2023 Management Science Additional Personal Statement

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ucl business management personal statement

UCL Management Science Additional Personal Statement

  • Updated on 24 Jan 2024

This is a detailed guide to tackling the additional personal statement received after applying to the UCL Management Science BSc program. There is a question-by-question breakdown with sample answers to each question. As stated, these answers should ONLY  be used as a template. They are hypothetical  and may contain fictitious data. Given that you have a total of 1000 words across the entire questionnaire, a sample word count has been provided for each question. 

Question 1:  Justify your chosen organisation in terms of the ways in which it is complex, innovative, and uses data to drive decisions.  Use relevant facts from this year (2023) to support your justification.  Discuss and quantify the impact (i.e. value to the organisation) of examples used (e.g. new innovative products or processes, newly introduced technologies, recent big data projects).

(250 Words)

To effectively answer this question, you need to focus on three key aspects: complexity, innovation, and data-driven decision-making. These aspects should be supported by relevant examples from the year 2023. Let's break down the outline and then provide a sample answer using a hypothetical organization.

1. Introduction

    - Introduce the chosen organization.

    - Briefly mention its industry and significance.

2. Complexity of the Organization

    - Describe the organizational structure.

    - Discuss the complexity in its operations, global reach, supply chain, or product/service range.

    - Include any specific challenges the organization faces due to its complexity.

3. Innovation

    - Highlight key innovations introduced in 2023.

    - Discuss the nature of these innovations (e.g., product, service, process).

    - Explain how these innovations differentiate the organization from its competitors.

4. Data-Driven Decision Making

    - Describe how the organization uses data to make decisions.

    - Provide examples of recent big data projects or analytics initiatives.

    - Illustrate how data analytics has influenced strategy or operations.

5. Impact and Value

    - Quantify the impact of the innovations and data-driven decisions.

    - Discuss the value added to the organization, such as increased revenue, improved customer satisfaction, or enhanced operational efficiency.

    - Use specific metrics or figures to support your points.

6. Conclusion

    - Summarize the key points.

    - Reinforce why the organization is a leader in complexity, innovation, and data-driven decision-making.

  Sample Answer

In 2023, Tesla, a giant in the car and energy industry, stands out for its innovative electric cars and renewable energy solutions. With a diverse setup including car making, battery production, and solar energy, Tesla's worldwide operations show its complexity. They skillfully handle challenges like sourcing battery materials globally and manufacturing in various countries. A major move in 2023 was Tesla's launch of Model Q, an affordable electric car targeting middle-income buyers. This, along with Tesla's unique battery tech, makes them a standout in the car market. They also pushed forward in solar energy with advanced solar roofs, reaffirming their commitment to clean energy. Data plays a crucial role at Tesla. Their 'OptiCharge' project uses big data and machine learning to smartly decide when and where Tesla cars should charge, improving customer experience and helping balance the energy grid. Data is also key in managing their supply chain efficiently, cutting down costs. The Model Q launch boosted Tesla's share in the electric car market by 20% in 2023. 'OptiCharge' increased customer satisfaction about charging by 15%. Using data smartly in their supply chain cut operational costs by 10%. These numbers show the real value of Tesla's innovations and strategies. To sum up, Tesla in 2023 is a leader thanks to its complex operations, cutting-edge innovations, and smart use of data. These factors have led to more market share, happier customers, and more efficient operations, proving their significant impact on the company.

Remember, this is a hypothetical example using Tesla as a model organization. The specific details, especially numerical data, are fictional and used for illustrative purposes. For a real-world organization, you would need to research and use accurate and up-to-date information.

Question 2: Describe five important ways that the UCL Management Science BSc/MSci is different from other undergraduate Business or Management programmes.

(300 Words)

To respond to this question effectively, it's crucial to focus on the unique aspects of the UCL Management Science BSc program that distinguish it from other undergraduate Business or Management programs. The answer should highlight specific features, approaches, or opportunities offered by the UCL program that are not commonly found in similar programs. Let's start with an outline and then provide a sample answer.

   - Briefly introduce the UCL Management Science BSc program.

   - State the importance of understanding its unique aspects compared to other business or management programs.

2. Distinctive Curriculum

   - Detail how the curriculum of UCL’s program differs from standard business or management curricula.

   - Emphasize specialized courses, unique subjects, or a particular focus on certain areas.

3. Teaching and Learning Approach

   - Describe the teaching methods (e.g., case studies, projects, hands-on experiences) that set the UCL program apart.

   - Discuss the emphasis on practical skills, industry projects, or research opportunities.

4. Industry Links and Networking

   - Highlight the program’s connections with businesses and industry experts.

   - Mention internships, guest lectures, and partnership projects that are integral to the program

5. International Opportunities

   - Discuss any international exposure or global perspectives integrated into the program, like study abroad options or international case studies.

6. Career and Postgraduate Opportunities

   - Explain how the UCL program prepares students for specific career paths or postgraduate opportunities that may be unique compared to other programs.

7. Conclusion

   - Summarize the key differentiators of the UCL Management Science BSc program.

   - Reinforce the program's unique value proposition for prospective students.

Sample Answer

The UCL Management Science BSc program stands out in the crowded field of undergraduate business and management education. Recognizing its distinctiveness is crucial for students contemplating a specialized approach to management education. Unlike traditional business programs, UCL's Management Science BSc places a significant emphasis on quantitative and analytical skills. Courses like ‘Quantitative Methods for Management’ and ‘Predictive Analytics’ set this program apart, providing a more data-driven and analytical approach to business problems compared to conventional business studies. The program is heavily focused on real-world applications. Students engage in project-based learning, collaborating with businesses on actual management challenges. This hands-on approach, which is less common in traditional business programs, equips students with practical skills and experience. UCL’s strong industry links are a standout feature. The program offers unique opportunities for internships and industry projects, allowing students to gain invaluable insights and build networks within the business world. Guest lectures by industry leaders are a regular part of the curriculum, providing students with contemporary industry knowledge. The Management Science BSc program at UCL incorporates a global perspective, offering students opportunities for international exchange programs. This global exposure is vital in today's interconnected business world and is not always a focus in other business programs. This program uniquely prepares students for careers in data analytics, strategic consultancy, and operations management, fields that are increasingly critical in the modern business landscape. Furthermore, the program lays a robust foundation for postgraduate studies in specialized areas like analytics or supply chain management. In conclusion, the UCL Management Science BSc program differentiates itself through its analytical curriculum, practical learning approach, strong industry connections, international opportunities, and targeted career pathways. These elements collectively offer a unique and comprehensive educational experience for students aspiring to be at the forefront of management science.

Question 3: Identify a difficult or challenging situation you have had to deal with that required you to understand and work with other PEOPLE. How did you deal with this situation and what did you learn from it?

(150 Words)

To respond effectively to this question, structure your answer to showcase your interpersonal skills, problem-solving abilities, and learning outcomes from the experience. Let's break it down:

1. Brief Description of the Situation

   - Start by describing the challenging situation.

2. Your Role and Actions

   - Explain your specific role in the situation.

   - Describe the actions you took to address the challenge.

   - Share the result of your actions.

4. Learning Experience

   - Conclude with what you learned from handling the situation.

In high school, I faced a tough situation leading a group project. Our team had different ideas and ways of doing things, which caused a lot of arguments. We were struggling to get our project done. I knew we had to change how we were working together. I decided to organize meetings where everyone could talk about their ideas and listen to each other. It was important that everyone felt heard. We also did some fun activities together to help us bond. Slowly, things started to get better. We began to understand and respect each other's opinions. This made working together a lot easier. Eventually, we completed our project successfully and even got praised by our teacher. This experience taught me a lot. I learned that good communication and listening to others are key to working well in a team. It showed me how a group can overcome problems by talking and listening to each other.

