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5 The Hate U Give Essential Questions for Your Unit

5 The Hate U Give Essential Questions for Your Unit

I love designing units around essential questions, so when I began planning my The Hate U Give unit plan, that’s where I started. I’ve talked before about why I love teaching The Hate U Give , but in this post, I want to share exactly how I use essential questions to connect the novel with real life. 

(Want to teach The Hate U Give using essential questions but don’t want to plan? Skip the tips and grab my done-for-you The Hate U Give Complete Unit .)

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essay questions the hate u give

Why use Essential Questions When Teaching The Hate U Give

It’s really easy for a novel study to feel pointless for our students. Often novel studies follow the same patter: students read, they answer some questions, and we test them on how much they listened in class.

Teachers Pay Teachers Product Cover: Unit Bundle for The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

This pattern isn’t bad if your a relatively new teacher. It’s a great place to start. But I think we can do better.

Literature should do more than help us become better readers and writers. Literature should help us understand the world around us and our place in it. And I want my students to experience that. 

So we need to ask some big questions that will connect what we read to how we live. Essential questions, you might call them. 

An essential question should help readers transcend the novel. Essential questions should help students take the lessons from a book and apply those lessons to their own lives.

So, how do know a question is essential?

What Makes a Question Essential?

A really great essential question is one that can be answered by many novels.

How do we deal with loss?

Is revenge ever worth it?

What does it mean to love?

If your question can only be answered by one book, the question is not essential.

Teachers Pay Teachers Cover for It's Lit Teaching resource: Black Lives Matter Social Justice Lit Circle Bundle

So, for example, a bad essential question for The Hate U Give would be one like, “What does Starr learn in The Hate U Give ?”

While this might be a great essay question, it’s certainly not an essential question. Twenty years from now, who really cares what Starr learned? We want to know what our students learned. 

So, you might be tempted instead to ask, “What can you learn from The Hate U Give ?” But this still isn’t great because it’s dependent on the book. Maybe students learned some facts about Malcolm X or The Black Panthers from The Hate U Give . That answers the question but certainly isn’t essential information. 

Essential questions should be able to be answered by reading many books. It should be applicable to anyone’s life.

In fact, I re-use some of the same essential questions that I ask with The Hate U Give in my novel studies for Dear Martin and All American Boys . Because these three novels share similar themes, you can ask similar essential questions while studying any of them.

In fact, I do this in my Black Lives Matter Literature Circle if you’re interested in expanding your unit.

essay questions the hate u give

Planning Around Essential Questions

Once you have your essential question(s), how do you actually use them? 

I’m a fan of incorporating essential questions into final assessments. For some units, it might be asking students to answer an essential question in an essay. 

Cover for Teachers Pay Teachers product: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas class discussion

For The Hate U Give , I had my students answer all five of the essential questions I gave them to discuss in a small group, high-stakes discussion. (You can grab my The Hate U Give Discussion Activity here.)

However you use essential questions in a final assessment, you should then work backward to make a plan for your unit. Incorporate these questions in as many places as you can.

Essential questions shouldn’t be a surprise. You should share them with students even before beginning a novel.

If students have questions to think about, they’ll read with my purpose. They’re looking for something. 

How I Incorporated Essential Questions Throughout my The Hate U Give Unit

It might help to offer them graphic organizers or encourage them to take notes as they read. I had my students close read and highlight their novels as we read ( you can read about my process for close reading The Hate U Give here ). 

Teachers Pay Teachers Product Cover: Reading Journal and Workbook for The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

I didn’t want my students to wait until the end of the unit, however, to start writing about their thoughts and making connections. So, I regularly had them write about specific situations that related to these larger essential questions. 

I included these writing prompts in The Hate U Give Reading Journal I created for the unit. Students could choose which question they wanted to respond to. Most of the writing prompts reflected back to the bigger, essential questions in some way. 

I also provided a graphic organizer before their final discussion to help them organize their thoughts. 

