment only—and, of course, catharsis!

However, I wish the paybacks carried more punch instead of a quick bullet in the back, considering the brutality the victims suffer. But I guess it wouldn’t be possible to realise everything on screen when catering to a wide-scale audience.  Mammootty, who has had considerable experience playing the saviour in numerous films, is apt for the part of a seasoned, brooding police official whose path would’ve been on the other side of the law had it not been for the timely benevolence and mentorship of a veteran cop (Sarath Kumar in a flashback cameo). The makers bring a lot of admirable restraint to this character. I couldn’t help but remember Mammootty’s iconic GK from New Delhi (1987). Christopher is rarely prone to outbursts, but at the same time, he is not above saying cheesy lines like, “I’m the Samhara Murthy (lord of destruction)” while talking to a villain who also has a ‘Murthy’ in his name.

Out of the principal female characters, Amala Paul stands out as a cop with her own traumatic past. She imbues her character with the right amount of style and dignity. Aishwarya Lekshmi doesn’t get to do much but becomes a character pivotal to Christopher’s journey later. Sneha, as an IAS officer, delivers the weakest performance.

Shine Tom Chacko plays a corrupt cop whose personality mirrors the jittery, restless actor during his recent interviews. But he gets a couple of funny lines that moderately amused the audience.One of my minor gripes about the film is that it falters a bit when it tries to bring in mass elements, which proves ineffective. It is at its best during the quieter, more contemplative moments. The slightly repetitive slow motion, speed-cranking, and background score intrusion to make the character look cool wears you down after a point.

I liked some neat touches in the character detailing, though, such as the comforting tap on the arm—which Christopher inherited from Sarath Kumar’s character—when interacting with a survivor. I also appreciated the anamorphic canvas (as seen in Lucifer), which helps lend a sense of scale owing to this format’s ability to accommodate more details which wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.

Christopher once again proves that the thriller genre is B Unnikrishnan’s strong forte —his most restrained and engaging film since Villain, even if not all of it satisfies. With Aaraattu, I was exhausted after the first 90 mins. That’s not the case with Christopher, which retained my undivided attention for its entirety.

Film: Christopher Director: B Unnikrishnan Cast: Mammootty, Amala Paul, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Sneha, Shine Tom Chacko

Rating: 3/5 stars

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Christopher Malayalam Review - Partially Engaging Cop Drama!

PUBLISHED DATE : 10/Feb/2023

Christopher Malayalam Review - Partially Engaging Cop Drama!

Christopher is a cop crime-drama starring Mammooty, Sneha, Amala Paul and Vinay in the lead roles. The movie is directed by the experienced technician B. Unnikrishnan.

Mammooty is a strict and sincere police officer who believes in the statement ‘Justice Delayed is Justice Denied’. He has been appointed as a special officer to deal with the crimes against women. How he solves several cases that come in his way forms the remaining story.

Writing/ Direction

Decent script drives the first half, powered with multiple angles to make the narrative more interesting. Since there is enough substance in the first hour, the engagement is pretty much on. Mammooty isn’t just a regular encounter specialist because he is the hero, there is a deeper meaning to it which is conveyed through a crisp yet powerful backstory. The conflict between Sneha and Mamukka is also written well and the story arc brought in at the end is reasonably convincing. Amala Paul’s final reveal reminds us of Samyuktha in Bheemla Nayak , thankfully the connection between her and the characters who revolve around are done right. There are also a couple of mass moments with slow-motion shots plus a foot-tapping score to cheer the fans. Basically, the film is pretty good till the halfway mark. The issue begins post-interval and almost everything goes out of place. First of all, the film sticks to just a single point as unfortunately a closure to all the subplots have already been given. There are no challenges for the hero to face, he achieves everything so easily. Also the situations are repetitive which creates a detachment over the flow and hence the slight boredom in the latter. Villain character is also designed in a weak manner and there are no exciting elements taking place. High points are missing, due to the straightforward narrative pattern with no interesting twists and turns.


Mammooty has delivered what is exactly required for his role, subtle performance and extends his limits in the action sequences. Meaty role for Amala Paul, neat act and her character brings in some variety to a regular cop flick. Solid cameo by Sarath Kumar, appears in one scene as an inspiring hero material. Aishwarya Lekshmi in an extended cameo adds an additional conflict, but there would be no big difference without her too. Short yet a satisfying work by Sneha. Vinay is apt for his role, but his portions are tasteless as the situations are flat. Also, instead of finding artists to dub for Sneha and Vinay, they could have casted actors who know the language which could have added more authenticity. Shine Tom Chacko gets the weakest role amidst the bunch, shockingly an exaggerated performance from the proven talent.