Question 4: Please suggest something that you think everyone on the MANAGEMENT SCIENCE programme should read, and why? Hint: Avoid obvious things like The Economist or well-known business books. Think about the things that you have read that have really inspired you.

To respond to this question, focus on a book or article that has significantly influenced your understanding or interest in management science. Choose something that aligns with the themes of the program but is also unique and personally impactful. Here's an outline and a sample answer. 

1. Introduction of the Suggested Reading

   - Mention the title and author of the book or article.

2. Connection to Management Science

   - Briefly explain how the reading relates to management science.

3. Personal Impact

   - Describe why the reading inspired you and how it shaped your perspective.

4. Recommendation for Others

   - State why you believe it would be beneficial for others in the program to read it.

Sample Answer 

I recommend 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' by Daniel Kahneman for everyone in the Management Science program. This book explores how our thinking is divided into two systems: fast, intuitive thinking, and slow, rational thinking. Kahneman, a Nobel laureate, delves into how these two systems shape our decision-making in business and everyday life. I found this book enlightening because it opened my eyes to the biases and errors in our judgments and decisions. It made me understand the importance of critical thinking in management. This book is not just about psychology; it's about how our mind works in making decisions, which is crucial in management science. I believe everyone in the program can benefit from understanding these concepts. It will help us make better decisions, both as future managers and in our personal lives.

Question 5: Tell us something surprising about you that would make your future classmates want to have you in their class?

To respond to this question, focus on a unique, interesting aspect or skill you have that would contribute positively to the classroom dynamic and would be engaging or beneficial to your future classmates. Here's an outline and a sample response:

1. Introduction of the Unique Aspect or Skill

   - Start by stating the surprising thing about you.

2. Explanation and Relevance

   - Explain this aspect or skill in more detail.

   - Highlight how it relates to being a part of the class or how it could be beneficial in a classroom setting.

3. Personal Reflection

   - Briefly reflect on why this aspect makes you a unique addition to the class.

4. Engagement with Classmates

   - Mention how this could make your future classmates interested in having you in their class.

Something surprising about me is that I’m an avid chess player, ranked nationally in junior tournaments. Chess has taught me strategic thinking, patience, and how to anticipate various outcomes, which I believe are essential skills in management science. I often see real-life situations, including business scenarios, as a chess game where strategic moves decide success. My love for chess has not only shaped my mindset but has also made me a problem solver, always looking for the best solution. I think my classmates would find this aspect of me interesting because it adds a unique perspective to classroom discussions, especially in strategy-related subjects. I’m always eager to share my insights and learn from others’ experiences, making for a collaborative and engaging classroom environment. I believe my strategic approach to problems will make classroom discussions more lively and insightful.

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UCL School of Management

University college london, msc business analytics.

Start date:  September 2024 Duration:  12 months full-time Fees:  UK - £22,700, and Overseas - £41,000 Application deadline:  All applications for the 2024/25 academic year are now closed. Entry:  Minimum of 2:1 honours or equivalent in a relevant discipline. International students, please note that UCL’s English language requirement for this programme is a ' Level 2 ' - further details regarding this can be found at the  UCL English Language Requirements  page. 

The global economy is changing. Businesses are becoming more complex and interconnected. Organisations are generating and capturing trillions of bytes of information about their customers, suppliers and operations. And the technology, tools and platforms for analysing this data are evolving incredibly fast. This explosion of complexity, data, and technology is disrupting industries and creating new opportunities.

But understanding the technology alone isn’t enough.

The world’s leading companies need people who understand how management best practices are evolving to adjust to this new deeply complex, interconnected and data-driven world.

People who can take data and transform it into a powerful strategic asset – people who deeply understand data, its potential and its limitations, who can frame complex data-driven business problems, analyse data with the right statistical techniques, employ the latest analytics tools and methods, and communicate analytics results to business executives, partners and customers.

The UCL Business Analytics programme provides a rigorous, practical foundation in these critical skills and provides a platform for careers with global companies and high-growth businesses tackling world-scale problems.

UCL’s Business Analytics Master’s degree programme provides a rigorous, practical foundation in the key skills needed to unlock the value of data, and an in-depth understanding of how companies can use data to make decisions and improve business performance. It combines modules that explore how data and analytics are transforming key areas of business (decision-making, strategy, marketing, operations) with modules that provide students with the statistical and computational foundations needed to make effective and intuitive use of the latest business analytics tools and platforms.

Graduates from this London-based Master’s programme will be highly employable in global corporations and consulting firms through to high-growth startups in the finance, retail and technology sectors.

They will be equipped to influence strategy and enhance decision-making and be able to drive business performance by transforming data into a powerful strategic asset.

During the year, students undertake six core modules, two optional modules and complete a Consulting Project/Dissertation.

Programme structure

During the year, students undertake six core modules, two optional modules and complete a Consulting Project/Dissertation. 

The programme is delivered through a combination of lectures, seminars, tutorials and project work. Assessment is through examinations, individual coursework, group coursework and a dissertation project. 

Students typically study 4 modules in Term 1 and 4 modules in Term 2, of which two are selected from the optional module list. In Term 3 students undertake a supervised dissertation project. 

Each taught module is delivered over 10 weeks, with 3 contact hours per week comprising lecture content and interactive components. Some of the modules may have additional workshop sessions. 

In addition, students spend approximately 7-12 hours a week for each module on assessment and independent study to further develop the skills and knowledge covered in lectures and seminars. The total number of weekly hours will vary according to the weekly activities being undertaken. 

To view information about the modules on this programme, enter the module code (eg MSIN0093) in  UCL’s Online Module Catalogue.

Please note that the list of modules given here is indicative. This information is published a long time in advance of enrolment and module content and availability are subject to change. Modules that are in use for the current academic year are linked for further information. Where no link is present, further information is not yet available.

The programme structure for 2023/2024 comprises of the following. Please check this page again soon for the 2024/25 structure. 

Core Modules

Core modules in Programming for Business Analytics and Predictive Analytics in Terms 1 and 2 respectively, provide a foundation in delivering an analytical solution that flows naturally into the Term 3 Consulting Project/Dissertation. 

These modules are complemented by Statistical Foundations for Business Analytics which ensure that students have the necessary statistical skills to make effective use of the latest analytics methods and tools. Business Strategy and Analytics focuses on how companies create value and competitive advantage in complex, innovation-intensive, data-driven environments.

Additional core modules in Marketing Analytics and Operations Analytics explore in greater depth how data and analytics can unlock value in these key areas and build the insight and skills required to define and deliver practical, high-impact business analytics projects that improve business performance.

MSIN0093 Business Strategy and Analytics

This provides a foundation in how companies create value and competitive advantage in complex, innovation-intensive, data-driven environments. It will introduce strategy frameworks for goal setting and performance evaluation, and examine the descriptive, explanatory and predictive nature of data. Ethics, privacy and security considerations will be discussed.

MSIN0094 Marketing Analytics

Marketing Analytics addresses how to use data analytics to learn about and market to individual customers. This course examines the premise behind customer-centric marketing, helps you understand the customer lifecycle and customer profitability, and introduces analytical and statistical modeling of customer information.

MSIN0096 Statistical Foundations for Business Analytics

Underpinning the new analytics that are transforming key areas of business is foundational mathematics. This course will refresh your knowledge of algebra, statistics and calculus before moving onto econometrics with various Bayesian and regression models. It concludes with an introduction to the mathematical basis for supervised and unsupervised approached to machine learning.