Students had to consider our The Hate U Give essential questions throughout the unit. 

Regardless of the essential questions you use in your unit, try to engage with them consistently. Make sure students are thinking about them regularly from day one.

The Hate U Give Essential Question #1

The first question I asked my students was this:

How is a cycle of hate created and perpetuated? How can it be stopped?

To me, this is the central question of the novel. I mean, “hate” is right there in the title. 

But more importantly, hate is a big emotion that we all have to deal with in our lives. And dealing with it inappropriately can have big consequences. 

Many of my students were trapped in cycles like those portrayed in the novel. My hope was that by asking students this question as we read The Hate U Give , they could start to see patterns in their lives and decide if these are healthy patterns that they want to continue or negative ones that they’d like to end. 

The Hate U Give Essential Question #2: 

The second question I asked my students was harder to find in the novel. Some might argue that it’s not really central to the novel. But, as an educator, I found enough in the book–and the message was important enough–to talk about. 

How does education help not only an individual, but a society? How can it be used as a tool to fight oppression?

There is one scene between Starr and her father that blows my mind every time I read it. Maverick asks Starr to think of examples of when someone used their education to fight oppression, and the two characters discuss these examples. 

I think our students often lose sight of why they’re forced into our public education buildings in the first place. Heck, I think we often lose sight of the importance of real education. 

But asking this question and reading this book refocuses us and our students on how powerful education really is. It reminds us that knowledge truly is power–and in school, the power is ours to seize.

The Hate U Give Essential Question #3: 

I love this question because I think it helps our students feel seen and always creates a ton of conversation:

What defines a family?

Many of my students come from families outside of the standard nuclear family model. They live with multiple generations. Or they’re raised by their grandparents. Or they’re in foster care. 

A lot of my students when discussing this question even talk about the difference between birth family and chosen family. 

The variety of families and the spectrum of what it means to be family in The Hate U Give both affirms our students’ family situations and asks them to consider what they want family to mean to them as they grow older. 

The Hate U Give Essential Question #4

Because we’re teaching teenagers, we have to ask this one:

How do individuals define their own identities?

This is another question that might not seem obvious in the context of The Hate U Give , but a lot of characters make conscious choices about how others see them: their nicknames, their tattoos, their priorities, etc. 

While our students are at an age in which they are beginning to define themselves, The Hate U Give can help them by providing some positive and negative examples of how people shape their identities. 

The Hate U Give Essential Question #5

This essential question is central to The Hate U Give :

How and when should an individual speak out against injustice? How does silence allow social injustices to occur?

Angie Thomas demonstrates multiple ways that people can speak out against injustice in her novel–and also shows that there might be times when speaking out could be risky. 

This sets the stage for having an honest conversation with teenagers about their power and place in society. 

I believe that readers, especially teen readers, should put The Hate U Give down feeling empowered. But it’s nice to have an honest conversation about how simply speaking out is sometimes not enough. Or too much. Or has unintended consequences. 

essay questions the hate u give

I really believe that these essential questions for The Hate U Give will provide endless and engaging conversation for you and your students. More importantly, asking students these questions will help them integrate Angie Thomas’s lessons into their lives.

My entire The Hate U Give Novel Study focuses on these five questions. The reading journal , reading questions , and unit final discussion all circle around them. 

You can always come up with your own essential questions. But if you’d rather not or don’t have the time to create a whole unit from scratch, you can grab my done-for-you The Hate U Give Unit right here built around these essential questions.

The Hate U Give (2018 film)

By george tillman jr., the hate u give (2018 film) essay questions.

Why does Starr keep a shoe box with wands in it?

Starr and her two best friends growing up, Natasha and Khalil, loved to pretend to be characters from Harry Potter. They used the wands to create magic with their imaginations. When Natasha was killed as a child, Starr kept her wand as a memorial of their friendship, a memory of her. At the end of the film, Starr goes to Khalil's house and finds his wand in a drawer in his bedroom, and puts it with Natasha's and hers in the shoebox. Keeping the wands helps her feel that she is still connected to her friends who have passed away, and it gives her a sense of closure.