Thankfully no songs to deviate the picture from its storyline. Background score is a little repetitive at places, but manages to blend well with the happenings. Visually rich from start to finish, some nice high-speed build up shots, the mocobot camera is extensively used which boosts the quality of some important action-involving sequences. The Editing pattern is neat in the first half, but regular in the latter as the film becomes so, the length could have been easily reduced.

Despite being predictable, the film holds well till midway due to a powerful flashback and multiple angles approach. But the second half is dull and fails to exhibit an interesting show.

Rating - 2.75/ 5


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  • Christopher

Mammootty and Faiz Siddik in Christopher (2023)

A maverick cop is forced to work outside the limits of law, when the system fails.The story weaves across the past and present while revealing the motives that shape his actions. A maverick cop is forced to work outside the limits of law, when the system fails.The story weaves across the past and present while revealing the motives that shape his actions. A maverick cop is forced to work outside the limits of law, when the system fails.The story weaves across the past and present while revealing the motives that shape his actions.

  • B. Unnikrishnan
  • Udaykrishnan
  • Shine Tom Chacko
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Christopher | Pre-release Teaser

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Shine Tom Chacko

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Jinu Joseph

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Deepak Parambol

  • Ismail - Sub-Inspector

Amala Paul

  • Abhilash Johnson - Additional Director General of Police

R. Sarathkumar

  • SP Vetrivel


  • Rajashekharan Menon - Chief Minister


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Keerthana Sreekumar

  • Annie's Mother

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  • Tony Chirammal

Aditi Ravi

  • Aswini Sitaram Trimurthi

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Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 30 minutes

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Mammootty and Faiz Siddik in Christopher (2023)

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‘Christopher’ movie review: Mammootty’s film is a long, poorly-scripted celebration of encounter killings

What the film lacks in substance, it seeks to make up for in mammootty’s swagger and a loud background score that numbs one with its repetitiveness.

Updated - February 09, 2023 07:47 pm IST

Published - February 09, 2023 06:08 pm IST

S R  Praveen

Mammootty in a still from ‘Christopher’ | Photo Credit: @mammukka/Twitter

When a film proudly flashes ‘biography of a vigilante cop’ as its tagline, one certainly expects the narrative to have a few encounter killings. However, nothing prepares one for the sheer number of encounter killings in B. Unnikrishnan’s Christopher , which are often preceded by gruesome scenes of rape or attacks on women, filmed in a graphically disturbing manner. The events before the encounter killings are written by scriptwriter Udaykrishna in such a way that even those who demand a fair trial would not blame the cop for shooting these men, for they all seem to be asking for such a death with their behaviour in custody as well. All this aids in the compiling of this “biography”, which is uncritical to the core.

Trigger-happy cop Christopher Antony (Mammootty) is facing a departmental enquiry after he gunned down a group of men allegedly involved in a gang rape. Investigating officer Sulekha (Amala Paul) goes beyond the case at hand, almost piecing together his life history, one that is marked by several encounter killings. Well, the history of the encounters forms the better part of the film; it soon brings in an arch-villain (Vinay Rai) to mouth a few menacing lines, all of which would sound funny going by how it all fizzles out in the end.

Christopher (Malayalam)

After the enormous debacle that was Aaraattu , the B Unnikrishnan-Udaykrishna team attempts some course correction here. Most notably, we are spared of the vulgar double entendres that are a staple in Udaykrishna’s scripts. The script sticks to the encounter cop’s story mostly, but without saying anything new and never attempting to spring a surprise, not even in the climax. It is the familiar cycle of ‘attacks on women-media outrage-encounter killings-social media celebration’ that plays out, with each cycle creating a new justification for encounter killings.

Other than the ones getting shot at, and a few token activists on television screens, no one in the Christopher universe seems to think that the encounter killings are wrong. So much so that the investigating officer and even the Chief Minister are at times left tongue-tied in admiration, at the reasons trotted out by Christopher to justify his actions. The cop’s origin story itself is written around one such killing by a police officer, whom the young Christopher looks on in admiration.

What the film lacks in substance, it seeks to make up for in the star’s swagger and a loud background score that numbs one with its repetitiveness. The limitless imagination of the scriptwriter is evident in the hero’s punchline to the villain, named Thrimurthi, “If you are Thrimurthi, I am Samhara Murthi (destructive lord).” This of course trumps the other one, “Justice delayed is justice denied,” the common refrain to justify the killings.