MSIN0143 Programming for Business Analytics

Computational models and concepts for business analytics need to be implemented with tools and technologies. The course will cover computational thinking, experimental methodology, preparing datasets and empirical methods for training, validation and testing models. Practical sessions will provide a general introduction to programming in Python and look at standard implementation of useful algorithms.

MSIN0097 Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics will build on the foundational courses in Term 1 to explore techniques from data mining, statistics, modelling and machine learning in greater detail. We will analyse current data to make predictions about future events across a variety industry use cases with support specific companies and practitioners.

MSIN0095 Operations Analytics

This course explores in greater depth how data and analytics can unlock value in these key business areas and build the insight and skills required to define and deliver practical, high-impact business analytics projects that improve business performance.

Consulting Project/Dissertation

Students undertake their own practical consulting project with a range of organisations that have scoped a challenging analytical project. Projects require the application of skills learned in terms one and two. Often the projects require students to work with leading edge tools and techniques. The projects result in a dissertation of 12,000 words

Optional Modules

Students take two optional modules. They are likely to be from the following list of elective modules offered by the UCL School of Management. The optional modules are designed to develop practical analytical skills that are in high demand by potential employers.

MSIN0166 Data Engineering

MSIN0167 Data Visualisation

MSIN0221 Natural Language Processing

MSIN0081 Creativity and Critical Thinking

MSIN0088 Leading High-Performance Teams

MSIN0098 Technology Entrepreneurship

MSIN0148 Influence and Negotiations

MSIN0159 Decision and Risk Analysis

MSIN0226 Fintech

MSIN0236 Managing Diversity

MSIN0237 Technology and Collective Intelligence

COMP0142 Machine Learning for Domain Specialists

The optional modules listed are subject to change each year and are indicative only. Optional modules can change for a variety of reasons including but not limited to updated learning outcomes, lack of demand and resourcing. For questions about optional modules, please reach contact us via email at:  [email protected] .

Teaching Team

The teaching team brings together people with experience of how companies are evolving their management practices in a complex, interconnected and data-driven world and how they are employing the latest business analytics platforms and tools to make decisions and improve business performance. Module Leads can be found on their relevant module catalogue pages.

The core teaching team includes:

David Alderton , Programme Director Alastair Moore, Assistant Professor Anil Doshi , Assistant Professor Zhenyu Zhang , Assistant Professor Lina Song, Assistant Professor Karima Dyussekeneva , Lecturer (Education) Wei Miao , Assistant Professor

Course Dates

Full-time (one year):

mid-September 2023 - mid-September 2024

The majority of classes are taught at  Level 38 and Level 50, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, which is UCL’s home within London’s global business district. Some optional modules will take place at the Bloomsbury campus, which will also be open to students.


Student profile.

Our students are, and always have been, selected on the basis of their talent and potential, whatever their personal, social or national background.

UCL was the first English university to admit students regardless of race, class or religion, and the first to admit women students on equal terms with men.

ucl business management personal statement

UCL degree programmes require our students to think critically and creatively, to tackle ambitious projects and to develop the leadership and entrepreneurial skills that will stand them in excellent stead for their future lives and careers. Our innovative evolving Business Analytics MSc programme embodies this approach to postgraduate study.

We are looking for intellectually curious, self-motivated students who are passionate about business, technology and data. You will join an international cohort of students drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds.

The minimum entrance requirements are an upper second-class Bachelor’s degree from a UK university or an overseas equivalent and a strong aptitude for quantitative analysis. Applicants are likely to have studied a range of degrees including business, engineering, computer science, economics, and psychology.

Your Application

We are aiming to prepare the next generation of “data native” leaders who are able to take data and transform it into a powerful strategic asset.

We would like to understand how the programme could help you achieve your career goals, and what skills will you will bring to the class.

When we assess your application we will be seeking to learn:

  • Why you want to study Business Analytics at a postgraduate level;
  • What particularly attracts you to this programme and to UCL;
  • How your academic and professional background meets the demands of this challenging programme;
  • What your post-degree aspirations are.

The personal statement is an opportunity to illustrate whether your reasons for applying to this programme match what the programme will deliver.

Entry Requirements

We are looking for intellectually curious, self-motivated students who are passionate about business, technology and data.

  • Academic Profile: The minimum entrance requirements are an upper second-class (2:1) Bachelor’s degree from a UK university or an overseas equivalent and a strong aptitude for quantitative analysis. Applicants are likely to have studied a range of degrees including business, engineering, computer science, economics, and psychology. International Students may ascertain qualification equivalents from the  UCL international students website.  UCL Admissions check qualification equivalencies before forwarding application forms to our School. The UCL School of Management is unable to comment on international qualifications.
  • Career Aspirations: Focused on helping global companies and high-growth businesses use business analytics to tackle world-scale problems.
  • English Language Skills: Applicants whose first language is not English must be able to provide evidence that their spoken and written command of the English language is adequate. UCL’s preferred English language qualification is the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). A ‘Level 2’ is required for the Business Analytics: i.e. an overall grade of 7.0, with a minimum of 6.5 in each of the subtests.
  • Application Process: Qualifications are assessed only once an application has been submitted. The equivalency of overseas qualifications cannot be assessed unless a full application with all supporting documentation such as degree transcripts, references, etc. has already been submitted to UCL.

Applicants who meet the entry requirements and are suitable for the programme may be invited for an online interview via Kira Talent. Applicants invited to interview will have a window of 7 calendar days from receipt of the email to complete the interview. An applicant’s failure to complete their interview within this window would lead to an unsuccessful application.

For further information regarding the Business Analytics MSc please contact the Programme Administrator via:  [email protected] . For further queries regarding admissions please see the UCL Postgraduate Admissions Webpage . 

Tuition Fees and Scholarships

Tuition fees.

The 2024-25 fees are UK - £22,700, and Overseas - £41,000.  Learn more about tuition fees . 

All full time students are required to pay a  fee deposit  of £2,000 for this programme. 

Scholarships and Funding

Scholarships are available through UCL for all years of study. Competition for scholarships is fierce, however, and to stand a chance of being chosen you will need to show evidence of commitment and the potential for high achievement.

Application for scholarships and bursaries must be made either when confirming your place before the start of your studies.

For more information on scholarships and financial support, please visit Funding and Scholarships

Additional Costs

This programme does not have any compulsory additional costs outside of purchasing books or stationery, printing or photocopying.  

This programme may include opportunities for students to undertake optional international study trips. The costs of such trips are usually covered by students although some elements may be subsidised or grants available depending on the destination, organisational and support responsibilities. On average, costs would be around £1,000 to £1,750 depending on the trip location, personal flight preferences and spending habits as well as the prevailing exchange rates. 

For more information on additional costs for prospective students please go to our estimated cost of essential expenditure at  Accommodation and living costs .

Why choose us

UCL is one of the world’s very-best universities, consistently placed in the global top 20 in a wide variety of world rankings.

UCL’s Business Analytics is unlike any other degree in the UK. It provides you with an opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding of how companies are transforming data into a powerful strategic asset and a rigorous foundation in the key skills needed to build a successful career in global businesses.

The programme is taught by the UCL School of Management, which is focused on creating disruptive research and entrepreneurial leaders for the complex, interconnected world of the future.