What is striking about the opening scene of the film?

The opening scene is striking because it features Maverick and Lisa sitting their young children down to talk with them about what to do when they are pulled over by the police, and he gives them the Black Panther list of rights to learn by heart. Maverick is teaching his very young children that as black men and women, they are potential targets of police violence and killings, and he wants them to be prepared for it. The scene is somewhat shocking, as Maverick is asking his children to think about death and their own mortal safety—something they should not yet have to face. As the scene progresses, we see that his desire to teach them this is to ensure their safety and make sure they understand their worth. It is a sobering and dark conversation that has a very positive purpose.

Why is a grand jury assembled for the officer who shot Khalil?

Khalil gets gunned down by a white police officer who thought a hairbrush in his hand was a gun. After the murder, the cop isn't immediately charged. Instead, a grand jury is put together to determine if any charges should be brought against the officer. This in itself is an insult to the memory of Khalil in that it shows that the institution of law enforcement does not value Khalil's life enough to try his killer. Making matters worse, the grand jury decides not to indict Khalil, even after Starr's testimony and all the evidence that is presented. The grand jury's decision reveals the continued bias in the legal system, which protects white people more than black people.

What are the two identities that Starr must juggle?

At home, Starr is Garden Heights Starr, and has to fit in with her black peers. There, her family is part of a black community and she gets to be more at ease with herself. At Williamson, the predominately white prep school she attends, Starr feels that she must curb her identity, be less confrontational and use less slang, lest she get perceived as "hood." The things that help her fit in in Garden Heights are the things that most stigmatize her at Williamson. Thus she is torn between two different identities.

What conflict arises between Starr and her uncle, Carlos?

Carlos is a black man and a cop, so he sees the issues that Starr is grappling with as rather complicated. He and Starr get in an argument about how police officers ought to deal with potential criminals, and in the course of their conversation, Starr gets him to admit his own racial bias—his sense that white individuals are not as dangerous as black individuals. Carlos is seen as a traitor to his race in certain ways, and Starr thinks he ought to be more aligned with black issues than with defending the police force.

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The Hate U Give (2018 film) Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for The Hate U Give (2018 film) is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Chapters 25-26

King Lord and his members laugh because they are responsible for the arson.... they have burned down Maverick's store.

How does the movie deal with racism/issues related to race?

This is a recurring theme throughout the movie, and appears from the start, when Maverick makes his young children recite the Ten-Point Program from the Black Panther Party. When Khalil is wrongfully shot to death by a white officer, the film...

what are some of the techniques used within the film?

Sorry, I have not seen the film version of the book.

Study Guide for The Hate U Give (2018 film)

The Hate U Give (2018 film) study guide contains a biography of George Tillman Jr., literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About The Hate U Give (2018 film)
  • The Hate U Give (2018 film) Summary
  • Character List
  • Director's Influence

Wikipedia Entries for The Hate U Give (2018 film)

  • Introduction

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The Hate U Give

Guide cover image

61 pages • 2 hours read

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapters 1-5

Chapters 6-10

Chapters 11-15

Chapters 16-19

Chapters 20-21

Chapters 22-26

Character Analysis

Symbols & Motifs

Important Quotes

Essay Topics

Further Reading & Resources

Discussion Questions

Tupac’s THUG LIFE explanation is a major theme of the book. How do you see THUG LIFE playing out in the real world today, possibly even in your community? Can you relate any recent events to the idea of THUG LIFE?

THUG LIFE refers to the self-perpetuating cycle of hatred but does not necessarily offer a solution. How does author Angie Thomas address this? Does she offer a solution or is the answer more complicated? How do you think you can fight against this cycle?

How does this book provide a voice and a perspective that is often overlooked?

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