For Mammootty, who has been having a good run in recent months, it is back to the same old. Amala Paul and Sneha get lengthier roles, while Aishwarya Lekshmi’s is rather insignificant. Shine Tom Chacko repeats his infamous interview persona on screen for the second film running.

Christopher is one long, unfortunate celebration of encounter killings. The poor scripting is a far lesser crime.

Christopher is currently running in theatres

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Christopher Movie Review

Christopher Movie Review Malayalam Movie Review

Sivapriya Anand

I am Sivapriya Anand, and I work as a news correspondent at Nettv4u ...

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christopher malayalam movie review in malayalam

Christopher is a cop designated to investigate cases where the women are the victims. Christopher has no mercy for the criminals, and his impatience is due to his personal experience. Christopher loses his temper when seeing the criminals who have committed crimes against women, and that's due to his past story. Four youngsters are killed and the Home Secretary, Beena Mariam Chacko, insists the CM take action against the case. So, the CM launched an investigation team headed by ACP Sulekha. Sulekha investigates the deaths as well as the history of the encounter specialist, Christopher. Trimurthy Aiyer is one of the reasons behind the women's assault. So, what's Christopher's take on him? Was Sulekha able to get him red-handed? The rest of the film deals with this.

Star Performance

Mammootty's screen presence is laudable as ever. The actor impressed us with his looks, minute expressions, with his eyes, and stunning body language. The female leads didn't get significant roles, though Amala Paul appears on the screen for a long. Vinay Rai is stylish, but not his role.

When the audience expects a super cop-thriller from the super combo, Udaykrishna, and Unnikrishnan with Mammuka on their hands, what they get is a disappointment. Though Mammootty's screen presence is excellent and his performance is good, the rest of the characters are not written well. Vinay didn't get a vital role and looked like a regular villain. Though the film has no unnecessary romance and songs, it lacks some punch that the audience expects. Too many bloodshed clippings and women assaults are shown, and that didn't appeal well. The music and visuals are okay.

What's There?

  • The performance of Mammootty

What's Not There?

  • Some of the lead roles are not scripted well

If you want to watch a film with some powerfully written characters and a solid villain, then this film doesn't fall under that category. If you are a Mammootty fan, you can watch this cop thriller, only for him.


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Christopher Malayalam Movie

Christopher is a 2023 Indian movie directed by B. Unnikrishnan starring Mammootty, Vinay Rai, Sneha and Amala Paul. Music for the Movie is composed by Justin Varghese.

Music By: Justin Varghese   Features:   
Sitaram Trimurthi
Beena Mariam Chacko
George Kottrakka
Brother Suresh
Amal Raj

Director: B. Unnikrishnan Production Company: R. D. Illuminations Music Director: Justin Varghese Sound Designer: Nithin Lukose Cinematographer: Faiz Siddik Editor: Manoj Art Designer: Shaji Naduvil Screenplay Writer: Udayakrishna Action Choregraphers: Supreme Sundar, Mafia Sasi , Vicky

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    Christopher (2023), Action Drama Thriller released in Malayalam language in theatre near you in pala. Know about Film reviews, lead cast & crew, photos & video gallery on BookMyShow.

  21. Christopher (2023)

    Christopher Malayalam Movie. Christopher is a 2023 Indian movie directed by B. Unnikrishnan starring Mammootty, Vinay Rai, Sneha and Amala Paul. Music for the Movie is composed by Justin Varghese. The movie does not recognise that a police encounter is a bad thing, because it only proves the failure of the judicial system to deliver its duties.

  22. Prime Video: Christopher

    'Christopher' is the story of a vigilante cop who is forced to transgress the limits of law when the system fails. The movie travels with the protagonist in a narrative structure that is highly layered. He has a traumatic past which adds fuel to his fury throughout the story. Every act by him is a critique on the law enforcement system and sends out a message to correct the society.

  23. Christopher Movie Review: Mammootty's Cop Saga Does an ...

    Christopher Movie Review: Malayalam Cinema is in a strange phase right now.On one hand, it gets praised for its progressive stance through films. On the other hand, there are misogynistic tripe-fest like Unnikrishnan B's Aarattu.On one hand it makes films like Jana Gana Mana (a film I didn't appreciate completely purely for its making but enjoyed otherwise) that questions ethicality of police ...

  24. Tovino Thomas starrer 'Narivetta' begins filming

    Adding to the excitement, celebrated Tamil actor Cheran announced his debut in Malayalam cinema with 'Narivetta.' Cheran took to Twitter to share his enthusiasm, posting the film's poster and ...