The Business Analytics MSc

  • Provides students with in-depth knowledge and understanding of business analytics
  • Prepares students for working in a complex, interconnected, data-driven environments
  • Delivers practical experience of applying new learned skills to a real business problem
  • Prepares students for jobs in industries and organisations characterised by rapid changes in problems, opportunities and tools
  • Enables students to develop the awareness, background, and skills necessary to become responsible citizens, employees, and leaders who can make a contribution to tackling some of the world’s most difficult social and economic problems

In particular, the programme will help students develop:

  • A critical appreciation of data, its potential and limitations, and how data can be used to improve business decision-making, and create value and competitive advantage in complex, interconnected, data-driven environments
  • A knowledge and understanding of relevant statistical and computational techniques and how they can be applied in practice to business analytics problems
  • An understanding of how data and analytics can provide the basis for new business models and new products and services
  • The insight and skills required to frame business analytics problems, and define and deliver practical, high-impact business analytics projects that improve business performance
  • An understanding of the opportunities to unlock value through business analytics in specific management areas, e.g. strategy, marketing, operations
  • An ability to communicate analytics results effectively to non-specialist audiences, including business executives, partners and customers.
  • A knowledge of contemporary issues necessary to understand the impact of business analytics in a global and societal context .

ucl business management personal statement

Our careers team work with students to enhance their employability, provide tailored individual careers support and facilitate connections with employers globally. Please visit our Careers page for further information.

UCL is consistently ranked as one of the world’s very best universities and employers are keen to meet our students to discuss the opportunities they offer. In addition to the bespoke activities within the School of Management, you also have access to the central UCL Careers  provision.

Graduates from this programme will be highly employable in global companies and high growth businesses, finance and banking organisations and consulting firms. They will be equipped to influence strategy and decision-making, and be able to drive business performance by transforming data into a powerful strategic asset.

ucl business management personal statement

The Graduate Outcomes Survey (graduating classes 2018-2021) shows that 96% of those surveyed (and who are eligible to work or study) secured highly-skilled work, or HE-level study within 15 months of graduating from the MSc Business Analytics programme. The graduates have found jobs in a variety of high-profile companies. The UCL Graduate Outcomes Survey showed on average (classes graduating 2018-2021) the top 15 companies graduates went on to secure roles in were:

  • Cathay Pacific Airways 
  • JP Morgan Chase and Co 
  • Lloyds Banking Group 
  • McKinsey and Company 
  • Travelodge 
  • Visa Europe 
  • XAI Asset Management 

For classes graduating 2018-2021, the top three job titles among Business Analytics graduates were; Data Analysts , Management Consultants and Business Analysts and  Programmers and Software Development Professionals .  

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Crafting an Outstanding UCL Personal Statement: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples


Dirghayu Kaushik


29 August 2024

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Gaining admission to University College London (UCL) is a dream for many, but achieving this goal requires more than just academic excellence.

Your UCL personal statement plays a pivotal role in your application, serving as a unique opportunity to showcase your aspirations, achievements, and individuality.

This article provides essential insights and examples to assist you in creating a personal statement that captures the essence of your academic and personal journey, tailored to resonate with UCL’s admissions committee.

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  • The Role of a Personal Statement in Your UCL Application

Understanding the Significance

Your personal statement is a critical element of your UCAS application to UCL. It’s your chance to convey your enthusiasm, experiences, and suitability for your chosen course.

This narrative helps the admissions team to understand who you are beyond your grades and test scores. It’s about making a compelling case for why you are an ideal candidate for UCL and how the university fits into your academic and career aspirations.

What UCL Looks For

UCL, being a prestigious and competitive institution, seeks candidates who demonstrate intellectual curiosity, a commitment to their field of study, and the potential to contribute meaningfully to the university community.

Your personal statement should reflect these qualities, showcasing your passion for learning, your understanding of the course content, and your readiness for the challenges of university life.

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  • Crafting a Winning Personal Statement for UCL

Creating a personal statement for University College London (UCL) is a crucial step in your application process. Your statement should stand out, reflecting your unique qualifications and enthusiasm for your chosen course. Here are key points to help you craft a winning personal statement for UCL:

  • Understand UCL’s Values and Course Requirements : Before you begin, research UCL’s ethos, values, and specific requirements for your chosen course. Understanding what UCL looks for in its students can help tailor your statement to resonate with the admissions committee.
  • Start with a Compelling Introduction : Your opening lines should grab the reader’s attention. Start with a personal anecdote, a provocative question, or a statement that clearly expresses your passion for the subject.
  • Showcase Your Academic Strengths : Highlight your academic achievements that are relevant to the course. Include any awards, high grades in related subjects, or participation in relevant academic competitions or projects.
  • Demonstrate Interest and Knowledge in the Subject : Show that you have a deep understanding of and a genuine interest in the field. Discuss any books, articles, or research that have inspired you and shaped your desire to study this subject at UCL.
  • Reflect on Relevant Experiences : Include work experience, internships, volunteering, or extracurricular activities that have helped develop skills and qualities relevant to the course. Explain what you learned from these experiences and how they have prepared you for university-level study.
  • Discuss Your Career Aspirations : Clearly articulate how the course at UCL fits into your long-term career goals. This shows admissions tutors that you have a clear direction and motivation for your studies.
  • Exhibit Your Skills and Qualities : Highlight personal skills and qualities that make you a suitable candidate for the course. These might include problem-solving, critical thinking, leadership, teamwork, or communication skills.
  • Explain Why UCL Is the Right Choice for You : Discuss specific aspects of UCL and its course offerings that appeal to you. This could be particular modules, the teaching methodology, research opportunities, or the campus environment.
  • Make It Personal and Authentic : Your statement should be personal and reflect your true self. Avoid clichés and generic statements. Admissions tutors want to hear your voice and understand who you are.
  • Conclude with a Strong Closing Statement : End your personal statement on a high note, reemphasizing your enthusiasm and readiness for the course and how you look forward to contributing to the UCL community.
  • Proofread and Edit : Ensure your statement is free of grammatical errors and typos. A well-written, error-free statement demonstrates your attention to detail and commitment to excellence.
  • Seek Feedback : Before finalizing, get feedback from teachers, mentors, or those who know you well. They can provide valuable insights and help you refine your statement.

By following these points, you can craft a personal statement that not only meets the standards of UCL but also truly represents your academic ambitions and personal journey, significantly boosting your chances of admission.

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  • Personal Statement Examples for Different UCL Courses

Example of UCL Medicine Program

Medicine applicants need to demonstrate a passion for the field, empathy, and a strong academic background in sciences. An effective personal statement for a UCL medicine course might begin with a personal anecdote or experience that sparked your interest in medicine.

Follow this with details of your academic journey in sciences, any relevant work experience, and extracurricular activities. Conclude by discussing your career aspirations in medicine and how UCL’s program aligns with these goals.

Example for UCL Economics Program

For an economics course, your statement should reflect your understanding of economic principles and your ability to think critically about economic issues. Start by explaining why you are interested in economics, possibly by citing a current issue or personal experience.

Include your academic achievements in mathematics and related subjects, and any relevant extracurricular activities, like participating in economics clubs or competitions. Finally, express how UCL’s economics program will help you achieve your career objectives.


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Key Dos and Don’ts in Writing Your Personal Statement

Tailor your statement to the specific course and university, demonstrating clear reasons for your choice.Avoid general statements that could apply to any course or university.
Use specific, real-life examples to illustrate your achievements, skills, and experiences.Rely on vague or generic descriptions without concrete evidence.
Let your unique voice and personality come through, showing genuine enthusiasm and commitment.Copy phrases or ideas from others’ statements or use clichés and overused quotes.
Organize your statement in a clear, logical manner with a strong introduction, body, and conclusion.Submit a disorganized or poorly structured statement.
Be clear and concise. Get to the point and make every word count.Ramble or include irrelevant details that don’t contribute to your main message.
Be honest about your achievements and experiences. Authenticity is key.Exaggerate or fabricate experiences; admissions tutors can often tell.
Thoroughly proofread for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.Overlook the importance of proofreading, leading to careless mistakes.
Highlight personal growth, challenges overcome, and lessons learned.Focus only on successes; ignoring how challenges have shaped your journey.
Link your studies to future career aspirations and how the course will help you achieve these.Neglect to mention how the course aligns with your long-term goals.
Demonstrate a genuine passion and interest in the subject area.Write in a way that fails to convey enthusiasm for the subject.
Seek constructive feedback from mentors, teachers, or peers.Rely solely on your own judgment without getting an external perspective.
Show how you align with the university’s ethos and values.Ignore the university’s culture and ethos in your statement.
  • Final Steps Before Submission

Review and Feedback

Before submitting your personal statement, it’s crucial to review it thoroughly. Seek feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers who can provide constructive criticism. Their insights can help refine your statement, ensuring it’s compelling and error-free.

Aligning Your Statement with UCL’s Values

Research UCL’s values and ethos, and subtly align your statement with these. Show how you embody qualities valued by UCL, such as intellectual curiosity, global perspective, and a commitment to impact society positively. This alignment demonstrates that you are not only a good fit academically but also culturally for UCL.

Your UCL personal statement is a vital part of your application. It’s an opportunity to showcase your unique qualifications, experiences, and aspirations.

By following the guidelines and examples provided in this guide, you can create a statement that captures your individuality and suitability for UCL.

Remember, this is your chance to make a lasting impression on the admissions committee, so take the time to craft a personal statement that truly reflects who you are and why you are the perfect candidate for UCL.

Q1: How important is it to relate my personal statement to my future career goals?

It’s very important. Relating your course of study to your future career goals shows foresight and a clear understanding of how UCL will help you achieve your aspirations.

Q2: Can I include quotes in my personal statement?

While a well-chosen quote can be impactful, it’s generally better to use your own words to ensure your personal statement is truly personal and unique.

Q3: How can I ensure that my personal statement stands out?

To make your personal statement stand out, focus on unique experiences, present your content in a structured and coherent manner, and infuse your personal voice and enthusiasm throughout the text.

Q4: Is it okay to share personal challenges in my statement?

Yes, sharing personal challenges can be powerful, especially if you can demonstrate how they have shaped your character and academic journey. However, ensure that the overall tone remains positive and forward-looking.

  • Key Dos and Don'ts in Writing Your Personal Statement

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Table of Contents

  • • The Role of a Personal Statement in Your UCL Application
  • • Crafting a Winning Personal Statement for UCL
  • • Personal Statement Examples for Different UCL Courses
  • • Key Dos and Don'ts in Writing Your Personal Statement
  • • Final Steps Before Submission
  • • Conclusion

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UCL School of Management

University college london, the ucl mba admissions faq.

Deciding to take your MBA at UCL is an important decision that could transform your career. Our admissions team is here to support you throughout your application journey. Here are some of our most frequent inquiries.

The UCL Admissions Committee reviews applications on a rolling basis, so the earlier you submit your application, the sooner you will receive an admissions decision. 

Learn more about deadlines.

To find out the status of your application, please contact the admissions team at  [email protected] . If you have been liaising with your dedicated admissions advisor, they will be able to give you an update as well. 

Yes, two references are required for this programme. It is strongly recommended that one of your referees be from your current supervisor or manager. The other referee may be a peer or coworker. Referees should not be family members or friends. References will not be accepted directly from applicants; they must come from an institutional (professional) email address and will not be accepted from personal email addresses.

Learn more about admissions requirements.   

You must have achieved a minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor’s degree (2:1) from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard from a recognised institution. In addition to this, we require at least five years of work experience, though many students bring 10+ years of work experience to their cohorts. Students with extenuating circumstances may be accepted without an undergraduate degree, though extensive leadership and total years of work experience is paramount to being considered.

There are several items to include with your application upon submission:

  • A personal statement that includes three micro essays and an optional essay
  • Two references 
  • Your updated resume/CV
  • Full academic transcripts
  • A recorded video interview (booked post-submission)
  • Application fee (£160)
  • English proficiency
  • GMAT/GRE are not required, but may be requested in order to strengthen your application

The application process for the UCL MBA consists of eight steps and is completed online via the  application portalExternal link:open_in_new . These steps are:

  • Programme information : Select the corresponding start date from the drop-down list.
  • Academic background : Include a detailed history of your academic performance.
  • Language information : Select your native language. 
  • Professional experience : Include your cumulative work experience and indicate your work history by adding the organisations in reverse chronological order (most recent first).
  • Uploads : Your complete and detailed resume/curriculum vitae (CV) will need to be uploaded under this section.
  • Personal statement : Your personal statement allows you to express your motivations and suitability for the programme.
  • Letters of reference : Two references are required for this programme. It is strongly recommended that one of your referees be your current supervisor. The other referee may be a peer, coworker or mentor. We will contact your referees by email when you submit your application and ask them to complete an online reference form. Once this is uploaded, it will be automatically associated with your application. Please note that referees should not be family members or friends.

Tuition fees for the programme are charged based on the number of modules taken each quarter. The UCL MBA students will complete 12 taught 15-credit modules and a final 30-credit capstone project as part of the programme. 

Total fees for students starting in the 2020/21 academic year are £42,500 for the entirety of the programme, or £3,035 per 15-credit module and £6,070 for the final 30-credit capstone project. 

Admitted students will be required to submit a £1,000 tuition fee deposit to reserve their place in the programme. Please note that the fees quoted here do not include costs related to books or immersion expenses.

Learn more about tuition fees.

The programme tuition fees do not include costs related to books, immersion or orientation expenses. 

Students who elect to attend immersions and orientations are responsible for all travel and accommodation fees. Depending on the content covered, some immersions may require additional fees of up to £500 on average (fees may vary depending on country of origin).

You will not be expected to pay the full amount for the year or programme up front. Our flexible, pay-as-you-go structure is different from the norm, allowing you to pay your fees when you register for a specific module.

This depends on your organisation and how they would like to go about funding your tuition. If your organisation will be making a full payment towards the programme up front, you will need to accept your offer, provide us with correspondence from your organisation that they wish to fund the programme in full, and from there, we will be able to invoice the full fees. 

Please involve your admissions advisor in this conversation as soon as possible to ensure we can support you at each step in the process.

Unfortunately, the apprenticeship levy cannot be used for the UCL MBA.

Your admissions advisor is an invaluable partner. In addition to providing information about the UCL MBA programme, your advisor serves as your dedicated resource throughout the application process. They can help you:

  • determine how an MBA may support your career goals
  • navigate entry requirements
  • prepare for interviews
  • explore your funding options.

If you are applying with your work experience, and no undergraduate degree, please reach out to the admissions team or your dedicated admissions advisor to discuss your application in more detail. 

The minimum eligibility for those applying without an undergraduate qualification is to have at least seven years of total work experience and two years of executive leadership experience.

Your personal statement helps the Admissions Committee better understand your personal and professional goals.

To create your personal statement, please respond to the following essay topics:

  • Tell us what characteristics of the UCL MBA programme are attractive to you and why the University should admit you. 
  • What are your immediate and long-term post-MBA career goals? How will the UCL MBA help you to achieve your goals? 
  • Describe your experiences dealing with uncertainty and data in the workplace. Tell us how you believe uncertainty or data could impact your industry/business sector and your personal role.

If you wish to communicate additional information about your background, you may also complete an optional essay on the below question: 

Do you have unique experiences, skills or goals that are not captured in the rest of the application?

Applicants should upload their personal statement to the online application.

Standardised test scores are not required, but may be requested in order to strengthen your application.

Learn more about entry requirements.

We have two intakes each year - one in September and one in April. 

Yes, the total tuition for the programme is inclusive of VAT.

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Business and management degree personal statement example (2m)

This is a real personal statement written by a student for their university application. It might help you decide what to include in your own. There are lots more examples in our . 

The refusal of my parents to supply me with pocket money as a child first sparked my curiosity in business. Constantly searching for an income stream to buy the things I wanted led me to manage my own small business through various distribution channels. To me, business holds an intrinsic value in every individual’s lives; even something as simple as turning the tap on involves invention, supply, manufacture and innovation. The elements of risk and competitiveness are themes which excite me the most due to the fact that actions have consequences and hence, the responsibility of decision making is a dominant factor in my enthusiasm for Business Management. Increasing globalization puts me at an advantage having lived in 3 different capital cities: Seoul, Doha and London. Attending an American international school in Qatar opened my eyes to different cultural norms and methods of conducting business on a local, national and international scale. The different nationalities I have been exposed to have provided me with contrasting perspectives of the world economy. I was fascinated to find out how integral efficiency is to Korea’s business philosophies and I quickly took this up as a motto for my studies. Through speaking both Korean and English, being bilingual enables me to express myself with a unique viewpoint. Since studying Mandarin at GCSE, I have continued to educate myself as I would like to become fluent. I trust that it will be of huge benefit when conversing and negotiating in Business Management. I enjoy ownership of a project and seeing things through from beginning to end. I discovered this in Art and I continued to take the subject as an A Level. My studies in Maths have provided me with logical and strategic problem solving methods along with reinforcing my views that improvements can be made to businesses through implementation of mathematical formulas in key areas. Studying English Language aids my ability to communicate clearly and concisely which is a vital skill in negotiation and presenting chains of arguments articulately. Over the course of my A Levels, I have endeavoured to advance myself in the field of public speaking and debating. Participation in the Model United Nations conference as well as being a prefect at my college supported me in those particular areas. I recently attended a workshop run by IBM in which teamwork was involved to present creative ideas in the improvement of ‘smart communication’. This was challenging considering the acceleration in technological advancements. My team and I agreed on a virtual reality of the layouts in hotels and real estate as a form of advertisement and efficiency in communication. Additionally, as part of my academic programme, I am researching the rising role of women in the business world for my EPQ course. I have completed the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh award which has increased my confidence in leadership and ability to interact easily with new people. Within school, I was a keen member of the choir and have achieved a Merit in Grade 6 Piano. I find sports almost therapeutic thus, in my spare time I go running and have joined a rowing club. My work experience at Hill Dickinson Law Firm helped me to better understand the workload and importance of contracts throughout any business. I found that the ability to present sides of an argument and knowing how to draw conclusions was imperative. I could see that innovation in technology allow information to be networked and automated to provide a competitive advantage. I believe that I have proven myself to be a dedicated student with the capability to perform well across the many aspects of management. I am truly eager to expand my knowledge of Business Management at a degree level as it will enable me to further develop my potential in the business world.

Universities Applied to:

  • King's College: Business Management
  • University of Southampton: Business Management
  • University of Nottingham: Management
  • City University of London: Management
  • UCL: Information Management for Business

Grades Achieved:

  • Maths (AS) - Grade A
  • English Language (AS) - Grade A
  • Art (AS) - Grade A
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ucl business management personal statement

What is a business management personal statement?

You are required to write a business and management personal statement to showcase your main strengths, skills, experience and career goals to your chosen universities.

Admissions tutors want to see candidates with business and/or management experience that they can apply to their course.

It should also convey your passion for the subject, as well as why you want to pursue a degree in this area.

How do I write a business management personal statement?

It’s a good idea to start your statement with why you want to study business and and management at university (rather than just business ). For example, you may want to focus on the management part and why this interests you.

Make sure you back up everything with examples, which means having a good list of notes about your experience.

A good business and management personal statement should be written concisely, with a clear structure, including a memorable conclusion.

For inspiration on how to write your own unique statement, take a look at some of our business and management personal statement examples above (please don't copy them!), which will help you decide what to include.

What should I include in my business management personal statement?

It’s important you talk about skills and experience from all areas of your life and try to relate them to hobbies or extracurricular activities, especially if they are relevant to your course.

Think about how any work experience has helped you, what you have learned from it, and how it might be useful in your degree.

University admissions tutors want students on their course that are going to work hard and be of benefit to their department.

For more help and advice on what to include in your business and management personal statement, please see:

  • Personal Statement Editing Services
  • Personal Statement Tips From A Teacher
  • Analysis Of A Personal Statement
  • The 15th January UCAS Deadline: 4 Ways To Avoid Missing It
  • Personal Statement FAQs
  • Personal Statement Timeline
  • 10 Top Personal Statement Writing Tips
  • What To Do If You Miss The 15th January UCAS Deadline.

Further resources

For more information about business management degrees and careers, please visit the following:

  • Business & Finance - National Careers Service
  • What jobs can you get with a busines degree in the UK?
  • 18 Career Paths in Business
  • Business careers advice for school leavers
  • What can you do with a business degree?

Related resources

Business personal statement examples.

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University College London (UCL). Founded in 1826, UCL was the first university established in London, as well as the first in England to be entirely secular, to admit students regardless of religion, and to admit women on equal terms. Today, it is ranked as a top 10 university in the world with over 50,000 students and a range of Nobel-winning academics & alumni.

UCL Management Science BSc Additional Personal Statement

Hi, my Management Science Additional Personal Statement is due today, and I'm finding it very difficult to research and explain how the course differentiates from others. I understand that the course is a lot more innovation and technology orientated, and they mentioned something about a 12 scenario week, however, when looking it up I could not find any details. If anyone on here takes the course and would like to help me out please shoot me a DM. Thank You

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  • Personal statement advice: business and management

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Whether talking about a recent news story, how you meet targets in your weekend job, or simply why you want to study business at uni, that spark of genuine motivation and enthusiasm will get you noticed. That's what business admissions tutors told us when we asked them what they look for – and here are some more of their top tips.

Find out everything you need to know about writing your personal statement , including how to write a killer opening and our top tips.

A spot-on business personal statement – in a nutshell

Dr Pam Croney, admissions tutor at Newcastle Business School at Northumbria University, is especially looking for evidence of:

  • an independent learner
  • a thinker and doer
  • an innovator or potential entrepreneur
  • a good communicator who likes giving presentations
  • an interest in what's happening out there in the business world

Can you demonstrate any of these?

She also likes it when applicants give their own views on a topical issue, like why you think a particular company crashed, what sparked the revival of a vintage brand, or whatever else gets you fired up. Admissions tutors love to know what you’re genuinely enthusiastic about!

What business and management tutors are looking for

  • Structure and organisation: to study management, you need to demonstrate that you are capable of managing yourself. Your personal statement needs to be structured, organised, and free of spelling or grammatical errors.
  • First impressions count: Sue Blything-Smith, Business and Management Admissions Tutor from University Campus Suffolk, says 'you should aim to be unique and original and provide a good opening line that reveals something about your aptitude and enthusiasm’. She really likes to see statements that demonstrate personality and flair but don't go too over the top: keep it formal and remain objective.
  • Examples of your relevant skills: Sue is also impressed by applicants who describe situations where they’ve demonstrated relevant skills like good communication or teamwork, problem-solving, initiative, leadership, or achieving goals.
  • Research the course: London School of Economics is keen to know things like why you want to study management, what specific aspects of their course interest you, how it relates to your academic studies, and what additional reading or other activities have led you to apply.
  • Entrepreneurial flair: Bournemouth likes its business studies applicants to show they are 'self-starters' who enjoy identifying and solving business problems.

Making your business experience count

It’s not just what you've done but how you've reflected on it. If you work-shadowed the CEO of a multi-national company, that's great, but it will have zero impact unless you spell out what you personally gained from it.

Similarly, if your part-time supermarket job or role in a Young Enterprise programme has helped you develop your skills and confidence, that’s great too. But it will only have an impact on your statement if you explain how or give an actual example.

It's the "how" that brings your statement to life and makes it interesting and personal. So try to think of specific occasions or unique ways you have demonstrated your potential, or maybe something you've observed about customer behaviour, management styles or an effective (or ineffective) marketing campaign.

It's even better if you can then link it to something you've learned in your business, economics, or psychology studies, or read in the Financial Times, The Economist, or on the BBC website.

Or consider the transferable skills you've gained through extracurricular activities and how they can show what the University of Bath describes as 'an active interest in understanding people, work, and organisations'.

Check out our guide to business, management, and administrative studies  to find out what courses are available, areas of employment, and where to find out more about careers.

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Business and Sustainability MSc

London, Bloomsbury and London, Stratford (UCL East)

Becoming environmentally, socially and economically sustainable is an imperative for businesses of all shapes and sizes. UCL’s Business and Sustainability MSc explores how businesses can turn sustainability challenges into new opportunities and avenues for growth. You will participate in research-led, applied teaching on sustainability science, policy and business practice, empowering you to be sustainability leaders making informed decisions and taking responsible actions for people, planet and profit, now and in the future.

UK tuition fees (2024/25)

Overseas tuition fees (2024/25), programme starts, applications accepted.

Applications closed

  • Entry requirements

A first or upper second-class UK Bachelor’s degree in any discipline (such as geography, business and management, environmental sciences, engineering, economics), or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard from a recognised higher education institution. These requirements may be relaxed in consideration of UCL’s Access and Participation Plan. For example, for mature students with professional work experience in business, government or third sector organisations who can demonstrate aptitude for teamwork and collaboration, creativity and critical thinking, and/or adaptability, among other skills.

The English language level for this programme is: Level 2

UCL Pre-Master's and Pre-sessional English courses are for international students who are aiming to study for a postgraduate degree at UCL. The courses will develop your academic English and academic skills required to succeed at postgraduate level.

Further information can be found on our English language requirements page.

Equivalent qualifications

Country-specific information, including details of when UCL representatives are visiting your part of the world, can be obtained from the International Students website .

International applicants can find out the equivalent qualification for their country by selecting from the list below. Please note that the equivalency will correspond to the broad UK degree classification stated on this page (e.g. upper second-class). Where a specific overall percentage is required in the UK qualification, the international equivalency will be higher than that stated below. Please contact Graduate Admissions should you require further advice.

About this degree

To ensure a sustainable future with a resilient social economic system and a healthy natural environment, society urgently needs to address sustainability challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, migration, and inequalities in ethnicity, gender, health, and wealth. Business is a core stakeholder in achieving a sustainable future, both as a cause of, and solution to, environmental degradation, social inequality and economic poverty. We need a new generation of experts equipped with the tools to overcome complexities and embed sustainability into business purpose and practice, creating value whilst solving urgent Grand Challenges.

Whilst studying the Business and Sustainability MSc at UCL you will take on these challenges, developing an applied scientific and technical understanding of the relationship between business and sustainability. Combining the expertise of the Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources and the UCL School of Management, you will learn key environmental, social and business concepts and frameworks alongside problem-solving techniques based on robust scientific facts, local and global public policy, and innovative technical know-how. You will then apply this interdisciplinary knowledge to business cases and scenarios, gaining hands-on experience tackling the complexities of sustainability issues in a business context, and practice pitching your solutions. 

You will ultimately be equipped with essential strategic decision-making skills, backed by innovative technical and scientific knowledge, which are essential to navigate the sustainability transformation in business and policy, whatever your chosen career.

Who this course is for

What this course will give you.

The Master’s is intended to help develop responsible leaders of business, government and civil society, enabling you to identify and innovate solutions to address urgent sustainability challenges. You will be able to make scientifically robust and policy informed decisions in complex situations. Through a combination of traditional classroom-based learning and online resources, you will participate in real-life business simulations and policy advocacy debates, as well as actively engage with business and sustainability case studies that will introduce and develop the complex reality of embedding sustainability in business.  

You will be able to look at problems from different perspectives and manage ambiguities to develop and communicate solutions to sustainability challenges appropriate to their context because of the programme’s transdisciplinary approach. Each module will integrate expertise and material from different disciplines into a coherent body of knowledge to help you address the multi-level and interconnected challenges of economic prosperity, environmental integrity and social justice. 

The foundation of your career

Most alumni in our related degree programmes have gone on to sustainability-specific and more general careers in industry, policy, or the third sector. Several have used their Master’s degree as a foundation to pursue a career in academia. Types of organisations our alumni work for include multinational consultancies, banking and financial services, energy industry, intergovernmental, international and domestic non-profit organisations, government, and local authorities.


This qualification will give you skills attractive to a variety of potential employers, including sustainability- specific and non-sustainability specific roles in business, consultancy, NGOs, and the public sector.

The hands-on approach to learning will equip you with:

  • A developed knowledge and understanding of sustainability in business and wider society
  • An understanding of conflicts of interests and trade-offs, knowledge uncertainties, and contradictions in negotiating and setting sustainable development goals and targets
  • Systems thinking to recognise, understand and analyse relationships and complex systems and deal with uncertainty
  • The ability to develop and implement innovative actions and roadmaps that further sustainable development within different domains and spaces
  • The ability to apply problem-solving approaches and frameworks to develop viable, inclusive and equitable solutions 
  • The ability to work effectively both individually and in a team 
  • Critical thinking skills to question norms, practices and opinions 
  • Awareness of different perspectives on sustainability and business in different regions, countries and cultures
  • The ability to communicate complex ideas to peers, key stakeholders, and society
  • The ability to reflect on your own actions and values in consideration of current and future environmental, social and economic impacts, from a local to global perspective.

During the degree a broad range of guest speakers representing business, policy and/or academia will contribute to the programme, sharing their expertise and experiences on business sustainability. Our department and faculty host regular public events with expert guest speakers, followed by networking receptions that bring together people with shared interests working in industry and policy with our academics and students.

Teaching and learning

You will be engaged in a transformational learning experience that will question your own, others’ and societies’ ways of thinking, doing and living, in the quest for a more sustainable and just future. The Master’s employs a range of learning environments including in-person, pre-recorded and/or online lectures, seminars and workshops, as well as e-learning and individual learning. All taught modules contain a balance of in-class activities, pre-recorded material, and peer-to-peer learning, combined with a diversity of assessments to demonstrate what you have learnt. 

Types of assessment include:

  • Critical essays, critical reflection, reports and case studies that involve in-depth exploration of key concepts, theories, practices and/or policies
  • Group presentations and reports (in-person, online, video, pre-recorded, and/or written)
  • Policy briefs 
  • Capstone project (a research project on a practical, mainstream business problem, opportunity or topic)

Assessments are designed to develop your competencies and knowledge beyond the Master’s for application in your chosen career. 

In terms 1 and 2 full time students can typically expect between 8 and 15 contact hours per teaching week primarily delivered through in-person seminars. This will be supported by a combination of in-person, pre-recorded and online lectures. The remainder of the 37.5 full time hours should be dedicated towards self-directed study. In term 3 students will work independently on their Capstone Project, which will be supported by regular tutorials with a supervisor.

As a full-time student you will study four modules in each of the first and second terms, with the Capstone Project running across terms 1, 2 and 3. 

In term 1, you will study ‘Principles and Paradoxes of Business Sustainability’, ‘Measuring, Reporting and Facilitating a Sustainable Future’, ‘Responsible Leadership and Sustainable Business Models’, and ‘Consumer Behaviour and Market Demand’. You will also be introduced to the ‘Business and Sustainability Capstone Project’ – your own research project on a practical, mainstream business problem, opportunity or topic that you will be working on throughout the degree. These modules set the foundation for the whole Master's. You will be exposed to concepts of research design and research methods in the first term, thus gaining the necessary knowledge to develop your research project during the year.

In term 2, you will study ‘International Dynamics and Global Governance of Business and Sustainability’, ‘Climate Finance’, ‘Technology and Innovation for Sustainability’, and ‘Sustainable Business in Practice’. These modules further develop key concepts learnt in term 1, in addition to adding new topics. During term 2, you will also prepare your Capstone Project proposal.

In term 3, you will undertake a Capstone Project that is supported by regular tutorials with a supervisor. The Capstone Project provides an opportunity to put learnt knowledge and skills into practice through a piece of original, robust, and applied research that presents information in an organised format to either a research, business or policy audience.

As a part-time student you will complete your degree over two years. You will study two modules in terms 1 and 2 of both years. You will begin the capstone project module in term 1 of year 2, completing it by the end of term 3 of year 2. An example of a possible outline part-time programme structure follows:

  • Principles and Paradoxes of Business Sustainability
  • Measuring, Reporting and Facilitating a Sustainable Future
  • International Dynamics and Global Governance of Business and Sustainability
  • Climate Finance
  • Responsible Leadership and Sustainable Business Models
  • Consumer Behaviour and Market Demand
  • Introduced to Business and Sustainability Capstone Project 
  • Technology and Innovation for Business Sustainability
  • Sustainable Business in Practice
  • Prepare your Capstone Project proposal
  • Undertake a Business and Sustainability Capstone Project 

Modular flexible students complete their degree within 2-5 years. For details about the modular/flexible structure and to discuss options please contact the programme administrator.

Compulsory modules

Please note that the list of modules given here is indicative. This information is published a long time in advance of enrolment and module content and availability are subject to change. Modules that are in use for the current academic year are linked for further information. Where no link is present, further information is not yet available.

Students undertake modules to the value of 180 credits. Upon successful completion of 180 credits, you will be awarded an MSc in Business and Sustainability.


Details of the accessibility of UCL buildings can be obtained from AccessAble accessable.co.uk . Further information can also be obtained from the UCL Student Support and Wellbeing team .

Online - Open day

Graduate Open Events: UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources

Whether your ambition is to design better buildings, plan better cities, build sustainable communities or help meet the challenge of climate change, The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment could be a big step towards it. Join this session to learn about the master's courses offered by the UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources: Sustainable Resources: Economics, Policy and Transitions MSc, Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment MSc and Business and Sustainability MSc.

Graduate Open Events: Environmental Design and Engineering

Whether your ambition is to design better buildings, plan better cities, build sustainable communities or help meet the challenge of climate change, The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment could be a big step towards it. Find out more about our courses within the Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering: Health Wellbeing and Sustainable Buildings MSc, Light and Lighting MSc, Environmental Design and Engineering MSc, Smart Buildings and Digital Engineering MSc.

Fees and funding

Fees for this course.

Fee description Full-time Part-time
Tuition fees (2024/25) £19,300 £9,650
Tuition fees (2024/25) £34,400 £17,200

Programme also available on a modular (flexible) basis .

Additional costs

Students should take into account any travel and accommodation expenses involved in their Capstone Project. Furthermore, students will also be expected to cover costs of transport for case study or field visits within London.

For more information on additional costs for prospective students please go to our estimated cost of essential expenditure at Accommodation and living costs .

Funding your studies

UCL offers a range of financial awards aimed at assisting both prospective and current students with their studies.

In our faculty, The Bartlett Promise Scholarship aims to enable students from backgrounds underrepresented in The Bartlett to pursue master's studies. Please see the UK Master's scholarship and Sub-Saharan Africa Master's scholarship pages for more information on eligibility criteria, selection process and FAQs.

For a comprehensive list of the funding opportunities available at UCL, including funding relevant to your nationality, please visit the Scholarships and Funding website .

Bartlett Promise Sub-Saharan Africa Masters Scholarship

Deadline: 3 April 2024 Value: Fees, stipend and other allowances (Duration of programme) Criteria Based on financial need Eligibility: EU, Overseas

Bartlett Promise UK Master's Scholarship

Deadline: 31 May 2024 Value: Tuition fees plus £15,364 maintenance/yr (Duration of programme) Criteria Based on financial need Eligibility: UK

Brown Family Bursary

NOW CLOSED FOR 2024/25 ENTRY Value: £15,000 (1 year) Criteria Based on financial need Eligibility: UK

Students are advised to apply as early as possible due to competition for places. Those applying for scholarship funding (particularly overseas applicants) should take note of application deadlines.

There is an application processing fee for this programme of £90 for online applications and £115 for paper applications. Further information can be found at Application fees .

When we assess your application we would like to learn: 1) Your reasons for applying to this particular programme; 2) Your interest in the relationship between business and sustainability; 3) Your preliminary knowledge and/or experience of the subject area; 4) Your ability to work independently and in a team towards a collective goal; 5) Your leadership potential and/or interest in leading change towards a sustainable future; 6) Where you would like to go professionally with your degree and how this programme meets these needs.

Please note that you may submit applications for a maximum of two graduate programmes (or one application for the Law LLM) in any application cycle.

Got questions? Get in touch

Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources

Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources

[email protected]

UCL is regulated by the Office for Students .

Prospective Students Graduate

  • Graduate degrees
  • Taught degrees
  • Taught Degrees
  • Applying for Graduate Taught Study at UCL
  • Research degrees
  • Research Degrees
  • Funded Research Opportunities
  • Doctoral School
  • Funded Doctoral Training Programmes
  • Applying for Graduate Research Study at UCL
  • Teacher training
  • Teacher Training
  • Early Years PGCE programmes
  • Primary PGCE programmes
  • Secondary PGCE programmes
  • Further Education PGCE programme
  • How to apply
  • The IOE approach
  • Teacher training in the heart of London
  • Why choose UCL?
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Inspiring facilities and resources
  • Careers and employability
  • Your global alumni community
  • Your wellbeing
  • Postgraduate Students' Association
  • Your life in London
  • Accommodation
  • Funding your Master's


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  13. The UCL MBA Global Management

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  14. The UCL MBA Admissions FAQ

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  18. UCL Management Science BSc Additional Personal Statement

    UCL Management Science BSc Additional Personal Statement. Hi, my Management Science Additional Personal Statement is due today, and I'm finding it very difficult to research and explain how the course differentiates from others. I understand that the course is a lot more innovation and technology orientated, and they mentioned something about a ...

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    What business and management tutors are looking for. Structure and organisation: to study management, you need to demonstrate that you are capable of managing yourself. Your personal statement needs to be structured, organised, and free of spelling or grammatical errors. First impressions count: Sue Blything-Smith, Business and Management ...

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    Becoming environmentally, socially and economically sustainable is an imperative for businesses of all shapes and sizes. UCL's Business and Sustainability MSc explores how businesses can turn sustainability challenges into new opportunities and avenues for growth. You will participate in research-led, applied teaching on sustainability science, policy and business practice,